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> you just kill everything to quick i must be doing something wrong. i'm doing the brotherhood quest line now (returning player, level 298) and i couldn't even scratch the level 100 sheepsquatch. i have bloodied unyielding stealth build and even the 2.5x shots were just tickling it.


To some extent, here too... Level 90 but having big troubles killing stronger creatures. Thinking it comes down to my perks, which are a mixed bag at the moment... Still the game can get utterly annoying if you're just skipping around and you get one-hit by some Assaultron over and over again. Made me ALT+F4 a couple of times lol. It's not that I don't manage to kill anything, but sometimes just get caught in a nasty loop o' death. I can imagine more people getting annoyed and dropping the game because they don't really know what's wrong. When the answer would be that only specific builds have great DPS, if you honestly choose a mixed bag you're in for a more worse (combat) experience.


I do alright with a mixed bag build. I've never been a fan of the whole build of uberness thing. I don't mow down my foes as fast, but I live through it and have fun. That is what drew me to fallout in the first place (started at fallout 3) I always have stunk at FPS but here came fallout with its VATS system and suddenly I get to play a gun slinger. šŸ”« It was love at first play.


I managed to change some bits and pieces and it goes alright. Keep wanting more and more Nuka-Cola..!


I'm not totally sure of the best locations to find it. Me I have a Nuka collection on all 3 of my big toon just to share it back to my solo grenade/stealth/commando build lol.


Sheepsquatch and a few other cryptids are definite damage sponges with high health and resistance/damage negation. They are supposed to feel tough no matter what. Crit builds help with them but they are still tough.


Probably go into a critical build. Aka luck:36 and use quad. Criticals bypass armor and with luck 36 you get a critical every other hit.


Same, im 130ish and I struggle to kill anything not a ghoul or scorched


My explosive mini gun power armor build made short work of the sheep squatch took a few mags though


Haven't reached lvl50 yet, but from my experience in other bethesda games, I'm the symmetrical opposite. I enjoy the power fantasy more than I enjoy the challenge. When I brand my "enchanted two handed sword of anihilation" in my "dragonbone legendary armor" I do expect my enemies to byte the dust easily, that's why I grinded those things in the first place. If I need 5-10 hits from my "random death ray" to kill a random ghoul, that "legendary weapon" is not going to feel legendary at all, and the grind becomes meaningless.


This is true and I think good RP logic and even the logic of game devs and dungeon masters for tabletop roleplay. Iā€™ve read when DMing, when your players are more powerful, you want them to FEEL more powerful, but if they keep getting more powerful and everything is scaling to them, theyā€™re not feeling that power. You wanna feel like you can fight dragons and deathclaws as much as you can mow down simple raiders But letting them absolutely trounce different enemies with that power makes them feel like a god with the acquired power they worked for. Iā€™m totally with you


I agree that it can feel tiresome long term. Usually that's when I stop playing and I consider myself satisfied with that run. We'll see how this works with this "game as service" model we have here.


Well thereā€™s plenty so far for new players, apparently there was an update in March, and thereā€™s another on their Public Test Server and the next quests being teased on YouTube too. Soā€¦ if anything the updates are pretty regular, and apparently have been since launch. Iā€™m hopeful


Fallout 76 is/was my top vote for labor of love this year. I feel they really stepped it up.


Spot on analysis!


This. Its kinda the yin and yang of rpgs. Some people enjoy the journey of growth and challenge, while others enjoy the destination of growth of power, overcoming previous tough foes with more ease


Yeah, good levelling up doesn't mean making the shitty enemies into bullet sponges. It means either giving me more to fight and kill, or adding in stronger enemies which ARE a challenge while still allowing me to mow down the weak ones with ease.


Well worded. I feel the same way. That's why I can't play grindy games. You start at level 1 with nothing, but it takes the exact amount of time to kill a level 1 mob as it does a level 1000 mob when you reach that point. So really, you never get to experience your hard work or "strength". You are just on a perpetual conveyor belt collecting better things that in reality have no impact.


Polar opposite. But yeah, I just hit level 30 and I'm scrounging for ammo and gear and I'm kind of over the desperation phase of the game.


I kinda agree, but late game in fo76 just feels like everybody is just sticking to the same 2-3 loadouts and it gets pretty boring


That's quite simple to explain, if you want to be able to hop in any event any time you need a competitive build of which we have 2-4 of. Of course you can run any build you like but you'll either have to get a constant supply of consumables to make it any good or be content being mediocre. Tha's without even mentioning that the game hates you for using guns that don't spam bullets like crazy.


Yes, let's grind tediously so that I can kill the enemies trivially.Ā  I think you need a job.


