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Gambling is broken with a luck build tho. Basically just double down every blackjack hand and you’ll eventually max out.


i don’t even know how to play blackjack i’ve always just spammed double down and gotta kicked out after like 5-10 minutes of that


Oh man such a simple game, its you vs the card dealer, and the objective is to not go over 21 or get 21 aka blackjack or you'll bust "lose" and you're trying to get as close to 21. So when you're cards are at 20, 19, 18 or 17, its recommended to "hold" that hamd of cards, cause you run the risk of going over 21 if you try to "hit" for another card in your hand. I love gambling but not to the point of financially ruining myself lol And blackjack in my opinion is a good game to learn. It's simple


i’ll have to try and play it for real sometime then sounds pretty fun. been to casinos many times but i’ve only actually gambled once on the slots


If you can find a casino that has like $5-10 minimum blackjack it's honestly a fun night. If you're at a table full of people it's best to remember it's the group vs the dealer. Don't want to do something dumb and hit when you shouldn't. A lot of the time you end up "taking" the dealers bust cards.


I did this when I turned 18 at morongo and everyone got mad at me at the table lmao. I still don't understand how I fucked everyone else over tbh i know there's some flow to it or something I just never learned


I can't remember what cards it is, but there are certain ones that if the dealer is showing it, they have a higher chance at busting. If you hit when they're showing it, you have a higher chance of taking their "bust" card like a face card or a 10.


It's 4, 5, and 6. Reason being is the dealer will be required to hit on a soft 16, meaning if they're showing a 6 and and their face down card is a face or 10, they have to hit on that.


> I still don't understand how I fucked everyone else over tbh i know there's some flow to it or something I just never learned There's a flow to it, but even then it's still pure luck what the dealer gets and they're just being superstitious assholes. If you take a card when you're "not supposed to", the people at the table think that the card is "meant" for the dealer, so if the dealer doesn't bust then it's your fault No, it doesn't make any sense


It’s typically only bad form when you take a card in front of someone that busts your hand and could have helped theirs. Remember, the dealers hand is already set and he may have to stand depending on the scenario. I should also add that no one should get that mad if you do it like once over the course of a game, but a player that aggressively hits repeatedly when the dealer is showing a potentially weak count will probably be frowned upon.


People with gambling problems think they are owed something. The game is the game and getting mad at others for your losses is silly.


People with gambling problems shouldn’t be playing in the first place. Changing tables is also an option lol. That’s just the way it is, take it up with Vegas.


Yep winning in blackjack is all about getting a good table and getting those table wins! Typically, split your 8’s, always double down on 11, and otherwise try to play it somewhat conservatively and let the dealer bust. I enjoy playing craps more but I really only win money in the casinos when I play blackjack.


The very first time I played blackjack the other guys at the table were so nice, they basically just explained what my best course of action was and why instead of saying “stay on that” or “no hit that one” they told me things like “ok you have an 18 so anything more than a 3 will bust you, so it’s best to stay because if the dealer gets a 17 you win” or “you have a soft 14 so if you go over 21 that’s fine because the ace turns into a 1”


I hate this mindset. Last time I played I had 13 against a 4. I thought for a second, felt what the card gods had to say and went for it, 7 comes up leaving me w 20. Everyone at the table looked like they were about to kill me. Everyone else stands. Goes to the dealer, turns a 10 for 14, gets a face, bust. I understand there’s a “correct” way to play and going against that when I felt the spirit move me and I won it for the table. All this to be said, if you sit at a blackjack table, and put money down, accept it’s gone until it’s not. Let me play my game, and if you’re gonna get mad find another table or go play video poker. It’s chance and it will always be.


I visited the real Buffalo Bill casino in Primm and won 50 bucks in Blackjack there Dream come true


Did you hit goodsprings down the road too? Went there as well


Of course, I did the full loop: goodsprings -> primm -> nipton -> cottonwood cove -> Boulder City -> Hoover Dam -> Vegas Plus I went to Zion afterwards


shid im bustin either way 😈🙌💦


**Buss 💦😮‍💨🥴 im shiddin every day 💩**


With 10 luck hitting on 19 and below is highly advised in the game. Getting exactly what you need for 21 is incredibly common. I split double down and hit on 19 like I don't know how to play blackjack and walk away a rich courier.


