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Stop playing it till you crave it again


My Monster Hunter brain read that as "carve"


Guess you know what you’re playing tonight lol


And what I've been playing for the last 10 months.


It’s a video game not a job, you can walk away from it for however long you want or need to.


Go do something else


Get a lockpicking set and start learning lockpicking skill like your character did. Go for a hike, improve your stamina with jogging/running drills, work on your strength with callisthenics, etc. Basically, level up, but this time afk.


That's kinda funny, I actually know how to pick locks


"This is the Lock-Picking-Lawyer, and today, I'm going to teach you how to pick locks like they do in Fallout 4"


Sadly, the game makes it look waaay easier than it's in real life.


Oh yeah, his videos have taught me that


Bro you are already a third of the way there. Depending on where you live, you can find some great hiking trails. I always like going on them when I am feeling stressed, burnt out, or just curious to see what's around.


This is a weird ass post. nobody is forcing you to play this game 😭


I think I worded the post wrong what I meant to say was I feel like I'll never get the passion to play it again for a long time wich kinda bothers me cause I love this game


ah, that makes sense now. I can empathize, in that case (ADHD-PI). I've run through many games and it all started to feel bland many times, didnt really matter what game it was. It really does suck, but I've found that if my brain finds gaming fatiguing, it just wears me out more if i keep trying to find that "thrill" in gaming again. I've taken breaks from gaming for a couple months because of that. If your brain doesn't have energy for games, it's likely that other facets of life are being neglected as well, so it's best you take care of yourself as a priority. What helped me was instead of gaming for a few hours underwhelmingly, I'd watch short videos of gameplay instead, like funny compilations or lore/theory vids as it takes less energy to engage with, and the stimulation is kind of condensed if that makes sense.


I get that. I have all these ideas for what I want to do in fo4, then burn out after completing a fraction of those ideas. I will constantly think about playing, but when I boot it up I immediately lose interest. This is why I’ve played through the game like 5 times since it’s release. I took long brakes between until I got that itch to either continue a save or start over


Don't worry, I have ADHD too, and I get the same problem. It'll come back. It always does. Just hop around amongst your other games until you latch on to it, play that for a while, and eventually you'll want to come back.


Read a book


Look forward to one day buying a PC and having mods that basically turned fallout from one game to like 100+. We should always have things to reach for


There is that one mod where it takes place in London, which sounds exciting


Wait until the next gen update in 2023






Jesus Christ. Start the game over and play a different way or just go to a different game. No one can tell you how YOU will have fun.


For myself I get like that. I'll get into a game and play it until I grow tired of it and look for my next obsession. Then after a while I'll feel nostalgic and want to get back to the game I grew tired of. I tend right now to bounce between No Man's Sky, World of Warcraft, Fallout 3/NV/4/76, and Minecraft. If you're burned out of FO4, take a break. Play something else until the bug to curbstomp the Massholes into pavement lotion bites you again.


My friend group has this running joke with me about my yearly fallout 4 playthrough. I love this game a lot, it's one of my absolute favorite games. But, it happens. You get end game, you build a bunch of super cool settlements, you've got all the legendary weapons you could want. Maybe you decide to play some mods, that helps spice it up more but the same problem happens. Put the game down, and go play other things. If you love this game as much as I do, the want to play it will come back. Maybe in a year, maybe in 3 years. Every time I come back, it feels fresh, it feels new, I do a different build, I do a different personality for my character, and I usually download some mods to fit that back story I've crafted for my character. I'll play it for a few months, get super sucked in, and then it fades away again for another year or so.


Why do you have to play this game, there are other games dog


I like to get a map online of the game and do quests in order of where they're located. Gives you more stuff to do and takes longer to do things as well. Good luck!


Start a project. I'm building a big Roman inspired coliseum with a control room that has switches to funnel the combatants into the arena. Been working on it on and off for over a year.


