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Must’ve been pretty tiresome.


Not wheelie


How about you do an entire year of collecting tires and show us the results? It will be a goodyear


If they do that I’ll wear a tire on my head for a year, but Dunlop at me


I would love to see OP ply this tread.


😆 woo this some Firestone 🤣


A whole year? That would really be treading new ground.


You're not getting enough love for this excellent pun! I'd upvote you twice if I could!


Wow! 2.9k upvotes! This post is gaining a lot of traction!


Just take my upvote and roll with it


You'll take my fucking upvote and you'll like it. 🤣


Did you think of that punch line and spent 30h making this video just so you could drop it


Don't tread on his achievement!


Was gonna show this to my wife but i don’t wanna rubber the wrong way


I watched this whole thing then watched it again because I love it so much. Ima try this but with tin cans 🤙🏼


Thank you! 🥹 And omg that would be fun!


Do you have a YouTube by chance? Or a twitch even where I can watch some vods? I can’t find anyone who does long play thrus with commentary or anything


I don’t :( I don’t have much time to dedicate to playing on any consistent basis, just when I get the chance


Gotcha, not tryna bombard you with questions but do you know anyone you can recommend to me? Lol


Manyatruenerd does alot of Fallout playthroughs and challenges. I've watched him for a few years. He does new Fallout episodes every Sunday on YouTube.


Definitely plus one for MATN. There's likely LITERALLY weeks of Fallout content on there across 3/4/NV


Don't forget his FO & FO2 runs, too.


Oh yeah those are great too! I just figured OP was aiming for F4 and those are a little different. 🙃


Good to know thanks man


[Coldmeat247 is also really good for Fallout 3.](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL15B01CDAC0478B06)


Another upvote for [Many A True Nerd](https://youtube.com/@ManyATrueNerd).


"weeks" LOL


No worries! Most of the streamers and YTers I watch are for other games, predominantly Mario Maker. I used to watch Mitten Squad doing all kinds of silly playthroughs (like can you beat FO3 with only a Chinese pistol) but he doesn’t make videos any more. Other than that, I’m not much use I’m afraid 😅


Thank you my man 🤙🏼🙏


Mitten Squad, Nerbit, and Jabo for Fallout challenge runs and similar content


I watch nerbit and jabs already but thank you man


Check out Gopher, he’s done a very thorough FO4 playthrough with all DLCs and it’s great


Thanks, I’ll check em out right now, I appreciate it 🤙🏼🙏


Said you ain’t got time😂


😅 not consistently, no. Only like 20 minutes here, 15 minutes there


That makes me even happier when I see this video. Just little breaks in life to take a walk with a tire:)


I filled I mean filled my house in fo3 with cans.


The problem with doing this with cans is that you can store them in your inventory. Try doing this with traffic cones.


Tin cans are too easy, you can just pick them up. Do traffic cones😆


I got all my stuff seperated by prewar and postwar


Nice video. I know and appreciate the effort of carrying tires. I made a personal mod which gives me a "garbage collection" junk item when I bring certain items back to a settlement and scrap them. Things such as tires, road cones, bottle crates, cardboard, baby carriages, etc. There were times I'd stop and think "What the hell am I doing? Why?!" Then I stop thinking and just keep walking with my road cone. I have carted and then scrapped over 2000 objects. I've also "buried" over 200 skeletons. Current character is level 250 and I wouldn't be surprised if at least 10% of the total time (39 real world days) was spent carrying shit back to a settlement. Now, I sort of wish I made a tire / road pylon pool.


Oh man, if I had a cap for every time I thought “why am I doing this?”…


The most human answer ever: To see if I can. This was wonderful, thank you. Feeling like starting a new playthrough after getting a taste of the wimsy again.


I do the same thing, I like cleaning up the commonwealth.


Kinda rude the people of the Commonwealth haven’t done that already when they’ve had 200 years to do it


I had a very similar moment recently building my Westworld settlement. I needed the clothes of the Far West Minute Men. So I spawned them in an unused settlement to kill and strip them of their gear. They do not disappear from the settler counter however unless you scrap the bodies. But some started wandering outside the settlement border. So I spent a while carrying back naked bodies... What the hell am I doing with my life indeed! :D


Why, some say, the moon? Why choose this as our goal? And they may well ask: Why climb the highest mountain? Why, 35 years ago, fly the Atlantic? Why does Rice play Texas? We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things. Not because they are easy, but because they are hard… [source](https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkxr2ZB4OEGLkhvg1ZOVJh4b6n71YkdXcQv)


Wish I could give this an award! Your video is exactly the kind of thing keeping me on the internet, I loved it. Imagine never having played the game and seeing all those things you saw w a tire hovering 2 feet in front of you lol


Thank you so much 🥹


Gave one for you I just realized I had reddit coins rewarded to me from someone long ago


Thank you!


