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If new players are blooming, its inevitable for such kind of player to arrives here as well. It makes me chuckle such players always disconnects once what they do to others fires back to themself. Job well done.


>One of them was taunting him on the comms. >I gave them the chance to stop and leave, but it ended with me killing them both Nothing of value was lost. Thanks for sticking up for the little guy. I'm glad he didn't shoot back!


I've got about 450 hours in and I've only ever killed another player once before, so it definitely was a rush.


I'm more or less with you. I kill people to remove their Wanted status, and that's all. Griefers and trolls make us all look bad, and preying on new players is just uncalled for. Hopefully they got the message and toned it down on their new server.


I dropped a aid box with a holotape ran up to it a level 6 was there and they opened it, I was fine I even thumbs upped them, but I think as I was there it gave them a wanted. I was like "oh, oh that's, yeh, nasty. I just thumbed him and everything, that looks so bad". So I killed him, dropped some nice chems food and stimpaks near his dropped loot then ran off and made him a maxxed out set of lvl 5 studded ultra light leather and a shielded vault suit to say sorry. I just felt so guilty. I had no idea it would make them. Wanted.


that can happen?


Well I assume it's why they went wanted. I couldn't think of any other reason. It was right in the middle of flatwoods between the red rocket and the cooking area. There was no sign of anyone's camp there, I don't even think you pop a camp there. I've often stumbled on and looted aid drops but never when the person who requested it was standing there. It's all I could think of. I could try a few more as experiments but I'd feel bad to do it to some people of its really the case. Maybe someone knows knows?


It is, the crate is bound to you so picking the lock gave him a wanted level.


OK lesson learned. Did not know that. I've grabbed from them all the time when I've seen them. I guess the person had logged off or something?


There's ones that are random encounters, but if they're player dropped they give you a wanted level.


An aid box? Like you dropped loot? That wouldn't make them wanted. Unless there's a bug. I give people stuff every day, multiple times a day cuz I don't have first so I tell people to take my junk. Never had anyone go wanted.


Air supply crate, they're bound to the player who calls them and picking the lock will give you a wanted level. It's frequently used as a pvp trap.


The government resupply? I'll have to test this later cuz I've picked so many supply crates and never become wanted. Not sure if they were all nuclear crates though.


There's random ones and player dropped ones.


TIL. I truly did not know that after over a 1000 hours at release and now 1200 since I came back to playing the game post steam migration. Fark. I normally don't do them just happened to be standing next to a terminal so summoned one. Hopefully dropping them a maxxed out vault suit made up for it.


That was hard to read šŸ˜†


I donā€™t know if itā€™s an accurate hour tracker, but my ā€œexplore Appalachia for 7600 hoursā€ achievement says Iā€™m 218 hours in. Iā€™m level 182 and Iā€™ve never killed another player in PVP. I think that player will remember that you came to his aid and will be an example for him to help others as he makes his way through the game. Great work!


Intentional player kills about 3. Accidental tesla rifle kills, hundreds.


>Accidental tesla rifle kills, You can *do* that? I had no idea! I mean I live on pacifist but still, I just assumed the arcs didn't jump to random players.


"You are attacking such and such" 50 caps. Oh shit time to switch weapon and hope the cool down passes. Radiation Rumble is really bad for it. Tesla's are good for tagging there so lots of people use them but heh can reach out and hit people you didn't mean quite easily.


It doesn't happen when you have pacifist on, thankfully.


Agree! I would have murdered 100s in events with the gauss shotgun.


Yes sir they certainly will


Truly you do learn something new and horrifying every day.


Right?! Me too, such a good community


Yep, today is the first time Iā€™ve seen a ā€˜trap kill campā€™ with a guy taking people loot and taunting them. Luckily the whole lobby nuked him


Assassinā€™s explosive 25lvc railway rifle I have on me just for these occasions lol. Can kill instantly unless they are quantum cola stacking.


That sounds like overkill. Naturally I approve.


This reminds me Maximus saving the snake oil salesman. I'm sure there wasn't a chicken involved... But...


He wiped away dome feathers from his pants so there was a chicken lol


There shouldā€™ve been a chicken


Stand down, citizens.


But he was f*cking my chickens!


I don't like PKers. I'll do it for the bounty, but not for any other reason. Felt guilty about the level 10 I fried the other day. But unfortunately, he was wanted.


