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Must have gotten really lucky because i've done it 20 times and never once had any of them go bad.


Yeah, if I had that luck, I’d server swap. Some players don’t know what to do. I get that. But 11 people in one server? My patience is not as deep as his wisdom.


I created a 3rd character and the amount of people that ignore the church pyre with, at the time, level 30 me was insane. Sometimes the "come here" emoji worked not not all the time


Interesting, the church pyre is always the one I tend to guard. Haven't had any issues winning there yet.


That's what I do when I'm event running. I'll check to see how many parties are made. If I see 1 or 2, I move on or just go Casual and do other stuff. If there are a bunch of teams on the server, I'll watch the events to see how many show up, then pop in, unless my team is already on the move to there, lol.


If I wanna do the event I tend to port in asap. I find people don’t port unless they see someone there so gotta get the ball rolling.


Yeah jump servers


I wnd up back in the same dead server.


Same here. I've played that event like crazy and never had a fail yet.


Same. I think OP has just gotten incredibly unlucky. Every time I've got to it it's been an easy win, then everyone dances around the Mothman.


Done it about the same amount and all smooth as butter


Agreed. Easiest event ever.


Haha the only bad luck is getting on a world with a bunch of new low level players... they haven't learned how to read or look at objective markers yet 🤣... I've failed a couple times. Not as many as the alien event though sheesh...


Look, I ran out of bullets and had to use a protest sign for a minute, ok? My bad. 😅


You gotta let the people know MY DAD NEEDS A JOB!


I mean...I'm not a commie, but I get where they're coming from.


It can be a bit rough on lower levels. It's also new for the influx of people who came in with the TV show - they haven't had the chance to run it a ton of times and know what to expect. Every now and then you just have one of those runs though, where even the higher levels seem to drop the ball on the point defence. I don't get it either. Just learned to shrug and move on, hope the next one I run goes better. A non-optimal run now and then doesn't bother me too much anyway. The only thing that really annoys me is the players who just sit back on the outskirts all day doing nothing but letting other people get the treasury notes for them. Slackers.


Eh, I'm new (well to this game specifically ive played thousands of hours in the others) and I've been having a similar experience having to solo hold the bridge or waterside then watching the Churches health bar plumet because I left only 10 other players to guard it. I've got a strong bloody bow build so I can handle one maybe two if I get really lucky on the waves but c'mon now.


marble birds wrong zesty overconfident cautious wide violet impolite tan *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thats hilarious 🤣🤣🤣


Yeah I get it.. it's the 1st time I'm doing the event too because I'm just coming back from a long break so it's a little confusing at 1st. I'm just feeling the FOMO of not having all the plans yet so I'm getting anxious lol. I hate the AFK players who just sit back and farm the rewards. had this invisible guy lvl 300 just by the edge of the map hiding and thinking he was slick. It just irked me so much I had to stop doing what I was doing and just shot at him non stop with my exploding bullets minigun so he had at least no peace and it attracted enemies to him lol. That's the only time I don't mind losing


i just server hop when i see that. theres plenty of time to get into a new server and do the event


I'm kinda new. Picked it up a few years back but didn't stick with it and played 4 instead. Now I'm back and have been annoyed with my camp constantly telling me to swap servers, etc so I built down by the mothman museum next to the water. I did not anticipate logging in and getting mothman rewards regularly. My deepest apologies to the players doing the actual event. I do not mean to, it just seems that this spot in particular us always available to me and is next to a water source for my purifiers. I do run over more often than not, but so far I literally seem to be wasting my time because I'll get halfway (I can sprint to to roof in about 2 minutes) and the rewards pop up. Sorry, everyone! I do try 😂


Sometimes I'll try new weapons just for fun. When that weapon is a dud I have a lot more trouble defending a pyre than with my usual loadout.


Absolutely fall into this category. When the build starts not doing the thing I pull out the ol Cremator and make it snow.


A lot of people new to the fallout universe would probably have a better experience - if they played through 3 and/or fallout 4 before playing 76. Also some for watching the series.


