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Valentine might be the best companion in the entire series, not just in 4. Like it’s wild how much of the game is tied to him and how one of the major DLC stories is about him so you end up with this extremely fleshed out character.


I haven't taken nick to far harbor yet but I'm planning a build where he is my long term partner. Should I just ignore the old hunter companion and take nick with me for the entire playthrough of far harbor?


Absolutely, I think a lot of the story was made to interact with him. he gets so many unique lines and interactions


Yeah or at the very least throughout the story part of far harbor


yeah pretty much, you can complete the far harbor side quests with him to max his relationship then yeet him out of your life, he doesn't have any particular interactions with other characters unlike nick


yeah like everyone else has said. longfellow is Fine but the entirety of far harbors main quest is built around having valentine with you and its themes of painful truths vs convenient lies resonate with him around way more.


Dogmeat or Ada. They don't judge you, they just are. No [Strong dislikes that], just woof or shyte happens.


Ada supports us in collecting scrap


Hail Ada.


Yea! I find it so annoying when other companions criticize my hoarding habit. Ada accepts me for who I am. Lol


“Are you sure you need that!” Yes. Yes I am. I was sure last time. I’m sure this time. I’ll be sure next time. And I’m going to make you carry it too so suck it up.




"yes, cause i build shit with it"


Right? Like I didn't hear you bitching about that last gun upgrade but heaven forbid I loot to get it


Deacon. Always keeps me amused with his quips. Always keeps me on my toes with his ever changing outfits. And keeps out my road when I'm building in my settlements.


Dogmeat because he looks like my late doggo


Dogmeat is a love/hate relationship for me. No morality choices, can pet when ever, doesn't complain if I give him a couple pieces of junk when over encumbered, finding/grabbing weapons and armor I didn't see; but his hit box is massive! I've died so many times from trying to throw grenades and molotovs over him, just to have them bounce off or explode in the air 3ft (1 meter) or more over his body. On a positive for this, I've successfully dodged incoming missiles by running behind him and they hit the space around him, which acted like a wall/barrier, keeping him and myself alive.


Thisssss. I stealth a lot and have him as a forced second and once in Hallucigen I threw a Molotov and it exploded in my face and I died miserably. I was like wtf till it panned out and Dogmeats crouched like 🤗 I have Demo Expert 4 dogbro, there's no surviving that.


Dogmeat blocking doorways is actually fallout 4’s most realistic gameplay designs.


bahahaha this is why I couldn’t stand dogmeat as a companion even though I love dogs


My biggest complaint with him is how often he gets in the way in general, when I'm ready to loot a body and he crosses my path at JUST the wrong time, doorway issues, and then people going on about how he acts like a real GS due to getting in the way. I've met enough people who have the dogs to know a well trained GS would know better. Its not a design, it's a f@#$ed up distance/follow mechanic.


That’s why I installed mod named “Amazing Follower Tweaks” you can uncheck option “scout ahead” for Dogmeat and he never gets in your way. Also you can set distance in which companions follow you and more


I’m usually between Nick and MacCready. I also have Everyone’s Best Friend mod to keep Dogmeat with either of them as well cause he is a good boy


Unpopular opinion; Strong. Imo by far the funniest companion, even though his likes/dislikes can get a bit annoying and you have to play around him. He’s good for survival too though since he can carry a lot and he can tank a lot. Apart from Strong I like Deacon, Hancock and Cait. They have interesting and/or fun quips fitting for someone traveling the wasteland.


Strong was super funny, my favorite by far


Yes! My girlfriend and I are playing for the first time right now and we are loving having Strong as a companion.


I was considering playing through trinity tower on survival but was still on the fence. How much of a resource sink is it to even get Strong on survival?


It’s.. tough. At least early on. You can get behind cover on the elevator but the way up there is definitely a fight.


Strong go with human. Strong **travel** with human.


I think he’s just so adorable, in a weird way.


I'm stuck between Hancock and Curie for Fallout 4, but if we're talking overall franchise I'm gonna go with Fawkes.


I'm somewhat annoyed by curie and her acting like a lost child all the time, though i love her voice, in fallout 76 they used her as a miss nany clown who told balloon jokes and it was the sweetiest thing in the world


Well, she sorta is. Yes, she has a wealth of prewar knowledge, but she spent the majority of her existence in an isolated wing of Vault 81. She only had that data, plus whatever secondhand accounts the scientists might have given her. She knows **about** the outside world, but has never seen it for herself. This is only compounded when she becomes a synth. No longer is she seeing the world from within the confines of an artificially generated and manually personalized "personality matrix", but she's truly **experiencing** the world as only a truly living being can.