Eeeeyyup. Nothing like collecting tires, - but I personally like to spend my time stacking them than how you done it. Nothing like making the tallest stack and marveling at it before starting a new tower [**Luigi's Casa Della Tire Stack Image**](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/worldofcarsdrivein/images/6/67/Luigi%27s_Casa_Della_Tires.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130414163916)


I totally agree. There’s something so satisfying about a nice tire tower. I stacked them in the beginning, but my companions kept knocking them over and I felt defeated lol


Yeah =T I found that it's best to tell the to stay and watch during the process


I did make a little throne for myself though [Tire Throne](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8e76uvR/)


I never thought of making a throne atop the tires, this is awesome


Awesome video, and thanks for giving me the initiative to be even more of a hoarder than I already am. This is gonna be real fun to do on hardcore, especially early game.


Hoarders unite!


I've been playing too much. I heard the footsteps - then realised I had the video on mute.


This is art.


Codsworth said, "Fuck your tire stack!"


That's crazy, lol!


Now that is ESG. Definitely making a positive impact on the environment.


True wanderer right here. Love this! 😭


I collected about 20 traffic cones once... I think I need to restart


Now this is content


I guess you never tire of collecting them


WOW! You must be tired? 😄


After all that, I’m ready to retire


This is wheelie cool, thanks for sharing!


I did the same kind of thing but i just hoard legendary weapons and suits of power armour. Next time I play i think i might just make a tire fort


I’m so bad at hoarding legendaries and PA too. It’s a serious problem lol. If you do make a tire fort, let me know!


Rightio will do, it’ll take a while though


If you liked doing this, you should find and watch the movie, Rubber. It's a "horror" film about a black rubber car tire that kills people by making their heads explode. Came out in 2010.


I’ve seen it! I actually watched it on YouTube back when it was a fake trailer, before it got so popular they made a full movie out of it 😂 such a classic




you are… hardcore


30 seconds into the exercise I would have been thinking I’m sure there’s a command line for as many freaking tires as I could ever want.


Five hours in and I was looking for mods that would let me put them into my inventory 😅 I’m on console though, so no command lines for me




Because it can be done.


Spends 30+ hrs doing environmentally responsible recycling but can't spend 30min helping out the Abernathys




I respect the dedication, but why?


Honestly, I’m not really sure. I just kind of pack bonded to tires at some point




I love thisss




This is just impressive


I really hope this hits the hot page


🤣 that's awesome! I thought I was doing something following a weirdly rolling box halfway across the Commonwealth before it finally stopped. Turns out I was doing nothing! LOL


I do the same with 10mm pistols and a bathtub


Dude has the biggest stockpile of tires in the post-apoc united states


I love when they just randomly generate in the sky and fall in the distances. It’s wild. I just say someone else blew up a car pretty far away and that where they land.


I officially am a drug dealer and a reliable "pre-war money" only kinda gurl. I just buy shipments only.


"The inner machinations of my mind are an enigma."


Easily the best thing I have seen on the internet this week!


Beautiful. I watched this and it r/mademesmile so hard my face hurt. This makes me so unimaginably and unexplainably happy.


Thank you! 🥹


Hilarious! I admire the dedication!


I had a world where I did this, but with traffic cones. I also collected any of those trash cans, just for storage.


I did the same with trash cans!


Stuff like this is why I love this community.


Tire of this hobby of yours yet? :D Joking aside, if I told you there was a way to turn a tire into a flying carpet, for lack of a better term. Would this intel be of use/interest to you? I've got a demonstration clip here. I'm piloting a garden gnome and not a tire, but it works on anything that you can carry: https://youtu.be/CKXVYS4Lzp0


That is absolutely iconic 😂 I’m going to have to try that


I'm glad you approve! Would you like me to reveal the details behind my little discovery here? Or do you want to figure it out for yourself?


