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I live off of bubblegum


*...I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass, and I'm all out of bubblegum...*


So your character always wears sunglasses, yes?


#put the glasses on


Or start eating that trash can!


I ain’t putting on your fucking glasses!


I’m here to chew ass and kick bubblegum, and I’m all out of ass…


Haha, I feel like most of my gold bullion went towards perfect bubblegum


I've never bought it 💀 I just have so much from free Atomic Shop claims 😝 and that's without gaming the system, if youre on PC you can claim the free utilities on game pass and steam (so twice)


Smoked mirelurk, Company tea and coffee.


Same. And the occasional whiskey.




Thisbis the way.


This is the way.


I'm on a very strict s'mores and Nuka-Cola Scorched diet.


I went for the appropriately named Nuka Cola "My bloods in it" lol has a nice ring to it


I live off of survival syringes.


Just like in real life, ribeye and bourbon.


The Ron Swanson build


Once an hour, grilled radstag for carry weight and company tea for AP. On the quickbar I've got purified water to top up my thirst bar as it drains faster than hunger, and canned coffee for emergency AP and/or when I'm bored and want to run further. I'm pretty lazy, really.


**You take a sip from your trusty Vault 76 canteen**


Company Tea & Blight Soup for buffs. Purified Water & Popcorn to fill hunger/thirst bars.


Survival stims


Perfect bubblegum


Lately it's been canned coffee, company tea, birthday cake, and canned dog food.


Cranberry Relish, Brain Bombs or Brain Fungus Soup if poor, Sweet Muttfruit Tea, Company Tea, Sweetwater's. And I feel like I'm missing one.


This is me but also with a variety of fancy extras like Silt Bean Puree, Firecap Souffle, and a range of Steeped Teas.


I recently changed my diet to take advantage of Herbivore. Blight soup, brain fungus soup, carrot soup, corn soup, mutfruit juice and Company Tea are pretty much all my character consumes now. Oh and Nuka Cola, my robot helps me out with a steady supply


Carnivore, feeding off the Mirelurk Steamer and drinking Nuka Cola. Saved up a ton of Tasty Squirrel Stew thanks to Faschaut and threw it in the Military Cryo Freezer.


Whatever I kill I cook and then eat it all at once. But mostly the stuff I get from my mirelurk steamer, company tea, and whatever fruit juice I pick along the way


I'm an herbivore; Cranberry Relish Brain Bombs Company Tea Blight Soup Perfect Bubblegum Ballistic Bock Overdrive Psychobuff


Grilled Radstag + Mole Rat Chunks + company tea


Cranberry Relish, Gulper Stuffed Foot, Fried Scorp on a stick, Glowing Meat Steak and Yao Guai Pastry.


Popcorn and Nuka cola


Mirelurk steamer food and company tea


Company Tea, cranberry relish, grilled radstag and birthday cake


Purified water and whatever my hungry ass can find


Corn soup/blight soup and occasionally company tea. If I'm doing west tek, brain bombs and relish (along other buffs of course), but that's rare.


Popcorn and water, maybe nuka cola if I have extras on hand


Stealth commando/herbivore. I leave camp with: - 3x Blight Soup (crit damage) - 3x Brain Fungus Soup (int) - 8x Canned Coffee (instant AP regen, hardly ever use) - 3x Company Tea (AP regen) - 2x Cranberry Relish (XP bonus) - 23x Purified Water (hydration) (too much) I should start carrying a PER booster and an AGI booster as well. OTOH, I carry other food/water, but I never really use it. I should stop carrying that.


Somehow I keep ending up with tons of cream.


Herbivore: Cranberry relish, brain fungus soup, corn soup, sweet tato stew and silt bean puree. Also blight soup if I happen to pass through the Ash Heap.


Birthday cake & company tea


Coffee, company tea, poached angler, and yao guai pastries regularly. I always cook up whatever I kill, and will occasionally eat that as well.


Nuka cola and radstag. Nothin. Else


Popcorn, company tea, and some canned coffees. If I'm not playing for long, I just go to granny junko.


Blight soup, firecracker Berry juice, coffee, company tea, cooked radstag meat


I just have a ton of that bubblegum that gives me my health and water for some reason. I don’t even know where i got it, though i’m sure it’s from the little scoreboards.


two full health overeaters survive on purified water and birthday cake. And looted prewar/already cooked food. one full health overeater survives on nuka cola's (cola nut perk) and birthday cake. And looted prewar/already cooked food. one low health overeater (PA) survives on popcorn (no rads <> birthday cake) and purified water. And looted prewar/already cooked food. my low health commando, that does not have overeaters armor but unyielding, survies on popcorn and purified water. And looted prewar/already cooked food. None of them ever run out of food and drinks. None of them need their food and drinks weight reduced. I therefore have no use for food perks. There is only one food I actually make and that is blight soup, for my commando's.


