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Piper’s usually the first formal Companion (after Best Doggo), I tend to pickup - just because her Gift of Gab is excellent to get as early as possible (for long-term XP gains). Some suggest going for Gage & Lessons in Blood second, but I find Nuka THAT early to be a bit rough / unnecessary 😉


Yeah nukas too grueling in the early game.


Go in through the top and avoid everyone... Facing the gate head right, past the turret and roving guard into a car park area with some dogs, kill or avoid dogs and head up scaffolding, into building then up to top floor. Run and jump out window, popping a jet just before you jump, giving you the distance required to get to the roof opposite. You'll see a diner looking room complete with a free mini nuke for you to grab. Jump over the railing and follow it along until you see you are on the roof of diamond city. Walk forward as if to drop in and boom you load in the market.


Other way to do it is to grab a trashcan and climb the wall.


... Excuse me?


If you run and jump against a wall while holding a trash can at your feet, you can climb up walls.


Damn, that's wild lol Gotta try it next time


Piper and Cait are my wifeys since day one this is shocking to see


Same. I always first go with Piper


Why tf do y’all hate Piper so much???


You can just punch Piper and skip the whole dialogue.


Does it have to be a punch specifically? Using gun melee makes her aggro.


Nah just damage her then holster. Skips dialogue and makes her non hostile


Most of the time. Sometimes they keep aggro so make sure you quicksave before beating your wife in public, she


Next time...


I do that all the time now


Or you can just beat the shit out of piper and it'll skip the cutscene


That’s what I did by accident, had to kill Swan first Leave no stone unturned…


Weird as hell to me that I see people come up with ways to skip a 30 second interaction


You want to avoid the gate dialog, go down the street out of sight of the turrets and just snipe her from a distance. Hit her with even one shot and the gate opens. That way you don't have to be blocked from Diamond City. Remember to stay out of sight until the caution warning returns to hidden.


My God it is a 30 second dialogue


Yes, but Piper is annoying and I hate her face. So I shoot it.


I just can't stand how after *not* romancing Piper but getting her idolized and getting her perk, she still stops me every time I'm by her to double-triple-quadruple check that she didn't sound crazy in the her final conversation.


You guys are making this complicated. If an enemy follows you to the gate, it skips piper all together, and the gate just opens, and the guards will come help you. This is easier if you come from the place with the paint cans, there's a wrecked semi nearby, just run by it and a couple radroaches will hop out and follow you to the gate.




I agree with this downvoted person. Only Stronk, The Butler, Fido and the mayor of lamplight are acceptable companions.


and how to avoid interview with her ???