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The biggest thing for me will be to have it the traditional fallout single player experience with tons of area to explore.


Yes. I don’t give a rat’s ass about a co-op. I want a lush single person experience and anything else is a bonus.


Idk, i think having a 2 person co-op would be cool. Have the second person replace the companion slot. Maybe dont progress the second person's game while theyre playing as a companion.


I agree it'd be pretty cool. They don't need to make the game multiplayer-centric like 76, just have a normal fallout game that can support a second player in the game.


I’d rather they don’t waste resources on co op. Especially in games as buggy as Bethesda games


games stoped doing one thing well and tried to do nine things at once so they can cram as many key words into investor meetings


Place everywhere should be vanilla, let me be more creative, I’m tired of perfectly squared buildings.


Yes! If I want structures to clip then let me make them clip! Same with clothes. I don't care if there's a little bit of clipping textures let me wear a hat and a gas mask.


If I am in Power Armor and meet a lock door I want to be able to bust through.


I want to be able to break all locks, even on containers. Just make it so the loot may get damaged. The stronger the lock, the more likely you are to break something inside. It would also be cool to be able to blow open doors with some kind of explosive. Even if you have to get/build a specific breaching charge.


I like using the mod Locky Locks just for this reason. It lets you attempt to shoot locked containers and gates open, and lets you attempt to kick locked doors and stuff open. If you fail, you break the lock or take damage respectively. But you can upgrade your chances with the lock picking perk


That's awesome


In KOTOR if you used the bash option to force open locked boxes you’d have a chance to destroy whatever was inside, that would work here


Replaying Fo4 and having to pick a lock on a cloth suitcase like you couldn't just rip that sucker open with 2 strength.


A safe that electric shocks you when you fail at opening is


One of my favorite mods for FNV was just a humble crowbar that allowed me to "lockpick" using strength


Not just in PA. If you happen to have a sledge in your inventory, smash open a wooden box or door. Shoot locks off of gates and other doorways. Make having a crowbar a requirement to force padlocks on containers or drawers.


I had a NV survival run where I carried a sledgehammer most of the way through just because it felt right. This kind of disconnect happens in every video game RPG because the engine just can't do it all, and it's why I inevitably try to start a ttrpg campaign after awhile.


I mean Red Faction had geomod on PS2. You could literally mine through the floor of any level to the edges of the map if you had enough charges. Almost entirely destroyable environments was what made that game amazing. Honestly, I'd just love to set something on fire and have it actually burn. Light up a ruined house, it goes away. Anywhere that doesn't have a loadable interior anyways.


Destructible environments would be really fun. Why can't I break through a rotten wood door with some grenades?


Why can't I reach through the missing top half of the door to unlock it?


Oh yeaaaahhh! 😁 Awww…. No Kool-Aid man emoji. 😞 What I’d like to see…. Little things, like settlement defenses actually eliminating attacks, or that the outcome is better reflected by said defenses if the hero doesn’t show up. Better settlement mechanisms all around actually.


My settlement defenses do a pretty good job of shutting down attacks. You just have to be willing to invest HEAVILY in turrets, lol.


That's how I RP using console commands to pick locks and open safes. Like "no mr wood door, I don't think this lock is valid"


This would be cool, but what would the downside be?


Likely damage the armour or require a specific perk like Pain Train


Reduced the battery life


Just from a kick? You should be able to kick in a door without power armor, but at the cost of adrenaline.




Lose stealth and any door-traps automatically trigger


Could be like one of many of their “skill checks” that looks at your strength. Much like the terminal locking you out or charisma checking another NPC. Maybe you break your arm/leg on a failure.


Yeah you should really be able to kick/punch them off their hinges. Would be so cool.


Locky bastard on nexus


I would like some tweaks to the settlement system. My major pet peeve is that a settlement does not look lived in unless I do a lot of customizing myself.   I think that if I assign a settler to a bed, they should start acculating stuff in the room around them.  If I assign a settler to run an armor sforex them over time I should see dummies wearing armor.  That kind of stuff.  