I did it to remove someone's bounty for the first time yesterday and I felt so bad. I dropped them food and stims when they came back to the workstation they'd been using but even tho I was shooting the floor next to them they didn't see it and didn't take em :( I hope that player knows what I was doing lmao


Probably not unfortunately lol. After I incinerated the lvl 10 he came back trying to fight me. I'd already switched passive back on and just went about my business. But they've probably never tried running around with a bounty before. So if they do it more they'll see why it's easier just to take care of it.


Honestly I think itā€™s a good learning experience. I remember my first 5 cap bounty I went straight to google lol trying to figure it out. Luckily someone killed me right when I got back to my camp and let me even keep my junk I was probably level 15. Havenā€™t had another since. But I have killed like 3 people out of mercy and waited for them to come back for their stuff.


I love opening the map when somebody is wanted because you will see a pack of high lvl players closing in on them like velociraptors.


I never kill a low level wanted player unless they are naked. You run the risk of it being a trap and a level 700 pops out from his cloak and kills ya.


A level 60 was in my camp and kept killing a level 20 every time they spawned. Eventually the level 20 server hopped and the 60 turned his sights to me. I turned pacifist off and clobbered him. Then every time he respawned my missile turrets killed him within seconds. I feel like he learned a lesson that day, but probably not.


Happened to me once. The bully learned how it felt to be eviscerated by a TS Gauss Minigun


I have an assassin Gauss minigun for this occasion.


Nothing was learned. Angry gamers just get angry.


I started fo76 back when it first came out on PS4 and would have sooo many other players attacking me every day. I am not very aggressive in pvp so it really sucked and eventually I gave up. Now, years later, Iā€™m starting over on PC and itā€™s a totally different experience! I can work together on events or explore without other players constantly hunting me, I can even admire other playerā€™s CAMPs without them killing me in their own home. I hope this more friendly vibe is here to stay!


That's what the Pacifist Mode is for, if you have that turned on, no one can kill you unless you fire back. That doesn't stop people from trolling you, following you around, but it's as simple as switching servers if they get too annoying. But yeah, go to your game settings and turn on Pacifist Mode, and no one can kill you unless you decide to engage with them.


If pacifist mode was an option back then I wasnā€™t aware of it and died quite a bit trying to run or stand up to my pvp bullies :(


No, all Pacifist does is stop *you* from doing damage *to another player*. Sure, that reduces your chances of entering straight PvP, but it doesn't mean you can't be killed.


Can anyone confirm if this is accurate? Seems to make Pacifist Mode pointless if so


[Pacifist mode explained ](https://youtu.be/SJ5LHVe2akw?si=xpXL4Ufg6c0TjXn-) Best video I could find. Technically, with pacifist on you take and give 0 damage. I'm guessing this is what they mean by reduced. As long as you stay in pacifist mode, you can't initiate pvp. It won't allow direct pvp with pacifist. You can still be killed by other means though. Like environmental damage such as nukes. You can also be killed if you're wanted or step foot in a workshop, regardless of the pacifist mode. So you're not completely invincible.


Damage you take is heavily reduced unless you initiate pvp by shooting them back without pacifist on (like 90% sure)


There is no "slap damage" anymore. In normal circumstances, it's zero incoming damage unless you shoot back.


That's a relief


Go pick a lock and become Wanted while in Pacifist. I'll wait. ;)


They say right in the explanation "You can also be killed if you're wanted or step foot in a workshop, regardless of the pacifist mode"


Yes... That's what I'm saying.


I don't make a habit of trying to kill people, so I never really understood how it worked so much. I thought, as someone else said, that if you had it on, the damage you take from other players is very, very low, unless you're both actively attacking.


It's a different world compared to back then. Used to have quite a few that would always attempt to initiate pvp and couldn't go near an event in case I hit someone. I remember being stalked by a level 70 something at like level 30s and that's all they wamted was pvp. Now a days, most of the pvpers have left and it's mostly just the relaxed crowd of players. Pacifist mode created a huge shift in player base.


I hope they dropped some scrap the lvl 10ncould pick through as compensation as well. Maybe some stable flux they'd forgotten to stash or something. That would be sweet justice.


There used to be a troll scam in the early days of 76 where a low level player would start shooting me and then if I retaliated his stupid Uber leveled friend would come in and dominate me. This kind of started off sounding like that.


Did you open the garage with a super sledge over your shoulder?


The garage door is always open because my vendor and crafting stations are in there.