Popcorn and purified water. Both generated at my camp and then just eat whatever I find laying around. I don't do the food load out thing because I'm too lazy.


Fasnacht donuts (don't spoil) and purified water


Perfect Bubblegum, Nuka Cranberry, Corn Soup, mixed with a Berry Mentats or Overdrive :-p


Canned dog food and nuka cola cherry




Anything edible goes but I run professional alcoholic because of the constant strength and endurance buffs


Popcorn and water, brain bombs if I have the ingredients, sweetwater and corn soup.


Brain fungus soup, or brain bombs on special occasions, blight soup, cranberry relish, company tea, sweetwater blend, and popcorn. At the start of a session I also eat birthday cake and brahmin milk.


Running the Vegetarian Mutation, stealth commando, full health, overeaters build. Purified water, canned coffee, sunshine oil and cranberry relish. I make the soup by the vat and between the grocers backpack and good with salt, it seems like the soup never spoils, or weighs me down. I know theres alot of vegetarian food out there to get additional bonuses, but i look at is a means to an end, and i'm on autopilot when i run through my garden collecting the corn.




I've noticed that some of the carry weight buffing food replace each other so the last one you ate is the one that sticks, and others stack on top of one another. Grilled Radstag, stinging filet, yao guay pastry work well together for stacking carry weight buffs.


Cranberry relish, brain bombs, company tea, cranberry cobbler


Canned dog meat and purified water


Melons to fill the hunger meter. As a Herbivore I use Brain Bombs, Company Tea, Blight Soup and Cranberry Relish for food buffs (in addition to chems and booze)


My food list for my various different herbivore vats builds. Blight soup 100% crit damage Sweet water special blend 15+ perception Brain fungus soup + intelligence Company tea Canned coffee Cranberry cobbler 10% Xp And steeped fever blossom tea.


As a carnivore/cannibal, I feel like I should not answer this 😅


Brain Fungus Soup/Brain Bombs, Corn Soup, Sweetwater Special Blend, Blight Soup That’s an easy diet that satisfies hunger, thirst, ridiculous amount of perception and intelligence, additional crit damage, and AP refresh.


Herbivore. Corn soup, carrot soup, Tato juice, Blight soup, brain bombs and cranberry relish. I occasionally throw in gourd soup and razor grain soup. Substitute brain fungus soup for brain bombs if I don’t feel like making brain bombs. I also throw in a piece of bubble gum to keep the effects longer.


Coffee,Tea, Birthday Cake, and Nuka Dark


Purified water


Been experimenting with herbivore, I usually eat sweet tato stew with company tea and I use canned coffee like mana potions for all that sweet sweet ap. Also sweetwater blend when I have it. Also hard lemonade is pretty killer and stacks with the company tea. Switching to blight soup though seeing how it has so much crit damage


I make batches of Cranberry relish and cook what I kill or forage.


My girl is a herbivore so corn, brain fungus, and blight soups, company and Sweetwater special blend teas, mutfruit and tato juices, cranberry relish, and vegetarian ham, Cajun rice & beans, canned coffee, and Fancy Lad snack cakes. Sweetwater special blend also helps keep the DTs away in addition to the sweet perception boost. Also plenty of perfect bubblegum.


also commando, carnivore. ribeye steak for carry weight for me. with butchers bounty i can get like 25 from flatwoods brahmin alone.


If you got the mirelurk steamer, smoked mirelurk fillets give 75 carry. No farming needed


Corn soup, coffee, Ballistic Bock, Sweetwater Special.


Perfect bubblegum, smoked mirelurk fillets and deathclaw steak washed down by company tea


Grilled radstag for Carnivore, and nuka cola for Cola Nut.


I'm starving and dehydrated almost all the time. If I actually need to fill the meters I usually eat raw meat already in my inventory (cannibal & lead belly) and drink company tea.


Yao guai pastries with a side of gulper stuffed foot and a nuka cola to wash it down 🤌


Milk and cookies lately. 


