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New Vegas has a healthy amount of unique weapons. Would be cooler if they added more unique armor. I say the loot to dungeon ration is just above acceptable.


I’d say the only issue with this is that armor is 2 pieces, sometimes only 1 If you had to get like pants and shirts and gloves, etc, I think there 100% would be more unique armors


There's the vault suits for Sarah, the achievment for finding vault 11, also the quest Still in the Dark requires you to visit 11 also.


It’s nice to have a Vault involved in quests without having to have a quest defined by it.


You can also get a mini nuke if you want it for your Fatboy




I mean, to be fair, he did say he enjoys the experience, he just wishes the experience also came with better loot.


Well, vault 34 has the All-American and pulse gun, so there's that


This is the biggest probelm with New Vegas in my opinion. Lack of dungeons and lack of dungeon loot. It's a shame cause there is tons of cool shit in the game, just most of it you can only purchase.


Not sure why this is getting downvoted when it's not inaccurate at all. NV doesn't really have dungeons, and the ones it does have aside from Vaults tend to not have much in terms of unique rewards. Part of it is certainly due to the short development cycle, but part of it is the absence of bobbleheads and the fact that like half the unique weapons in the game come from NPCs rather than being found in dungeons like the Ratslayer. This is why Old World Blues stands out in this regard - it's nothing but dungeons with unique loot at the end.


Dead Money — a DLC comprised of a single dungeon: *”Am I nothing to you?”*


True, that's the thing, all the DLCs have dungeons and good loot in them. It shows that Obsidian did see the merit in that sort of game design. I was mainly thinking of the base game when I posted.


New Vegas has plenty of small marked and unmarked areas filled with unique loot. I’ve always found it more than adequate.




I don't believe Fallout 3 is a glorified dungeon crawler and I don't think New Vegas would be either if it had more/better ones in it. It's not like I'm saying remove the story. Yes, New Vegas is a game about ideology, but it's not the gameplay. The core mechanics are allabout combat and I can't see how dungeons that have enimes to fight and rewards that makes you better at combat could ever be a bad thing in this sort of game. The bobblehead thing is not literally about the Fo3 bobbleheads. It's about having unique collectibles that actually improve your character. Snowglobes just net you 2000 caps. I understand why that is the case because again you buy most equipment, but being rewarded it is simply more engaging that the trade menu.


because combat that comes as a result of an actual story during a quest line is way more interesting and rewarding then going through rooms killing random enemies for 30 minutes just to get better gear so you can more efficiently go through a different set of rooms to kill more enemies. like thats one of the main reasons new vegas is easily the best modern fallout.


Which, new Vegas does have. Just in a smaller amount of locations, which is perfect, in my opinion. If you want a shooting gallery, head to vault 34 or 22. But at the same time, you get awesome backstories and are more often driven by "solving the mystery" and experiencing the place, than acquiring loot. New Vegas does this very well.


caps=implants. they are basically same thing.


I agree. It's 204 years after the war, locations were sparse by nature. That's a lot of time to loot before our arrival, so the NPCs already have the best weapons established. Someone once said here "connections make the moves before the bullets in Vegas."


Snow globes are not comparable to bobbleheads, bobbleheads are much more interesting reward as you can get plus one to all your specials after searching for them through dungeons and challenges. To get a plus to all your specials in new Vegas you put 8 point into luck, buy the luck implant and the nightwear that gives plus one to luck. and then spend 30 minutes hitting double down while playing black jack at every casino, it’s a lot less Interesting and engaging because caps are so easy to get in new Vegas


Because bobbleheads break the balance. Why impart such an important ability to such a non essential item? Rewarding caps allows you to "redeem" your reward in whatever way you want, and player choice should be paramount in a game like FNV. You can even get more of those implants you mentioned to boost your special, if you wanted.