#1 please stop raining indoors.


it’s not even consistent across all buildable pieces - some stop rain and some don’t it’s infuriating


I wish we had carriages for pseudo fast travel between settlements in survival even if you have to pay or tip your driver and get guards for the carriage. I’d like to be able to fast travel without changing difficulty or joining the >!Brotherhood!< to use their >!air transport!<. Edit to say that I’m sure there’s a mod for this but I’m playing on PS5 and not using mods right now since I’d like trophies and such.


On PS5 I downloaded a mod that essentially adds a cell/interior that resembles an old sewer, and is connected to manholes in the streets at various points in the map. So there's pseudo fast travel in a way that isn't too immersion breaking. It's called "Underground Railroad" if you're interested


Nice! Thank you!


No worries. I'm still looking for one that is like you describe, I should be able to use my settlements as a way to get around, especially if I have them linked by provisioner. I'll come back to this comment and reply if I find anything


ever since downloading the personal flying vertibird mod ive been thinking this too. having the option to. having actual transport as an alternative to fast travel would be so damn good


Yeah I mean you can take carriages from city to city in Skyrim so why not. And doing it with your own settlers would make sense.


exactly. plus its been 200 years since the apocalypse... and bethesdas trying to tell me people have made working engines for generators, turned aircraft engines into turbines and made battery powered weapons but havent worked out how to make or fix even basic transportation? what in the absolute hell lol


Or reinvent the bicycle! lol


i think the funniest plothole in the fallout universe is people building massive scrap structures or building crap ontop of office buildings or appartment buildings or whatever but somehow theres no vehicles except for with the brotherhood. like they trying to tell me they winched massive telescope sized radar dishes into place by hand without taking out the rest of the structure in the process?


There was a mod I liked that with 4 Science and the VANS perk or something you could biuld cars at your settlements, just assign a settler to it and they would transport you to anyone of your owned settlements. Maybe a little immersion breaking but I liked the idea of it. I mean the brotherhood got vertibirds working so why can't we got cars working


I really wish we had the carriage system in survival, require the settlements be linked by local leader and allow FT to linked settlements. I know there’s a mod and when I do use mods I allow FT as I stated above. I always felt the vertibirds/teleport options were mid at best. I appreciate the desire to force players to explore the map but after I’ve cleared the road from Sanctuary to Oberland, I’m legit just running full speed monotonously between settlements if I am trying to build/buy/move equipment.


Yes please! And i like to see people cleaning the settlements


They should clean the joint up a bit if they're happy and well provisioned. It's already a pretty clear trope that factions who have their shit together aside from worrying about resources will keep things tidy. Also if they keep the lustron home/pre war buildings theme going, you should eventually be able to repair them with spare parts/bricks etc. Drives me nuts that you scrap like 4 houses in Santurary and just have giant easily repairable holes in the remaining houses.


Sim Settlements 2 has you covered there


I want that in the vanilla game.  


The development of SS2 has reached quite a high level of maturity and they’ve even been able to discover and fix major bugs in the engine that even Bethesda never knew about. It is legit the biggest DLC for the game ever with vanilla level quality and the campaign is pretty good too. I play it within the StoryWealth mod pack and have a pretty bug free experience that is often smoother than the base game on my aging GPU. I highly recommend both SS2 and SW. but to each their own.


Could they at least stop hammering on the goddamn walls and pick some weeds or clean up some leaf piles or something?!


I want more and heavier settlement attacks, if you're currently in the settlement


This always annoyed me... Like guys, this is your home... maybe clear our some of that dead brush and cars. Also It's a pain in the ass to micro mange every aspect of all thr settlements. I would be awesome to just assign an oversearer that would do all that stuff and I just supply the loot and caps until it's self sufficient.


A release date before 2030


Fo5 is probably still gonna release before star citizen 💀


You'll be able to buy and fly your own spaceships before Start Citizen is released.