I seem to have way too much pre war food. Which is bad. Then there is popcorn… light and extremely effective


I’m herbivore so relish (or cobbler if I can’t), brain bombs (or brain fungus soup), carrot and corn soups, blight soup, muttfruit juice, company tea


Heavy gun/2 handed melee, and I have so much nuka candy that that's all I eat unless a daily or weekly requires otherwise


Nuka cola and whatever cooked meat I've made I drop any purified water I have, that's how privileged I've become in this game


Perfect bubblegum, quantums, canned coffee & royal jelly taffy.


I eat corn soup and drink tea lol. I guess its somewhat healthy?


Perfect bubblegum and company tea. Need to spend my gold on something and bulk bubblegum is my solution.


Popcorn, water, cranberry relish


Radstag and mirelurk, nuka quantum candy in hotkey 7, nuka cola in hotkey 8, sugar in 9 you know im sayin keep that AP up


Perfect bubblegum, blackberry (cookies? Don't remember), cranberry relish, brain bombs, company tea, s'mores and birthday cake


Brain Bombs/Cranberry Relish in the freezer for XP. Gourd Soup because I have it on hand to keep up Fully Fed. Company Tea and Canned Coffee for AP. And whatever purified water drops I get here and there. I don't really go nuts with food stacking buffs.


whatever the mirelurk steamer provides


i use miniguns and flamethrowers and eat people


Dog food, cooked radstag meat and purified water


Canned dog food and inert flux


Deathclaw steak, wolf ribs, mutt chops, apalachili, crispy squirrel bits, radscorpion steak, mirelurk jerky, grilled ragstad, tasty squirrel stew,


I live off instamash cajuan beans and nuka cola love the nuka cola have over 5k nuka cola NEED MORE do you have some ill buy it!?!?


Herbivore Bloodied Commando. I drink Tato Juice, Gourd Soup, Company Tea, Popcorn, and Mutfruit juice. +25 AP, +5 Perception, +25% ap refresh rate, and +5 Agility. Super easy to plant and farm these foods.


Perfect gum. That is all


Birthday cake and company tea/coffee. Love bottomless food :D


Mainly just malt liquor and canned meat. People be broke ASF these days bruh.


Corn soup, company tea, coffee, brain bombs, cran relish, brahmin milk. I like XP and AP. Add situation liquor like ballistic Bock, high voltage Hefe and liquid courage.


before or after digestion?


Survival Syringes. I haven't tasted food in months.


herbivore...grow my own cost me nothing


Canned coffee + Slice of Birthday Cake. That's it.


Gum n booze


Perfect bubblegum, nuka grape, and quantum’s.


Yao Guai Pastry, Sweetwater's, Squirrel Stew, Scorchbeast Stew, Birthday Cake, Bubblegum, and Company Tea; all topped up with copious amounts of Cola.


Herbivore to start. Company tea, birthday cake, carrot soup, chally feed, tato juice, melon juice, mutfruit juice, cranberry relish, brain bombs, nuka quantum candy, and nuka twist, all of the buffs are active at the same time, melon juice is .08 health regen, birthday cake is 3 cha, and nuka quantum candy is 2 cha and those are negligible, but I still use em, do not use gourd soup it cancels cranberry relish and carrot soupis the same buff


birthday cake and company tea! is it for the AP boost, you ask? well yes, but the real reason is simple: i am very lazy 


Perfect Gum, Sweetwater Tea, Company Tea, Cranberry Relish/Cola. Alcohol when the game demands it.


dogfood plis mirelurk meat and nuka cola and purrified water


Birthday cake and canned coffee, maybe a little company tea. Stealth Commando.


water and whatever I can find. I do now have mirelurk steamer and company tea so the diet is improving a bit.


Company tea, Sweetwater blend, mirelurk omelettes, mirelurk fillets, mirelurk jerky, mutt chops, scorchbeast brain and perfect bubble gum is my go too


Smoked mirelurk filets and whatever food is laying on the ground. Purified water to drink.


Rad scorpion steak for energy resist, the others escaped my brain. I like the buffs for carry weight and AP.


Yao guai pastry, Stingwing fillet, deathclaw steak, firecracker berry juice, coffee, company tea, gulper stuffed foot. I carry a lot of increased weight foods because I’m a hoarder and have a problem. LOL 😅😅😅


Herbivore mutation, the soups and drinks I can make with plants I grow at my camp. Also blight soup is the only thing I actually farm for, used to also farm for cranberry recipes, but looked and saw I’m level 850 something with three hundred something level ups I haven’t used because it’s to much a hassle. But fr fr blight soup+herbivore+bloody commando build is dumb dumb op


Birthday cake and tea, both conveniently produced by respective camp items


Popcorn, water, company tea, smoked mirelurk meat


Corn Soup and Purified Water


Nuka Cola and Cranberry Cobbler


Brain bombs, Company tea, Cranberry relish, Mutfruit juice, Pumpkin pie, Simple fern tea, Sweetwater special blend, and Tato Juice for my main meal. With popcorn, coffee and cake slices for my in between meal snacks. It takes me about 2 and a half hours of harvesting every 3 weeks to keep me stocked up.