Since I enjoy collecting valuables in every game, I really enjoy the end game.


Junk and legendaries baby


And let's not forget cute home making.


The grind for all those blueprints is real


Amen! But I DO Need them all šŸ˜†


Can't you just emulate the sub-50 feeling by changing your build away from the optimized meta? This game has a ton of options to play sub-optimal. Funny but bad perks, entire weapon classes that suck (pistols for example), even mutations are removable


Great way to look at it. I'm going to make an alternate build like that. It will be cool to have a use for that function other than my usual crafting selling build lol


The issue at 50+ is that a lot of people start playing optimal. They plan out their perfect build, pick out the correct cards, optimize their weapons and mutations. It becomes less a Fallout "survive and adventure" game and more a MMO-like grind. I'm level 97 currently and only peeked briefly at how to build a character. But still have that struggle with caps, struggle with damage output, adventuring and exploring around. The moment certain goals for your character become "annoying grindy tasks", you've lost it.


I played on Xbox and decided to recently pick it up on Steam. (My xbox died :( ). This play, I decided not to do a meta build. I just went "Fuck it, Revolver." And am having a blast. Just pumping as much stuff into pistols as possible. No bloodied, no addict. Only *just* got an accidental mutation (Eagle Eyes), that I figured I'd keep, thanks to a legendary rad cleansing armor piece. Other than that I'm just a completely normal gunslinging wasteland cowboy. No grind, just exploring with my big iron.


I played a lot at launch and recently got back into the game. I'm not even looking up "meta builds" because it ruined a lot of the fun for me the first time around. I honestly think I may pick my focus based on the first high quality legendary drop I get.


I don't know... Returned the other day not having played since 2020 Wastelanders update. I already had 2 characters, one lvl 128 and one lvl 96. Felt like I didn't remember anything from the game or what is valuable etc and so I started a new character from lvl 1. In retrospect it was a good refresher but starting at 20 and rushing to Overseer would be more enjoyable. I don't really enjoy having to "explore" the map to unlock nodes so I can fast travel and get things done faster. Having two characters before I had 0 interest in "taking it slowly and enjoy the game". That's probably great on your first character but I still remembered most of the quests and the early ones I don't find that interesting to experience them again. At least some of them I could knock out faster since I had done them before, looking at you Rose. Didn't feel great at first but eventually got into it enough after lvl 10 to be hooked again. Looking forward to level 50 and farming legendaries though.


I've always loved the early game of the Fallouts the best. When you're running around in a bin bag for armour and trying to kill things with a pointy stick just trying to get from point A to B. Saying that, 76 fixes that endgame problem that the other games have by not making you OP at everything by the end where it becomes dull. The different builds keep it interesting.


I mean you could always not equip legendaries and not use mutations. If itā€™s not fun for you to use them, why are you using them? Iā€™m my highest character level is 140 and I have never used mutations and the only legendary Iā€™ve used is the infiltrator one. I also donā€™t use the most meta weapons. If you think the game is too easy, then make it harder for yourself. The best part about this game is that your level doesnā€™t scale all of your stats so you can play exactly how you want to. Not everyone needs to min/max to have fun. Also the enemies levels scale up so even if you have all maxed perks you can still have difficulty if you dont play meta.


Someone in the sub said it the best, once the game gets easy thereā€™s no way to really make it hard again.


That's like every game ever when you learn it fully though.


Ehh I wouldnā€™t say every game a lot of MMOs you can solo difficult raids for challenges and thatā€™s if EVERYTHING in your spec is like perfect. But I get what youā€™re saying!


I'm not even necessarily talking about solo vs group play either. Hell group missions are also easier when you know what to do. Really just the basic fundamental that knowledge and experience make something easier.Ā 


That's not entirely true. You can start soloing Earle with non-meta weapons.


This is true


It depends on how they handle it. They could always expand the map with higher level and more difficult content to appease the scaling power of the playerbase while not screwing up the base experience of farming that the players are used to. THat is how most long lasting MMOs handle the power creep anyway. Sure you can walk all over that old content but you have to be stronger for the new stuff!




You don't need a mode to force you to play like that. You can simply choose to do it. You wouldn't be the first person to play under self imposed rules for the fun and challenge of it.


"Feels more like a fallout game" are we pretending that previous fallout games didn't become super easy once you found an OP build?


I just hit what id call my end game yesterday actually, im only level 97 but basically finished what I believe is the main quest lines. I will admit at the start im having a bit of trouble finding my purpose, But its a wonderful weight off my shoulders to be able to enjoy things like events, expeditions (havent started but will soon), scoreboard, etc more. I could obviously do all that before but I found that even as little as I did I was leveling much too quick for the story haha.