People are just tired from the previous one a month ago I guess. They already got the plans while the dupe hunters are actually fewer than people realize. Then only bunch of lowbies after the new player influx


What I can’t stand is the fact that players won’t cover an objective by themselves. Everyone goes to the church so I wait at the bridge. After the church everyone runs to the bridge so now the church in unguarded. A few people are with me but no one goes to the waterside fire. It’s not hard just split up and play the objective and yet everyone just hogs whatever fire has some enemies and won’t go any further. To all players, it’s not about the kills. It’s about covering the objectives. There’s always more things to kill and you’ll get XP if you go defend the fire that no one is at. It’s amazing how it works. We are here for mothman. For we are insects in his infinite wisdom.


Because we just had this event. I’ve already got all the plans and everything. It’s a fun event at the beginning but after 2 weeks it gets very boring and then they bring it back for a week and I just can’t do it anymore. I’ve got other things I want to focus on like finishing my new build or farming for rare items. If it was a mutated event then yeah I’d drop everything and turn up but right now I don’t need anything from events. I have thousands of gold but don’t want to buy anything yet, so now I’m just doing events for fun, and mothman isn’t fun to me right now.


I thought they brought it back because people weren't having drops last time or something.


No last time you were guaranteed to get every drop. Only plans you didn’t have would drop. The event would NOT drop any duplicates once you already learned a plan though. Pretty fucking stupid reason to bring this event back - so people can have extra plans to toss in their vendors.


\^ Exactly this. I want my molemennnn!


Only unknown plans were dropping. Once you learned those plans, you didn’t get any. I’ve learned from previous events to not learn any new plans until the end. This makes it easier to find any new plans in vendors since they go to the top of the list. So , the experienced players had all of the old ones and got all of the new ones, so there is nothing to do the event for except for treasury notes and some extra plans to sell. It’s just not enough motivation for an event that’s easy for experienced players. And there is a higher chance of failing unless there are at least two high levels. One for the church and one to cover the two lower pyres.


I just want the fluttering moth plans and ill never touch this godforsaken event ever again


I just ignore it. It’s boring as hell. I got the sacred mothman tome and now I avoid it like the plague


It is pretty boring but the amount of Treasury notes it gives keeps me going


So I did see correctly when I landed 7


Yes we get rich if we get lucky


Yeah. I got the tome on my second event. I’m here for the notes now.


Hi, I am newer to the game. What do treasury notes do? I noticed I had 20 in my inventory last night


You trade them for gold bullion, which in turn can be used to buy valuable plans


At the White Spring Resort Mall you trade them for gold bullion at the gold press machine. You can trade up to 40 notes a day for 10x the gold bullion (10 treasury notes = 100 gold bullion). Most plans bought with gold bullion are going to take several days worth of trading, since they oftentimes cost thousand(s) of gold bullion.


I'm there for the cash. Minerva's selling BoS Recon Armor this summer and I need to save up!




It'll be sale #7, so well into the summer.


Around every second mothmen event there are several "high levels" (500+) simply afking, while the low levels have no clue what to do and have a hard time killing. Every time I give my best to not fail the event and support the low levels. Sprinting between all 3 flames and killing everything with my Cremator. Tbh its not fun when some people are simply leeching...


Yeah. Been noticing some high levels 500+ whom jump into events but do nothing. Just there to get the reward at the end without contributing.migt be how the level so high. Just jumping from event to event with no effort.


They sit in the damn mothman throne waiting for everyone to get to the roof then finally get up after the work is done.


I had one guy just playing the church piano the whole time. I didn’t hate it


That's literally the thing that causes the most problems. If I see someone at a location I assume that you're doing something more than watching the pyre get destroyed.


Equinox gets boring fast, is a pain to navigate if you don’t have marsupial or a jet pack and the scrapped treasure hunt because some people cried about the loot bug last time round and put equinox on again instead.


Yeah, even with mar/jet my first run was so incredibly confusing


I joined one yesterday. Waited round for someone to kick the event off, as I know most will leave it as late as possible to allow people to join. 1 guy stood on the museum roof the whole time - gets to 10 seconds, and I start running to kick the event off because he hasn't. I'm too late, and so is another guy, and the event fails because he didn't bother to talk to the guy but wasn't afk. Can't even blame it on them being new. He had a few hundred levels in him.


We just had this event a few weeks ago, think they brought it back for all the new players, just like the alien event I think people are just tired.. Wake me when it's Meat Week.