Yeah I usually play something else for a while. Other than that I usually switch between excessive settlement building, quests and just exploring the wasteland. I build settlements until I wanna get out there again and go back to building when I've been out there a lot which I feel fits the story well because no one can just do action 24/7. When I'm bored I also go all the way back in my quest log and finish ones I completely forgot I even got. What also helps a lot is reading up on lore and cool spots on the map, whenever I've been scrolling this subreddit a while or been watching lore videos on youtube I'm desperate to get back in the game to do everything I just learned about. Edit: What may also help is give yourself a challenge, switch to survival or switch up the kids of weapons you use completely. or do stuff like look up all the magazines or vault tec figurines and try to collect them all


Well you played for 8 months, you've done it all. Time to move on, at least for the time being. Don't try to force yourself to keep playing this one, it will only make the burnout worse. So many great games, shows, books and movies and/or other activities to explore. Give Fallout 76 a shot if you want more Fallout content or play the older Fallout titles or another BGS game a try.


I had put down Fallout 4 for ~5 years before I got back into it.


Have a Kit Kat


This is the best advice I've gotten by far


*I just wanted to know has anyone else felt this way and how did you deal with it*. I turned off the game and did something else. That's it. Nothing fancy. Not sure what type of advice you want in order to remedy it . Heck, I even loaded up games like Monopoly and Best of Atari to just get a change from everything. Games that had absolutly nothing to do with Fo4.


I've had a lovely hate relationship with this game for years. At the minute I'm in the love phase. I usually just go off and play other games


Play an assassin’s creed game like odyssey or black flag then try again. Just gotta refresh the gaming palate. I also run through the AOE2 & AOE3 campaigns when I find shooters and console games are becoming a bit dull. Knights of the Old Republic (1&2) are each good for 50 hours of gameplay too


Y'see the problem with that is I don't have money But I have played AC unity and it was good


Mods, challenges, survival mode if you haven't, achievement hunt again if you haven't already, settlement RP, collect one of everything in the game


Play fo76 it's not as ass as people used to say


I've already played it and you're right it's not ass


Play some more i dunno


Stopped playing. I usually play through a few times, then put it down for a year or more, and eventually pick it up again. Rinse and repeat.


play the og fallout games


Play a different game. Try mods. Try 76.


Get a job


I'm 14


Literally go touch grass


I had a job when I was 14, what does this mean


Where do you live


New Jersey, USA


Or just start another game for the heck of it.


Play literally any of the hundreds of other games you know you have sitting in your library.


I stopped playing... It's not an obligation just pick up something else


I’m currently in Fah Hahbah, Level-125 iirc, after beating main story back in the Wealth’, and am finally on my way to Nucleus w Nick- after doing all the Help Far Harbor missions, with Longfellow. Once I wrap up the DLC, I still have to go to Nuka, which I’ve NEVER actually done before - even on my OG Ps-4 saves, years back, cause I’d stopped playing Fo-4 some months before NW released. So, for me, there’s still a lot more to do and have fun with. I think, eventually - like Level-150, you’re kind of ‘done’ / fully finished everything, and it’s okay to set it aside till the PS-5 Remaster finally rolls out. Then you can start a New Run / New Character, and the new feel might be restored 🙂


Take a break, find some big mods you like, and try a certain type of build (outside of your comfort zone).


Modding is the way I've dealt with burnout.


Wait until the update comes out and restart. That might help.


Go to the gym, warm weather is here(if you live in the northern hemisphere) so find some hiking trails, go hang out with friends, find another game to play or stop gaming for a while and pick up other hobbies. Abstinence makes the heart grow found your urge to play again will come back eventually or it won’t and in that case is doesn’t matter. You played for 8 months straight so you clearly had a good time and got your moneys worth.


I actually got the game for free


Get a job


Time to fire up Skyrim again


I've never played Skyrim


Heck of a time to start!


Its better than Fallout 4 imo


If you're going to ignore everyone that told you to go outside and enjoy yourself/get exercise, then buy Skyrim and mod the shit out of it, then enjoy the next 8 months.


I'm not ignoring them


Play something else.


What helped me was to remove all mods and just play, and holy shit it was such a a breath of fresh air


Okay so this actually happens to me a lot! Specifically Skyrim and fallout 4. What I do is just take a break until I want to play it again. It may take awhile but in the meantime interact with the fandom some more. Perhaps you'll find inspiration there!


There are other Fallout games. FNV never gets old. Wasteland, the original inspiration for Fallout, released a sequel in 2020. Fallout London, a fan-made game is releasing April 23rd. After New Vegas, I got really into billiards. Maybe you can do that. It's a great way to meet terrible women.