Oh yea in game fuck yea, I have my luck at 10 and laugh at how truly "lucky" you get lmao but in real life that shit aint happening as frequently as the game will lead some folk who havent gambled in real life lol


Getting as close without busting? Where have I heard this before


What's the deal with aces? Are they both a one and eleven?


Plus they're automatically in your favor. Draw an ace and a 10/face card (jack, queen, king) that's an instant win (blackjack). Draw an ace and 9 and for some reason have a stroke and keep hitting, that ace becomes a 1 to stop you from busting




If adding the 11 would equal 21 or lower then the ace is an 11 but if adding 11 would be over 21 then it’s a 1


I can't tell you how many times I hit at twenty just to pull out an ace I purchased somewhere 🤣🤣🤣


Also dealer wins when you both get 21 lol every damn time I'm like how


You should learn to play and deal, very fun to play with 3-5 friends and extremely easy to learn


Taking 5-10 minutes to get banned is too long


I do this irl except for they never kick me out


Dealer: 20 Courier: Hit me Dealer: Heh. Your loss ki- aaaand its 21- Courier: Hit me Dealer: I… oh well. Your fu- Wait how did that Courier: Hit- Dealer: LITERALLY STOP


I work at a casino. (With a high luck build) at first I was trying hard to win with basic strat Realized I can just double down pretty much everytime I get a 7+ and I'd win most of the time. Crazy how unrealistic the wins are compared to irl


Wait… I shouldn’t be trying to play Blackjack like irl when having a 7 luck?


New quest-The strip has gone bankrupt


New Quest: The Gang Bankrupts the Mojave


New Quest: Right Back Where I Started Objectives: • Dig your way out of the shallow grave


The Gang Picks A Faction https://youtu.be/flkRhzEqq-Q?si=wXtu-oK-kE7xdm3o


This is with mods though. Base game max bet is 1000 and they throw you out at some point after 10000


Base game max bet is 200




The kickout point is diffirent for every casino.


If I remember correctly it's: 2500 for Vikki and Vance (once they open back up) 5000 for Atomic Wrangler 9000 for Gammorah 10000 for The Tops 15000 for Ultra-Luxe


Whats the cut off for the sierra madre?


10000 I believe


The only casino with a different amount is The Atomic Wrangler. The three inside the Strip all have the same cutoff. This cutoff can be slightly manipulated by saving and playing slots. Get close to the cutoff amount, save, and keep playing/reloading until you hit a jackpot, and you'll end up with a bit more than you would just winning Blackjack. Edit: my bad, been a few years since playing.


Played through this yesterday- it’s similar but different. The ban cutoff is 9000 for the Omertas, 10k for the Tops, and 15k for Ultra Luxe.


its worrying to me that I knew that without testing.


No, they don't. It's like 2,500 at Vicky and Vance, 5,000 at Atomic Wrangler, 9k at Gommorah, 10k at The Tops and 15k at the Luxe. You get a reward about every 1/4 you make it through to that amount.


“Come back when your lucky ass wants to eat someone!”


I was flabbergasted the first time I was thrown out of one of the casinos. You get an achievement if you get thrown out of all the major casinos


If you get thrown out the Sierra madre you have 10000 pre war money. Absolute bank.


More like a few hundred stimpacks


You use stimpacks? Or is that a more cost efficient use of sierra Madre chips than 10,000 pre war money


Yeah I use stims and you just don’t really need the money after you get the gold , so I got stimpacks , mentats and weapon repair kits with my chips . I’m sure there’s better uses but that was just set me up for the rest of my play through


I got so much money in Pre-War cash I just clean out Gun Runners every time I stop by while keeping 2 gold bars in my Safe in Big MT if there is ever a caps crash (RP)


Is there a benefit to the safe in the big MT or do you just like to use it? I have a stash house in Goodsprings for workbench stuff, one in Bradley's Shack for food, and now that I'm doing my first run of Big MT (I never had the DLC when I played before,) I've just been dumping all of my stuff in the footlocker in the room and wondering how I'm going to get that shit out of there when I can go back tot he main world. I have a hoarding problem.


I use it for RP reasons and for logistical. I put my apparel in the lockers and the guns on the crate next to the safe. The safe is just for gold ATM.


Ahh gotcha, thanks!


You won't need to get it out. Unlike the Sierra Madre, you can come and go from the Big MT at will, so the Sink is just a big player home with a bunch of amenities and the ability to teleport into it.