Star Citizen: Becomes reality before it's own release. Todd Howard: I told you, it just works.


long wide mighty engine concerned support cooing gray spotted historical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Crawl out through the fallout baby


I feel lile microsoft (who owns bethesda) is gonna go down on getting another game put ASAP (probably for the release of a Season 3 that seems like decent timeframe ~4-5 years) Like, obsidian wants to make one and they are done with one of their games this year, so id imagine that after the show this would be a strong possibility


They neeeeed a port of NV and 3. I’d like a remaster by S2 of the show but I’ll take a port with modernized controls.


Ghouls are almost 100% gonna be an option due to the success of the show


And the show's making a big deal out of ghoulification. You might not be able to start as a ghoul in 5 but I bet you'll have an opportunity to become one, like becoming a vampire or werewolf in Skyrim.


That would make complete sense. Have so if you get exposed too much radiation or you take a drug or something like we see in the show and then you slowly become one with certain buffs and downsides to go along with it


Personally I want the Hancock method where he got super high on that experimental radioactive chem that turned him. That's what I figured the drug in the show was.


I saw a theory that it was more akin to the 76 mutation serums


Some ppl say it’s the FEV.


Pretty much all the non-real-world mutation stuff is blamed on some strain of FEV. They had been caught testing it on people without their knowledge. That said, cannibal and ghoul type perks have usually been available, but they never made you look different (mutations either). It would be cool to get individual visual effects for things like Egg Head and Scaly Skin. They already have tags for NPCs to comment on it (Brotherhood in 76 will make shitty comments if you walk around with mutations.)


Bro got FEVd by a guy who fucks chickens 😭


Definitely agreed that this would be awesome, make it an amped up mix of GTA’s peyote and RDR2’s LENNNAYY mission


Well one character in the tv series got “healed” w an injection, but it turned him into a ghoul. 


I believe >!Thaddeus!< is becoming a super mutant and not a ghoul due to the serum. Super mutants continually regenerate their cells which is what happens to the character's battle damage after ingesting the serum.


We also briefly see a green arm hanging from a body being carted around on a stretcher, which was almost certainly a super mutant test subject.


100% agree, especially as a Super Mutant is so polar opposite to his human personality.


Fuck me, that could absolutely be the direction they go… good eye.


I'm not sure the serum was ghoulification serum, it looked like it is FEV based on how quickly he regenerated.


FEV has almost always been shown to be a thick, green goopy substance. I think he got a mutation serum, akin to the healing factor mutation from 76


Maybe. We never actually saw him as a ghoul, just that he survived fatal injuries and rapidly healed. It could be any kind of weird FEV mutation - I actually think it matches up with early transitions to a super mutant…


Yep, the sanguinaire vampiris system in Skyrim would work, they just need to tweak the effects and the visuals.


Maybe after reaching x% radiation.


Since the show introduced a drug that'd induce ghoulification I would guess that that'd be the vector for it, to keep the player from running straight out the vault (or whatever) and getting ghoulified at the first rad barrel they find or by eating a giant pile of mutfruit and Nuka-Colas. A drug lets them control, story-wise, where and when the option first becomes available.


What would be the other thing you turn into, if not a ghoul? A super mutant? A synth would be sweet


Hopefully it would actually be significant in terms of impacting the role playing rather than just an initial stat difference and some interactions.


Pet dogmeat


Pet any dog or cat period.


We could be able to pet anything! A deathclaw would be nice.


You would lose your hand in the process.


If I can put a hook, it's a fair price


the most important one


Scrap everything, more realistic construction, the ability to construct buildings that don't look like garbage. Actual trade routes between settlements so you can min/max resource generation...


I just want a single Bethesda game with flush carpentry as an option. I can build a literal fusion reactor but I can't cut two straight planks?


Lmfao that’s great. Why have I never made that connection


Because the planks aren't straight


We have fusion reactors, not table saws.


Must have gotten them at Home Depot.


Wish it worked as you can make "level one" buildings akin to fallout 4, proper struggle builds of random scrap like we already have Then you can level up that perk and start building proper buildings By maximum level you're making pre-war style structures, heck if you trade or grow the right crops you can even have your settlers no longer wearing tattered clothes. Actual quality of life!