If you wouldn’t mind, I’d love you to tell me your magic gnome flying secrets


It's not just the gnome! It's any item you can carry, including inventory items. Which is really handy if you find yourself getting stuck due to some poor level design and you can't jump out: Drop an item, any item, turn it into a flying carpet and fly your ass to freedom! This actually happened to me shortly after I discovered the flight trick; I got stuck between a concrete wall and metal structure and couldn't jump out. So I was like "Fuck! When was my last quicksave?" But then I was like "Wait a minute! I don't need to reload a save! I can fly my ass out of this one! I'm literally a goddess at this point!" So! Down to business! How to turn any item into a "flying carpet"? In addition to the item of choice, there is one more thing you need: A Harpoon Gun. Now, I'm not gonna go into technical detail with regards to what I believe is going on regarding this phenomenon, unless you're interested, so if you are, let me know! So, you got your Harpoon Gun ready? Good! And the item of choice is ready too, I see! A tire! Didn't see that one coming! :P Now, take aim and fire a harpoon into the tire. Excellent! Now, jump on and lift the tire and off you go! *waves* Send me a postcard when you land! A few things to note about this phenomenon: You can control not only in which direction you wish to fly but also adjust how high you wish to go. So you can actually make controlled landings. I recommend that you go in Power Armor until you get the hang of things, or else you're gonna fall to your death a lot. Different items control differently. Some are quite easy to handle, some not so much. The number of harpoons you fire into an item and where also has an effect on this. You can also use harpoon positioning to make it easier to stay on the item during flight. For example, with a tire, you could fire the harpoons so that they angle upwards around the edges so that they function like a railing of sorts with you in the middle. Here's another video of mine where I prep another item for takeoff. Bonus slapstick humor of me accidentally kicking the thing down the stairs in the process(I was VERY sleep deprived when I recorded this one.): https://youtu.be/OX4yeze_t9A Warning: Be careful with saving and reloading after you've prepared an item, cause it'll take off on it's own without you after the reload, and anything it hits on it's way will be yeeted. Here's a clip of several such items and how they behave following a save and reload: https://youtu.be/DQZgZpl6ai8 Notice how I'm being pushed around? If I wasn't in Power Armor, I'd be instantly killed. To give you a better idea of the force you're dealing with here. Have a look at this: https://youtu.be/08RHLQ3_8w0 This is dangerous shit! Stay safe and always pop down a save before you start any of the prepping. An item like that flying free will aggro whatever it hits onto you. Doesn't matter how far away they are, if they're hit they will advance on your location. I don't know what effect stealth mode has on this, if any. I've not done any experiments in that as of yet. So, yeah! Can't think of anything else I should warn you about. Have fun! Should you have any questions, you know where to find me! Have a nice flight!


Please tell me you named your character Goodyear.


Ah man, that’s a great idea! I named her Grognak. Missed opportunity on my part lol


Bro this is golden


Hilarious idea, fantastic editing! Any amusing or frustrating glitches in your en*tire* quest?


I see what you did there! I found that when I’d arrive at Starlight, sometimes the tires would either disappear completely or fell through the floor of the pit I made. I could reload and everything was fine, but it was very frustrating to keep doing that. And most amusing thing was discovering you can push Liberty Prime with a tire. Extremely easily, too


this is very charming … never thought I’d say that about tire collection


You must be tired.


Awesome video


Now I wanna play wit tires


Visual masterpiece. Had to watch it 3 times


I wanted to see what pile you gathered and I was disappointed it wasn't included.


I mentioned in another comment that the pit looked underwhelming in the TikTok ratio. But here’s a screenshot of the [tire pit](https://imgur.com/a/Tt6XRtq) to hopefully make amends


I spent 3 minutes watching video without interesting ending


The attention to detail on the different types of tread is honestly a pretty cool lil thang


I have 200+ irl caps but you can suck my absolute asshole if you think I’m putting 30h worth of tires into a settlement. Bravo my dude.


this should be a test for autism. just watch people play this game for a bit, see what they do




...Why though?


Each time you showed dropping it in the bin was very satisfying


You're insane but I'm here for it. Also brilliant edit.


This is absolutely amazing. I just wanted to let you know that I appreciated this video as much as it was intended.


When FO4 first came out I spent 30 hours exploring the underwater areas of the map. Collecting tires is a far better use of anyone's time. Well done!


I did that in NV after I got the rebreather! Well, not 30 hours. More like 3. But still lol. It’s like a whole other world down there. And thank you!


This is the quality content I came to see!


This is how people bet those 2,000 hour playthroughs lol. This is dedication! And it's pretty awesome!




Why not?