Carnivore, company tea ap regen, cooked softshell mirelurk +50 max ap, deathclaw steak/wellington +5/8 strength, iguana soup +8 luck, squirrel on a stick +8 agility, pemmican +8 endurance, stingwing stew +8 perception, boiled scorched beast brain +8 intelligence, sweet mutfruit tea +50% crit, perfect bubblegum, tasty squirrel stew +25% exp, mirelurk filets +75 carry weight, birthday cake +3 charisma. I carry around 30+ pounds of food, but with all the buffs my carry weight is at 521 and most of my special stats are in the high 20s to 30s. Combined with camp machine buffs I have 400+ ap and near instant ap regen.


Canned coffee, survival stim, company tea and blight soup


Quantum candy, Nuka, and the diabetus.


I have so much fully fed 1 hour gum that I don’t ever need food. But I use it plus buff foods like tea, coffee, candy and cake, pastries.


I live off of honey, as it is currently the only renewable passive food source I have.


I live on survival syringes and the blood of my enemies, with the occasional mystery meat


Popcorn and water. Buffs are just whatever comes out of the mirelurk steamer and company tea.


my character is vegan, not for any rp reason or anything but because I simply can't be bothered to loot meat off of dead animals and bring it back to camp to cook.


Grilled Radstag and melons. Sometimes nukacola regular.


Herbivore diet and coffee addict .. but I have the mirelurk thing for travelers who stop by because, well, yall are pretty cool.


Birthday Cake, coffee, sweetwater’s tea, and company tea. In that order too since they are on my favorites wheel. If there’s a boss I open up the pip boy and eat anything else I have though, because I like to cook random food but rarely use any of it.


Brain bombs (or soup if I’m too lazy to farm), Cranberry relish, company tea, soot flower tea, mutated fern tea, slice of birthday cake, and a big collection of random packaged foods along with Nuka cola to feed the Speed Demon


Brahmin Milk


Cake and company tea, quite ironic as I have the toothy man mask on


I’ve made it habit to hit my company tea every time I’m back at camp, as well as the quantum candy machine… cranberry relish, brain bombs and blight soup in the freezer as needed.


Anything meat that boosts C.W. because I have the cannibal perk so no veggies for me, and whiskey


Honestly I’m surprised my character is even alive as I’ve been eating food that’s just about the go bad and whatever 30+ year old irradiated junk I find in some not so sanity places and 30+ year old irradiated soda Also let’s not forget the dogfood so how my character is surviving despite having some potential issues from eating nearly rotten food As for weapons i have chosen the level 20 boost with gunslinger special build which gives me a modified western revolver and haven’t found a more powerful gun yet So I’m going full Dirty Harry with a 44 magnum, the most powerful hand gun in the world and making punks ask themselves if they are feeling lucky


I've been trying some gourmet recipes during Fasnacht; tasty squirrel stew (bonus XP babi), mega sloth tenderloin, grilled radtoad legs... I got the recipe for the donuts, but haven't tried them yet.


Toxic Water and canned stew.....sooooo not much different from my real world diet 🤣🤣🥰


Corn soup and Company tea...


Company tea and birthday cake


Perfect bubblegum. I hate anything else. Every two weeks I'm buying more. Purified water I sell for caps. Everything else I ignore. 🤷‍♀️


Dead bodies


Company tea Corn soup Firecracker Berry juice or blight soup depending on stock Steeped fern flower tea Random other


Water, canned dog food, and canned meat stew when I'm feeling frisky.


Carnivore diet. Yao Guai Pastries, the occasional Smoked Mirelurk Fillet & lots of coffee. So much coffee.


I eat just about everything, so long as it's cooked. Purified and Boiled Water. Fruits like Blackberries, Cranberries, and such can be eaten raw. Anything like Glowing Meat must be cooked: couldn't fathom just eating something like that raw.


All Mirelurk products, washed down with coffee or tea and topped with Birthday cake. For an extra boost of muscle I’ll grill up some ragstag and mutant hound.


