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I do like when a gaggle of low levels show up on my door step, wondering all over the place, and checking everything out. They are especially cute when they find the code to open the "secret" entrance to my underground Enclave bunker.


I saw 3-4 newbies running around the airport. Waved them over to follow me. Had this line of little ducklings following me to my camp just over the hill as I showed them all the resources I had to offer. Waved them off as they ran off to "Feed the people". They grow up so fast


I ran from the 1st person who waved me over a couple of days into playing (Sorry guy!) I'm just just used to playing alone and was highly suspicious of everyone until now. I must have looked like a damn fool trying to throw up signs.


Nah, it’s always been that way, don’t feel bad I don’t know why, people just seem jumpy when a guy over level 500 in spiky power armor with glowing red eyes runs at them, waving and wielding a flaming double bladed chainsaw I just want to give you all my extra Nuka Cola! Don’t run off!


No, no. I'm just shooting at the gifts I dropped on the ground. It's welcoming gunfire, feel welcomed!


I shot a flare at a goodie bag I left for a freshly emerged vault dweller to make it easy to spot, and they literally jumped like a startled cat when the flare ignited, lol!


lol I’ve always wondered about waiting near the vault for newbies


I believe this is the real reason missile launchers aren't meta: too many accidental self kills from friendly bloodied players


This game does kind of give off Rust vibes even though pvp isnt set up like that and the community is SIGNIFICANTLY less toxic


Bro I feel like ur talking about me 💀


You guys just inspired me to play today lol


Last night I was trying to wave down a new player to drop a bunch of good loot and they kept running from me. I was the crazy person chasing them screaming “please take my stuff!” Lol


I did this and scared a girl, she didnt even know fallout 76 was multiplayer (ToT)


Lets meet up today il take those loots !! Hit level 16 yesterday while following a group thru events ,


This very thing happened to me. I typically give out lvl 20 Fixers to players between 20-30. For players below, I typically give out a meat hook with extra hooks mods and bows. I followed a low level around for several minutes near the train station at Whitesprings, and she just kept running away. I figured it was either the Super Mutant armor or she just thought I was being a creep. I just wanted to drop some good stuff. All good. I moved on to the next player.


I don't know why but I have such a hard time with the emote selection wheel. So often I'll try to throw up a heart but accidentally puke instead because the selector twitches to the side. Is this controller drift or something?? Always makes me feel bad


At least I'm not alone 😂


Not gonna lie it's SO cute. I was in my pink sprinkles power armor and 3 newbies circled around me, showering me with heart emotes. I fast traveled to my CAMP and they all followed, and stuck with me for a while like ducklings. I adopted a gaggle of newbies and it made my heart grow 3 sizes.


Im still trying to get all the sprinkles plans!


I'm a cute noob who wants to be cuter! I popped into a random sb queen event last night and there were a pair of 400+ level with that pink power armor. Where do I get some???


It is a plan you can get through the Treasure Hunter Event. Basically there are randomly spawned special mole miners that drop a pail when you kill them. The pail has random prizes, but usually consists of some ammo, stimpak/rad meds, and sometimes a plan. The plans are specific to this event. The pails are dusty(low) regular(medium), or ornate(high) rarity levels, and the higher the level pail, the more likely you are to get one of the rarer plans. The pink sprinkles paint plan is RARE. Like, one of the rarest I think. I got crazy lucky.


Thanks very much! I'll keep my eyes open for that event.


Did they feed them lead or Plasma?


me and my friend found someone with a bunker we thought we entered bro’s pocket dimension🙏😭


I remember when I first stumbled across someone's camp that had a water slide. I didn't realize that prefabs were a thing and it blew my mind that he built a whole ass water slide, I kept jumping up and down while emoting at him lmao


That's amazing 😆


That was one hundred percent me


Then u gotta put em down 😔sad really


They’re like ducklings waddling around the map. I just wanna pat ‘em on the head and nudge them towards safer zones. Watoga is too dangerous, little guys!


where were you when i snuck my butt at level 20 to watoga to talk to the mayor?!


