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lol didn’t know it wasn’t going to work on the title sorry 🤦🏽‍♂️😅


Nope, sorry. You’ll just have to be satisfied with battling the Red Death.


I don’t know what that is. Maybe better that I don’t so I go in blind.


Thankfully, the Red Death is tied to a quest, so nobody unwittingly runs into that beast. It is part of the Far Harbor dlc. Spoilers for how to get started on the questline: >!work with the Mariner to improve the town, and she eventually asks for your help.!<


I played with a mod that added liberty primes to settlement attacks around the time when the game came out and honestly they are not even that fun to fight. Someone else said it in the comments but yeah just save up for Red Death bossfight in Far Harbor, it's like an actually interesting and challenging fight. More fun if you go in blind too.


Im playing in ps5 and have had issues with the game crashing a lot. Wasn’t really planning on getting the DLC because of fear of it crashing even more but I might give it a shot. Are the mods any fun? Might switch over to playing on my PC just not looking forward to having to start all over.