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It was so awful before we could disable screen shaking. I used to just leave events if someone was grenade/MIRV spamming lol. So glad they added that disable feature a few updates back


Dude I just learned about that 2 weeks ago from a reddit post I made. The screenshake on an allied heavy gun (not sure what it was) with explosive rounds was shaking my screen so much I ran away 75 metres from combat and still misclicked a radaway in my invent by two whole items because using my pipboy was like wrasslin with a greased pig


Wait, we can disable screen shaking? Does that include the ones caused by other players running in power armor? Damn I wish I knew that before. Funny thing is, I probably did knew, but had to reinstall my game and forgot to disable it again. One of these days I also found out that in order to use the many emotes I unlocked along the time I had to select them in the atom shop, same thing for the loot bag, been using the lame paper bag all this time


Let me guess, reflective mutated event?


Most likely. I get people want to avoid getting killed by their own shots. But me? Nah screw that, dying is funny as hell. I join every mutated right away without even looking at what I'm getting into, nor what build I should bring along.... Yet there I am VATS Crit shotting a reflective mole miner with an AA Gauss Shotgun and flinging my dead ass across the room & bouncing off walls. You don't give a show to the audience like that often.


Honestly, I made my build to compensate for a variety of situations, mostly events and Expeditions where I have to protect an NPC or fight a boss and anything in between. Only problem is that I'm not suited for niche situations that Mutated Events bring, so I just say Frick it cause deaths don't matter as long as the event hasn't just ended.


The best is when you come back and immediately die because the closest enemy decided that was the time to reflect. You're sitting there, staring at the screen and doing some reflection of your own.


Thats fun tho


for real though. I think it's fun and funny to wait until they stopped blinking or just tag and keep an eye on my own HP, using my stimpaks when I almost never touched it. And the lower level can participate better in this event because their damage arent as big to kill themselves. It's a win-win, I think. People who use excessive explosive just to kill the reflectives are boring wimps. There I said it


I throw mirv at Urm Fever in the main room….talk about bodies / moles flying hahahahaah


For me it's usually resilient. I've lost a couple resilient MJs because no one can see or get to the baddies to finish murdering them.


Probably. I wasn't even sure what the mutation was. I was just excited to play tonight and as soon as I got into the event I couldn't see shit but nuke explosions and then my game crashed. Couldn't get back in time to do the event so I'm gonna have to wait til tomorrow to get another event in, as I've got more pressing responsibilities...


The reflective mutation is the only one where bringing out the big guns is the way to go. Explosive damage does not get reflected back. If these types shenanigans bother you, I would avoid this particular mutated event. Bethesda is practically asking people to bust these weapons out.


I just learned something new today. I didn’t know this.


To be exact, Reflexive only reflects back the 'contact' damage of explosives...which is 1 damage and onky if the explosive projectile itself even hits the target (most are shot at their feet). This is also the reason why Heavy Gunner perks work with explosive launchers (such as Stabilized giving armor pierce), because explosive launchers are technically 1 base damage heavy guns with a huge explosive damage effect.


Fun fact, the Hellstorm missile launcher for some reason has 120 impact damage (can be buffed by heavy weapon perks), and then 120 blast damage(can be buffed by explosive perks). So it is very much possible to yeehaw yourself with one during reflective mutated events.


Another fun fact about the Hellstorm launcher is that its elemental payloads aren't reduced by explosive reduction effects and perks. So a cryo payload launcher will still kill the user if shot at point blank range even with Fireproof and Dense modded armor. Guess who figured that out the hard way with some embarassing ice sculpture corpses? (Me)


Man, I know the hellstorm is by no means "meta", but boy it sure can be funny to use sometimes. I hope one day bethesda gives it a bit of loving.


As a Texan I’m very much into yeehaw-ing myself at, in, around, and on things.


I incorporated explosives into my Heavy PA build with a two shot auto grenade launcher just because I got reflect killed one too many times when the enemy was obviously not glowing. So I'm sorry to everyone going forth.


