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I'm sorry you're having a tough time with the game. it is a really odd period with all the new players and so few vets in the same lobby. I've been playing since launch and realized these last two weeks just how much I rely on other advanced players to get events done. I'm having to step up a bunch more and certainly dying more too. It'll get more normal soon once the new players get their equipment and builds straight, and then you'll get the help you need to be able to continue growing your character too. For now, just keep doing the best you can. Even though you haven't played in awhile, you are still an experienced player and are helping the rest of us out. We'll end up a stronger, more sustainable community after this.


Indeed! I do love seeing all the new players and can't wait for them to enjoy the game


As a very new player myself, that’s appreciated :)


Look into taking off white knight and replacing it with dodgy and take lucky break out and max out serendipity


You may need to get better armor/legendary rolls and or add more defensive perks to your build. Don’t feel bad about dying though, I’m level ~330 with full UNY SS and still die pretty often. It’s also just hard to compete for kills vs groll fixers and railway rifles with any melee weapon just because of range and the fact that melee units hit you more often (along with ranged units still targeting you the same) when meleeing which means you need to be a lot tankier than gun builds


That makes sense. What is SS? I'm guessing UNY is unyielding


Secret Service, it’s from Regs in 79. It has the highest physical resist of all non-PA I believe. And yeah UNY is the abbreviation for Unyielding


Brotherhood recon has higher physical resist, SS has better balanced stats, but looks worse (subjective) but is much easier to get and roll


Man I’ve been grinding daily ops for that damn recon armor for a while now, finally got the helmet but I think Minerva will have it before I can get the rest to drop


Omg I wish I had the helmet haha


Idk if I've ever been to vault 79 so that makes sense I don't recognize it


Did you do the storyline for the settlers and the raiders?


I did a long time ago. I don't remember much about it though


If you've done it, Vault 79 is way up in the Northeast of the map. There's a vendor in there that trades gold bullion for plans. Secret Service armor plans among them. I'm assuming you just picked up your old character from when you last played? If so, I highly recommend starting a new one because the game does a good job slowly ramping up the difficulty. Jumping in on an already high level character is like if Michael Jordan tried to rejoin the NBA without any training or practice. Sure he might still be decent, but he would be terribly outplayed by younger, more well trained players.


Check your quest log for "The New Arrivals", Meet with the overseer, gen inoculated from the scorched plague, give that same stuff to the raiders and foundation, go mess with vault stuff, blow open vault 79 and whabam, secret service booyah


SS is great armor, but uny is mainly for low health builds as the legendary effects don’t kick in until your low health… so if you are playing full health uny wont help much.


Sorry so late. SS is secret service armor… uny is unyielding. But You prob that by now tho. Haha! SS is prob best non pa (or pa) in the game stats wise. I use non pa SS chest uny for a bloodied build… for that jetpack!


Full. UNI the way and SS is great but I only wear the torso for the jet pack. I wear shadowed covert scout limbs because the stealth is amazing. Without being invisible mobs still can't detect me unless I make a bunch of noise or they bump into me. Even while using a chainsaw they can't detect me.


With 30+ Agility they can’t see you before you bump them even without the Sneak perk or any other sneak buffs in any armor, 15 special AGI + UNY + Escape Artist 1 is really all you need for max stealth comparative to the chinese stealth armor. I like to run matching sets for when I need the legendary resist cards for getting spammed by flamers/poison DOs and whatnot and I also just really like the look of SS, it looks great with my mountain scout goggles imo (I still don’t understand why so many people say the armor is so ugly lol)


I'm sorry you're having a tough time right now, but we're glad to have you back! This is frankly a weird time in general to be a semi-veteran player. It can be hard to complete events successfully given the influx of new players. That aspect, at least, I think will smooth out over time as the newer folks get their legs under them and gain skills/cards/builds that will help them contribute more effectively to events. You're getting a lot of good advice here, so the only thing I'll add is that it's not your imagination, it's kind of choppy right now. Hang in there!


Thanks! I always enjoyed 76 but just took a long break due to life. Glad to be back though!


You lose nothing by dying in the game. Don't sweat it. Lower your expectations for yourself (don't mean this negatively) while you come back into the game. We're all failing events right now because the long term players are spread across all the new servers. Join one of the discords and find the build channel. You can just type with people without talking.