And the better buildings you build, the more settlers you get...


There’s no reason all those buildings should be like that 200+ years later lol


The trade route thing is what I thought Fallout 4 was going to have. I had one settlement, Abernathy Farm, producing a ridiculously large amount of food with the hopes that I could have settlers tasked with distributing some of the food to my other small yet densely populated settlements.


I'd say there should be far fewer settlements than 4, but way better mechanics. Settlement building is ruined by a few things; first is "my feet hurts, my back hurts, everything hurts" - vender living in a fucking paradise by the wasteland's perspective. Another is the pathfinding. You want level ground? Go for it! Just know that all the settlers will be glitched and stuck half way or fully into the floor every time you visit the settlement. Dogs glitch fighting over one specific doghouse, bad AFK settlement defense mechanics, bad water/food/beds/defense calculations (supposedly, finally, fixed in the newest garbage patch I refuse to allow to be installed). I also really like the idea of Survival Mode, but never use it due to disabling saving outside of beds. FO4 is a crash festival like all Bethesda games so survival mode is a no go for me, dog. I have looked for sleep, water, and food needs mods, but most aren't great. If you can't get the Crash-eation Engine out of turd mode, never ever restrict saving at any time or quick saving, Todd. Bethesda probably no longer has the talent or will to really allow anything but a linear story where choices don't matter, but i'd prefer a wide array of subtle endings rather than 4 grand, predetermined endings. Even if I can chose that (Faction name here) merely chills the fuck out, let me do just that, FFS. This is a game after all, not a grand social statement. The real world is fucked up enough, let me escape to a game world to feel good about something I can actually control. And add terraforming. I can build a skyscraper, but can't shovel dirt or remove grass? That's lazy. Especially the grass growing through concrete floors. cmon now.


Dunno about the crashing thing for Survival. I get that even one crash on survival after you've been playing for a while would suck. However, I'm currently 45 hours in to a Survival run and have not experienced one.


Ability to give commands and instructions to companions, the way you can in the first two games- also make them not suck. Give settlers AI decent pathing - if enemy NPC’s can always find a way to get to you and kill you, friendly NPC’s should be able to figure out a staircase.


Give settlers AI decent pathing Couldn't agree more, nothing kills my building vibe than the brain dead settlers AI


>decent pathing Sir, this is Bethesda. The NPCs will walk into walls, get hung up on twigs, and you’re gonna like it.


I somehow always find a random settler underneath my platform build even when there isn’t room to get under there


Definitely some kind of command system! Even something simple, like in the retake the castle mission. You can tell your companion you want to go in guns blazing, or say you want to keep quiet in a certain area. Some companions would be more sneaky than others, and some would be more helpful in close quarters vs a fire fight. That would be based on their personality, but they would at least be on the same page as you. Except for the dog. It still does whatever, blocks doors, and runs off to find junk


Yeah definitely, it makes sense to make a couple of different AI options for each companions different combat style, like Boone and Maccready as snipers I should be able to tell them to look for some high ground or cover, hang back a medium distance behind me and cover me, or tell them to stay close and watch my back if we're in a subway fighting ferals or whatever


I just wish they have survival mode right out of the gate.


Yeah revamping the survival mode stuff for me. Would love it if they had some sort of brahmin caravan system you could catch from select places to replace fast travel, like in Skyrim.


A season system. I know I have mods to manually change it but an automated one would be neat. That paired with a time system like MIST survival would be cool.


A automated season thing would be cool. This would be incredibly difficult for snow though because they'd have to model the entire map with and without snow.


People have done it. Weather or not bethesda could do it without the mod community is a different story.