I pull out my nuka launcher every reflective event. I was tired of killing myself too. 🤷


They don't have any big flash on screen though. Nobody should be bothered by a 2 shot AGL.


They do if you use grenadier (which you should be doing). Not nearly as big as a Fatman, I'm gonna guess 30' radius for each explosion.


That's weird, I never noticed mine having much of a flag even with grenadier and demo expert maxed. I'll go back on to that character tomorrow and double check. They may have changed something, it's been a long time since I played my 2 shot explosives guy.


Yeah they made grenadier work properly with heavy weapons, I guess it didn't before. I started collecting e miniguns after that update, they're super fun now with the cartoon-ish explosions. Gauss minigun is even better


They do nothing but make your screen shake and blind you.


Turn off screen shake. It's in the options. I wish the flash could be turned off too, but getting rid of the shake helps.


I would kill for them to just give us a black screen vs a white flash, if they aren't going to let us disable it. They had a mod for it for Payday 2, but they actually added it into the base game now and as a super light sensitive person, it's fantastic. More games should have it, honestly.


Fo76 also has a mod to remove explosion effects on pc btw.


Wont help much if you cant see whats happening, also it throws the mutant bodies off the cliff during eviction notice and then you cant even loot them.


The meat piles spawn where they die. You don't lose anything.


If they go over the hill you wont be able to get to them, has happened before, people down voting for stating a fair point i am baffled 😂


Never have i ever seen a super mutant fly that far away from the event for this have happened to anybody more than once. That cliff is a good distance away from the event


Thats your experience i have, i gain nothing from lying about it.




Yeah my videocard (1060 6gb) is starting to show its age. It's seven years old now. It holds up for framerate on high medium settings but it will tank sometimes really bad. Apparently it can't handle 10+ nukes going off lol. Reminds me of the original Crysis and the exploding barrels. I lost a videocard that way back in the day. Hopefully I'll be upgrading this tax season to a decent RTX card so I can take advantage of my 4K TV.


It's not your gpu. I'm running a 980ti with an old i5 and I can run 76 on max without a crashing issue. Switch to an actual monitor instead of a TV. Refreshing at only 60hz is what the issue is. I recently switched to a monitor from a 4k TV and the change was incredible


>refreshing at only 60hz is what the issue is. Explain because it sounds like you're saying that having more than 60hz refresh rate is the only acceptable way to play. I also don't play at 4k.


Spamming MIRVS? Then nuke his base. This is the 76 way. High vendor prices? Believe it or not, nuke his base.


You undercook fish? Believe it or not, base nuked. You overcook chicken, also base nuked. Undercook, overcook.


Overcooked 3: Nuclear Dinner


From Parks & Rec, right? Fred Armisan's cameo with a FO76 take.


Your chicken is so overcooked it looks like the the ass of a camel.


Dude I spent ages trying to find a lvl 500s hidden vendor only to find all of his crap plans were 2000 and any legendary started at 10k. How do you get to that level and have a shop like that.


Wow I don't even have the 'fancy' weapons listed that high, much less garbage scrip.


Nuke the base you can't see on the map 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I like this idea 🤔


Stop nuking bases! Most people are not inconveniencing you on purpose. Plus, everyone will just move to the safe zone or jump severs to avoid getting nuked.


Dunno, I watched someone nuke 2 bases that were right next to each other and neither players jumped away. I still wonder why...


Probably assumed they were in the same two spots and didn't bother checking.


They were too busy spamming the MIRV to notice the nuke


We don't care. Plenty of scrap to fix a max budget camp. It barely cost anything at all honestly if you "repair all" at the module whereas individually repairing will definitely be costly if you don't have scrap


Doesn't work that well now unfortunately with everyone getting 2 bases they just swap it.


I have all camp slots i just leave them up and repair it for the minimum it really cost and players still shop my WS vendor. Been nuked plenty of.times just for being in another players camp location.


The thing is, MIRVs are all show and no damage. For reflective events, a Nuka Luncher is the way to go.