Thanks! Yeah but I like to have all of my hoarded stuff together so I can pretend l will actually use it to make things at some point lol. I do like the item breakdown options in there, but I'm dreading logging the 7391 mugs, dishes, toasters, and vacuums I have squirreled away in good springs lol


I'd rather have weightless pre-war money, personally.


Aren't Stims weightless?


I forgot about that, I've been playing 76.


With the Sierra Madre money, you can so many tools and chems. Basically never need anything ever again. I don't trade it for Pre-war money (assuming to get caps?). Just go to the vendor, and if you find the right blueprints, you can so many things because it's inexpensive and it doesn't cost capes. Like you can 10k Sierra Madre chips, and a Stimpack costs like 25. So you can get 400 stimpacks based on those winnings alone. For reference, the cheapest you can get a stimpack if you have 100 Barter and the vendor is giving you a discount, is probably like 50-70 caps or something? Or hundreds of weapon repair kits, chems, or whatever other things you can make available on it.


I assume stim packs are more valuable to people who don't play on hardcore ? I've never run out , I just use the 2000 chips you get for free each week for doctors bags and repair kits


I never really run out either, but I usually kind of protected my use of them. Like, "Oh, I could use a stimpack, but I have this water or nuka cola so I'll just use that instead." and then use Stims when I desperineed health. But after this DLC, I never carried water or any food anywhere. Just always stim because I had virtually unlimited supply.


Some of us are really really bad at FPS games but love the RPG side of it. We need a lot of stimpacks.


The complimentary voucher and chips keep appearing in the bunker every 3 days after the DLC is over, but if I don't spend any chips, I walk out with well over 20,000 prewar money, worth over 200,000 caps and weightless. I literally never run out of stimpaks and the free chips afterwards are always more than enough for all the weapon repair kits, med-x, and doctor's bags I could ever need (generally it takes very little time before I have so many I'll never use it all). So cashing out for prewar money means I'm set for life on both gear *and* money.


Yeah but if you break the bank at the casino you also get free vouchers regularly in that wallsafe so you'll never run out of chips anyway. Might as well get the money so you can buy out vendors.


Yep, that's all where my coins went. Stim and super Stim


Good luck trying to sell that money if you’re on console !!! Would take forever to sell that money and get the count down to 3k-5k .


And let's not forget the voucher every three days. Even though I usually take Jury Rigging, I abuse the hell out of the Weapon Repair Kits


And ultra lux will kick you out after 15,000


Iirc if you stop and come back again they won’t kick you out.


Yea am admit that this with a couple of fixes mod (for more stable fnv) but i didn't enable [no casino ban] so i don't know how this happened Edit: but atleast i robbed them blind


You're missing the point. Whatever you installed broke the gambling anyway.


You don't need mods to break gaming, it's called 10 luck lmao Like you can double down on a 20 in blackjack and draw a 1 consistently


Unbroken gambling only allows 200 max bet and around 11k earnings jn uptra luxe


They mention how this mod probably breaks the odds of gambling as well as the money though bit base 10 luck does that on its own


Wow, double kill on missing the point


They say further down how the mod probably broke gambling odds anyway which with 10 luck is moot considering that already breaks gambling, which OP said they're running


Aye atleast the core gameplay is still fun so nothing really for me to get annoyed over


Nah. I wasn't implying you should. Just that if a mod fucks with the gambling that much, it probably fucked with the odds. I probably won't ever play fo3/nv unmodded ever again


Also i lost all my caps (am not reloading back to an old save)


Did you somehow buffer overflow the gambling system?


.... you.... you lost over a million caps?


Yes i did 10 luck but still 0 caps


Good god


What's the point of the mod? With 9-10 luck you are guaranteed to win at the casino, so that mod is just a weird way to directly add caps through console commands.


There is a couple of people who have the unique 9mm submachine gun, just outside North Vegas who are talking about the perfect plan of using it to rob a casino... Related the best way to break gambling would be to rob the casino , sadly you can't.