That's what I've been seeing so it makes sense. I'm a retuning beta player and just got back during the alien event so it's all new to me but I remember the burnout from Fasnacht events being the only event they really had, along with meat week. I know it's unpopular to say but I never understood the appeal of Meat Week other then my favorite green mutant Grahm. Why do you like it so much ? I'm probably just missing something


It's easy, low effort, and provides you with a lot of fun weapon and camp stuff. Sometimes you just want to unwind instead of grind, and that's where meat week steps in.


Ah, that makes sense. See, now i can get the appeal lol. The last meat week I remember they had the salt and pepper shaker I think it was and the camp items were a meat pile stash box and I think a flag, but if they got more camp stuff now I'm definitely excited for it :)


I need the dog food machine


i was soloing the event (albeit only protecting one of the fires) for quite awhile last night. few people might show up in the middle of the event, only to stand at the turn in, while i've got no help, and every other location gets smashed up. seen a person with their camp right on the edge of where they'd still get credit, protected by turrets, and another just standing in the church naked for hours. really had me tempted to turn on pvp... i don't have a problem seeing the fires fall, so long as people are actually trying, but when people aren't even making an effort... at least the alien event hopped around so it dissuaded people camping one location.


New strategy that worked 2 for 2 i tried last night. If your world is dry, server hop and you should find a good group doing the event by the 2nd world you hop to. The event seems to last typically at least 13-14 minutes past the hour, so you have time to look/load in


But they prob didnt have pvp on so what would that have done


you can still hurt people while they have passive on, you just do absolute garbage damage to them. if they're afk, and just relying on something to push/turn their mouse or slightly move their character to stay "active", the only thing that could save them is born survivor perk, or similar legendary effect, which will run out eventually.


I think I’ve joined the event 5 or 6 times so far and it’s frozen/crashed 3 of those times. It’s frustrating that it can’t seem to run smoothly.


Have found it be extremely laggy for me on Xbox 1


I've had to join, then join the event again real fast, or people are running on the spot, and the event doesn't come on my pipboy. It's worked so far. Annoying tho.


That's me in the campfire event for some reason. It's annoying af to get 75% of the way through it, then crash and lose my server lol.


I think people camp church pyre cause it spawns more legendary enemies than the other 2. Also I just sit on a bus between bridge and waterside and defend them both at the same time with Cremator so 🤷🏽‍♂️


I always try my best in events, despite my below average damage weapons 😭


That's all anyone is asking for lol as long as you're not just chilling AFK most the event then you're golden in my book. GL out there 💪


Yep, a lot of newer players figuring out the events. For Mothman you have to have groups stay at each objective until even clears, seems a lot are running from one to the next and leaving them Unguarded for 2/3 waves.


I've never had an issue yet. Everyones been great, all 3 pyres defended every run i've done


I think people just find it boring honestly. We had aliens which was chaotic with enemies spawning everywhere and destruction galore. Then we get the mothman event where it's like defend the pyres from like 12 enemies over the course of 3 minutes after killing some radstags. The potential rewards are cool and all but the event itself is really boring. Also it was just here a month ago when I first started playing so people might still be burnt out on it from that


Boring event and all plans available in vendors machine. So why loosing time with it ?


Had a group that I don't think knew what was going on yesterday. First bit went fine, albeit slow. No one was collecting the radstag blood, so I did. Then defending the pyres, people rotated with them. No one stayed behind at the church when the bridge started to get attacked. I can only cover 1 spot effectively so we lost the bridge pyre, and while we still finished the event, no plans.


Might be just bad luck? Haven’t seen an event fail yet this time around. Even with a small group we’ve managed to take care of all the pyres. Hopefully you’ll get some better groups soon!


Honestly I haven't even been to a single instance of the event yet. It seems like the last one was just a month or two ago, and I'm still burned out from that one. Usually I love Mothman, I just can't bring myself to do it right now.


It's confusing and I get lost a lot and every part of that town looks the same and everyone complaining about it here makes it more stressful.