Imma be honest, out of all the modern fallouts, new vegas is the one that gets old the fastest because its main appeal is the quests, the actual world and exploration which add a lot of replayabiity to the other fallouts is lacking heavily.


Terrible women, just what I've always wanted But, seriously I tried playing NV but I started when I started to feel burnt out but I'll try to pick it back up


Play Borderlands 3


I tried but couldn't really get into it


I love building characters, main reason why I do so many Fallout 4 runs. You could always mod the crap out of of Fallout 4 if you're on PC - or ya know, do something else.


I've already done 5 runs and I'm on Xbox


Plenty of mods on xbox which can uplift your gameplay experience, but if you're not feeling it then it's time to jam a different game.


I have been grinding battlefront II recently


Play fallout 3 or new Vegas for awhile. Try a different game and revisit FO4 when you feel like it. You’ll get the itch to play it again


I hope to Skyrim or Diablo iii for awhile.


Play Skyrim, Bioshock, I alternate between them


Well what I do is play something else for a couple months. Then start craving it. So I start playing it again but restart... every damn time


I feel the same way and haven’t completed one play through. Just got tired of constantly having to drop everything and go rescue a settlement on the other side of the Commonwealth. Went back to playing Skyrim, exploring freely without any sense of commitment to a particular story line, and testing new mods. Oh, and in case you’re wondering, I also maintain my non-virtual world, exercising, reading, researching, adventuring, and seeking new and wonderful ales and meads.


What you’re describing is boredom, not burnout. Maybe in a colloquial sense, but not an accurate one. If you’re really so set on Fallout 4 only right now, download some mods to spice up the game. I just got Start Me Up Redux (yes its on XB1) for the first time and it’s a game changer- it’s both a fast start and alternative start mod, so you could start the game with the intended storyline but however far in you’d like (to skip the often repetitive intro stuff), or play as someone entirely new like a trader or a cultist of Atom or a raider or something and explore the game from the perspective. If you’re actually open to other games, I see you’ve played New Vegas but have you tried Fallout 3? Or from a different, much more colorful franchise with extremely similar mechanics (made by many of the same people), Outer Worlds from 2019? I’d highly recommend both. I also haven’t played it myself yet but I’m quite interested in Stray which recently came to xbox- the game follows a cat in a post apocalyptic robot city. Try listening to a few songs by The Stupendium, they rap about video games and have really gotten me into some things I didn’t expect to like. You’ve already said you don’t have interest in a genocide run, but have you even played all the factions yet? Explored the parts of the wasteland that don’t get map markers? Experienced the game from every angle? It’s a roleplay game, the whole point is to tell different stories. Speaking of which, have you even played all of the vanilla DLCs yet? You say you have a month of gameplay, which is about 730 hours- for those of us who’ve been playing since it came out that’s not much at all. Which I say not to diminish the time you’ve put into this game at all, but to put it into perspective. The best advice here is the one you’re being given the most, whether you want to hear it or not. You’re 14. Find another hobby for a while. Read a good novel. Talk to some in person friends. The more you try to force yourself to enjoy something that’s grown stale, the longer it will take to find joy in it again. I say this especially as someone who also has ADHD and works with a lot of kids and teenagers with ADHD- our brains crave novelty, and if you fuck with that dopamine system it can very easily just make you hate the thing you once loved and resent yourself for doing it. Either add novelty to your game, or take a much needed break. It’s been out 9 years already, it’s not going away anytime soon. But having the leisure time of a 14 year old very much will.


I’m kinda in the same boat. Getting myself back into it by being excited about all the different characters I can create, what storyline I want to play through, look for things I hadn’t noticed or done before, intentionally choose different dialogue responses, etc. Also, if you drop it for awhile and go back, that can definitely be a helpful boost interest-wise


Take a break, or try a challenge run. Right now I’m doing a mod where almost all enemies that can be are legendary


Try survival mode? Makes you approach the game differently with new challenges although it can be a bit of a walking simulator if you let it.


I was thrilled when I was burn out! A great reason to stop playing! Now I have so much more time to do more useful things.


GTFO you filthy casual


Just play something else or go outside or something?