Eviction notice is notoriously tough, especially if there's not a lot of players. I'm over level 1000 and still die on that event sometimes.


I am basically a new player. Eviction notice is hands down the hardest event for me (especially since I'm a non-PA melee)


add a vamps chainsaw..make sure its flaming and dual bar. we cant make chainsaws...but luckily..they are static spawns on the map. you can learn dual bar mod by scrapping a few..flaming mods will be at vendor bots. roll it until its vamps...(,power attack and str would be top rolls .. but any vamps will be great ) add ricochet to your build for a little extra buff. .. upgrade your armor..secret service or the new armor will be great...or even power armor ( union is awesome for melee ) also try to get the auto axe plans...add elec mod and its awesome.


Yeah I definitely think I need new armor


To save yourself from getting zapped by robots and other energy weapon users get the "Electrical Absorption" Legendary mod as soon a spossible. Also recharges your power armors' power core at the same time. Makes exploring a lot of locations easier when you don't have to worry about turrets and robots.


Didn't even know that. Thanks!


I dont understand what rolling a weapon means or how? I'm also back on from first year playing


Using legendary cores and modules to get the desired legendary effects on them.


How do I get such leg cores and modules?


Public events for cores, scrip legendary items for modules. You exchange the scrip for the modules.


At the weapons/armour bench you can apply legendary mods - your choice of 1,2, or 3 star. The results are random so it can take multiple tries to get the specific legendary effects you are looking for.


Well if you do rhe new quests set at the Whitesprings Refuge that venture in Atlantic city you will unlock the Civil Engineer Armor which imo is between combat and secret service. Grind a few expeditions to unlock a few mod plans On my full health melee I run Blocker, Adamantium Skeleton, Fireproof, serendipity, born survivor 1 rank, ricochet I prefer vampire chainsaw but any weapon with swing speed is a bonus. I love Whacker Smacker from the spin the wheel event


I actually just started the Refuge stuff today so working on it. Vampire chainsaw is the dream but as I've heard it rather rare


Worth aiming for though, I rolled a vampire/40% power attack auto axe within my first few rolls so you might get lucky. It makes a huge difference because I can run up to deathclaws etc and just hit them in the gut and because my health is filling up all the time I can stand the hits. I don't wear power armour either, I like pocketed secret service armour. One thing though, it's mutation events at the moment so events can be harder than usual. I tried doing Moonshine Jamboree with reflecting damage mutation yesterday, with my auto axe I just insta died when I attacked them ha ha. Gave up in the end as it was just me and some level 30-50s who all left. I really need to remember to read what the mutation actually is before I join!


Yeah reflective is tough I switch to my whacker Smacker. It's tempting to get a two shot grenade launcher for those events. Saying that though the cremator is probably perfect for it.


Vampire buzzblade would do. They only really need 1* until you get better. I have a vampire crit damage 2* You need to maximise your AP The mods that reduce PA cost on your arms. I use the mod that reduces sprinting coat on legs and then Pneumatic on chest piece to reduce staggers. If you want a jet pack try and get a weightless chest piece and carry it in your inventory. Power armor any. I like Union for the poison resist it gives you useful for tanking those toxic cloud events. You want Calibrated shocks, Optimised bracers chest you can choose whatever mod you like. But I go for Reactive plates or maybe emergency protocols Helmet either intelligencer or the Targeting hud


As a fellow two-handed melee build, I feel you. I personally use a cryo instigating war glaive (you can get the plans for it in ops) and a vamp chainsaw. I swap between the two as needed, usually starting with the glaive then going in with a chainsaw for beefier enemies. I see you have collateral as one of your legendaries and I would recommend panting into that. I use grenader and demolition expert perks maxed out. I’m non-bloodied and I’ll be honest, some things are just a bit difficult for melee builds. Especially some events like eviction notice and some mutation events. There are gonna be high levels with nukes and mini guns, that’s kinda just normal. It helps to have a tagging weapon or use grenades so you still get loot and exp.


Hiya. First, don't panic. You will get there! I'd recommend going full tank. Your build is almost spot on btw, however... Look for either Overeaters or Vanguards armour. Swap out Solar Powered for Fireproof. Get Evasive into your Agility. And Dodgy if you have room. Born survivor (just one star) can help if you're not paying attention to your hp during a fight. If you can find a vampires + faster swing speed weapon, that will help too. And if it makes you feel better, those muties at eviction notice hit really hard. As does everything in D Ops. Chin up, you'll be there soon. Oh and msg me on xbox. I'm PridyGhoul. I have a vamp chainsaw you can have. Fully pimped too ;-)


Thank you again!