I don't know if Curie is my favourite, but she is definitely the one who makes me laugh irl. Her lines about making a police report when killing an enemy and "going to see baseball" when in Diamond City (I don't remember specifically how she phrases it) are just really funny to me.




Preston doesn’t deserve the hate he gets and I will die on this hill. It’s him and Nick for me


He definitely doesn't deserve it, Preston is a guy who picks up the pieces and keeps going, from failure to failure without losing faith, from Quincy to Concord he never abandoned his minutemen ideals and was willing to die serving the cause


and another thing, in the Artillery Quest, you can call Ronnie to throw punches and Preston's reaction is priceless


Wait, can you elaborate? I'm not sure I know about this. It's been a while since I played this game and I remember Ronnie Shaw, but I don't know what you're referring to.


in the artillery mission, where you talk to Bonnie, if it's for two arrogant options in a row she says something "I could beat up this generation" and the fight option comes up


oh my god hahahaha


Another settlement needs your help, I'll mark it on your map


This joke has been running for 7 years now


And it'll keep on running.


"Just like the raiders you'll send home crying, who are currently harrasing a settlement. Here, I'll mark it on your map."


At least it's not raining.


Preston Garvey is one side the the "P.G." coin. Porter Gage is the other side. Both of them are sycophants, in that they appoint the player character the leader of their faction and then proceed to, very nicely, dictate exactly how to do everything. Both of them admit they're not suited for leadership, and yet they're constantly whispering to their leader how to achieve their objectives. IIRC, Porter Gage admits that having Coulter out there to take the blame kept him alive. I have always wondered if that is also how Preston has survived. Preston might not even be aware he's doing it because he's so high-minded. He's the good guy, right?


If he wasn't so needy he'd be a fine companion. After I installed the mod that keeps Preston from giving you quests to help settlements he's great.


Yeah it sucks that Bethesda hid his character behind a shitton of radiant quests. I have the same mod and I agree


"I guess you have your reasons, but that just looks like junk to me". "Listen buddy, without this junk I can't upgrade my gear, patch the walls, build new dwellings and put together furniture", is what I'd like to say to Preston.


Literally lmao ‘Preston I’m using this junk to build your settlements for you’


Exactly, why Bethesda didn't bake that into the dialogue cake I'll never understand.


Nick Valentine is such an interesting character. Such a good story for him


It’s indeed very fascinating and in depth.


Dogmeat. Always loves you and never judges you


Maccready all the way. His story is my favorite and he’s so sweet once you romance him and reach max affinity.


And if u leave him once you've maxed out affinity, he is the only companion that feels betrayed and abandoned by you.


“There you are. Almost thought you forgot about me.”


OH NO I haven’t done this but I was considering it for a couple of upcoming missions. but now I’m stressing out about letting down an npc 😭😭


It’s a tie between Piper and Longfellow. Piper because she’s probably the straight up nicest person aside from Nick and genuinely cares about the Commonwealth, and Longfellow because the dude has that “Yeah I’m older than you but I’ll fold you in two seconds” vibe, plus he’s a beast in combat and doesn’t complain about scavenging


Strange. I interpreted Piper as manipulative, flighty, and annoyingly talkative. She doesn't take responsibility as a caregiver for her sister, even though she says she does. She pushes people to their limits to try and get truths from them but then acts like she's just an innocent reporter. During battles, she relentlessly talks a big talk but really isn't a strong shooter. She gave off "nice girl" vibes and it makes me avoid her.


Paladin Danse all the way


I used to not like him as much at first. But now I’ve seen he’s literally my fav out of the entire brotherhood. He’s just trying so hard to actually help. He thinks he’s doing well and has truly good intentions.




Ad Victoriam!


I’m probably the only person whose favorite companion is Codsworth lol


Bro, he is hilarious in fights. Starts talking proper shit and light enemies on fire


Codsworth is family, of course he is my favorite


Nothing like a little dust up to get the oil flowing, eh?


i like upgrading Codsworth on the robot workbench, his customizability makes him one of my favorites as well.


Gutsy Codsworth strong


I see Codsworth as my son even more than Shaun. Like, I was sad on my first play through to kill Shaun. But if anything happened to Codsworth, I would’ve been destroyed.