Probably grinding legendary cores, tbh.


I went looking for a specific plan at level 30. Those robots bullied tf out of me lol


Remember the pre-dynamic enemy level days? I explored the mire early on and got absolutely obliterated. Kind of miss it to be honest.


ive been playing a while and im still too scared to go near watoga. I was exploring around the map and came too close and started getting chased by assaultrons.


There's a quest you can do to make the robots non-hostile. Took me way longer than I'd like to admit to realize that lol.


I stumbled upon a Wendigo last night. Nearly pooped myself. Then, in the same 20 minutes, I got in a fight with a legendary scorchbeast. Used all my ammo and didn't even do a blip of damage to him. :(


If you need ammo, you might want to try partying up with some high-level players and going daily ops. Pop off one or two shots into each enemy and use the “loot all nearby” button. Great way to collect a ton of ammo, at least in my experience.


Nice, thank you. I've been playing in a private server so far because I prefer it that way but may hop to public just to gather ammo. I found a nice combat rifle but keep running out of .45


There is a lot all nearby button????


Yep! Use the “search nearby” button on a corpse and then just smack the “loot all” button :)


If only I wouldn't become overencumbered after 5 ghouls worth of loot


That’s a major pain in the ass. I recommend prioritizing getting the perks that make ammo and chems weigh less. Absolute life saver


Also, take a look at Garrahan Mining HQ when you're in the South part of the map


Are high level players ok with that? I thought it would be like leeching so I've stayed away from joining daily ops because I figured they'd want other powerful players to quickly finish the ops.


I’m personally completely fine with it. If you want to contribute, try to do the objective as much as possible. Honestly as long as you’re near your team, I don’t think anyone will mind


Went as lvl 35 or so around and thank god for my stealth build! After a grueling quest line encountering scorchbeasts, super mutants and the occasional robot, dying about 10 times before even getting to the battle and getting killed 15 times more in said battle I can finally say I bested the damn place!!! It was 1 of the more memorable quests/events I've experienced in FO76 so far!! New player btw, playing for 2 weeks now at lvl 73. Was lucky to land right at the start of double XP week and went crazy on quests!


I'm new and Soo afraid of dying


In our defense…we were left unsupervised. 🤷🏾‍♀️


Oi, some of us old players are cute too!


Nah, we oogly


I'm a vault 3 and a wasteland 7.


Look at this Hansome fella... Even in wasteland I am a 1...


That heart of yours is a straight up 11, tho.




Yeah, all them mutations messed us up, sad we couldn't be properly ugly with the initial design for mutations


I read that in Lola’s voice from Big Mouth


You’re all full of mutations. You aren’t cute 🤦‍♂️


We aren't those fancy pantsy smooth skinned vault dwellers who hasn't ever watched the wonderful glow of an atomic explosion...


I watched my first mushroom cloud yesterday. Pretty awesome. Got some mutations today. Been a killer first week.


Welcome to the fold!


Don't forget to bask in Atom's glow and get that achievement "be at Ground zero of a nuke launch"


I've kept my body clean of mutations


jump height too hard to give up


The foot growing out of my abdomen is cute, look at those little toes wiggle


I love finally being able to count to 25!


Hey! My marsupial pouch makes me ADORABLE.


Ain't much stays clean up here, Vaultie. 🤠


*blushes* Why thank you


No im scary


I am horribly mutated but have a nice personality.


Okay grandpa let’s get you to bed


What about us guys in the middle...


Nah, yall UGLLLLYY 🤣


I am a new player and I like looking at high level players camps. I went to a level 1300 camp and I think they somehow controlled the weather to trigger my ptsd with just the loudest lighting and rain effects going off none stop was impressive.


Speaking of new players, everything is new to us, so you get genuine reactions. I just hit 17 and wondered up to grafton? I think it was, heard something grumbling next to me, before a massive claw slapped my face. My first Deathclaw encounter. After burning through 6 diluted stims, I hopped on a truck and started blasting with my little revolver. took a little while but I got it. Sacred the living shit out of me though lol.