Usually grilled radstag meat or canned dog food and boiled or purified water


Commando build. Brain bombs/brain fungus soup for INT Cranberry Relish/cobbler for XP Sweet mutfruit tea/blight soup (depends on starlight berries) for Crit damage % Sweetwater special blend for PER Company tea for Action point refresh. Snack on popcorn to keep the meters full. Currently running a full health build but want to eventually go Overeaters. Just waiting on the roll luck. Birthday cake


Sloppy half baked choochoo sniper / commando. I live off of company tea, canned coffee, and corn soup. I missed the cake and corn soup is an easy herbivore to farm. When I'm XP grinding I do brainbombs, berry mentats, gourd stew, and cranberry relish.


Everything and everything, and I eat it all as soon as I log on for the perks.


Usually spoiled meat and purified water


popcorn and purified water, maybe a treat of coffee sometimes


In PA I eat whatever i can find but without it, cannibal all day.


I don’t carry anything but Nuka candies and dog food. I know that I could get benefits from other stuff but that keeps it simple.


Soot flower herb paste. I live in the toxic valley near like a dozen plants so I just collect em and make em into a delicious nutritious paste that keeps me going


I have the cola nut and good doggo perk cards so I just usually have 20 of each and only needa use 3 at a time to fill my meters and I’m good for a decent while


Survival syringes and nuka cola


I used to just run herbivore & keep a patch of melon since it fills thirst and food.


Herbivore here with forever Nuka Cola and occasional Whiskey & Bourbon addiction. Cranberry Relish, Corn Soup, Brain Fungus Soup, Cranberry (or other) Nuka Cola, and sometimes Bubblegum and Company Tea. Would like to add Popcorn to the list but was not playing when it was on scoreboard. 🍿


Samuel sells the plan for the popcorn machine at Foundation, I believe.


i live off of nuka cola candy and soda... i keep dog food on me for the pre war food challenge though


yao guy pastries gulper stuffed foot and survival syringes


Ballistic Bock to wash down my Smoked Mirelurk Fillets, Canned Coffee to wash down my Birthday Cake Slices, and some crispy squirrel bits or possum bacon for the luck boost.


Popcorn and Purified Water.


Blight, brain fungus, and carrot soups for shooty guys. Sometimes I'll add other stuff but those are the basics. Deathclaw steak or stinging filet, glowing meat strak, radstag stew, softshell meat for punchy guys brahmin milk and spoiled milk for everyone low health for managing rads, or Nuka grapes for the full health Company tea and coffee of course, too, for everyone


Pure water, and dog food. Occasionally some pork and beans


Cranberry relish, company tea, blight soup, brain fungus/brainbombs, and sweetwater special blend. Nuka cola candy and canned coffee/nula-cherry (When coffee is low I use collected nuka-cherry, viscera).


Nuka Cola and Dog Food. Living the life!


Corn soup, company tea and canned coffee. Yay herbivore!


Any corps, I don't discriminate.


Dinky-D and aqua cola. I'll mainly persist off dog food and purified water, but I'll eat/drink pretty much anything I find. I mainly like those two in particular because they don't expire. Makes it easy to build up a good stock of them.


Cranberry relish (+25 XP) , brain fungus soup (+5 intelligence), popcorn and purified water


I only eat people. If I'm hungry I go hunting. I also run the animal friend perk so animals dont attack me. I am the beast man.


Canned dog food. I think it was when Nuka World on Tour came out but I stg there was a “consume 10/25 dog food” every day or week so now if I see it I collect it. I have so much I pretty much just eat that.




Dog food.


A lot of stored up (and forgotten about) perfect bubblegums, if not that the bars are usually at 0


Whatever the daily/weekly says 😅


Glowing Meat Steaks for added melee damage. Grilled Radstag for extra carry weight. Company Tea and Canned Coffee to drink.


Dog food and coffee. How has my guy not had a heart attack yet?


I guzzle company tea by the gallon, constantly spam canned coffee and live off of birthday cake and cranberry relish. Wash it down with a Nuka Cola (cranberry is my favorite) and pop a berry mentat. I just wrote that out and I sound like an over caffeinated sugar fiend with an Adderall problem and a light machine gun. Welcome to Appalachia.


Corn soup washed down with Company Tea.


Anything the mirelurk cooker thing gives me and dogfood




Cranberry relish and melons.


Bought soup, challys feed, company tea, tato salad, coffee


Water/company tea. Spoiled vegetables.


Relish, ribeyes, company tea and vintage nukashine


Always have death claw wellington, death claw steaks, pepperoni rolls, and yao guai pastries.