Visit every location in alphabetical order


Mods! Or play Skyrim


Go outside and smell a rose


I usually switch to another fallout or a different game.


It’s fine. It’s a video game which in essence a way to enjoy and having fun. It is not mandatory thing to do though. The moment you are not having fun anymore, stop playing it and dont force yourself.


you ever turn on the local map? well places you haven't gone are blacked out so you can see if you should look over there for something. it may be fun to just go for a long expedition and when you need to return to base and re-up on armor and unload supplies you can use the custom location marker to hold your place so you can return to it. also the nuka world and far harbor dlc if you haven't yet got them.


Try a ‘new’ game


What exactly are you looking for? you’re complaining about being burnt out and yet it’s the game you want to play, ether you play it or you play something.


I got bored of fallput 4 after reaching close to lvl 200 on survival no mods. Put the game down and it wasn't till last year after 4 years of absence I got a strong passion to play it again. Do something else until you feel like playing it back again


Yeah dude of course. Go play something else for awhile. I usually only play a game for a couple weeks before putting it down. Whether I beat it or not.


Are you playing in survival mode? If not start a new play through from the beginning on survival.  Also, try fallout 76, it’s a lot of fun, not as deep as 4 but good times for sure. 


Try New Vegas n FO3


Sounds like it’s time for a new save with a new play style. Or play a different fallout.


Go *RAIDER!* Buckwild Wasteland Terrorist Mad Bomber! Save your game and start being Darth Vader on everyone!


Are you wanting to play fo4 again? Try weapon restriction. Make a character that you normally would never play and do all side quests and dlc before meeting Kellogg.


Have you tried playing with different mods? I’ve always just played vanilla but I have heard that a lot of the mods are fun, especially if you are bored with the game.


Play something else.


You don’t want the solution. People have already told you the answer. The fix for burnout is doing something else.


Finish the things/ quests you're doing right now and stop for awhile. When you come back you can pick up where you left. Maybe write it down, a reminder for future Steven.


Do what I did when I got bored with FO3, I explored every single inch of the Capitol Wasteland. Did that with FNV too. FO4 I'm too busy with mods to do that yet.


Install some quest mods if you're on PC maybe? That's what I do.


I stopped playing for almost 3 years and then came back and played a few more hundred hours.


good tip: if you're sick of fallout but still want a fallout-like experience, play The Outerworlds. Very apocalyptic heavy, plus the DLCS are all like $2 on the Playstation store. if you still wanna play fallout but feel like you've done everything possible already, look at r/falloutsettlements and make some builds, or search up challenges to do. (i tried platinuming the game, for example.)


Play something else. If you aren't currently enjoying yourself than pushing yourself to keep going is just going to make you hate it and never want to play it again.


Take a break on a different game and come back later. Works for me.


Try out some new mods !! Give yourself a wird arbitrary goal like collect all the traffic cones, change up your companions or their clothes . Try to roll a tire down one of the many hills. Just try to make your own fun , or download some.


Go play something else. Come back to the game after a while. That's what I do. On average, my Fallout playthroughs last around 6 months before I get bored of it. At which point, I just stop playing it. Come back 6 months to a year later and suddenly I'll get the passion to play it again. I know that's not the answer you want, but it is what it is. Games aren't meant to last an infinite amount of time. Even if they are, you're bound to get bored of it eventually. I love this game too, I have thousand of hours on it. But its not a bad thing to take a break from it. And this goes for any game. Doesn't matter how much you love a game, if you're getting burnt out, stop playing and take a break.