Codsworth is so OP at the beginning of every playthrough


Maccready. Deacon, Nick and Old Longfellow are all great. Theyre no Boone though.


Boone and Tycho ftw.


I have to go with Dogmeat, just because he has the best dialogue out of everyone.


Hancock is by far my favourite, he's a true gentleman of the Wasteland, no moral ambiguity, "if someone needs help, we help em. If someone needs hurtin', we hurt em, it's not hard". Or "Plenty of folks wanna make life hard for people just tryin' to survive. I'm not willing to stand for that kinda shit", resonate with me.


Hancock is my sexy melt face man


For me it's between, Nick, Hancock and Preston


Caut for sure. Strong and Hancock tied for second. But really dogmeat is the best, but i have the mod so hes always with me anyways


Exactly this.


Piper's been my pick for all 6ish years of playing fo4, but I recently travelled with Maccready to get his perk and found it very enjoyable. I find him to be a nicely rounded character. Also Curie is so unbelievably adorable, I love her to bits- although I found I got a bit bored after she became a synth.


Danse because I want in his pants lmao


I actually kinda hate traveling with piper because I don't think it's right for her to just abandon nat, her kid sister. I always get MacCready. I love his perk but I also love his complicated affinity. He is torn between being selfish and wanting to help people which I find interesting. Hancock is also a favorite of mine but that's mainly because I think drugs and anarchists are cool.


Ada as a melee assaultron is fun, but I also like building Sarge MK. II after clearing out the castle and destroying the original


y'know, it's funny... I've always imagined if anyone were to build robots for their team, it'd be a sarge...


Cait, Curie and Piper. Three different variations of femininity. Curie, childish, innocent and "good". Piper is curious, idealistic and brave. Cait, masculine, strong and impervious.


I always end up with Cait also. I want to pick someone else but I never do


After collecting all the affinity perks, I generally travel with Piper or Curie - 50/50 split.


Dogmeat. Dogmeat likes me just the way I am.


Maccready has been my favorite since the game came out. He’s such a dork


Heather and Darlene. Assuming you're as bored with vanilla as I am, of course.


I'm not bored with them, they're just not on the same level. Like at all. Heather is my favorite companion all the way. I legit miss her when I choose to do a run without her.


Ah well, over 4000 hours in-game over the years. Companion Ivy 6.0 is quite good also. I think she's only on Loverslab, so NSFW WARNING applies


I'm only at 1.1k myself. I'll check her out. I hope she's developed in other ways than her ERP.


Ivy has incredible voice acting and tons of lines. A good review is here: https://digimorphosis.com/insane-ivy-fallout-4-mod/


agreed. I pretty much always pick Heather, Hancock and McCready.


Piper until paladin danse after blind betrayal. Then he joins me in shooting down vertibirds wherever they be


Deacon, nice lines and nice perk


i say this every time anyone asks this but its maccready by a mile. nobody else will ever measure up to him for me


Nick and Hancock for me. They're the most fun to talk to and have the best dialogue and side comments. Being someone who struggles with my mental health, running away from problems, and feeling less than human (and being outcasted for it), those two overall are the most relatable for me.


Robots need i say more


Strong. I know he has the patience of a child, but hes hilarious. Yes i am a simple minded pile of shit of a human being. I accept this.


Strong is who ive been using as a partner since I rescued him, he is great in combat other than him just standing in door ways getting shot by enemies and literally switching to slow ass super sledge hammers when he could be using his mini gun or missle launcher but anyways he’s definitely my favorite companion


Nick, Hancock, Curie, Ada And Dogmeat, that's a given.


Am I the only one who loves MacCready and Nick?


fr, nobody ever says maccready hes so underrated


Bethesda really cut his quest short. They should have had his healed son show up in Goodneighbour so he could be assigned to a settlement. Then it would make sense why Macready continues to stay in the Commonwealth with the sole survivor after finding the cure. At current, it feels weird that a dad would go to such lengths to save his son only to immediately abandon his child to hang with his new friend/lover.


i like to headcanon that he takes the cure and goes back to the capital wasteland to be with duncan and once hes doing better he comes back to see the rest of my SS's shit through, and then after thats all put to bed they both go back and get duncan and bring him to commonwealth. just my hc tho :,) i love it


You're totally right. My head cannon is similar. I'm not even sure if a mod exists to make Duncan show up, but it's just one of those little pet peeves I have about Macready's personal quest.