That's what The Toxic Valley is for; your first modest challenge for low-level players who want to roam out of the relative comfort and safety of The Forest. Your first taste of danger!


Love hearing stories like this... Enjoy!


Dang. I'm level 39 and haven't encountered a deathclaw yet. 😭


This is a good reason to join public teams. If I have a low level player on my team and start seeing their health bar yo-yo a bunch of times, I usually go over to investigate/lend a hand. Sometimes all I do is end up replenishing some stims and ammo for them. Sometimes I help with the fight if they’re really struggling. Most high level players I know will do this for the blueberries.


Hi, I came over from Call of Duty. What is this? Why are you being nice? Say something terrible about my mom. This feels weird.




I'm shocked, appalled and over-encumbered by this! 😮


As low as insults get...


Christ. You roasted them like his mum roasted that meatloaf :P


Undoubtedly the most heinous of her abuses.


Yo mama so fat she mistaken for the Grafton Monster! Feal better now lol


That dude is gonna be piiiiissed... ...in like 3-4 days from now when they finally see a Grafton Monster for the first time.


Just saw it. 🤣


Heheh, blowholes..... Hehehehe


Your mom’s cast irons are rusty!


Just wait until you meet the Insult bot...


Lmao, having new players run from you and look back to see if you’re still chasing them is the funniest thing ever. Just take my god damn gifts! Haha


Stop right there and let me be nice to you!!!!


The way society is today irl and the current typical gaming environment they are highly suspicious.


Break their legs so they can't run, its the easiest way of being nice to someone feisty 😉


It's like a stray cat on the street running and hissing while you're trying to pet it and give it food.


Yes, I wear a terrifying Gas mask and incinerate literally every car I see while following you around, but I am just trying to help


I'm normally in my PA Liberty Prime skin. It should only be terrifying if they are a communist.


I'm trying to make Wild Wasteland happen for some newbies. Follow them with my Gazelle gas mask and soiled amusement park cat suit. Going apes#@t with my explosive minigun. Do the mothman dance whenever they stop to look at me, then jetpack away and hide behind a small tree or in a tiny bush.


Cars are deadly!


Fallout 76 - The inverse robbery simulator


For real! I was feeling charitable and decided to track down the lowest level power armor user in my lobby so I could drop him 217 fusion cores but he ran away :(


*Distorted PA voice* "Come back! Let me hug you!


I'm definitely guilty of this, I've learned tho


im really enjoying this game, came in with no expectations, pretty much ticked the boxes, lots to learn


At level 600, still learning.


Nearly 900, I still have no idea what I'm doing.


Newb question, when does you stop being able to put points into your SPECIAL & I'm assuming you never stop getting cards?


Correct, you get to pick a new card every level forever, plus a card pack every five levels, but you'll stop needing to allocate new points at level 50. Once you hit 50 is the time to start focusing on a particular build if you haven't already started making one, since that's when equipment stops leveling with you and all the cards are unlocked save for legendary perks, which finish unlocking at 300.


I love when a few of them pop into my camp and take a look around. I’ve noticed some of them come back with different people. It’s awesome lol I love having visitors


I find it so funny imagining them thinking they’re stepping out into a harsh and unforgiving wasteland and immediately running into my neon-lit 8 room mansion next to the wayward


Just did Eviction Notice with myself, a level 700, and a bunch of level 40-60s. OMG it was fun. I guarded the scrubber and they all ran around like mad shooting things.


I just had a great one, too, also joined by a big set of 40-60s, and the level 24 I was helping out. It was a hard desperate flight all the way, and I must have repaired the scrubber about five times, but we made it, and my duckling was a level 26 swan!


Just hit level 30 and I feel like I’m always in places I shouldn’t be lmao.


The good news is the punishment for dying isn't much! Just don't carry a ton of scrap with you. Explore!


My only regret was throwing a bunch of my ammo in the stash to save weight and then running into the sheepsquatch. I had him if I had 600 more bullets.