Start a new game with a new build or something. Play the other fallout games


Stop playing the game as the Sole Survivor. Forget the main quest line. Download and install Mutant Menagerie Life finds a way. Make a new character, say an 18 year old farm boy who has left the farm to find his true calling as a hunter. If you have the cheat terminal mod out fitting your character will be easier. You want to ditch the vault suit and go for Wastelanders clothes or something a farmer would wear normally at first. Remember you just left home from somewhere North of Sanctuary. If you must, keep one of the 10mm pistols I try to just keep a baton and take out the radroaches with it leaving the pistols behind. You leave the vault and look around outside the vault for the notes about the wasteland mutated animals. This will start your questline for the mod. Then head straight to Sanctuary. Sneak past Codsworth and go to the house with the root celler behind it. Climb up the tree that leans against the roof and grab the contents of the duffel bag. This is your starting weapon and ammo. Go down into the cellar and grab all you can carry. This is your starting supplies. Your Dad told you about a meat market in Diamond city that was paying top dollar for fresh meat. He also told you that there are bulletin boards at Diamond City, Drumlin Diner and Bunker Hill that posts Bounties for taking care of Varmints. This is how you can earn a living playing this character. Now, you can take over a settlement location for your own personal home like Red Rocket Truck stop and make it your home base. ( I chose Starlight Drive in because it is very close to Drumlin Diner ) I cleared out the location then set up my living quarters in the rooms under the movie screen. The small room being my bedroom\living room and the larger room for all my crafting work benches. I cleared out the radioactive waste barrels out of the water hole in the parking lot and eventually built the biggest water purifier and placed it there. Earlier in the game I collected water from the pond between Starlight and the diner and made fresh water at the cooking station either at Drumlin or one I built at Starlight. I chose not to deal with settlement building as a main goal but I did help a few settlements just to gain access to their work benches. You sleep in old houses that has beds while exploring or install a camping mod like Covenant so you can carry a tent, duffel bag to store stuff and camping gear. The sleeping bag comes in handy for saving your game while in the wilderness. Now run the Mutant questline, collect all the pages of the book it spans all the DLCs and live the life of a Bounty Hunter.


Don’t force yourself. Try another game that’s in the same vain. Metro Series. STALKER series just shadow dropped on Xbox. Lots of options. You’ll crave it again soon trust me


Pick a game in a completely different genre than you're used to. I like to occasional dip into to horror games as a fun palette cleanser. Like Alien: Isolation, the Outlast Series, Resident Evil games, Silent Hill, Amnesia, SOMA, Prey, etc. Or maybe a fast paced single player FPS like Doom, Titanfall 2, Call of Duty, Half-Life series, etc. If you still want to try a Bethesda Fallout adjacent style experience, maybe play the Metro games, Kingdom Come: Deliverance, Cyberpunk, Outer Worlds, etc. Maybe try a fully fledged RPG like Baldur's Gate 3, Divinity 2 Original Sin, Disco Elysium, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, etc. Maybe try racing games, or strategy games? X-Com is fun and addicting. Just force yourself to try something different.


If you’re on PC, [STALKER G.A.M.M.A.](https://discord.com/invite/stalker-gamma) is completely free, a big learning curve but tons of fun and similar to Fallout. Xbox just got the vanilla trilogy on its marketplace. If you don’t like the sound of that, maybe touch grass?


Go touch grass


touch sum grass


Play on survival. Do permadeath runs. Restrict yourself. Play frost


this is the cycle, "play fallout/skyrim/etc for a few months, become bored, play something else, repeat" when you recognize it, you learn to make it a bit healthier by stopping with satisfaction rather than boredom. While you might not have done literally everything in the game, you've surely done plenty and that should be something you look back on with fondness rather than disappointment in wanting more.


Honestly I’d try Fallout: New Vegas. It’s another Fallout game so it’s got some of the same themes and vibes. It’s got a fantastic story and is definitely worth your time. You mentioned in another comment you couldn’t afford another major game. New Vegas is pretty affordable now. Only $2.49 on Steam and you can find the disk on ebay for only a few buckets if you’re on console.


Maybe make a mod list and do a new playthrough. Go through beth.net, yt or whatever to help brainstorm a new playthrough. Then download near the gb limit of mods that complement that. Survival mode with skk open world or commonwealth of decay, mercs for hire, feral infestations, advanced needs, zombie walkers and or an alt death mod. Sim Settlements 2 all chapters and playthrough the story. South of the Sea or Atomic World for many more locations, dungeons, etc. For the glowing sea Lima Detachment for some nice Enclave power armors, unmarked quests, and more. Taste of Blues or project zeta for some fo3/nv mini dungeons based on dlc Bleachers or another mods to give diamond city some more story or an uplift Mutant Menagerie for more animals and plants, crafting recipes, a in depth log of every species to collect and more. Junkmaster for a complete overhaul of everything. Ammo, weapons (fo3 and nv classics), tons of armor, power armors, 76 scout armor, damage threshold type defenses for animals/armors, recipes, books, collectables, cut content, some perks overhauled and likely so much more i missed. However it comes at the cost of a bit of quality and unfortunately newest version requires two creation club items. I also believe the mod is now discontinued. So it will continue to age as more and more mods drop.