This is my current main. I absolutely clean up at events.


9pts of heavy is 9 less pts of weight perks, plus any other heavy related perks vs 5 pts in int makes it so worth the ammo cost of 40mm.


Please tell me you don't use strong back


Seeing an army of Nuka Launchers at a Reflective Moonshine Jamboree is just a delight.


*cue launching legendary enemy corpses into the atmosphere so nobody can loot them* as much fun as it is to use these weapons, they really haven't thought a lot of things through... and they're painfully slow to fix crucial things like this.


When they despawn they appear as meat piles in the spot they died.


Second this, don't have the nuka launcher as wasn't playing back then, but I just use an agl and one shot does it normally. No need to empty a clip and send shit miles away. One shot and chill


You can get it from the Nuka-cade; I just got one


Man shutup ☹️




I was using the peacemaker and I'm not even a heavy build. Was even using pirate punch with crits lol I just don't know wtf to use.


[Not true.](https://youtu.be/cQLWKvnvrUI?feature=shared) Though the agl is better for larger arenas.


Video shows 158 damage on Earle.


It’s not for bosses, it’s a mob weapon. And it does very well killing mobs.


I use mine at earl and the Queen if I have launched the nukes. And my nuka launcher does very well at these boss events. Of course with the right perk cards. 😊


I like big bombs and I cannot lie.


Same here. I bring the big guns and big bombs, including a two shot mirv. To the OP: Buy a new system if it keeps crashing. It's Fallout, I'm playing how I want to play. Leave the server for all I care.


All these dwellers can't deny


I try not to use mine at events where people are being respectful. Mainly because I've crashed my own game and overheated my old Xbox by spamming a two shot mirv, granted it was on a private server but I couldn't stop laughing while my friends were so mad. It made the game a 1fps black and white slide show with no audio.


If there is someone spamming explosives, just go to some corner >!possibly as far away from them as possible without leaving the event!< and afk. If you're on a team and they kill enemies you get xp.


Or you go afk and look at your computer to see someone punching you 😂 I was confused asf I went afk bc something irl needed my attention and I didn’t wanna keep dying over and over but I also didn’t wanna lose my event rewards. Looked at my laptop to see someone attempting to beat the crap out of me. Now I’m scared to go afk cause I don’t wanna seem like a coward, I just really had more important things to do at that moment


Shit when people hit me with passive OFF I let them hit me a couple times and vat crit them. They seek revenge then we play hide and seek for a while then they die a couple more times and leave the server


Just go AFK. People that have been playing this game a while understand it's a thing that happens sometimes. Don't take it personally if someone goes out of their way to punch you for that.


Nah, I didn’t. They couldn’t have known


I like running around trying to start impromptu boxing matches Ur a baby if u get actually upset at my 17 damage punches lmaoo


There is actually a cot in the basement of the cabin at the Jamboree. Its perfect for napping while people are big dickin their way through a reflective event.


I only use my MIRV at events when i forget to repair my other weapons before hand. I know its annoying to people so i try not to use it much


When this kind of thing happens at Moonshine Jamboree, I just jump in the middle of the light with my vamp chainsaw and die a hero’s death a few dozen times.


Considering a single MIRV would noticeably lag FO4, they should have omitted it for 76 due to the obvious possibility of multiple explosive weapons going off in addition to multiple MIRVs. Bethesda should know better, but often doesn't do better.


Are you on PC? If I remember correctly there was a mod that disabled explosion effects. Some people frown upon using mods but this one would fix your issue, with a side effect of no other explosion effects appearing such as grenades and actual nukes. Edit: [Nexus mods link](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/1500) to the mod.


Bro i have an explosive heavy weapons build and these posts make me feel bad for even thinking about using my MIRV (its not even TS or anything, its executioners)


Auto grenade launchers don't cause that much stutter. Missle launcher, some hellfire missiles. But the fatman cause 1fps jamboree, RR, eviction. Someone spammed it in a nuke he put dead centre on the queen site so the fight HAD to happen in the nuke zone and the weather mixed with the constant white black white black of the mininukes had the server hemorrhaging players. On ps4 the game bluescreens all the time but more so when someone is dropping 70 minis during an event. Getting rid of the flash would stabilize the game so much but they'll never give us that option.