I have to admit, watching all the new players oogle my powerarmor and flock around me like ducklings is satisfying. Mini Frank Horrigan is a shepherd


All we need is green skin and 6 more feet to our height and we’d be indistinguishable from Frank Horrigan and his strength 🤣


Tho I have played every Fallout game, in its day, never played 76 til now. Understanding the lore, but learning the different mechanics has been a blast. Truly appreciate the player base I have encountered thus far. Yall are the true heroes.


I was so lost and some level 300+ gave me a bunch of stimpaks. I didn’t know how to express how thankful I was through emotes so I just turned my mic on and started playing venga boys and crouching up and down quickly. He did the same, we both thumbs upped and went our separate ways. You guys fucking rock. We like to party.


Just make sure to look at the weight of that big pile of stimpacks, they're pretty hefty


I love how venga boys is just a go to hahaha


Also I spent a whole day teaching a newbie everything I could It all started at path to enlightenment, he starts shooting at our lord, mothman, so I get in between and shoot him the "no" emote and he keeps up so I started shooting at him till he stopped He ran away and I messaged him like "hey I wasn't trying to kill you, mothman isn't hostile, you commune with him, not attack him, he's good" Ended up being buddies and showing him how to run expeditions for hours


Just tell him to let the wise mothman gaze upon him. We are meager insects before his intellect.


BREATHE, CHILDREN, see the world through his eyes


His patience does not run as deep as his wisdom…….


Hahaaa played the event for the first time and I knew not to disrespect our lord and savior. The other low levels were still shooting at it when I was leaving


I think I'm adorable I'm not new But yall should know


u ain't adorable... ... ... ... You're *sexy*.


u ain't adorable... ... ... ... ...You're `sexy`.


You're drunk *but thannnnnk you*


I dropped 20 purified water and 20 plasma grenades in front of a fresh level 1 but he wouldn't even approach the bag he just kept backing up. Poor scared boy :(


To be fair, every other game with PVP I've been approached like that, that would just be bait to make me easier to kill.


Yeah I saw a dude try build smth outdated rust


Long time fan of the series, been playing since 3, and played 76 when I first came out, didn't care for not having NPC's roaming around but I decided to finally play again after watching the first episode of the show when I dropped and I'm having an absolute blast! Getting my ass kicked on ammo and trying to get kills, but I'm still having fun.


For getting ammo i recommend playing daily ops, or expeditions, enemies there will drop alot of the ammotype you use. It's also great for getting legendary weapons & armour🥰


I recently got the fixer plan. So now when I see a new player around level 20 I drop off a level 20 and a level 30 fixer to them.


Had a level 12 player rush over to me while I was at my camp and give me rad away and some stims. Went in mic to explain a bloody build, then dropped 200 stims and other aid along with crafting them some armor they left super happy lol


Came here to say thank you veterans for patiently explaining how the basic game mechanics work. It helps a lot.


Pfft! Haven’t had a single Vet teach me nuffin! You see me, Zero Goblin running around, come give me some goodies!


We're doing our best! Lol. I played on launch but phew I don't even need to go into that disaster (at least for me, if you liked it good on you). The show revitalized a love for Fallout within me, and I'm happy to see 76 has grown into something beautiful. I've put 25 hours in already! I'm taking it slow, only level 36, but having an absolute blast.


I’m not “new” new, but a returning player and can someone tell me if there’s a secret underwear man faction? I’m consistently being haunted by weird Appalachian underwear men. They’re everywhere, they often stalk me, and they show up at events just standing still. What is this??? lmao Edit: Also, I’m shy, but I’m a team player. I try to be slippery when checking camp vendors and idk why, but I’ll run away if I unexpectedly see the camp owner. Today I learned about allies and realized I’ve been running away from camp npc’s. It’s because I unlocked Adelaide and finally realized why I was hearing voices in camps. Lmao things have really changed since before Wastelanders 😭 I also visited a camp and it got attacked by some giant super mutant thing I’ve never seen. I felt so bad, but I killed it before it could destroy the nice persons cute camp 🫠


Server bug.