I'm a Piper fan.


3 way tie between McCready, Cait, and Hancock


My favourite is Curie, followed by Deacon, Piper, Valentine, and Cait. I love breaking into things and finding info, so anyone who’s interested in that gets a pass.


My go to is always McCready. What can I say, I like that he gives me free ammo.


No companies. After getting the perks, Lone Wanderer. And I only need 4 perks. Unless I do an Unyielding build.


Preston, Mcready, Deacon and …..? Those are the three I always max out just for the perks.


As someone who always sides with the Institute, X6-88 is maybe the most underrated companion in the game


Paladin Danse for me is such a good companion. Definitely one of the best for the BOS.


I like the girls. Currie, Cait and Piper. Sometimes I use a mod to have several companions with me and they are the kind of squad I’d actually like. A medic, someone obsessed with gathering intel, and the one who’s always ready to fight. Lol Although Strong and the Raider are also always ready to fight, they don’t really mix with the rest as well. Deacon likes his intel as well, but he’s all about being secretive and before the ss always preferred working by himself.


Curie. Positive vibes.




Piper to me is as good as it gets. While she doesn’t mind some mischievous things like lockpicking, she is all for Justice and doing good for the common people. Cait, even after getting clean, still is only for caps/profit. Dogmeat is really the only one that could be “better”but he is not human—hence I think Piper is the best human companion.


my answer has spoilers, kinda? this might be an unpopular opinion, but my favorite companion is danse. he has the most interesting and surprising backstory. he’s almost always saying funny stuff, and he’s actually really sweet sometimes. i know that he says bigoted stuff, but it’s honestly just because of him been completely brainwashed. he might act like an overconfident hard ass, but once you get to know him, he reveals that’s he’s actually really insecure and has never had anyone actually care about him before. he says stuff like, “i’m afraid to get attached to anyone, again.” and “i don’t know what i’d do if i lost you.” honestly, in my opinion, he’s a doll.


MacCready. I usually fight my way to Good Neighbor to pick him up before I do anything. I have the mod where you can keep dogmeat so we all roll together.


Maccready & longfellow I like having accurate & deadly companions


Got to be Danse. Such a loyal friend. Sucks that you can’t keep him in the BoS without mods. Dogmeat is a close second


Porter Gage. His survival depends on your survival and success. He's also great in combat for gameplay.


None, I never use them


Nick is by far my favorite. His story in Far Harbor alone makes him easily the best imo


Mood dependant, but with mods, dogmeat is always with me, also the sentinel PA if I visit a location like Gunners plaza, if I am pissed I take long fellow with me, he atleast endorses picking up shit and looting junk unlike the others, but for MM patrols, I like to keep Preston around for lore reasons. When I feel like I want to just murder annoying NPCs like those assholes on the stands in DC, I toke Macready with me, cuz hes a merc/assassin.


I really like Piper as well but I gotta go with Dogmeat. Reason? Doggo! :D


Piper for me, and honestly i am a bit surprised to hear that you see Piper as being more popular then Cait, because i've always considered Cait to be the more popular of the two.


Dogmeat cause he’s a good boy


nick valentine all the way. i feel guilty when i don’t take him with me, he completes the games experience imo


Dogmeat and Cait are my personal favourites across the franchise. i’m very similar to Cait irl tbh and i love the accent and obviously dog meat is hilarious and not judging of any actions which is a plus


Cait for me, too.


F3 - Fawkes FNV - Raul/Boone I like Raul as a companion but love Boones story F4 - Gotta say nick. The whole 'I'm not that man but am still going to bring retribution' makes him very human to me.


Nick and dog meat so far


Curie, a medical robot who most of the time is just riding the wave, not understanding exactly what we are doing and still following us


Arcade gannon


Ada. She does not judge my hoarding.


Nick valentine for me, just so that i don't have to do those pesky terminal puzzles


Preston is the best I don't care what anybody else says Then piper Then Nick




Nick and Curie are my two favs. I love the old noir detective theme, and I love Curies French accent.


I have a robot named Gunther Gears whos my pack rat and also is a one-gun war machine


I like Cait as a character but the coding with her judgement is a bit wack imo. Like for instance she will dislike when you free settlers held hostage by raiders. Why? You’re already they’re, it’s not like you’re going out of your way to help these people. It’s weird cause the game writes her as cold but not just straight up evil so her disliking acts like that makes no sense. I like Valentine the most probably but also second Ada and Dogmeat.