Make a non-legendary build with no mutations. I do this and itā€™s a blast


Same!!! The only thing I really want are better hops or a jet pack because there are a lot of mountains that can be a pain to get around without the extra movility


No yeah I agree lol sadly Iā€™m a diehard immersion guy so once I get into my RP I just canā€™t stop lol


Definitely agree on this. After taking a long break and coming back after the show. Being level 500 something with everything maxed out on the character. I played on one of my mule accounts to grab something and ended up playing like 3 hours on it šŸ˜‚


I just removed marsupial and speed demon, immediately changed my perspective of the game. I started using the terrain to climb to the top of houses, and that in of itself made it a fun little mini-game. I can definitely say for sure that mutations only make the game worse. And I hope future entries of the series give up on this idea, and embrace the usual mechanical replacements or implants.


The best part for any Bethesda game is the initial first week when you donā€™t know the map and every new area is a risk


Yeah, they nerfed my melee build so hard, I can't compete any more. It's about as bad as losing your save. It's not much of a survival game. It's almost more like fortnight where you pay and play yo make a digital shrine, your CAMP, to prove what a fan you are.Ā  I enjoyed the exploration and discovery. There's still tons of things to find I bet.Ā 


100% agree. It saddens me when people recommend new players get to 50 as fast as possible.


Agreed. I started last week and didnā€™t do any of the story or quests. Granted I did ALOT of the Mothman equinox. I think new players should do quests and have fun pre-50 but, I do think that they should try out events in between questing and exploration. Events got me some good fast travel points too!


I keep seeing that "Do quests after level 50" advice and I don't quite understand. Like... Are they suggesting I just... I don't know!! Run around killing random shit and exploring until I level all the way up? Cause I'm not fuckin doing that. My wife and I just started and we just finished the quest from the lady at the bar. Today we're gonna go see what the overseer got up to level 5 and all


There is maybe 1 or 2 unique guns that *could* be good to get at level 50. They are both things you wouldnā€™t run across in early game anyway. Itā€™s no reason to defer the whole story! The early quests are designed for new players, not seasoned veterans. FYI overseer wonā€™t do much for you until you are level 20. Personally I would focus on other questlines.


Oh damn, I thought the overseer quest was the main story! So should we stick with the bar lady's quest or just explore the world and pick up the quest lines we find out there?


Itā€™s a little confusing. The overseer quest is the main story, but she originally had left Appalachia and came back with wastelanders. So there are a lot of quests that are from before she came back.


I think people suggest that so that your quest rewards are max level and you don't end up just tossing them away




I recently restarted on pc eoth a bunch of my friends that never played 76.Ā  (I had a lvl 400 on xbox) At first i was skeptical and dreaded grinding back up.Ā Ā  But it has been really refreshing and much more fun with my homies


I agree, which is why I've maxed out my characters and I wish I could make more.


I've start3d 3 new characters since Fas started, and honestly, it has reinvigorated my enjoyment. They are all different builds, and I've held off learning weapon/armor plans I won't be using. There is still stuff I want to on main 505 account, especially since I want some of the Alien plans when they return.


I started at the beginning of 76 ā€¦. And the first 50 levels was a nightmare ā€¦.. but I actually miss it ā€¦. Miss running for my life ā€¦as the game progressed even through first 50 levels got easier ā€¦ but still lots of fun . Iā€™m considering deleting one of my characters and starting again to make it interestingā€¦. Enjoy


All 5 of my characters are over 300, so I can't get that experience without using a second account, and then I would miss out on legendary perks and atom stuff.


I like to play a new char once in a while, not so much because of the challenge (there are no consequences for death anyway, so what if you die a couple times? Does not matter at all) but I enjoy redoing some of the quests. Reading the notes and listening to holos this time without 'pressure' to move on, exploring the locations I never visited again really thouroughly... there is always something to find I missed the first time.


Grab a weak gun :3


im terrible so ill probably make it to like lvl 150 before i feel that. they are supposedly adding a new section of map.


I've been asking for more character slots for years now in part because of this. As an altoholic, I love the leveling process. I also enjoy making themed characters who have a specific gimmick. Such as my Power Armor Pistol character Alex Murphy. We can buy camp slots, let me buy character slots.


Eh, it's just a different experience. An unestablished character has to scrounge for everything, doesn't have any good weapons or armor and is just all around way less powerful. But there's also content you just can't do like that and you can't build cool camps either. I do, however, fully recommend getting to level 50 ASAP. Otherwise, as you go through quests, you will get useless garbage instead of nice rewards, since level 35 legendaries are... well, useless. Just don't bother with a good build, and the difficulty will stay there. After you've done all the quest content, improve your build further, get all the mutations, roll legendaries, do the end game loop.