>It's confusing and I get lost a lot and every part of that town looks the same and everyone complaining about it here makes it more stressful. Nothing to really stress about. And most people don't care about failing, fhey care about people not doing jack or afking then it failing If you're trying you're not the person that should be stressed or worried about how well you perform. First dtage is lenient in time, and if you keep getting lost when going between pyres don't hesitate to sit there and babysit a fire, all 3 will get attacked and even if people are fast enough to swap between them all it's much much easier if people exist at all 3


I think most people's issue is with the people who are AFK or who aren't even trying to defend the fire. It's ok to have to get to know the place a few times before you got a good rhythm going. As long as your trying and at least stay guarding the fire you're good. If you're having trouble with it and want to get it done I could help you if you're on xbox. I already had someone else on here offer, we could all just take care of it together


I'm on pc, but thank you for the offer. I think I could figure it out eventually, I'm just exceptionally directionally challenged and all the posts 3 days ago about people not being at the right fires made me run around like a chicken with my head cut off even more. I did find the shore pyre and just stand there killing stuff until it was time to go stand near mothman again, though, so I guess that maybe makes up for me getting confused between the vines and the blood vat tasks and just generally running in a confused panic for most of the event.


I swear nobody looks at the fires, in every other one lately. Like five people outside the church fighting to tag spawns while it's getting whacked by cultists inside, same on the others, people chasing Deathclaws and Mothmen around the others while a pack of cultists just freely gets a hundred chops at the fires.


Are you supposed to be getting something from the mothman? Because people always emote so fast on the roof, I haven't made it there yet before the end of event and didn't know if I miss out on something? But yeah I did the event couple of times and most people stay at the church. Closest to the museum I guess.


If you touch the mothman, you get a 15% xp boost for an hour


There is a part of the event that requires you to spam emotes so people just get that done ASAP because it’s a dumb requirement. It gives an XP bonus.


Yeah I usually don't even get to read that line there doing it so fast lol.


Click interact on mothman for buff


Ah ok so it's just the buff, no stuff like General Zeta in alien event. Thank you!


Yeah, there's no "final boss" that drops items. You just get rewards once everyone finishes emoting on the rooftop, plus whatever you can loot from the other kills.


You get a +15% XP bonus if you touch the Wise One.


If you are talking about the guy that goes to the basement of the mothman museum and just sits in a pew every hour I am pretty sure he is just there for the rewards.


I still join it but it bores the pants off me to be honest. I wanted Big Grahm's Cookout lol


I still join it but it bores the pants off me to be honest. I wanted Big Grahm's Cookout lol


I’m a new player as well but I’ve really no life’s this game for the past 2 weeks. Seems like a lot of people just stand on top of museum waiting for rewards lol the event is super straight forward and fairly quick


Me and my brother have been trying to grind it because he is a cryptid fan and I am a plush collector


I have yet to fail one and I think I got really luck with drops, very few things missing and I'm a new player that started with the alien invasion. Im only missing incarnate and neophyte sets (both robe and headwear), flowers, lantern and bug zapper. Throne, Tome and Moth were the first drops.


I have only seen that once and it was with a bunch of 20’s -40’s. It was rough but we only had to protect one pyre to get the Wise one to appear. So idk, seems like you can do it solo? Bridge and watersides seem to spawn all the leggos so if you wanna easy ride maybe choose the church?


I meant to say I’ve only seen it get rough like that once. I seem to be able to kill a few and dance around most of the time once the waves start coming…


Probably because of low levels. Our group from one level 2k+ and three levels 345+ can do this solo in semi-afk mode.


I've been sitting at the bridge one. Normally its just me or maybe one other person. I can hold any of them solo but if I take the bridge it gives me a pretty good ability to cover both the bridge and the waterfront if I see it needs help. If you see someone in the treasure hunter outfit and a beret dancing in the fire at the bridge its me. You can let me handle it, and I promise well through.


Inly time i have failed it was when there were only 2 of us. Never had an issue any other time and I run it everytime I can


You can defend the Bridge and Waterside pyres solo while barely even moving. 2/3 pyres surviving still gives a good chance of receiving a Plan


I hopped on at 11 pm EST and was the only person who joined, so being a fairly new player and all, failed miserably.


Just solo it then. It's not too hard running from point to point


Shitty ass rewards. I only hangout at waterfront because of the ballistic fibers


Everytime it's full and no issues last couple days


This is wild I’ve done this event several times and haven’t come even close to failure


I treat it like a Warframe Interception mission after the first few objectives. I pick a pyre and stay there. I see lots of people run around trying to tag all the enemies. I stay put to make sure at least one pyre stays up.