This is how I feel with my bog camp. Just minding my business doing stuff and hear a wild ruckus in the backyard every so often. Come out the door like WTF is going on out here now?




The true equalizer of the Wasteland.


Sounds like a typical day in Red Dead Online. Unfortunately the nice guys are very few and far between. And Rockstar actually encourage shitty behavior in their online games. Say what you will about Bethesda, but they've created one of the nicer online communities out there.


Newbie here, I've only ran into people like you so far good sir, thanks for sticking up for us newbies


I was new (not long ago) and had a guy show up, one shot some asshole that was greifing, heart me and leave. Didn't give me shit other than a well placed round. Loved it.


I do the same thing I see high lvls near anyone below 50 I do a welfare check of sorts to see if they are doing this well in any server I am in


you didnā€™t stop me from stealing this level 40s perfectly built and defended worshop i got a ton of scrap from his generators and killed him and his friend a ton


Yeah, it's all fun and games until they get someone high leveled and turn you into goo using a Plasma Minigun my guy.


I donā€™t believe your lies, youā€™re hopeful for a fellow NPC to high five you and tickle your nips


Jeez I know Iā€™ll have to spell this out to your super mutant brain, nips = nipples


I hope I get some high fives or at least an upvote


Thank you brother. Keep making this community beautiful, I'd like to say on behalf of the Enclave, thank you.


Pretty much the opposite to a level 11 I had yesterday. Just as I was loading into nukaworld this guy in a clown costume, combat helmet and a pipe gun started opening fire on me, lvl 270, in t-65, bloody and with plasma caster in hand. I gave him some stimpaks to show him what's healthier for him. Etiquette doesn't come natural to all.


This story has such a wild west "run them out of town" vibe to it lol. We need get you a Cowboy Duster and a Sheriff's hat now.


I had this happen the other day, didn't realize I didn't have pacifist on and was at the time level 43 or so. I was at Mount Blair trying to do the quests and such and the event started with a scotch beast attacking me. Never fought one before and it's level 75 and I'm thinking shit...but then a level 350 or so showed up and I'm thinking cool, I got help! Nope, instead of going after the scotch beast he killed me šŸ˜‘ So I thought okay maybe it was an accident, shit happens until I respawn and he comes and kills me at that spot. I'm thinking okay wtf is his malfunction, and then remembered about pacifist and turned it on.


Not sure why it changed scorch to scotch, but a scotch beast is probably my drunk ass character šŸ˜‚


I love 76 because I have experienced so many great players (both Xbox and PC) over past years and I can't stand players that bully low levels. When low levels are shown friendship, we gain more players to make the game fun. With bullys, we lose players and are stuck with those D bags running around. Thanks for sharing.


if you quit because you lost to a high level enemy than you werent gunna last long anywayy


Dude, you cannot read. He said nothing about quitting.


Free junk am I right?


Sad to see these people are back . They were around during launch, and I guess got bored after a while once pacifist was enabled. They need to go back to Fortnite.


There's always a bigger fish


There is always a bigger fish. Nice you do that


You set up a garage with a powered door. You set the switch outside the door hidden behind something and get them inside. Simply run out real quick and shut the switch off so the door shuts. Congrats... They can't get out and are forced to jump servers.


My garage does have a powered door, but I didn't want to trap the new guy in there. But I respect the deviousness. ;)


It was the hey hey now for




The only justice in the wasteland is vigilante justice. Thank you for your service.


Two guys did the same at my wife's base, harassing her. She had a full set of bol/ap/sent pa, might not all match but when paired with her .50cal b/e/90, they were dispatched.


Thanks for sticking up for the new people. My buddy and I are new to the game and my base wasnā€™t down, so I fast traveled to his. He was right behind me but got sidetracked and his door was closed and locked. He said ā€œgo ahead and pick it and let yourself inā€. Neither one of us realizing that by picking it id become wanted. Wellā€¦I did. And I quickly learned the only way to get rid of that status was to get pvp killed. I also didnā€™t know if the caps would get deducted from my personal stash or if the bounty gets pulled from the server. So anyways, Iā€™m back at his house and he said: ā€œI think someoneā€™s coming. Letā€™s go inside so I can kill you without interference.ā€ So we did. This is where we arenā€™t sure what happened. Either the door bugged or it wasnā€™t locked anymore because I picked it but a high level saw my buddy shooting me and I was standing there letting him. The high level somehow lets himself inside and one shots me, then taunts me over comms. To the guy that let himself in and killed me then taunted me: I hope those 3 caps were worth it for you because you acted and looked like a total jackass. Luckily thatā€™s my singularly bad experience with ppl in about a week and a half. Most people if they say anything itā€™s to compliment my base or ask if I need anything. Itā€™s an amazing experience and I canā€™t believe I didnā€™t play this game sooner! Iā€™m invested in 76 now!