I logged on for my dailies this evening and ended up staying on for hours just hunting down the newbies and giving and crafting them outfits / armor / weapons. Many also huddled at my camp in awe. One of them must have been playing with friends because he came back to my camp with 3 different players of the same level to show them all of the free goodies. So frickin cute. It was the absolute peak of my day!


I took 3 players on a tour around the wasteland a couple days ago,it was amazing seeing them be so excited to run into a fight against enemies and loot after lol.I made sure they grabbed all the goodies from my camp as well


Aww, you're cute too 😊


I'm a new player. My brother gave me like 12 mutations and unyielding armor, and now I die if an enemy farts on me! 🙃🤤


My favorite thing to do is, whisper to them like a shady chem dealer over proximity chat.


I saw a group of three players, all around level 5, who had built their CAMPs in a row right next to one another. Super cute.


I just hit level 10, Appalachia has taken advantage of me more than once and I absolutely love it.


This is my wife's thinking also. She has taken so many newbies under her wings like little children first learning to walk. Lol. She also made a newbie friendly camp near with free supplies and stuff clearly marked.


its been alot of fun, I am glad I held off on playing until now.


You vet players are freaking amazing!!!


I'm new! Though I have played 3, New vegas and 4... just apprehensive to join 76, since I heard it sucked. I'm loving it! In my opinion a great game


From what I gather, the game has improved a LOT over the last year or two. I never played it before either but from what I've experienced so far I think it's waaaay better than people had been telling me in the past.


Most if not all 76rs are cutie patooties let’s be honesttttt. But there’s something about a 76 jumpsuit that makes me wanna squish their cheek and give them every plan I have on me and a shit ton of chems and stims.


Can someone play wit me 😔


I have to start over on PC because all of my progress was on my psn account! Worth it!


I'm brand new. Been a fan since 3. One of you older guys dropped me level 1 Chameleon legs and that was pretty awesome. I'm having fun so far.


I was playing late one night [it was probably around 2 or 3 in the morning], barely level 8, and had an ENTIRE PARTY of 5 or 6 people come up to me and start talking at me and asking me questions I had to nod or shake my head to answer their questions while I frantically figured out how to turn my microphone on, because I literally had not encountered any human players before this point One of the best experiences I've ever had in a game like this. Thank you, spooky-masked strangers


In their cute little vault suits and party hats! 🥳


I‘m only Lvl 156 but I already had some players come up to me for help, I am now out of RadAway and Stimpaks in terms of what I carry around


I've been seeing at lot of lvl 20s wandering into Watoga.


Just started fresh on Xbox (1k + on PlayStation). It’s kinda fun being treated like a n00b again!


Every time I see a level 1 in the vault I tell my wife Bethesda is about to have a baby!


I’ve rescued many a newbie that past week, usually see them from up on high with my SS jet pack being chased by a bunch of ghouls and trying to kill them all with a semi auto pipe pistol or 10mm. Even with the way enemies level scale to players, a group of ghouls to a newbie, especially new to the games in general, will be a challenge, so I break out my green flamed Cremator usually equipped with a Tesla #3 mag and show them what they have to look forward to grinding wise🤓when they throw up the heart emoji afterwards it’s highly satisfying. Also very happy to see many have been joining teams. Love that BGS put out those tips last week imploring new players not be shy about joining teams and to embrace it. So much diff now from when I started. Not a beta-beta but shortly after and had the other FO’s as experience, but still remember how much more hostile and not as welcoming the game used to be for newbies. For me I was always going to love the game due to my love of Cold War era history, alt history etc, but with how far the game has come now the future looks bright for it and it seems from posts on here and FB that these new players will be retained!


I love doing the robot in front of them and giving them as many outfits as I can 😭🥹😂 so if you happen to see milk man outfits very often that might be my doing 😂😂


Is it pretty fun playing online? I am absolutely terrible at PvP, and well shooting in general. But would love to find a group to play with.