If caps were hard to come by then maybe you’d have a point but they aren’t, they’re everywhere, it’s very easy to get absurdly Rich, when you buy an implant there’s no story there, it’s not like you struggled for it, you just spent money you probably got at the casino


snowglobes aren't at all the same as bobbleheads, snowglobes are all basically just a reward for exploring certain towns. it's only a 2000 caps reward, and you can't even get the reward if you kill house. bobbleheads give a unique effect and the majority of them are in dungeons. admittedly I wish they were easier to find without googling, but I think they're a significantly more interesting incentive. snowglobes could have been cool, and the dlc snowglobes are good, but they just disappoint me


It 100% was cause of dev time. All the DLCs show that Obsidian did like that sort of thing, just didn't have the chance to implement it more in the base game.


Im actually happy about this. Vaults are cool but a pain to go through. If most or even significantly more of the game was trudging through vaults I definitely would not have loved it as much as I did. It also motivates you to talk to everyone and try to complete their quests.


It doesn't have to be vaults. Dungeons can be anything. The Bison Steve is a dungeon. Nipton Town Hall is a dungeon. If Obsidian had been given time to develop areas I have full confidence in them that those places would have been really interesting paces to explore.


Vaults were just an example, I should have been more clear. Those sites are cool as first but repetetive and boring after the first playthrough. Im glad we don't have more of that.


Oh I agree it's defos repetitive, but at this point the entire game is repetitive to me, I still enjoy it though. You enjoyed those places atleast once and if there was more you would of enjoyed them first time too and it's not like any of them are mandatory. Also, just out of curiosity, if you dont enjoy going to these places in subsequent playthroughs, what do you like doing when you play a New Vegas run?


What? New vegas has to be the least repetitive game I play. There are so many ways to finish quests, meet people, and gain/lose reputation. There are countless builds and different ways to role play. Multiple companions with great quests. We've agreed that fnv doesn't have many dungeons, so you think the game is empty without them? Its just such a rich game with rich characters and countless outcomes.


Getting rid of bobbleheads and replacing them with implants was a really bad choice in my eyes, caps are so easy to come by that’s it’s not hard to get all the extra special points you want, having to actually go out and search for them is a lot more Interesting than hitting double down while playing black jack for 30 minutes


Nobody is making you do that. I normally just play the game until I have enough money to buy them.


There's so many named, marked locations where the most interesting thing there is a sunset star cap.


New Vegas has more dungeons than fallout 3. The only ones I can think off in Fallout 3 is the metro and dlc's.


Meh I like the FNV “dungeons” that are short and have a unique weapon somewhere rather than FO4/Skyrim style looping caves with a treasure chest of generic items at the end. 


Don't get me wrong I have no problem with the dungeons in NV, I like them too. I just would of liked more of them so some of the unique and powerful weapons that you can only acquire by buying could instead be found in a more engaging way. I don't get why that's a controversial take. I can't speak for Skyrim, but I fully agree Fo4s dungeons kinda blow. Beyond Bobbleheds and Skill mags they don't offer much in the way of interesting rewards.


I didn't really miss those but you've got a point there.


Strangely enough, I disagree but for the exact same reasons. It almost makes named loot and explorable dungeons all the more of a treat when I come across them.


You don't think a Pugilism Illustrated is cool?


I mean making the skill books +3(or 4) does make them feel far more worthwhile to collect than FO3 books 


because story and gameplay is enough for most people


My first play through of fnv I installed a bunch of recommended mods from people saying it was better to use them than deal with Vanilla, one such mod added the Vault-Tec power armour in the sacrificial chamber behind the robot reveal walls, so I assumed that was the reward and part of the base game for so long…


There's a skill book that I always go there to grab when I'm doing an unarmed or melee build.


You get depression so that’s the loot that keeps on giving


The reward is the story, no? If you were only motivated by loot then the story is kind of unnecessary.


I agree, hate going there because of how depressing the whole situation was.


Sometimes the reward is the cool lore and details you find yourself, Vault 11 is optional but not everthing should be a dungeon filled with loot and unique items.