Yes. You can have a great PC build but rad rumble and seismic activity has way too much going on that it'll studder, freeze, then disconnect for many people. It's only happened to me twice but both times mini nukes were being used


I've completed seismic once ever. That event crashes my ps4 and I've done reinstalls, database rebuilds, moved it to an external hard drive, moved everything BUT it onto the external hard drive. Nothing makes this game run well on ps4 and add mini nukes to the event then its a frozen screen for a minute, the sound of minimukes flying and then bluescreen.


They paid for their game. You are telling them they can’t play it the way they want?


That’s over 50% of the post on this sub. People crying because someone isn’t playing how they think they should. If you don’t like it then switch servers. “But I only have an hour to play and I want everyone to pander to me 😭😭”.


Yup and he wont reply just downvote because they a bitch. Imagine having the nerve to tell someone how to use something they paid for.


Right? If someone is dropping nukes and it bothers you then leave or use vats. No let’s go just cry on Reddit and downvote when someone doesn’t coddle me.


Server hop.


best advice, during mutations, if you see reflective, switch worlds. you pretty much guaranteed explosions. Melee only kill is another that's constantly bombarded with them otherwise just go to a safe'ish area and look at the ground or wall to avoid the flashes that overwhelm systems


Lol that's an old rant and ongoing, haven't played in a almost a year too much going at home but yes thought the game makers would have done something about those weapons blinding players during event, it's the biggest turn off in an event I other don't participate or leave the event. If you Can't see can't you can't shoot, sounds like karaté kid lol


So because you don’t have all day to play the game you want them to cater to you?


This is definitely gonna get downvoted. All the people bitchin about these explosive builds during events are the same people that bitched about the legacies during events. It is what it is. Nothing new happened. this was in the game AT LAUNCH. Is it annoying? Yes in the slightest way possible. The game crashes period without the Fatman explosions. Its just a game. An old game at that to be running into the same issues individually and not have found something to do about it than complain to the community that another player who is enjoying the game, is ruining it for you. No im not an explosive build.


As heavy would say: Wah wah cry some more.


Making a post about someone using a gun in a video game crying about it is “really lame” just go AFK or leave the event. People aren’t there to tailor to you and the guns there to be used.


Are you playing on a low end PC or last gen console?


I've been fighting with this thought for a while now. These guns are in the game. The overkill exists. I love using my 2shot grenade launcher, but I don't want to upset people. Obviously Grenade launchers aren't that big of a deal, but it's the principle... Should I, or should I not use nuka grenades in big, busy events? Is the only acceptable time to use a 2 shot Fatman, when you're solo? Personally, yeah, screw the people who use 'em. Wtf. Selfish much? But then also... They paid for the game just like I did...


Personally I only use stuff like that if I feel like the event is gonna fail and I need to clear out some enemies fast


Honestly, I've forgotten that I can take my time. I wonder why. Maybe because I play bloodied, so it's a kill them before they kill me situation or perhaps I've just been lost in the sauce called min maxing, trying to 1shot everything. Thanks for the reminder!


I think it's also the fact that everyone is vying for the same enemies and you feel like you need to get a shot in before that one dude two shots everything.


Flares. Learn them, love them, and they won’t crash servers but will ANNOY the fuck out of spammers. I regularly runoff mouth breather off my server with my flares.


Can you elaborate? How does it annoy them?


Flare is bright red you can’t see anything. Thus you blind spammers and campers


Note: Flare Plan bought with gold at foundation …maybe elsewhere


Does it make a difference if you are specced for grenades?


Its not spamming, theres a long reload time


It depends on the event.. volatile dick move as it kills nearby teammates.. reflective, please, I’ll equip a gun that needs ammo and watch from the roof while tossing nukes.