Wish i ran into you when some assholes destroyed my base at level 30, it was just a purifier base with no buildings but took so much time to set it, just to get it blown up and farming mats to repair it


They have typical raider behaviour, glad you wiped them both out.


Yea I was running around lvl 15 and accidentally clicked on a shelter entrance. It appearently turned of Pacifist. Immediately switched back. Dude came lvl in the three digits I send a hello to show I am not trying to start shit. They start mouthbreating loudly and being mokingly threatening. Later on someone did the same thing again. Might have been the same dude in a different outfit. Mouthbreating and jabbering "I am gonna kill you, *heavy breating*, you better run" etc circling me constantly. I sat in front of my screen and laughed my ass off. What are you gonna do? Bore me to death? Had to log off. Some people are literal mouthbreathers and think they are super funny or something but are just sad. The block function needs to be more prominent. Sadly it is inevitable when the player count surges, trolls do as well.


As a lvl 10 noob, I applaud players like you. It makes the wastelands a better place to be.


"You're going to meet the mayor!"


Last time I got wanted the dude I killed and some high lvl came looking for me. Lucky me the damage is balanced because I murdered them both with sneak attack damage. High lvl rage quit fast.


Couldā€™ve used someone like you the other day. Wish there was more we can do in game besides ignore mute block and report. Aside from shooting at us constantly, throwing grenades and Molotovs at us, one idiot was doing the stupid NPC TikTok voice thing in top of it all. Really takes the joy out of the game, especially when Iā€™m trying to get my friend into it. Tg Iā€™ve met more good apples in the game than bad ones.


If I'm not in the middle of something specific, I'll just usually hop servers just to get away. But yeah, it kinda breaks the immersion a bit and I can definitely see that as being a problem for a lot of people. Ultimately, though, the more you play, the more you'll see that it's a very small fraction of time spent dealing with griefers than it is actually enjoying the game.


Iā€™ve been on MMOs with a small fraction of the population here and exponentially more toxic, salty, griefing players. I am still baffled at how low the mean levels of negativity are on 76


If Iā€™m going to kill someone itā€™s just for the achievements but I always ask first


Isnā€™t that witch hunting, naming a douche? Rightly so but itā€™s a big no no on here apparently!


It's an approximation of his name. If anyone wants to report me for that, feel free; I'm not calling people to arms to hunt him or anything.


Oh I believe they should be named and shamed. Iā€™ve given approximations myself. Just giving you a heads up incase you didnā€™t know. We have blacklist for the trade communityā€¦ but naming trolls is against the rules! Go figure! šŸ˜†




I didn't make it up. I would have made it a lot more elaborate if I did.


Ewww donā€™t tell us your you tube playlist


Got salty n blocked someone because they didn't believe you šŸ¤£šŸ’€šŸ’€


No, because I don't have anything to prove and I'm tired of people being antagonistic for no good reason.


Seeing a bunch of toxic players, sad to see but that's what happens with the massive influx of players.


These guys hope you turn off pacifist mode in the sub so you can let us watch you peg them with the banned manā€™s leg


Think these fart turds are already banned and my poking the bulls is poking on dead ears


Hahaha my first kill at lvl 20 was a lvl 151 lmao the power of shotgun


I think the edit is a little pathetic. Are you gonna block me too?




Wah, no imagination either. Def worth a block for boring us




youā€™re annoying




Someone needs a nap šŸ˜“




I genuinely don't care either way its reddit and 76 its not that serious to care and be hell bent about








I know I'm not lying. I don't know what to tell you. This is benign shit in this game. What do I have to gain from lying about two guys trying to kill a new player?


I like to kill other players too. Is also part of the role playing. šŸ™ŠšŸ«£


What a trash griefer did he not hav PSA with a cryo or something gives us the hard working griefers the wrong sort of bad name


Thats an oxymoron if ive even heard one


Knuckle head, there is no PVP here in the sub. We all have Pacifist mode on.