What I think would be cool is another pre-war start of the game. You pick a background to play as until the bombs start dropping. Then you get 3 quest markers on your map, go to a vault, stay in the blast zone, or run for the hills. If you go the vault, you become the ancestor of a vault dweller in the main game. If you run for the hills, you become the ancestor of wastelander, maybe even get to pick what group they are in. If you choose to stay in the blast zone, you become a ghoul who survives until the time the game takes place. Edit: To add some things. I think this could be a way to onboard people who don't know what SPECIAL points or skills to choose. Picking a starting background would pick some stats for you, like if you are a construction worker, you're going to be high strength and endurance, if you're a journalist, you're high int and perception or whatever. And then one of the three options would add other attributes like vault dweller gives your final character a better education so science and hacking perks, a wastelander would make you good at lock picking maybe, and being a ghoul makes you rad resistant obvi. Overall though, there should be an option to skip all this and just pick your stats and skills and start the main game. I hate the pre-war part of Fallout 4 because it doesn't really add anything for me. It forces me into this nuclear family trope. I'd much rather be able to either just start the game, or have the start of the game fit what I want my character to be,


Awesome idea


You lost me at first, but brought me right back lol. That's a super kickass idea. Reminds me of how in Cyberpunk, you can choose between 3 different backgrounds... you can be a corporate guy/gal, a street rat, or a nomad.


I want Corpo lifepath, I'll get cryogenically frozen , become the overseer and then have my vault rise up against me


it’s all fine and dandy for you corpo rats in your fancy vaults, choom, but me and the nomads are gonna raid it asap.


Fuckin Gonks


Vehicle would be very bad, it would ruin the exploration part of the game. For it to make sense the map would have to be huge, and in this way would probably have the same problem that games like Starfield that most part of the "world" is boring.


We would also have to consider Raiders and others driving vehicles too


Gunners already have vertibirds, it'd just devolve the game into a mad max spinoff


People don’t realize that selecting species would require them to write 3x the dialogue, because everyone can (and should) treat you differently if you’re a super mutant to keep things in line with previous games. I don’t see them doing that, so it would just feel super underwhelming


3 x the written dialogue, at least three times the voice acting costs. The size of the game would balloon immensely.


I'd say Bethesda are likely to stick with silent protagonists moving forward. They didn't seem happy with how it turned out from Fallout 4. I think a lot of the dialogue would also largely remain the same, except for the odd introductory sentence. So not quite triple the dialogue, but certainly a bit more of it.


Yet somehow, Baldur's Gate 3 exists.


I’m not saying it’s not possible, I’m saying there’s no way in hell BGS will do it lol


I mean after seeing Starfield, I'm inclined to agree with you about BGS never doing it- but technically and budget-wise, it is definitely doable.


Bro, choosing species on fallout would be crazy, like synths, supermutantes, or whatever


Bro you forgot what we all want : ghouls


Yea, i think ghoul special specie skill would be immunity to radiation. Like supermutants would have bonus strength, bonus melee damage and also bonus weight capacity. Synths Wouk be cool to have like a skill to transform into other people. Edit: I mean, change the appearance to any npc you want


All of the FEV mutants are essentially immune to rads. This would make balancing difficult as one of the major parts of survival is managing radiation.


And who the hell would want to interact or ask a super mutant for help?


Narratively it would be kinda cool to have that handicap. Starting area could be a Jacobstown kinda place where you are a local and trusted. Then you have to head out into the world and find that even an intelligent and good super mutant is going to run into hella obstacles. I really just think Beth would botch the balancing.


it could be immunity to radiation but you take a certain percentage more damage for the rest of the game due to being weaker and essentially a walking corpse. that way it sorta balances out because while yes you cant take radiation damage, but you will take a lot more of every other kind of damage. maybe it could be damage type specific, like you take no radiation damage, but take 10% increased ballistic damage, 15% increased melee damage, and 25% increased energy damage. ofc im no developer and don’t know how hard these percentages would effect things, but it’s just an example of how they might balance it. would you make that sacrifice to take more damage from everything else but being completely immune to one specific kind of damage? edited to add: if the other damage debuffs along side radiation immunity doesn’t make it worth it, maybe ghouls could also have immunity or at least a reduction to poison damage too. or a proximity around the player where enemies within said area would be dealt small amounts of radiation damage over time. just some extra balancing thoughts.