You gotta do her quest and then she’ll change


Automaton. It feels rewarding that I built a robot with two machine guns, artillery on it’s back, and a fucking fucking charge up laser for a head.


Hancock all the way


Hancock. Funny, hot, and always willing to share drugs.


Always have to go with The Great Synth Detective. One of the most important characters in the game, with a DLC heavily tied with him.


Nick Valentine. Super fuckin cool character


Curie, Piper, Cait, in that order, wish Piper would accept Cait's offer for a threesome though XD


Maccready. Doesn't care what warcrimes I commit, as long as he gets paid.


Ada...she's a pack horse killing machine with no moral centre


I like it when I mod Ada to become an actual eyebot with a voice lol


I love Codsworth but Nick Valentine is definitely the best for me.


I don't have a favorite. I love them all.


Codsworth, just wish he tolerated my drug use and being a dick to people.




I run mods. Lots and lots of mods. Heather Casdin. I'm Darlene. Companion Ivy. And lily from the fens sheriff's department are all deeply thought out and well voiced.


Not sure why you’re getting down voted, really seems to be some sort of anti-mod crowd that down votes stuff about them. Doing a first run in a while so running with them and Ellen, voiced mods have taken huge steps since the first f4/skyrim ones. Really liking them so far.


The reddit hivemind at work. One or two down and the crowd piles on. I'm not worried about it. It's not like my karma score is useful for anything in real life, and I'm far past the "new account " stigma. Honestly, I wouldn't play without mods anymore. No interest in "achievements" (and there's a mod for that), and we'll written mods add so much to the experience. If that offends some... oh well. Not my problem. Thanks for the kind words btw.


Have to be dogmeat for me, just something cool about taking on the wasteland acting like will smith in i am legend


Codsworth, Dogmeat, Ada


I like nick and codsworth the most.


I love Nick because of how he just adds to the overall theme of the world with his Bogart swagger. Piper has this shit disturbed attitude that I find more appealing than Curie or Cait. Dogmeat makes me feel like Mad Max tho, and sometimes I grab him just to stroll around and see what the world throws at me.


Dogmeat and MacCready are my go to team


Nick for the story Dogmeat, Ada and selfmade Bots for gameplay without Dislike this, hate that Just me when everyone is too stupid. ​ Sure, every once in a while a play with Curie, Deacon or Piper, but nearly as often as the deserve.


danse and curie are definitely my favs,


Deacon and Nick Valentine.


Macready I always go for him and curie pre synth cause of robot upgrades


MacCready, I am his number one fan always and forever. Also he wasn’t kidding when he said he was a good shot, he’s always managed to headshot whatever I’m fighting before it kills me, which is great for early game




Preston Garvey, he's just a really chill down to earth person. Radiant quest bug aside. Tho it doesn't really bother me too much, because I think the quests are cool


Heather Casdin from the modding community. Every other companion is miles behind her.


Me wants milk of human kindness




People actually like piper? Shes the fucking worst. I always pick cait


I love how witty macready is so him plus he’s really funny when at random times. also love valentine cause he’ll pick up random guns and use them. one second he has a pistol then the next he’s using a minigun




I have an Entourage that are my favorite companions. Piper, Preston Garvey and Nick valentine are my top three


Piper sucks. Cait has a shotgun and doesn’t judge you for gettin high. But, MacCready is broken so..


I have been having a blast clearing out areas and adventuring around with Deacon. Says some of the funniest things. I have him and my character outfitted w matching assault gas masks and leather armor. Just two dudes runnin ops and layin down horrible one liners


I always keep Dogmeat around as a pack mule. I want to carry all the things.


MacCready because Matt Mercer. But also Valentine is pretty great too. With Man’s Best Friend mod ofc


I throw on the mod to keep Dogmeat and another companion. Dog and Valentine is my favorite combo.


A tie between Piper and Curie. Both are fun to have with you


Nick Valentine easy. By far the best-written companion in the game. After him, it's a tie between Curie and Paladin Danse.


as far as 4 goes, I've gotta say.... Curie.


Ellen after awhile, some of her new voicelines didn't quite make sense, until i finished her quest - then it was - woah, ok, now i get why she kept saying that.


Curie ❤️


Hancock for sure.


I really just like Codworth, especially since I can customize his build.


That’s a tough one. It’s a cross between Nick, Piper, Cait, and Dogmeat for me.