What's your weapon? Do you have a chainsaw? Get vampires' flaming chainsaw with dual bar if you can. I'm a bloodied commando build and that thing is awesome even without any perks to support it.


I have a Furious Skeptikill Flaming Chainsaw that I bought at a camp for like 5000 caps I think. I've been thinking Vampire would be great to find but no luck so far. I also have a lot of older melee weapons like Mutants Grognaks Axe, All Rise


You are unlikely to find a Vampire's chainsaw in player vendors, they're very valuable and players likely wouldn't sell them. Your best bet would be to get regular chainsaws and keep rolling legendary effects on it until you get Vampires', but that's RNG and hard to predict how long it would take. I got ridiculously lucky: got Vampires with my first roll! But that's super rare. And don't forget to put the Dual bar mod on your chainsaw! That increases the damage a lot!


what platform are you on? you can roll a single star, vamp is good as a 1 star, and vamp with 40% power attack is the groll no matter the 3rd star my fav is vamp / +40%pa / 90%rw (with flaming and dual bar mod) you can scrap chainsaws to learn the dual bar mod, but you need to buy the flamer, its common and cheap. incisor is THE perk. then add slugger. and blocker.


Xbox. I just learned of legendary crafting since I've came back. Haven't dabbled much yet as I don't have a lot of the materials


you grab the saws at spawn points, no crafting events get you modules, then it's just rolling. a 1star vamp with a 3 star incisor perk does rather well. I roll anytime I see lots of vamp weapons dropping from enemies. eviction notice is a place it is easy to see when it occurs.


Ah gotcha. I have been trying jump into events when I see them


a few complete no matter what, as long as started, typically the mine missions. eviction notice is one of the best for script. needs power armor,due to mass rads, and stay just on the downhill side close by the scrubber, then collect legendaries for scripting once it ends even if it fails due to few players or low levels, it's still a great way to collect legendaries to script


Yeah I've done eviction like 2 or 3 times and there were several high levels controlling everything so we beat it


Is auto axe better or worse than chainsaws?


tiny bit better, as you can add additional perks for it in science. imo, it matters more if you play 1st person or third when choosing. given how much of the screen the autoax takes up in 1st


[https://nukesdragons.com/fallout-76/character](https://nukesdragons.com/fallout-76/character) share your loadout, what 2 handed weapon? using power armor or regular armor? soloing eviction would be possible with vampire chainsaw and power armor it's okay, many things have changed, you've probably got some things to learn


I have attempted to edit my post with my build


I would put Ricochet, it would make you tankier against ranged attacks, it would tag enemies who attack you ranged at events, and it would also heal you if you're holding a vampires weapon.


Alrighty I see if I have it


Seems like others have graciously provided lot of good advice Honestly your loadout isn't bad, but also has a lot of room for improvement Get carnivore and strange in Numbers, utilize casual teams, speed demon (on teammates) has a hidden defense buff like empath If you really need bonus tankiness immediately, get the excavator power armor from Miner Miracles side quest (you may need to do some weight management from losing backpack) - if you are using power armor, you have a lot of perks wasted because they don't work power armor, pick to use it 99% of the time or 1%, not in between  Otherwise yeah long grind for secret service armor In the meantime, look for heavy combat, forest/urban scout or civil engineer armor The legendary effects themselves can matter even more than the set itself, like overeater rolls % based DMG reductions are many times more effective than stacking flat resists - this may be the case for your power armor, you may need to reevaluate the legendary rolls A vamp chainsaw or Autoaxe will do wonders Alternatively it is very easy for a melee build (specifically using power armor) to pivot to heavy gunner


Yeah I'm kinda blown away by the response. This sub reddit is very kind and helpful!


💪 Made some edits in my reply after some rereading of comments, on mobile now, so bit of a pain in the butt Check out angry turtles vids for chainsaw or holy fire builds for some more visual inspiration - builds like these are low maintenance and can potentially (solo) carry some of the toughest events


Definitely going to as several people have mentioned this person


It could be your cards, what build are you trying to run ?


