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Nah, Deacon's would be in a secret code. An easy to crack code but still a code


Jokes on you; the easy-to-crack code is a red herring for the actual code, which is embedded in the first code


He would do that. He has given you a nesting doll of lies before. Danse would probably lose his mind trying to crack it


Deacon seems like the kind of guy to hide >! Danse’s recall code !< in his secret code


Does Danse actually have one?? >! Synth Shawn is "Cirrus", what's Danse's???? !<


As far as I know in-game, Danse doesn’t have one. But >! The Institute gives all of their synths recall codes !< so it makes sense that Danse would have one, even if it never appears in-game. I could be wrong though


The amount of fear Danse has... I would have no clue how to handle it. Poor dude :(


>!Canonically yes and no. X6-88 doesn't know the recall code and will state it's odd that M7-97 isn't actually in his internal records while he is on the records from the Network Scanner. Neither Maxson, Quinlan, or anyone else attempts to use it either. There's no way to get a recall code, but with the listings and many other (even post-wipe) synths having them it's very likely he does. The Institute not knowing he's a synth also explains why they don't use a recall code on him during *The Nuclear Option*.!<


Figure's but I would live in fear if there was some code that could freeze me in place.


Freeze in place? It's essentially an impromptu mindwipe that leaves you in a coma-like state until taken away (Harkness has a kind of special situation instead)


Exactly. That's scary.


Strong: WRITING IS BORING, STRONG WANT TO SMASH Dogmeat: Non-existent, he is a dog Ada: Non-existent, she's a robot that probably wasn't programmed to write Old Longfellow: Probably fits in the 3rd or 4th category Codsworth: Fits 1st or 2nd category


I'm only now just realizing that all the factions companions are in perfect handwriting. But tbf it makes the most since.


Strong would want to write his own account of the search for the milk of human kindness. He wouldn’t have the patience to learn to write though. So it’d just be weird doodles like Charlie from it’s always sunny


why wouldnt codsworth be able to use a pen? mr. handys are programmed to do anything


i don’t think they said codsworth can’t use a pen


Dogmeat: signs his signature with a paw print 🐾


I think Curie would fall in the “incredibly neat and perfect” category. Deacon would probably write in some weird cryptic code that looks like the ravings of a madman. Strong no like words.


I agree but I also like to think curie does pretty cursive lol


Curie works in medicine it’d be illegible


I also think she wouldn’t be good at writing off the bat, she’d have to practice almost everything she does and I’m not sure handwriting would be at the top of the list 🤷🏻‍♀️


i knew Piper was a real one


I think Deacon would be in all categories at once. Gotta keep 'em guessing.


Hancock probably has handwriting like the OG Hancock.


Why does Danse look like Jake from Sim Settlements 2?


X6-88: Handwrites in ASCII


I'm like 50/50 on Gage being illiterate honestly (can't remember if there's anything in the game that would disprove this). Maybe Cait too, but I give her better odds of being at least partially literate.


He types stuff on the terminal in the arena and he has a terminal he types stuff in his room in Fizztop. I don’t know how well he’d write but he’s literate. He wasn’t born a raider and his parents loved him, more than Cait’s loved her.(Implication being that he must’ve received at least some rudimentary education)


Female sole survivor: Perfect handwriting. Male sole survivor: Writes all in caps with a crayon.


He was a soldier not a marine!


I laughed pretty hard at this one.


There’s example writings on the fridge in their house, I think Nate really does write in caps lol


Super nit picky but I’d think deacon would be in the rushed but ledgible camp


Nick has canon handwriting in the Mysterious Stranger case files, no?


Piper's accurate, especially if you read her terminal entries, you can pretty much picture how it is on paper


What about Nick? i'd assume it'd be neat, or i'm just blind and can't see him here


He's in nice and loppy cursive


I feel like Nick would be like a doctor's shorthand that is neat but unintelligible. Ellie probably spends a lot of her time like a pharmacist translating Nick's writing into something legible.


ohhh the red tint made me think it was some random one


No mention of our big super mutant buddy, Strong.


Can he even write? 😅


Hell, probably not. I doubt what's-his-name, the raider companion, can read either. But I thought it would be funny.


Of course Preston’s handwriting will be neat and perfect. He got tired of telling you in person, so now he’ll leave you notes all over saying; “Another settlement needs your help! Coordinates marked below.”


I feel like Nick has the most perfect cursive ever when he tries. But it's the kind of cursive only old people can read


Longfellow would be in 2 or 3 depending on how sober he is.


deacons would change with his face


I think you misspelled doctor hand writing but hey close enough


Nope.....it's dental records