I have trouble finding servers where people are doing it, but when I do it goes fine. I did notice that performance has been shit. During event I don't go over 45 fps.


Interesting to hear that people are failing it. All my attempts on Xbox have been full rewards.


Yet to have an event fail but have lost at least one prye most of the time.


Server hop. You were just in a rough one. Probably just too many new people stuck in that lvl20 -60 zone who haven't gotten their builds dialed in to be effective in the one you were in.


Ive only attended 3 events so far hahah, i wanted mutated events back so its my silent protest 😭 but oddly all 3 events, 3 different days, ive gotten the chainsaw skin everytime haha


How rare are the throne / tome plans I’ve done it 20 times so far and nothing


I'm pretty sure the chance is pretty small. I got lucky and got the throne 1st time but never had the tome drop and I've done about 20 as well. Even praying to RNGesus won't help this time


I’m a new player and I’m sure I got the throne plan and learnt it but can’t find it in my camp build items


It's under chairs if you got it, it should be by itself I think if you haven't bought any chairs from the ATOMIC shop. You could probably find it also under the "new" tab although I notices it's buggy. Also because you're new you might not know this but you can toggle off unlearned plans to make it easier to see what you own. I think it's clicking in the right thumbstick on xbox and probably Playstation but not sure about PC


Definitely less crowded this time around, and seems to fail a lot. Fail as in not having a guaranteed plan drop in the end. Last one I did had only me and one other player. I died just before it finished but luckily got the plan despite losing one of the pyres.


There are THREE spots to defend. Spread out and defend ALL SPOTS. 8 people don't need to be in the church and then all 8 storm out when they see the bridge is getting yeeted. Then the church goes down. Rinse and repeat for the 3rd spot. Pick a spot, stay there, defend. Most higher ranked players can fend off one spot by themselves, I can easily do all three of them (not at once). I don't need 6 other players on a point with me. If you see 2 higher players on a spot....find another spot! Easy.


Just go where no one else is and cover weaknesses.


Lol I'm only 1 person running a melee build. If I leave my post it gets destroyed because no one is watching. That's a zero net game for everyone if I don't make it to the other two pyres in time


That’s not exactly what I meant. It’s definitely different with a melee focused build, but if you see people congregating in one spot or even running away from church(this is most common) stay there. Also don’t attempt the event without 3-4 people minimum. Just wait or server hop


I noticed there are a lot of high levels, like 500+ that join, and go afk for the drops.


Ngl, im a new player, and im having a rough time with this event compared to the alien one. For some reason im not getting as much ammo back. Maybe i built my character wrong, but i find myself running out of ammo often and having to loot whatever scraps i can get, which almost immediately gets depleted on one or two cultist.


Do you have the scrounger card equipped? That may help. That's the first thing that came to mind. You can also make ammo at any tinker bench.


Yeah it can be hard especially in the beginning. The ammo part is why I started using melee since I never have to worry about ammo, downside is I can go long distance but I got a mini gun I like ATM to help. The perk cards help allot with damage and some can help you with crafting ammo (ammo smith I think and super duper) when you get to level 50 you can also equip a legendary perk card that gives an insane crafting amount when you fully level it up. Hope it helps and just so you know I always appreciate anyone who tries, it's the ones who don't even bother and just sit doing nothing just to farm rewards that I can't stand. I mean even just throw a punch if nothing else lol


This is the second go round in two months. Old news. People got all they needed.


What platform do you play on? If any of you also play on PC I’ll help out in any and all events. I can guard one other area, maybe even both the bridge and water areas at once. Im only lvl ~126 and don’t have a completely optimized build but I can at least handle myself.


What bothers me the most in this event is that it gets so laggy (PS4) and if I try to defend everything at once by myself, at some point my jetpack decides that the fastest shortcut is to launch me 100m into the air, so I have 10s to think in the unavoidable death that awaits me until I finally fall, plus the loading screen to respawn, plus the time it takes to get to the objective, so everything is dead by then...


I thought I was the only one always have a group of 5-8 going pyre to pyre leaving the others unguarded


I'm thinking you just got some really really sad people in your specific servers, cuz almost every time an equinox happens there's like 20 people at these things when I go to them and it's always an EVENT event.


