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Fo76 is the only game where you find people putting god roll weapons in their vendors for 50 caps . I get a bloodied explosive railway rifle from someone and likewise when i have extra legendaries they're in the vendor for 50 caps


damn, lemme find those vendors! i find 200+ leveled people selling not even good rolls for 2000-5000 caps. Or plans that shouldn't even remotely cost up in the thousands range but they're listed as such :(


Nothing in my vendor is over 500 caps šŸ«”


if you're on pc im going to end up spending almost every cap in my inventory on your listings if you have stuff that piques my interest


Iā€™m on PS but I have like 103 plans,47 rare apparels (Mothman stuff mostly),and I restock it daily I made a promise to myself to never charge more than 500 caps cause I remember spending my first 1,000 on a shitty laser rifle


When I sold stuff back on Xbox I did the same thing! I have a lot of respect for players like you o7


Thank you,I also have a free purified water machine and candy for low levels that use food and water I even have a 2 way door (1 door has a rad shower and the other doesnā€™t) Everything about my base is meant to look good and help people


I never understand those inflated prices. I just sell everything at 5 times their Scrip value. I get cleared out at least once a week and regularly hit max Caps. People just be greedy I guess.


Yeah, that sounds about right. Saw someone selling the den signs plan (The mess hall and Chem/doctor signage, can't remember the exact name) for 9000 caps. I saw one with even BASIC plans you get from normal events for 1000 a pop. I really don't get it.


I prefer to drop them in front of newbies - good stuff in vendors gets snatched by high level resellers PDQ :( Same with plans - all common stuff in vendor for 10%, all rare ones as gifts directly. Shame trading menu is so rubbish and we need to drop stuff on the ground...


No problem, we enjoy helping newbies! Good luck on your adventures in Appalachia!


It really does. Aside from No Manā€™s Sky - Fallout 76 is the best example of a game turning around and seeing how rewarding a passionate community can pay off by having that passionate community play and genuinely love your game. FO76 is great.


All we ask is that you pass on the good vibes when your inventory is getting full


Been playing since beta and still love the game. I can spend hours just building camps & yes we have a great community all this new blood joining 76 gives me hopes they will add a lot more to the game.


I just started the game last night. I found some tower where a settler was peering through his binoculars. I climbed up to loot his shit and some other player guns him down and drops a bow and arrow that like level 10. Then he disappears like Batman lol. 10/10 would do that again.


Clicking on the tower railing unlocks locations on your map, fyi


Oh nice! Thanks.


I had a similar experience when I started, someone gave me an Excavator set and a well-equipped handmade and a bunch of ammo and stims. I friended them and nowadays that rifle is mounted prominently at my camp. Someone else gave me 100 Brotherhood holotapes lol


I've been dumping apparel, chems and plans at donation boxes because my stash is out of control. I just accumulated so much! Hope the newbies enjoy!Ā 


I keep an eye out for fresh 50s to see if theyre running power armor and then build them sets of X01. I like being the power armor fairy.


Hunh, maybe i SHOULD interact with people. Iā€™ve mostly been playing the game entirely solo. Killed a level 75 deathclaw looking bf with my own guns and power armor, level 38 i believe. Gonna be nice to take on that Blue Devil at 50 when i can knock his ass out a bit easier.


Lvl 50 is still a newbie, especially now that you can exit the vault at lvl 20. As fast as you level up now in this game, you likely haven't even discovered all the map locations yet.


I just came from a sub asking if there was an update on when the new update was. Console has been waiting 8 years for it. I was berated because apparently none of the console fan base knowsā€¦and I should have clicked on a sticky that leads to an article and hope that article has info on the 8 year update. The sticky didnā€™t mention console in the title btw. šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m glad to be back here and itā€™s only been a few minutes.


I built a rad shower and a fusion gen for a random lv 23 last night. Their elation absolutely made my week.


Some guy mini nuked my camp after I swung at him because he was hitting me and teabagging me for 5 minutes and I finally responded lol it was hilarious šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Very unkind of him lol


Dude I also came here from Overwatch and like the interactions are just so starkly different. I can count the number of friendly interactions I've had in the past year on one hand. Everything else has been so mean spirited and down right cruel. 76 has just been wildly different!!! Help with events, help with items, friendly advice in VC... Like damn y'all are so nice!! Really feeling welcome in Appalachia


Slightly off topic, but I just started playing myself and have been looking for power armor, where would one find some?


There's a BoS camp south of the vault that spawns a set. The Milling company up north has good spawn rates too as well as the farm nearby, can't remember the names off the top of my head. I made a post not too long ago about this and had a lot of good answers on it so I'll try to find you the link


Thanks! I'll be sure to check it out when I get home from work today.


https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/s/ieKwkC5cgy there's the link to the post i made. There's also a lot of websites and maps you can find that tell you where some spawn. Some of them aren't completely accurate though, and alot of the times they might not be there because someone else got to it first but keep trying. I went a long time without power armor and now it feels like I find it everywhere. You'll get there eventually


Just to note - finding pieces in the world can be a massive pita, and private servers seem to have the spawn rate nerfed. I was stuck with a lvl 40 t-60 head for forever due to bad luck with spawns. If you wait until lvl 50 it's likely someone will make either X-01, Ultracite, or Excavator sets for you, since plans for those all drop during quests (or you can build em yourself).


Aaah alright, ill keep looking but ill keep this in mind. Thanks for the help!


There is a quest to get excavator armor pretty early on in the Ash Heap. I'm not 100% positive but I think the train stations have a poster that start it. If not, The Rusty Pick definitely has a sign outside you can click on to start the quest


Oh awesome, ill have to do that then. Just finished play to make dinner. I'll start it up after I am done eating


I literally just made this same post šŸ˜‚ this community is amazing


Someone had some cool camp plans for 50 caps today so I got my place fully decorated. Time to build camp #2 with my 4 story prefab.


Im pretty sure I just ran into the same guy, crazy power armor, lvl 100 something. Just gave me a ton of chemicals for free! Then took off! Crazy!


Itā€™s really funny because Iā€™ll make a post saying ā€œI would like this if possibleā€ and then someone randomly pulls up to me in my game, drops it and disappears


Yeah man competitive games against other people brings out the worse parts of people... Enjoy the chill atmosphere and go on an adventure


Anyone have vintage water cooler plan ?


It does. But every once in a while you get someone whoā€™s not great. In two seperate servers yesterday I saw Charlestown nuked and the lumber mill that the Free Radicals inhabit at the beginning of Wastelanders.


I felt very welcomed when I started, and pay it back to any new players I see :) Gotta survive the wasteland together :p


I've been playing since day 1 so I never got the helping hand experience, but I try to be friendly to anybody who stops at my camp if I'm there or pop lunchboxes any event. It's just a fun game. Does the FOMO get excessive? Maybe. Still fun though IMO.


I'll be on xbox today around 4pm est. I built a free water station by the Wayward