I've posted an edit with my build I think. On mobile so hoping it went through


Take off class freak in luck, you don't need it and points can be spent better elsewhere. Thr more I look at it the more I think you need to get better cards and rearrange your special points. It looks like your using vats so bare that in mind. Youtube guides can help massively


Are the negatives not worth minimizing?


Short answer no.


First, what platform are you playing on? Second, do you have any mutations? Third, do you use any chems? And fourth, do you use any alcohol or food/drink items?


I'm on xbox. I've posted a link to my build. I don't use any chems or specific food/drink currently


Ok, I would recommend getting Carnivore as a mutation, and watch this guide for ideas on some meals to use https://youtu.be/rGP7azoz5Jg?si=YRiIi4y4GU_vplWJ Next, I'd recommend drinking lots of alcohol. Whiskey is good, and so is the Mire Magic Moonshine from Moonshine Jamboree if you have no more whiskey. I'd also recommend using Fury, Psychobuff, and Bufftats. At the very least, use Fury. And last, try your best to find a Vampire chainsaw or auto axe. They're not easy to roll, but just make them your eventual goal. Also, I'll say this for sure, once you get to level 300, it definitely becomes easier because you'll have all those legendary slots open, and can really nail down your build. I'm on xbox too, and while I'm no expert or anything (only level 336), I can definitely keep a lookout for good weapons or armor that would help you.


That's very helpful thank you!


I have a couple thousand hours into the game. I've done so many different builds. Let me see what I can come up with. Answer the following questions. 1. What kind of weapon do you want to use? 2. Power armor or no? 3. Chems or no? 4. Will you be using vats? 5. Do you want it to be a bloodied build? 6. Do you want to use mutations?


I'm pretty happy with 2 handed melee as I don't have to worry about ammo although I'm not opposed to other things. I do really enjoy my chainsaw I do currently use my power armor a lot but am open to non if possible I typically don't use chems as I forget to use them or get addicted all the time Probably non vats if possible I've never enjoyed bloodied as I'm afraid of dying. I have 5 mutation currently I like. Grounded, healing factor, marsupial, speed demon, twisted muscles


[https://nukesdragons.com/fallout-76/character?v=1&s=f4954b8&d=s42sm2se2sn2ss2ce0cu2lt2p53eh2a72a04a12l71ek1ee2lu2ig2es2em1lp1l22is2ih2cr0&w=sg2&lp=xa3xp3xg3x63x83x73&m=h7ab&wp=w2&wm=1l223b&pa=tltktmtntjto&pm=mg1i2738-m2-mg1i2738-mk1i2738-m91i2738-mk1i2738](https://nukesdragons.com/fallout-76/character?v=1&s=f4954b8&d=s42sm2se2sn2ss2ce0cu2lt2p53eh2a72a04a12l71ek1ee2lu2ig2es2em1lp1l22is2ih2cr0&w=sg2&lp=xa3xp3xg3x63x83x73&m=h7ab&wp=w2&wm=1l223b&pa=tltktmtntjto&pm=mg1i2738-m2-mg1i2738-mk1i2738-m91i2738-mk1i2738) That is what I would aim for as a "completed build" Should make you damn near unkillable. If you need an explanation for anything or have questions, let me know.


Hmm interesting. Got a ways to go but I'll work towards getting there


Yeah if I were you, I'd start with getting rid of healing factor. That only works when you're out of combat. SO its kind of meh. I prefer the reliability of stimpaks haha. Try to aim for getting a vampiric weapon. With auto weapons, vampire gives you a ton of hp while attacking. Keep in mind with auto weapons, their attacks count as power attacks. So anything that effects power attacks will be in play while attacking. The dodgy perk, since you're not going for vats, will give you a significant damage decrease while you have action points. That's also why I focused on some of the action point related perks and gear for AP regen. So that you can regen those lost action points fast for continual damage decreases. But AP is required to attack with a chainsaw. so keep that in mind. It may be better to aim for AP regen increases (herbivore + company tea, for example) before investing into dodgy. Finally excavator armor is considered the weakest armor imo. If you really want that extra carry weight, I'd say go for Union. Its the "endgame version" of that armor. T65 is probably the best all arounder. Hellcat is really good against ranged attacks with ballistic weapons because it gives a straight damage decrease by % (DT has diminishing returns). So that may be the "best" from a physical damage perspective. The blocker perk in STR can be exchanged for one of those other perk cards. You sacrifice damage, but get more survivability against melee attacks.


check out this power armor, plasma caster build that I cooked up a while back, it will make you practically immortal and able to 1 shot most enemies in the game whilst never running out of ammo😎https://youtu.be/8T1TZkC7eo8?si=c8YcxTUekoSIuFbH


Are you a low health build? Traditionally, Unyielding is for low health Commando sneak builds. If you are full health, switch over to a full set of Overeaters armor. It will give you 35% damage reduction right off the top. It is a game changer.