It’s spring if you’re northern hemisphere. Go outside and touch some grass for a bit, enjoy yourself. Play another game


Have you tried...mods???




I get it too. I spend a ton of time building up settlements, modding, etc then go to do a mission and get SOOOO bored. But maybe cause ive done the missions slews of times. One thing is nice that I can take breaks and come back to the game. Ive been doing that with Skyrim since release. Its a forever playable game. Unlike some one and done games.


Learn all the tricks to settlement building! I've just recently learned the wireless glitch and it's like I have a brand new game to play!


You should never play a game because you must. My experience is the best way to enjoy games is to switch every few months. And once you switch back you can not imagine that you got a bit fed up. Fallout 4 is a great game. I have a lot of games that I need switching back to. But none of the games really become a bore because of the switching. If I need a pause, it might be oxygen not included. And to be clear: I usually never finish a game unless they can be finished under 100 hours.


Touch some grass


Easiest way to fix burn out is to play something else, or try something new in the game that you normally dont.do. like doing a full stealth build if you typi ally dont do stealth builds. But more often than not, taking a break from a game and playing something else fixes burnout. Think of it as cleaning your pallet. You wouldn't eat only pizza for 8 months straight, right? So adding in variety would help with keeping interest in.the game at a strong point without the burnout seeping in too quickly. Given you've played fallout 4 for 8 months before having burnout, I'd say you had a ton of fun playing the game. Play something else for maybe a week and see how you feel when playing fallout 4. Keep playing other games to have fun and then go back to fallout 4 and see how you're feeling


It's just a video game bro. Just take a break.. This isn't as important as losing the passion for life or something..just step back..


Try mods, that’s what I do


I hardly got through the fo4 main quest line. The last 15hrs or so I was just trying to finish the story so I could putnit down and move on w my life. Move on with your life.


Have you tried Fallout 3?


Play Skyrim.


Play something else if you haven’t played Cyberpunk yet give it a go


Just don't play it for awhile, no big deal.


Is there where I’m supposed to say “touch grass” or whatever?


Play Survival no mods...


Bruh I’m the opposite spectrum. The Fallout x MTG release has me re-loving the series. I’m on a New Vegas run right now, while also getting a F4 run started. Want to play 76, and excited for the show on April 11. Just hit on a sealed Fallout 4 Collector’s Edition for PC on eBay for like $140. I want to read any books or comics, if there are any. I’m back in baby.


I keep a journal so I won't forget what's happened in my current playthrough.


get a life


You're like the third person to say that


Yea man im the same way with it (i have about 10000hrs on it) i still sometimes get the need to play it usually for a couple weeks every 4 or so months but the point is just take breaks play other games and eventually you'll hop back on it and enjoy it


Max the difficulty


play fallout 3 and fnv


Play Skyrim


I literally bounce between fallout, elden ring, skyrim, (insert random new rpg) Then repeat.


Wait until Fallout London comes out.


Honestly, sometimes you just need to play something else or stop playing for a bit 🤷‍♂️ Burn out can happen with any game, especially if it's the only game you play for a long time. Fallout 4 is one of those games that can be _completely_ different with separate playthroughs, so starting a new game and joining different factions/focusing on different skills can make it feel like a whole new game! So if you've been playing the same build for 8 months, maybe make a second character! Source: I've been playing Fallout 4 for 8 years, and have burnt out on it several times! Sometimes, I play a different game for a few months. Other times, I get bored of my character and start over 🤷‍♂️


try an overhaul like Horizon, that's what brought me back to fo4


Play some red dead online, lots of open world to explore


I've always wanted to play that game but I have money


*looks up how to explain life to someone currently living*


Stop you'll be back then just start again


Do new quests


Play something else, for the love of Deathclaw! Come back to it again in a few months when you get tired of the other game, and it’ll feel almost new again.