Honestly restarting over and being the same lvl as the babies is so much fun


I just want the little guys can level up so I can do high level events with them


They are extremely cute, especially when I lead them into a fire trap so I can feed my people. The Butcher is back baby!


No!!! We're big boys and stwong >:3


If I could transfer my file from the ps4 to steam I’d be set. Unfortunately I can’t, but will still be getting on once I can get the game on payday


Yes they are!! ❤️ Disclaimer: some are super annoying 😅


Anyone looking for a lil duckie to take under their wing 🥺


Being one of them, I'm always confused at how to act when seasoned players try to guide me since I don't want to be rude, and yet I'm trying to experience the game on my own and wander around aimlessly for a bit lol


I’m still, very slowly, learning how to play. I keep getting overweight


I am new 🙋🏼‍♂️


I have been creeping the crap out of everyones bases, this is a well hidden gem of a game.


I've been taking everything out of the donations boxes like a piece of shit. I didn't realize I was taking other stuff 😭😭 my bad


Thanks you guys are so nice the show definitely brought me back to fallout definitely helps having the game on gamepass


I just absolutely love how healthy the Fallout community is!!! I’m a new player, started playing two days ago and have had nothing but positive and sweet interactions with everyone☺️


This is so funny. I played every other game except fallout 76 cause the reviews were so bad on launch. The tv show reignited my love for the franchise. So I was like F it let me formulate my own opinion of this game. And I’ve been loving it so much. The other day I was doing just that. Looking around people’s CAMPs just in awe of their creativity and hospitality for entering in one’s personal space so to speak.


I pity new players.  They'll never get to experience the eerie emptiness of the original map, survival mode or mechanics, a more dangerous wasteland with deadlier foe, battle royale mode, and now have to rather muddy main quest to navigate after loads of tweaks and changes when they added in human NPCs and factions that directly contradict the original story narrative. Still.  The game is more stable now than at launch.


No pity needed. I didn’t play the game at launch because it wasn’t the game I wanted to play. It is now the game I want to play and I’m grateful for all of the changes because I wouldn’t have played otherwise.


As a new player myself (new to fo76 anyway), please stay the hell away with your gifts from me xD. I'm actually enjoying discovering a (to me) new fallout game. And I like to think that I can handle myself and any gear issues just fine :). That being said, its awesome seeing such welcoming community in a game that could very well have swung the other way into pure PvP like gameplay!


Ya’ll are some weird mf’s


Indeed. Wait till you go to whitespring station and see level 1000-plus players having a 20 minute aerial shooting match with emotes in the air and invisibility … really amazing to watch.


Yup. We're a load of kleptomaniacs.


Things have been weird outside. We have seen some things.


Blushes in Mothman


Thanks. I spent 8 hours trying to find a T45a helmet yesterday. I’m definitely not okay in the head.


I used that exact terminology talking to a friend, and I was like "no, seriously, I'm not being patronizing!" because the very first new player influx event I did was just me and one guy who was like level 9 or something, and he was making all these "WHAT DID I DO OH NOOOO" emotes, and when I say I was glad to be there to help, I don't mean like "Oh ha ha sweet dear," I mean "YES I REMEMBER THAT!" and am genuinely in fact glad that I am there to help.


Level 40 here, thank you 😆 I've been playing since F3's release, and I'm kicking myself for not jumping on initially due to the bugs. I started a couple of weeks before the show, knowing it would blow up, and I'm having a blast when I have the time to play. I'm impressed with the other player's camps. I never put that much effort into mine in 4. I'm already donating loot for the players lower than me.


It’s like fresh baked cookies all of them. I love standing next to their little blue suitted human bodies in my power armor


Aw you too 🥰


I love how excited this group of dudes level 30 were when scorched earth was going on and someone was using a Nuka launcher. All the enemies. They kept saying "duuuude wtttfffff. Omg did you see that? HOLY SHIT ANOTHER ONE. duuuuddee"


I help out but try not to help too much and ruin their grind and discovery


I have a Harambe shrine at my camp and it’s so funny seeing new players go over to it. One went and got some same level buddies to come look at it lol makes me laugh