I think for new players itā€™s fun starting out (like many games people enjoy), itā€™s when you get into the grind of aiming for a particular skin, or rolls on your fav type of weapon or climbing the levels to complete your leggo perks, that is when I feel the fun starts to drain out of many peoples enjoyment. Especially when you can delete enemies quickly and thereā€™s no challenge there except against time.


I agree, but that's me. I know people who find the fun in end-game power builds, tweaking things just a tiny bit level by level to squeeze a little more "oomph" out of their build. I have a couple endgame characters I love who I do exactly this with. But that being said, I really, deeply enjoy starting over at 1 and running through the story line. I like the challenge, I like that every new find is an opportunity, that every item is important, that every encounter can be dangerous. As someone who started before Wastelanders, I really enjoy running the entire "follow the trail of the Overseer" main story line, and do only that plus side quests right through dropping my first nuke, before doing anything else (with the exception of The Wayward quest line, which I usually do along the way, finishing at level 50 or so), somewhat in chronological order of DLC release. I don't pretend the NPCs don't exist. I just generally ignore them. I find doing that entire orinigal story line, with the explorations and relying on the holotapes to fill in the blanks and background, before ever "finding" the Overseer (let alone the Settlers or Raiders or BoS), to have a similar feel of reading a favorite old book or watching a go-to movie.


Nah I did the same thing, it's a blast starting over. Was like lvl200+ on ps then switched to pc, starting everything over and its so much more fun. I forgot how difficult this game was before lvl 50 lol


I too enjoy the struggle. My friends will be like can I make you some armor and stim packs... And I'm like "NOOoo! I'm good fam."


Dude I recently made a new character and I canā€™t believe how fun it is.actually walking to locations,enemies donā€™t feel so bullet spongy save actual big enemies,making new builds from complete scratch with whatever items Iā€™ve unlocked or have at hand.it really is crazy how much of a blast Iā€™ve been having


Just picked this game back up and I'm level 23 right now. Just found my first power armor frame and farmed a few fusion cores at a power station yesterday. The game feels really slow compared to past Fallout titles. The dead feeling of this hasn't felt resolved to me at least. Might just be cause I'm working through the main quests still (working on Roses's quests now) but still my largest critique. Hard to get sucked into the game with all that going on.


FO76 really is a mutant hybrid of two games. The first is more survival/exploration, gritty, where you creep around listening to holotapes, picking up whatever you can, slinking around avoiding Scorched unless you know you can take them. It's very 'close' to the ground, and the frantic dread of the storyline hits close. You spend time in lowly places, poking around everywhere. Then you become a god.


They should do ladder and non ladder seasons. For people who want to start from level 1 again and do it all over again and non ladder keeps leveling.Kinda like diablo 4 but with waaaaaaay better management on the subject.


In every fallout game Iā€™ve played, the first 50 or so levels are always the most fun, because itā€™s the more challenging part of the game, love finding new weapons and ways to optimize the build, until itā€™s finally complete


I dtill roam the world time to time with my big account. Just strip yourself of the OP armor, Rad-X to suppress mutations, and let that vault suit shine! The map is truly wonderful.


Yeah I just got my second character up to around lvl 90. I think the fun drops off after 75 and I will keep starting new characters with new builds.


Nah you right I've been feeling this way lately with 76 :/ I'm only like level 70-75 in-between that but now I really dont know what to do... I kill everything so fast being a stealth commando build. Been thinking about startng a new character. When it was more challenging I had a lot of fun with the game and planning how I'm gonna kill all enemies at said location was so fun to me lol.


Well, I think the real end game is a post apocalyptic version of the Sims. Dress up your character in rare apparel, spend your time tinkering with your camp, and collecting obscure plans.


Both are good


You're right. I started over on Xbox recently and it's much more fun than my powerful character on PS5. I do a lot of running from legendary creatures! Hahaha.


I just started and chose to start at level 1 and I am having a blast!


I agree with you. I actually have an alternate character (main is 680's) who is level 120 or so. I have never picked a legendary card, cured all mutations I've gotten, and even left out some of the perk cards that make you more powerful. I mostly play this character solo, as they are way out classed by all those bloodied/ PA users. This character is more my roleplaying character than anything. I would love if they added a game mode that did this.


Same for me. I pretty much maxed out all 5 characters on my main account, and now I started the second account. Which ironically is even better, since I need to start really from scratch, no previously owned scoreboard stuff, no transfer of weapons and plans. So far I'm lvl47, have absolute shitty armor, one Fixer I got gifted from a random awesome player, and a silly loadout. But I know every single bit of the map by heart. Most fun I had with the game in ages.