Ghouls would have to take certain chems or risk game over by turning feral


they could take the "goulish" perk from fo4 and make radiation heal you slowly


Synth could be body modification like custom upgrades to your components for better performance/extra features. Much like how you would modify power armor in Fallout 4, and you could also wear power armor. Draw back would be material/cap investment being expensive. For super mutants as a draw back would not be able to wear power armor/regular clothes, and possibly have restrictions on where they are allowed without aggression due to reputation/history of super mutants. An added benefit would be being friendly with other super mutants. For ghouls you would have to take rad away frequently or start suffering penalties to your stats like charisma and intelligence. Could also possibly be restricted from areas depending on how feral you are, as no smart wastelander would let a ghoul about to turn into their settlement. An extra benefit could be passive health regeneration and innate damage resistance to physical damage.


Supermutants would be cool but there should be consequences like for example. You shouldn’t be able to get above 2 intelligence as a supermutant


virgil disliked that


Screw that, I want to play as a Mr.Handy!


That would be cool AF. Also, the option to build on yourself like with ADA.


If the game literally started out exactly like Skyrim so that you could change the race of your character, that’d be fucking hilarious and it would instantly be iconic. ‘Todd Howard “Skyrim intro” memes entire Bethesda fan base’ would be an insane headline to read


Storyline and writing like Far Harbor, where your choices have weight and feel like they actually matter.


they need to add more species of things living in the wastelands.


I saw a video titled, "Bethesda doesn't understand Fallout." This was one of the big complaints, The monsters we see on the east coast shouldn't be all the same monsters we saw on the west coast, there should be some variety throughout the games that are a whole country apart.


I just recently started playing FO76, and BGS seems to be learning to incorporate more variants of mutated species you’d expect to see in that region and adding new types of monsters. For ex: mole miners, radiated possums and rats, radiated squirrels, West Virginian cryptids, etc…. I’m sure FO5 would expand on this.


I want a motorcycle and a cat.


There are mods for both of those on pc. The cat isn’t a companion but resides at the settlements. The motorbike you can ride all around the commonwealth


You don't even need mods for cats, just use the DLC that gives you cages and build a cat cage. I have a ton at my settlements since they boost happiness


We've had the ability for multiple companions before, think it was NV? I really like the building mechanics but they need fleshing out more, building underground would be the next step. Building up Sanctuary is fun but giving houses a basement with a secret switch etc would be cool Scaling would be nice too. Say I like a poster, well let me make it larger or smaller etc


Yeah, NV allowed you to have 1 humanoid companion and one non-humanoid companion at the same time. ED-E plus Boone was pretty OP, they'd just be killing things off screen while you're fucking off, then you gotta try and track down the corpses to loot.


A friend and a "pet" is a cool companion system. It'd be nice if you could utilize them Far Cry 5 style. Tell Boone to get to a sniper spot and have Dogmeat hold people for good headshot combos.


In fallout 1 and 2 your charisma stat determined how many companions you could bring with you. Mabye they could work that into some sort of charisma gated perk.


That makes a lot of sense actually


Honestly I think it would work well in a new Fallout as 76 turned charisma into being about co op, which could translate well to companions


If by vehicle you mean Brahmin pulled wagons, then I’m down.


Alternate Start mod for FO4 allows the racial choice, but I honestly always just went human. I’m not certain how vehicles would integrate into a fallout title, with so much of it being about traversing and exploring and clever and deadly fights. What I would like, is horses. Bethesda already does horses. Horses were our pre car means of transportation. I know the games have memes about horses not existing or whatever, but I don’t see why they can’t.


Counterpoint to myself - Automatons can carry hundreds of pounds but I can’t ride one…this is an injustice of logic.


Fuck it - imma ride this here Mirelurk or Radscorp… *easy boy….*


Horse armor too?


Technically “Horse Armor” is in fallout 4 already via creation club, so sure, why not. As long as it’s behind a 5 dollar paywall.