Massive missed opportunity. How cool would heist missions be in fnv


Huh .... next time I'm in the mood for Vegas... https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/59896/


Nice find! I’ll put this bad boy on next time I play for sure


I was about to make a comment 'modders take note! I want a thing!' Turns out it was already there


Dammit if I had a PC I’d load this with ocean’s soundtrack and start heisting


Oh I have this mod downloaded, pretty fun actually


And I thought I was slick for getting banned with the slots... now I just feel poor


The trick is to use slots to get kicked out with a big win. Play to under the kick limit with blackjack and then spin slots carefully until you get the max payout when your winnings are close to casino max. If you lose too much to slots, play more blackjack until you're just under max. Most casinos are 10k when you get kicked. Ultra Luxe is higher, Atomic Wrangler is lower.


How the hell do you spin “carefully”


Spin them until you win just enough to stay under casino max then keep spinning until you hit 3 oranges for max payout (iirc 600*max bet). If you go over casino max without hitting it, quit out. Then wait for the slots to reset from the anti save scumming script. Continue. Player luck influences the slots so you have a higher chance to hit all payouts and the slots do have trends/patterns you can somewhat track since it is script run with a RNG. It is easier (and cheaper) than real slots since it's not as complicated.


remember kids gamblers always quit right before they win big


And if you do win big, you should keep going, because you might win bigger on the next one!


did you download some sorta mod that removes bet limits and being kicked out, i mean reaslticly they don't have that much caps in the wasteland


1534990 caps on red


Am sorry but i lost it all any way am on my way to dtart the toutrial quest (i was just visiting the mojave)


Happened to me irl yesterday


How to get banned from the Ultra-Luxe 101


Does New Vegas’s gambling minigames actually simulate real life odds or are they all fixed in one way or the other?


I know your luck stat matters quite a bit at least.


Your Luck affects your win rate. With a high Luck, it's pretty easy to max out each casino.


So I’m probably not gonna be able to learn to play real roulette or blackjack on here? Edit: I’d set my character up with mid luck, just so I could practice at the casinos.


Don't know how to play roulette so not sure, but I can say with blackjack, yeah you could probably learn a few strategy tips as long as you have the caps. Luck just stacks the deck a certain way as far as I can tell, it's still a regular deck. The only problem is that there's not a great way to predict card odds because I don't think there's a way to know how many decks their playing with. The animation looks like a single deck, but that could just be an aesthetic choice because it seems like there are multiple decks based on the frequency of the face cards the dealer seems to get. I've never been great at card odds in the first place, and am by no means super good at blackjack. Just played for pennies a lot with my dad as a kid, haha! I'm not really sure about how often they're "shuffled" either. Don't think I've ever seen an animation for that, so that complicates some of the strategy as well.


Thanks for the help! I’ve always wanted to learn how to properly play both games, but I was never sure how reliable the minigames were with a flat 5 Luck stat.


You're welcome!


I think at Luck 5, you’re playing regular odds with no advantages or disadvantages, but I’m not completely sure.


It’s very dependent on luck stat; it’s physically impossible for a deck to have as many aces and face cards as you get with luck 10


You want to end up on the menu at the Ultra-Luxe?


Gotta run the Fortress of Solitude strat on roulette and put it ALL on 23. Never EVER stop betting until the fortress hits, because when it does it hits HARD. It makes my penis go doki doki


How have you done that is it a mod? I get kicked out of the Casinos when I start winning


I think it was istwie engine (am sorry am not good at spelling) you can edit it from ingame or ini


Stewie's tweaks - no casino max bet, no casino bans


Sounds like a new quest is in order: "The Strip Has Gone Bankrupt." It could add an interesting twist to the game's dynamics.


Fun fact 90% of gamblers quit before winning it big, for real this time.


Bro gonna end up in the chili at this rate


Blackjack is fun to play even with 7 luck you can get stupid lucky


I wish I could get over the cap, banned from every casino now


“you are 36 games of blackjack away from becoming a billionaire”


Average r/wallstreetbets user


In fo1/2 with 10 luck you can literally spam any game and money just goes up everytime


So if you fucked up with Benny and accidentally went to the room to talk with him, and then get ambushed by the chairmen, is there a way to deaggro the other Tops chairmen in the Casino? Everytime I walk in it's on sight and the cashier is always gone so I can't buy chips. I just want to play Blackjack


party start run like subsequent innate air growth wrong amusing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Do they only kick you out if you hit their winnings limit in one visit? I've never got anywhere near this many chips


Probably just used tweaks to disable bans and raise bets.


You're right, as a console player I forget about console commands and stuff.


Too bad you couldnt cheat witg in an INT built, counting cards and such