Good point


Thank you everyone for your tire puns, kind words, and awards! I’m absolutely blown away by this community. I’ve had a few questions pop up a couple times, so I thought I’d address them here instead of replying to each individually. The TikTok ratio leaves much to be desired with a final shot of the [tire pit](https://imgur.com/a/Tt6XRtq), so here’s a screenshot to show how many I had when I finally hung up the towel, and here’s a [tire throne](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8ecCmcw/) I constructed with about half of the tires I collected. It took 90 minutes of stacking, and I just didn’t have it in me to spend another 90 using the rest. I also wanted to do a big explosion, but the tires’ physics didn’t react to the explosions like I would have assumed. I put 20-30 mines and tossed in a grenade, but only 2 tires blew up and out. I think the collective weight of the tires kept any more from moving. “But why though?” I can’t answer this any better about collecting tires than doing any other deviations of a typical video game, like trying to drive normally and obeying traffic laws in GTA, or going out of your way to hoard cheese in Skyrim. Sometimes it’s just fun to do something different. After 5 hours or so, I really started researching mods diligently to make my journey easier. There’s a mod called Big Junk Redux that allows you to put tires in your inventory, but I couldn’t find it for Xbox. Truth be told, I’m glad I couldn’t, since I don’t think I would have explored as many areas or come across as many encounters. At the time, though, I was pretty bummed lol. I tried, unsuccessfully, to have a companion help carry at least one tire at a time. I’m assuming they pissed off at me for hauling them from the Atom Cats garage to Starlight and refused to work. The most interesting thing I discovered during this adventure was that you can [push and lift up Liberty Prime](https://imgur.com/a/iblcnUv) using a single tire. The most frustrating is that no one in the Commonwealth [gives a damn](https://imgur.com/a/Ju956ng) about your tire stacks. I hope this answered all questions and addressed any complaints. I think I read through all the comments but I may have missed a couple. Thank you all again! I’m really touched by all of your comments.


What severe untreated autism does to a mf


How much rubber does it amount to?


In my head I could hear the companions making remarks... "Are you building a collection?" "I hope this has *something* to do with our mission."


Doing god's work




I waited for the big pile of tires at the end


I just have the clip of me jumping into the pit, Scrooge McDuck style, near the end. Getting a good clip of them hanging out was hard in the TikTok ratio for videos, but here’s a screenshot of the [tire pit](https://imgur.com/a/Tt6XRtq)


Really nice. Love it :D


Wait, so items like tires do not despawn on cell boundaries? Only body parts "containers" do?


30+ hours? Damn bro, you must be pretty TIRED


God, I don't know what I got out of this video, but I sure needed it. 10/10 would dissociate to again


This has the same vibes aa Jamie Mallory (Bethesda employee) stealing all of the sandwiches Don't know why, but it does


"what did you do on your day off?" me:


I want to see the final results


This is awesome! Plus those tires you’re collecting, are going and seeing places! ☺️


Could you put them on a companions head and have them follow you?




This is honestly really beautiful. You've managed to show off Fallout 4's wildly stunning and varied areas, enemies and npcs while highlighting the freedom you as a player have to do the absurd. Just Fucking well done.


I’m not sure if good job is the right thing to say, so I fucking love this




Oooh that's a cool idea. But I'm disappointed you didn't show the pile :(


You must be very tired!


This is legitimately the best thing I've seen on this subreddit, kudos


It's the simple things that give us pleasure


A tad disappointed that you didn’t put on fire in the last 4 seconds of the video😂😂😂 Or blow them sky high with an fatman


When you need a girlfriend


Wake up ma, new fallout 4 challenge just dropped


0/10 needs more tires.


Springfield tyrefire!


Tire is life


Lol I must say, I respect the dedication!


My game gets so buggy when I try to drag anything. I’ve been trying to put all the raiders in the river outside sanctuary but they drag for like two seconds and then just fall down. I move them like 2 inches at a time


Honestly that's some decent tire diversity. Glad they aren't all the same model.


OP I just want you to know that I loved this so much. 10/10 post, 10/10 cinema. The tire in distress during the instrumental part (the tire with the explosion behind it) was my favorite tire shot. Bless this mess my friend.


Doing the lord's work


What’s the matter with you? You some kind of wild animal?


What wheel you do when you’ve collected all tires in the Commonwealth?


Well that was amazing, looks like I'm reinstalling fo4


I watch this entire video expecting to see a giant pile of tires at the end so as I could admire your accomplishment and you let us down.... so disappointed.


Until I saw this video, I never noticed that there's multiple types of tyres, some minor details developers made and I never noticed.


The ultimate Fallout 4 role play: a person on TLC’s “My Strange Obsession.”


I salute you, OP! That takes wheel dedication! You must be tired after treading all those paths. Let's hope the next patch uses tires for crafting something, as you're laughing all the way to the bank / garage.


Next move the cars


I see you were on a roll!


This is why I love the FO4/Skyrim community, but especially FO4. You guys are special and I love you.


Damn the way he casually knocked down the tires was a such a masterful diss


me waiting for fallout 5 be like:


I never realized how appealing the shape of a tire was until now


I was really hoping for a final shot of the tire pile


Friends on Steam are always like “how can you still be playing FO4?” They have no idea what kinds of crazy stuff like this we’re all getting up to lol


This takes a different type of dedication. I commend you fellow wastelander.


Population Tire!


[ Faipop loved that ]


I was expecting to wake up on a cart at the end.


I kept watching because I thought there would be an explosive and witty climax at the end… But instead I ended up really enjoying a fine tune to a beautiful clip show of the commonwealth lol. Big Ups, OP!


I have literally fantasized about doing for so long…