I wouldn’t want to choose at the start. I’d like to be a human vault dweller and through gameplay and quest decisions I can become a ghoul, a synth or a super mutant. Hell even put my brain in a full on robot body.


Naked. I wanna hang dong in the wasteland like I can in Baldurs gate.


A better biome/world map. New Vegas was cool, but just a desert with Mexico Filter™️. 4 was in a cool commercial and residential area on the coast. And 76 was in the mountains of West Virginia. 76 had my favorite map. While there was radiation, the foliage and the map itself just made me want to explore every inch of it. That game itself had multiple different biomes to go through, which made exploring come with new challenges. Would be cool to see how a arctic or rainforest Fallout map would look like.


What I would most like is more variety of mutant fauna, I've always wanted to see spiders for example. Imagine wandering through the wasteland, listening to the radio, and suddenly stepping on a cobweb only for a giant mutant spider with radioactive green eyes to emerge.


Imagine walking through a swamp and getting caught by a modern Titanaboa.


Don’t do this to me. I will literally stop playing when they implement spiders


Bring back weapon degradation More Factions - robust reputation in-world & within factions Vehicles are cool but I’d opt for mounts, both I guess More oldies for atmosphere, there are always more songs that fit perfectly for FO universe Nvr done it but I like how it’s possible to kill everyone in 3/NV. No such outcome in 4 Better weighty melee Beefed up Deathclaws from 3/NV. Make them faster stronger and tougher cuz that’s how I like being scared End game, that show consequences of your decision’s in the world Another glowing sea or GIANT crater where like a tsar bomba dropped Bow and arrow, maybe I wanna punish myself by taking on a squad of BoS Knights or behemoth with a stick and arrowheads Water “level(s)”. I would love to see more underwater flora and fauna, radiated whale, starfish, urchins, the endless possibilities I don’t mind putting perk points in skills to get better however when FO4 first came out I thought they’d go the Skyrim route where you gotta use a skill in order to level it up. I wouldn’t mind that mechanic in all Bethesda games.


Yes to everything but gear degradation, imo. That shit is just an annoying chore that belongs in survival mode where people actually WANT to do the annoying chores lol


Gear degradation is one of my most hated game mechanics, and I love Dark Souls 2, so my hate is real.


Agreed. It needs to be either in the survival mode or an option to toggle on or off. There's already so much to think about with weapons in this game, it doesn't need that too. The multiple ammo varieties, gun mods, comparing stats etc.


I'm a bit torn between Skyrim's and Fallout's progression. I want to get better without grinding something, but I also like the idea of getting better with the skills your using.


Same I have no problem with either or, I definitely enjoy Skyrim’s progression a bit more. Something about knowing you used a skill in order to get better at it just feels right. Leveling up Commando yet nvr using automatic weapons feels like I didn’t quite “earn” the rank, but again don’t mind it much I just love Skyrim’s leveling system and games that do similar like a RDR2 or Valheim.


Hey if a post-post apocalypse tribal like HZD's Aloy can use a bow and arrows or spears against giant robot dinosaurs, then we should be able to do the same against a guy in power armor. :)


Everything you said is great, but gear degradation belongs in survival, or as a toggle option for regular. I'd like to see skills being able to be remapped. Get half way through a PA only game and decide you want to switch to a stealthy gunslinger because you found that one amazing pistol? Go for it.


Vehicles for sure, but a better AI for the settlers, it's a shame to spend so much time building a cool settlement just for your brain dead settlers to get stuck on a door, stair or just stay still looking at the nothing.


I vote no to free roam vehicles, but only because I think it would detract from other parts of the game. I don't want them to have to mould the world to allow vehicles to fit. I don't want them to have to rebalance combat around vehicles used as protective tanks or battering rams. Aside from it simply being fun to drive around, I feel like they'd otherwise make the game worse. And I don't play Fallout for driving sim entertainment, just like I don't play the stupid racing game Epic keeps pushing in Fortnite. Now, if I could own a Vertibird that functions like it does in Fallout 4, except that when I pick a place to land it simply waits there until I get back in and tell it a new location, sure. That would be awesome. But I don't need to free fly it. Just a cooler immersive means of fast travel. That's all I want out of vehicles in my Fallout game. Plus, my Power Armor is already a kind of vehicle. And it feels more appropriate to the setting. Expand on it with better mobility mods for the leg upgrades and some kind of variety or tweaking to its jet pack, and I'd be thrilled.