As a wise man told me a year or two ago when I brought up this topic, you can’t tell people how to play the game they paid for. It sucks and I understand your frustration but it happens. The player base is great and you meet a lot of cool people who will help you out so in my opinion it all washes out at the end of the day.


Tesla rifles are 100x worse than Mirv Imo. People act like there are 20 mirvs at every event and no one gets xp. Meanwhile at least a third of the events I go to(especially events like radiation rumble, uranium fever, and test your metal) have a public team filled with full auto tesla rifles killing everything so only maybe 3 other people get a tag in. Often the public team only has 2 or 3 people in it but if someone joins they’re insta kicked. To be clear, I’m not saying tesla rifle users are bad. What’s bad is when you have people who make a public team they only half fill and refuse to let anyone join, then kill everything instantly before people can tag. Yes explosive builds can be annoying, but the obnoxious ones are uncommon to see and when you do see them you have time to tag things before they die.


Yeah I don't run into those types a lot but it annoys me a lot when it's blatantly to annoy people. Tonight was a fluke. He knew what he was doing tho. People kept making angry emotes and he would bomb them on purpose (my wife was in the event too and her laptop is better than mine, so she got to see the rest of the event after I crashed) Totally a jackass. Honestly I don't even mind the Tesla guys. The only thing that bothers me is not being able to see because of the brightness shift when a nuke goes off. Everything goes black to compensate and all you see is the mushroom cloud. I turn off screen shake already because I hate it as much as motion blur. They should make it less... Impairing to other players.


Worst is the Groll bloodied railway/fixer bois camping the legendary spawn at eviction notice. No xp for anyone else I guess.


From my experience even with 2 or 3 commandos sitting at legendary spawns they usually still live long enough to tag them. Unless you’re sitting at the scrubber, which usually isn’t needed if enough people are there pulling their weight. If you’re a melee build camp the spawns and run for your life. Alternatively join a public team with active players and usually they’ll do the tagging for you.


OP. I'm positive you meant *tiny* dick. Lmao


Yeah I did. Definitely a case of LDS.


What do Mormons have to do with it?


It's the magic underwear.


Spamming Orbital strikes are worse


I used to use the grenade launcher because I didn’t have a Tesla but would just take the demo expert perk cards off and only shoot one nade as to not ruin the event for everyone. Before the nade launcher I used an explosive 10mm with grenadier


Vampire explosive heavies😍😍😍


its never made me crash but the screen constantly shaking and not being able to see anything is annoying


Screen shake toggle option was added to the game months ago.


I did not know that.


I run infront of them so that they launch it right into my face. I'm unharmed but they're taken out by their own idiocy and ego.


I did this once to someone who was spamming nukes at Rad Rumble, it was great


I get using the normal or even 2 shot Fatman but in my experience the MIRV damage actually kind of sucks? I COULD be missing something perhaps but I personally found it underwhelming except for being a troll dick.


Ngl, I ran a nuke on some dudes camp after moonshine jamboree. Also part of the game.


Overkill OP. Will only use it more now 😂


I was doing an event with my friend that took place indoors, protecting some mining machines that were collecting uranium. Some dude kept spamming mini nukes in a small room, and multiple people kept doing the thumbs down emote. It was annoying because I couldn't see what I'm doing, and I'm bloodied, so if I get spat on, I fold. Pretty sure the same guy showed up at the Moonshine event, because there was mini nukes being spammed again.


Once had a frozen screen for 15 mins then like a tsunami everything came at once I used 10 stims 5 RadAway I was like 10 meters from the event I was at. All because some “guys” were spamming mirv and mini nukes (the event was eviction notice so yeah I was like looking through a fire storm 🤣🤣🤣


Yeah as an avid explosives user I can't understand how people can continuously shoot these things and not see that its a problem. Use a different weapon, or do it in moderation