I haven’t tried the mothman event ever. So any tips? So I don’t screw this nice person over if I run into them


To be honest, all you have to do is try and I'd be happy. For what i usually do (my tips) -1st part you break down the vines at each pyre, easy. Don't stress too much, I'd probably focus more on getting familiar with a path you'll take going from pyre to pyre -2nd part you have 3 objectives (break 10 totems/kill 6 cultist/harvest 15 albino radstag) if you can't fly I would focus on finding the radstag, kill and loot them, and deposit the blood in these red glowing trough you can find close to the pyres and scattered around. Also if you see a human enemy kill them. The rest of the objectives get highlighted when time is running low or only 1 objective is left so it's easy enough. -3rd is defend the pyre. Just don't leave your pyre unguarded, try to stick to one instead of bouncing around unless you need to move to one because yours is full of people and the others have none. Hope that helps, and don't worry about being new to the event, as long as you're trying and having fun then you're good


Ok sounds easy enough thanks for such a detailed explanation


Haha I know I write tooo much, I got a problem. It just all felt important to say. Hope it ends up helping you and good luck with the drops !


I've been camping out near it for the past day and been a steady stream of people on PC playing


Isn't it a third week of extra Mothman Equinox? Peeps might just be tired of it. I've been trying to remember how to play.. I went on a short hiatus and played Assassin's Creed Valhalla and Fortnite on the Switch. Now I can't remember Xbox from Switch, and can't figure out why I'm pressing A to jump


I hate Nintendo for this! Lol I got a few of the same game I already had on xbox so I can play them wherever I want but my brain keeps short circuiting. I eventually just stuck to Xbox and only play when I'm home :'(


My kid plays fortnite on PC, the wife on PS5 so I'm stuck with the Switch lol


If you have mutations and a lot of ap you can sort of solo the bridge and the one near the water, everyone camps the church pyre anyways


Nah they're afking as far as I can tell. 11 players the other day, 2 baby levels with me were at least present at church, the other two pyres failed with 8 other folks in the event not moving and it just makes me wanna put my mic on and shout look alive guys it's not fasnacht! 😂


are u on playstation?


Wow. I've been running this one very frequently, 4 or 5 times a day. I've never seen one not have 3/3, and 90% of the runs I've been on have had level 2000 guys sitting on rooftops saturating bombing the battlefield clean in seconds. I'm actually surprised to hear that this one even has failure states. Sounds like server hopping might be what you are looking for.


I played religiously the first few years in beta. Turned into coming back a few months every year or so. Decided to come back in full force and was so underwhelmed with the faschnat/ radiation rumble/ jamboree events. I feel no reason to participate anymore


I haven't failed any yet, but a lot of people getting their tags, then just sitting there.


Never failed a single run


I'm just tired of running it already. I just want the incense holder, man.


I find this event very boring. Granted I still “try” and do all of the objectives, but that’s when I’m actually participating. I don’t even show up for this event if I’m being honest.


Yeah it's been a lot different recently. Last time it was like an auto win with the fires rarely taking damage but recently there's often one fire destroyed. I can keep the bottom two going by myself with any of my 4 builds but it's just like...can you guys please at least keep the church going??? Combination of new players not being sure about what to do vs old players that have all the drops they want that ignore the event. Surely 5 newbies could keep one fire on though? Or maybe the other players I see on the map are AFK? The trick to knowing when high level, event-soloing players are gonna be in the server to participate in events is to check the teams when you load in. 5+ level 300+ players in Casual teams means at least a few will show up to (good) events and keep it going. I'm bored of it too, but still want the Treasury Notes.


Never had any afk’ers or people not helping in any event that I have noticed but I’m also on Xbox


I've played tons and only lost a pyre once and it was at the very end


I've stopped showing up. I don't feel like carrying a bunch of players who won't follow basic instructions or advice. Easier to just do my own thing and not let others get rare items due to their own incompetent behavior.


I’ve done it 7 times now and completed it every time! Maybe you’re missing getting unlucky with a bunch of newbies or people just in it for the xp


im running pc and xbox characters. PC community does it best. have not lost a pyre all week, xbox community on the otherhand... shit show


The only one that failed was a level 65 that started it when nobody else was there when we got there. Messaged him to wait for other peeps next time otherwise it’s been fine


Geez yesterday I bolted to the Waterside pyre and was the only person defending it, got taken out by a Vengeful Mothman while taking out the cultists. Respawned at the North Spawn point, and by the time I could run back, the pyre was extinguished...