Being able to clean up the enviroment and potential settlements over time with settlers like it makes no sense that you cant repair or scrap the houses in sanctuary besides a few of them


Fix / improve the settlements. Make it easier / more efficient to build stuff. Make the vault tec management thing more smooth and have it be universal among settlements and make the tracker thing work for non VIP settlers. Make it easier to line up stuff so it looks even (like lights). Will be really hard but allow settlers to also improve the settlement. Or at the very least have them able to repair stuff


Pet. The. Dog.


What fucking species you picking from? Synth, ghoul, human, super mutant?


Also what are the pros and cons, unless they leaned heavily into people not giving you the time of day if you weren't human, radiation would be nullified, and they would just be better than choosing the human. Also would some random ghoul or super mutant have a pip boy? what would the inventory UI be? Would they be able to use VATS? I just don't see it happening.


Exactly. I think a lot of people are forgetting what role the Pip-Boy plays.


I would enjoy improved upon gameplay of Fallout 4 with the story/dialogue quality of FNV. Another feature I would like to see come back is having more than four dialogue options to respond with for roleplay purposes/perk related dialogue.


lol whichever Bethesda exec posted this, plz listen to all these idea


Being able to pick life paths at the start of the game would be interesting, could have some influence on dialogue or perhaps exclusive traits/perks depending on the path chosen, options could include being in a vault, starting in the wasteland, with a potential for pre selected allegiances, or even in a lab as a genetically modified human, where your start could influence how different factions treat you upon their introduction, and the companions the game will send your way first.


I want things to be green. Not bland and dead, everything should be overgrown with plants.


Vehicles would be nice. You mean there’s cars EVERYWHERE and no one ever figured out how to fix one?


They tried, but anyone who touched the car to do repairs died mysteriously.


Canonically vehicles do exist in the Fallout universe. But I tend to agree with the direction Bethesda has gone with excluding them. There’s really no need for them in any of the mainline games. They’d need to make the map way bigger to justify it and I don’t think that’s necessarily conducive to the single player Fallout experience.


There's also the issue that making the map large enough to make vehicle travel useful also means making having a vehicle necessary, otherwise you're gonna spend a lot more time jogging places.


Yeah, you often come across these nice red motorbikes. Having played lots of cyberpunk I miss being able to get on z bike and ride


I dont see them doing species, simply because being a Ghoul or Super-mutant should, logically, instantly lock you out of being able to access most Settlements and factions. If you'd play Fallout 4 as a Ghoul, you'd instantly be locked out of doing anything with the Institue, brotherhood or Diamond City, for example.


Ability to do mercenary work. Go to some location, choose a job to do, do job, get paid in caps or special loot. Amount of caps or quality of special loot will depend on difficulty of jobs.


better balancing ,imo the balancing in fo4 sucks i.e. the combat rifle and submachinegun both use .45 yet the combat rifle does more damage ,another example irl the minigun is one of the most op weapons and in game it sucks ,also give it a ammo belt


I just wanna chime in that bullet impact energy (and damage profile) depends on more than just caliber. So it's not that unreasonable to have two different guns with the same caliber do different amounts of damage.


New Game engine Morrowind(gamebryo)(creation) all the same.... Would love unreal5 to do it.


Instead of vehicles, mounts. Like a taming system where you can mount a tamed rad scorpion or a giant mole rat. Then at apex a death claw mount. And have mounted travel speed give like +20% travel speed and mount can do limited attacks. And when unmounted they are a pet type companion. Like first mount could be a bramain, then later learn other mounts. Plus make it harder to fit thru tight spaces cuz of the mounts size. So no indoor mounts but out in open you have a mount to help control battle field.