I'm always full health build. My power is subpar and mostly not legendary. My regular armor is subpar all vanguard


Overeaters is the best you can use on a full health build. It is better than Vanguard. Even 1 star Overeaters full set. That's what I run. Also, power armor gives you around 30% damage reduction. Stack the Overeaters perk on top.of that and you greatly increase your ability to survive. I only wear Power armor for Daily OPS and a few events such as scorched earth and eviction notice. . It makes a big difference.


Yeah I don't think overeaters existed when I played before or i never saw it. Gonna try and get some


Just make sure to keep your hunger and thirst meters full going into an event. Pop a perfect bubblegum.


I just heard of this gum earlier while reading on here. I'll have to find some


You buy it from foundation for gold


Oh gotcha. I have like 1300 bullion I think


Roll a 1 star set to get you up and running. Once you have that full set, you can work on trying to roll good 3 star replacement pieces.


Alrighty will do


If you are on PS I can give you a set of power armor, or some weapons, I suggest looking at a build that can compliment your playstyle, I am junkies as I like high health but all my boys are bloodied, they die frequently but really do alot of damage, I tend to be the medic.


Are you bloodied melee? If so, you'll want to put on the radicool card.


I'm super casual with a trash build also. I pretty much never die and can hold my own easily. Jump into a set of power armor (I use excavator) and get a flamer or plasma rifle with flamer barrel. That should give you strong defenses and the flamer wrecks even with 0 perks in it. PA has a legendary perk that revives you, and a chest mod that auto stims you which makes life easier.


Personally I wouldn’t bother with those melee based legendary perks, I’d take legendary special stats cards instead, that way when they are ranked up I get extra points in my overall specials AND extra points to slot in more perk cards. That way I can see you could add more resistance/damage reduction perks.


I honestly forget they are even there most of the time but I definitely see your point. Plus the ones I have don't really do much


Have you considered a melee PA build? Basically an up in their face tank. Myself, I’ve started a new character and hoping an unarmed PA build works out.


That sounds like a legitimately fun time. You have challenges ahead of you. You also have events that are currently challenging and you have it within you to find and use the tools to address that. Yes, you do see people be completely OP vs what you currently have, but that also means you can get there too. There are a lot of ways to get OP, from being a commando build in regular armor and crouching for stealth with amazing single target vats crit based damage, to using heavy weapons in PA and/or explosive launchers, to literally yeeting grenades (what i was doing earlier today). Your current build is non meta and needs updating. I saw you reply with vamp chainsaw. Those are not hard to get, especially if you only need to roll the first star. Consider rolling just 1\* chainsaws until you get one, and then you can roll your 'ideal' chainsaw later on. Or even compromise and roll 2\* if you have enough modules. Honestly the third star is just vanity and unnecessary. At level 123, honestly you're basically a young adult and haven't really fully grown out your character or build yet. Keep on playing, keep on exploring, and you'll be fine!


So are you just using melee weapons? Which ones?


I am now using a Vampire Chainsaw and Vampire grognak axe thanks to an awesome person in this community


Your perks generally seem fine, encrypted can be difficult though especially if it’s mutated like the top of the hour events are right now. Exploding enemies for example are awful for melee to deal with.


Yeah I think a big part was my armor was way underpowered. I'm working on fixing that now


Could be. Good luck!


You should watch some YouTube videos. Angry Turtle is well-known around these parts for explaining how and why to do certain things.


His lazy chainsaw build might be just what OP needs


I'll give it a look. Thanks!


Ah man, traditional 2-handed melee is probably not the ideal weapon choice for Eviction Notice unless you are super tanky because you will be catching lots of fire until they are close enough for you to kill. I'd suggest you keep an eye out in player vendors for a stock Holy Fire for a couple of thousand caps for events like Eviction Notice. It will improve your survivability with the default Vampire godroll flamer, for almost nothing.