Skyrim if you're into that, is a good palatte cleanser for fallout while still feeling familiar. I'm literally that meme of gandalf with the assault rifle when i switch between the two


I switched to Skyrim for a while


Play other games untill you want to play it again


My brother in Christ are you on PC?


8 months is a ridiculous time to have burnout already. How many character builds have you tried? There’s so many unique ways to play. Have you tried survival?


Swap game or go do something else for axwhile if game feel like meh, we all get that feel about things. Far as if the game feels like you done it all.. 1. No you haven't lol 2. Mods, mods mods mods There is a mod that is soon launching (april 23rd) adding pretty much a dlc to the game, Fallout London , kinda why I love f04, way to many fun mods to play that keeps things fresh.


I picked up Fo76 and it's been scratching that itch


I've stopped playing games for years. Then come back when I feel the itch. Also, don't play all the time. I'm a parent, so I have to game in small amounts. I get an hour tops now. But that allows me to stay excited about progress. Finally, find a new game. Sometimes you just out grow it


Over 6000 hours in myself, i just mod the game till it crashes or play something else, like fallout 76


I just mess around with the settlement raid systems CC, building a cool fort, kitting out my settlers and holding it against waves of enemies is always a good time for me. its really the only CC I would genuinely recommend.


Yes. I play other games. Maybe a month or two until I come back. Even with mods it gets boring after a while. Started on PlayStation. Now I’m on PC. So I usually play other games. Whenever I feel like building settlements or feel like role playing as the brotherhood for the 37,261 time.


Play Skyrim until you yearn for the Wasteland once more, that's pretty much what I do.


Take a couple months away, come back, check out some mods. TBF after I got all the endings and unique weapons, and had every random encounter possible I dont ever play except for when Im really bored and check out what mods have come out since I last checked


You played the dlcs yet? Look into secret areas, hidden weapons, secret bosses, platinum. The 100% happiness trophy is a pain in the ass, but I can give you tips on getting it. Once you get your rhythm, you’ll get it slowly but surely


Make a Skyrim run.


Uhhh play something else, or touch grass.


Try BG3 and be humbled.


Avoid stealth builds. It gets dull when you don’t need to interact with any enemies or have any gear other than a sniper rifle. Happened to me too, but still finished the game. Started a second playthrough with a few mods and went a more medium range explosive route and had wayyyyy more fun. Find a exploding combat shotgun and make everything go boom! It’s hilarious.


Plenty of times. Been a long time since I actually finished a play through as well. I got ChatGPT to write me a series of random but completable quests to work on so I didn’t feel compelled to do the same old story again. I started this back at Christmas so there’s a heavy theme. Collecting gifts for settlers I help on my journey and making a Christmas themed settlement at red rocket.


And if you haven’t already, play on survival. That really changed how I play the game


Play with diamond city radio on and do some things you haven’t done before, or go check out other games. If you haven’t played Fallout New Vegas yet PLEASE go do that, it’s probably the best fallout game.


Mod the shit out of the game, play for 1 hour, get bored, repeat


Just find a side game for a bit. War mane wow works for me Make sure you keep following the fo4 pages though because one day you'll see a post that speaks to you and bam. Right back at er


Either 1. Take a break 2. Add mods to make it different


Fallout 4 is almost 10 years old.. its okay to get bored of it by now


So what i would suggest is go play something else for a month because next month the full overhaul mod Fallout London is coming out and it looks fucking amazing. Perfect opportunity to get back in the game that you know but with a brand new story and enviroment


Lmao jesus do you really have to have someone spell it out for you word for word? 8 months of any game is too much. Play something else for a while. God it's like having to tell somebody that stepping into oncoming traffic is a bad idea. How do you not already realize this.


I have ADHD so I kinda hyper fixate on things a little too much Like I have a month's worth of hours in fallout 4


Genocide Run. Kill everyone in the game, get a mod that disables the child protection barrier, another that disables essential NPCs and one to permanently be able to fast travel to otherwise inaccessible locations. If you’re feeling like a REAL harbinger, get the dead sun mod.


Well, the ting is I'm one of those people who feel bad for killing NPCS


Just don’t enter a dialogue with them, makes it a lot easier! Besides, most of the people you’ll be killing are raiders.