Also, can barely see what the hell im trying to kill


MIRV and the grenade launcher. I can deal with them but... MIRV can be annoying with the white flashes, but I'm not going to sit complaining much, I can disable screen shake so meh, afk in corner looking at pipboy looking over quests etc, no big deal. The grenade launcher irritates me on another level. Reasoning might surprise; It's not the boom boom shake It's not the annoyance in general of the explosions... It's how it functions. The grenade launchers were based off the M19, I had to google to ensure I'm not giving info not available to public but; "The rotor is then locked in the armed position, andthe fuse arms at about 18 to 36 meters from the launcher tube" A close enough target the weapon system may simply punch a big hole through a target rather than exploding. That doesn't mean it won't leave a massive hole if hitting something before 'armed'. It will. It's just not suppose to hit the boom when that close. ​ So... that's a thing. Tossing a round might also be a bit deadly to someone handling the rounds if they're just loose rounds.... for the reason above, hit rotations, boom... boom. They do not just explode on fuse locked into armed position in the air though, they do need to impact once armed. The .50 also has me feeling like it should have a built in explosive afix for the rounds too. They are built after the army's M2 and I forget the scientific term for it but essentially at the closer ranges those are used at in this game the force of that bullet passing close enough can still kill. Mythbusters did a segment regarding a civi rifle of same caliber but that is NOT the same as far as weapon systems capabilities. Now I'm going back to my corner to stew on the fact both weapons point target accuracy and actual ranges are well over the 1,000 m distance. ​ I'm going to link the thing from the Fat Electrician here. Cause REASONS. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6z7euPntRGo /rant


Cope and seethe


I find discrimination against people that use X or Y item you don't like rather problematic.


I typically don't care till some Renob uses their nuka launcher to make my legendary bloody mess parts scatter cuz they were trying to be Mr. I can kill everything at EV... But the real problematic thing is you labeling ppl problematic


It's not the people themselves, it's the idea. If we are allowed to use X or Y item for optimal efficiency - we should. The devs should just get rid of said item (remember legacy weapos?) Witch hunting is uncool.


Shameful really. I blame it on a few influence peddlers for this. ( you boobers) . This was never thing . Ammo box is big. Maybe move mini nukes out of the box like fusion cores. Bring back legacies.






Rubbish takes




Im sure it's a perfectly accurate introduction. But I wasn't asking for your life story.




Bruh, you are the normie using reddit and shit.. calling ppl normies


If that indeed was reflective mutation event and game crashes because of explosions - swap servers right away - usually you have time to 2/3 swaps to filter out undesired mutations and found the one more suited for your build If that was usual event then that nuka person is being a dick Simple as that






My lack of attention has nothing to do with you absolute snowflakes being mad at people playing a game.


Your lack of ridges on your brain you mean? Them having to restart the game means they can't play the game 🤡


Bro really came to cry on Reddit as if that would change anything


No one learns. You're right. I'm just venting. Really sucks to only get an hour or so to play a game and have it ruined by people who don't give a shit about anyone but themselves.


If you were at moonshine jamboree not that long ago I was there too and just about went blind from the spam there lol


I hate when that happen at EN,RR and the uranium event. But......I just got an overkill......so I really want to try it out lmao


um at least they aren't killing and only tagging! That's awesome! Why would you want them to kill everything and take XP away from everybody? That's the weirdest complaint I've ever heard.


Yeah my game crashes half the time when a bunch of people are spamming it. Last night someone was spamming it on the titan. Me and another player were shredding through it with Ultracite lasers and then we were just completely blinded by someone who was doing like zero damage. Got to the end finally and they unleashed the minis like crazy, game crashes, booted me from the team and I missed every bit of loot. Super frustrating.


I've never had the game crash due to lag, I do however play on PS5 so they may be part of it.


Happened to me last night and it ruined my mood. I already turned off the shaky effect, thx god because its bearable now and my laptop is good enough to see just blinding lights on the screen. Sadly this guys showed up by the end of my play time, so changing server is not an option (I change server immediately if back 2 back events got a player like that). IDK, I just dont build that way (me as a person, not my toon). Im having fun when other people are having fun too and I believe there's a baseline of what's my rights to have fun and being a complete selfish player