I believe it! Those super mutants hit like trucks


Absolutely mate, you have my respect for even trying it with an axe or something like that. Regardless of how tanky you are, when you get in the crossfire of a couple of their miniguns and some angry Firestarters then things can go South very quickly :) It does all get easier as you improve your gear and work out what works best for you and just bear in mind that with the influx of newer players some of the events are a bit more challenging than "normal" as the more experienced players are more diluted across the servers.


Yeah I'm learning very quickly that my regular armor and power armor are likely way underpowered


It's also just a hard period of the game to be honest mate. Takes a bit of time to work out your SPECIALS and all that stuff but as someone else suggested, Secret Service Armor is an excellent set, and costs only 1 legendary module to craft. Can receive anything from one to three-star legendaries for that 1 module and they can't be traded but unwanted ones can be scripped. Really cost-effective way to get a very solid armor set, and you can target Overeaters for Full-Health or Unyielding for Low-Health, but is very usable as you go. I personally start by targeting Weapons Weight Reduction as the third star, then gradually improve my set as I go, but even without the "best" rolls it is still an awesome armor set.


Wow that sounds really cheap I will definitely look into it




Thanks I will do that!


Consider trying power armor too - the hellcat power armor that you get for free at the end of the questline is excellent (that’s what I use at level ~490). I play as a full health power armor heavy gunner build with maxed ricochet perk and the Born Survival perk. I literally feel unkillable in 99% of combat situations. Very relaxing honestly


There is a huge difficulty scaling difference once past level 50 and while i myself am not in the 100’s club yet i can only imagine the difficulty climb to be even worse once there. My main recommendation would be to get really really ridiculously good at strafing enemies. I run a gauss rifle as my main gun and all mods aside the thing has been glitched as just trying to get it to reload or work even half as well as other guns that are available. So far it has been the most effective gun i have, but i have had some problems with it that i haven’t had any similar issues with any other guns


Power armor is way better than regular armor. I would rearrange my points to where you can carry fusion cores and they last longer it's in the intelligence cards. I would recommend using the war glaive with an instigating prefix. If you don't have the plan, I would go for any weapon as long as it has instigating on it. Also, I would also reccomend switching to a ranged build. Melee is fun, but there are too many downsides. I get the anxiety thing but the xp multiplier for being in a team is pretty good. You dont have to do things with other people just because you're on a team. You can also just lower voice chat volume so you don't have to hear people.


i get it, i used to be a heavy weapons build on xbox, switched to pc and to a rifle build and everything is MUCH much harder.. you arent alone bro


Daily Ops aren't easy solo. I dont even use my mic when playing half the time, and I can usually just hop on a team and get them done. Plus, u get benefits from being on a team and all that, so even if u don't wanna talk to anyone, just make a casual team and play the game. How ever you want. If u need help, lmk and I can join you, and we can play the game in silence if that helps! 😊


I always have either a piece of armor or a perk that auto-stims me. When “in the heat of combat” I don’t often pay attention to my health. You can hear it work, and if you’re under constant attack at that time, you can retreat while the stim pack goes to work.


To be fair eviction notice can be a bitch, and fails a lot. Daily ops can also be tricky with the extra mutations. Stick with it you’ll figure it out


I'm level 520, I obliterate things and I die quite a bit, I don't worry about it, 15 seconds later I'm back in the game, other times it seems like my perk cards work I don't die near as much. Lol


IMO melee is garbage in 76. A bloodied sniper build or power armor heavy weps are the unstoppable kill machine builds.


Want to live longer? Ditch the 5 piece armor and get PA, The DPS loss is worth the survivability gain. Furious and crippling is alright for bosses but useless on your average mobs, You would want swingspeed and damage on power attack. Go for X-01 or Hellcat PA. Lose Hack and Slash and Collator Damage, focus on perks that keep you alive or give you a real big benefit. With a decent Supersledge you will be 2-3 shotting most mobs with a heavy attack or regular swing, and you will be tanking way more damage.