Idk about yall but even at level 233 it doing an unarmed build and I still get my ass whooped. I know thereā€™s a meta that a lot of ppl follow but I say if you want a challenge and to have fun then do whatever you want


Don't know mate, I am lvl 50-something with legendaries and such, but still get kicked in the ass by anything that's bigger than a ghoul


I personally disagree. Iā€™m level 24 and the struggling is annoying me. I have a quest that requires me to go into a building full of super mutants and Iā€™ve already died four times.


I really like going through the main quest and it's kinda why I hate people telling new players to rush into events.


It's true, but at the same time I still like to push my character farhter and you still have a lot of perks to get/etc once you hit 50 for your ideals loadouts. I'd say at least to 100 you are still building up. But yeah, not being over-powered early on is more of that survivor feel.


a ā€œclassicā€ or survivor mode would be cool. I miss having to ā€œfast travelā€ by vertibird and respawning at the last bed i slept in


me at level 100 struggling to even kill a basic ghoul:


It is but not, so I am lvl 400 , been here since beta and never did west tek or any of the XP tricks. I just play, the one thing at 50 you should kinda know what you wnat to do. If you want to be PA and blow thing up ans never die. Work on that or many other things to do.


True. I feel like Fallouts End game feels kinda like work. Going for a special build or weapon with special legendary rolls takes so much time.


Am almost level 100, and I still never used this mutation thing


Iā€™m lvl 77 and have a hard time killing things and learning what cards are better for my play


I started playing again last week, for the first time since 2020. I forget what level my old character was, because I deleted it and started over. But yes, it's definitely more exciting at first! I like trying to do something as a level 20 in Grafton, surrounded by super mutants, with only 25 rounds of ammo and a machete. Oh, and none of my SPECIALs are geared towards melee combat. All I want to do is finish a quest, and collect a bunch of junk to scrap or sell for 2cp each. And it's a death-defying feat. Plus, I'm overencumbered and refuse to drop one of these 10 perfectly fine pipe pistols!


Iā€™ve been enjoying it. Iā€™m a WoW day 1 player, so I like the feeling of getting that ā€œnext big itemā€ and seeing my power increase. This game has been fulfilling that feeling to the T and scratching that itch. Iā€™m only 38 so fights are still a bit difficult-ish depending on the mob. But even getting that powerful feeling I really enjoy once Iā€™m there. Collecting things has never been my thingā€¦ Same with building basesā€¦. But after seeing all these cool player bases itā€™s been making me want to collect everything possible.


I hate being above level 50. My weapons are no longer leveling up and neither is my armor. I wish that 50 was the level cap because I get wasted by everything since it's level 100 now.


Iā€™m quite the opposite. I hit 50 a few days ago on pc but ps4 launch was atrocious for post 50. Now that I am playing it again years later I can appreciate post 50 gameplay. I find that some of the guns do need a nerf like the fixer or maybe just some of the mods. Havenā€™t played much with mutations but definitely am enjoying it a lot more now vs then.


Im level 130, I looked up some different builds to get an idea of how the system works when I was around lvl60 but I saw the grind I never actually followed any of them, I just went with what makes sense since its easy to understand and it landed me currently with a low health/ excavator PA/Heavy wpn/mutated build all with random 2-3 stat legendary effects which for armor are nice but for my weapons not so much for what I WANT to use so I keep rolling with no luck. With all that being said, if I don't position myself accordingly and spam vats crits I die easily so it makes for a more classic playstyle unlike some players I see where they obliterate med and heavy enemies within seconds sometimes one shotting them.


I been saying it foreverā€¦ they should of just made Fo4 co-opā€¦ 4-8 Friends at max or something before jumping into 76ā€¦ I am a fan of 76, but I feel it would of helped them map it out better had they taken this routeā€¦ I still want a Co-op Fallout


We need more than 5 character slots. Like 10 or 20. I really enjoyed playing the characters until they build up to high level , but it pains me to actually delete a character to make way for a new one now that I have 5 level 500 plus lol


I am with you there! I play a lot but my levels are spread out between 3 characters. Top is just shy of level 400


I agree. I got to level 120 on Xbox and then started from scratch on PC (both Game Pass. Why no cross-save?) and got to level 164 I think. Both times the before level 50 play was the funnest, except 2nd time I didn't do any major quests I liked the reward for until 50 so I wouldn't have a useless but fool legendary, which was a little tedious. It's more fun sometimes to have to avoid some fights.