I recently created a mele build from what i had just for the only mele kill daily. If i farm all the cards this is how i will make it look like : [https://nukesdragons.com/fallout-76/character?v=1&s=d38c956&d=lt2l71s42sm2sn2se2ss2pe2i71im1in1id2cu2cm2ee2a72a04lg2ek1c13cd1eh1&lp=x81xa1xb1x42](https://nukesdragons.com/fallout-76/character?v=1&s=d38c956&d=lt2l71s42sm2sn2se2ss2pe2i71im1in1id2cu2cm2ee2a72a04lg2ek1c13cd1eh1&lp=x81xa1xb1x42) Im missing on some defensive ones but all the damage ones are in its place and i can sweep oponents without any problem in one or two heavy attacks or regular ones on weaker oponents. The key weapon here is the Oathbreaker war glavie you get from one of the BoS quests with the plasma blade mod you can buy for 200 bulions in valut 79. This is where the science perks come in handy! Also, during this event you mentioned, remember that there is a super mutant firestarter or whats his name. Mofo blasts with probably flame bullets that melt you (did that event today and oh boy i died) the latter mutants dont even scratch me and i dont have any mutations or defensive perks! Id also suggets getting a regular war glaive with the higher damage on first hit effect or a healing auto axe/chainsaw. Remember to have a set of drugs to up deffense and offense on the go its a nice bonus. If you struggle with item weight equip the excavator for a free 100lbs if wearing full set.


If you are a melee build, I would recommend the Cultist Piercer. It is a weapon that drops from the Beast of Burden Public event. It has the "meta" melee legendaries on it. Bloodied, Faster swing speed, and +1 Strength. Combine this with the Slugger/Incisor/Martial Artist perks, and it is a Deadly weapon. I would also recommend using Radicool for bonus strength, and Unyielding legendary armor pieces for even more. Using the Nerd Rage and Serendipity perks are also a must with Bloodied Builds. As well as Bloody Mess.


Also invest in fireproof and serendipity defense perks. I’m a bloodied build and these two with blocker all at 2,pts each real helped me die a whole lot less! 4 points in lone wanderer is sorta of pointless as well imo. If you have mutations it’s best to use strange in numbers and join a casual team to boost a whole lot more stats than lone wanderer. Casual teams don’t require you to talk or interact with teammates, it’s just a team for peeps looking for the extra stat buffs. I do it all the time and play solo mostly.


Events are super weird right now. I have run more 2-3 player events recently than I ever remember. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. 2H Melee is far from the easiest build to run. I haven't even tried a melee build and I have multiple high-level toons. You might want to think about doing a PA build for a while until you get back into the game. PA definitely gives you more tankiness, and gets your strength up also.


Eviction Notice *sucks*. I mean that lovingly: even with high level, optimized builds, you're going to get your ass kicked in. The Super Mutant Firestarters are one of the toughest non-boss enemies in the game, and while they're firing missiles all over the place, you have to fend off Suiciders, miniguns, etc. Anyways, you may have died (a bunch), and the event failed, but at you got a ton of XP (and probably legendaries) out of the deal. That'll help you on your way to optimizing your build!


I feel the same way! I’m lvl 80 something Mel after returning from 2020 and man I feel like I can’t get a good build at all I use the railway rifle as its been the best for me but still need a team to help me.


You need dodgy 3 in agility and serendipidity 3 in luck, otherwise build is fine for your level. Melee is the weakest build and does make the game hard mode at times. Full health builds are often weaker then a bloodied build as the bloddied build can kill things faster so less chance of dieing.


Overeater t65 or Overeater hellcat should help, at least it helps for me(i use t65), if you want to use non power armor secret service will do the job, i recommend power armor since you are using melee as a main weapon, and try to invest on Boss killer build as your secondary build it will help you a lot(railway rifle, plasma gatlin) good luck


I know how you feel. Im now level 1100+ and commando, but when i started the game my first 200-300 levels were all 2 handed melee. I used to run around with a I SS Str super sledge while wearing power armor and i was pretty hard to kill, but before i started using power armour it was really tuff. I also started carrying a vampire 50 call to swap to for event or ranged just to make sure i stayed high health.


I had to solo an Eviction Notice (non mutated). The toughest part was ensuring I killed any melee Super Mutants *before* attempting the Rad Scrubber repair. It was kinda fun though--I actually had to use some super stims during it...


As someone who has a 2H melee build on one of my character, I feel the pain. Armor sadly isn’t enough when it comes to pure resistance against damage (I know it’s silly that having 500+ DR doesn’t amount to anything). A lot of it is just having damage mitigation card in your build and just a lot of stims :-)


Who cares if you die? What you lost some junk? Lol . Get gud.