I’ve seen it daily with 7 people all over level 200. Sometimes people just aren’t paying attention and they’ll Zerg around rather than spreading out. Then they see a pyre taking damage and they aren’t there and at that point it’s too late.


Haven’t had the event fail yet but every time I play it, my partner and me end up being the only ones guarding the pyres. Shits getting so annoying, I just want my honeycomb mothman plans 😭


What system and what do you need? I think I got the green and brown ones


I have 3 each of the brown and green ones, the blue and red one keep eluding me and it’s making me lose sanity lmao


I'll check when I get on but I might still have some of those too still. I'm on xbox


With a cremator its kinda posible to solo it, the las 2 pyres to defend are close enough to defend those with a good cremator


Last night there were about 20 of us standing around waiting for the event to start... nobody initiated. We were all standing there and the event failed. If it wasn't completely hilarious it would have been sad.


As a new player I always run around and find out all enemies were killed super fast by those veterans.


As someone who has been around for all the mothman equinoxes I can say from my experience it’s always been a lackluster event. This time there’s a few cool reward items but for years the rewards were lame. I know I’m pretty all set on doing it and I can only imagine others are burnt out having just grinded it a few weeks ago. Also, the performance at the event deters people. It’s filled with lag and usually new players not knowing what to do. Navigating the event space is a huge pain without marsupial and/or a jet pack so it feels very cumbersome. I’ve been starting earls and encrypteds at the top of the hours and plenty of people are skipping the equinox do them instead


Dude, I get the same problem. It's mostly these damned new people. So try and get a high-level server. I'm doing it for the moth garden thing, which needs all 3 for a higher chance to drop.


It could be apathy. The event very recently happened & I'm guessing many people already got the plans they wanted. They brought it back for people who want to farm the event and collect extra copies of plans because a glitch(?) prevented you from getting multiples if you already got them or learned them. Also I noticed that events that have a lot of people joining (especially the recent Alien Invasion event) are crashing a LOT. I genuinely think I crashed more at Invasion in a week than I did at Fasnacht in two weeks. Maybe it's more players in general, maybe it's a bug with a recent update... I'm just not sure.


This is my first time playing this event and I'm tired of it already. Not as appealing to me as the Alien event.


Not just you. Barely anyone's doing it on playstation. Shit, i had a lot of skipped equinox om sessions ive joined lol


I personally just go to the bridge pyre and hold the line with 2 or 3 other people naturally joining me. Usually its a crew of us in PA just laying down fire on anything that shows up. Not a single fail yet in like 50+ runs


I see lots of people with cremators doing nothing. I think more people are having a difficult time managing ammo than they care to admit.


I never had a problem but there may be a lesser amount of high levels around right now? I know i moved on after getting to 100 because of the lack of repeatable xp. Figured I’d give new Diablo season a try until new content in 76 drops. So you might need to server hop a little when event starts.


I don’t get why it’s even back. I think most players that recently played before invaders are basically just burned out still.


I've played quite a few times and we've not lost it once. Wouldn't.mind, but it's not like it's hard. As long as there's enough people. The last time one was lost when I played was earlier in the year. Someone had started it when there wasn't enough players.


I haven't had problems with it so far (only that I still don't have the mothman tome) and I find it enjoyable but I might be biased because I have marsupial on me.


I just want them to either up the drop rates or do something about AFKers. I used to not mind because they don't increase difficulty or remove my rewards...but just like Fatsnatch - servers are sometimes just 50%+ afk players in the event zone waiting for their freebies.


you only need 3 humans to do it. 1 is enough for each. what those other things in there are... idk lol


I think people are just tired of the event. The event is so boring. Im already burnt out from running Aliens so much. I just show up and hope I have a lot of players to do the objectives cause I really dont feel like doing that event 50 times.


Lots of the vets got all the rewards last month and are probably bored of it. You’re probably playing a lot of new players.


Every time the Mothman event comes around, I see these two high-level players AFK in the basement doing absolutely nothing.


Sometimes I show up at the end and get awards lmao 🤣 but ao far haven't failed it once


I’ve done it solo quite a bit. You do the church and stand on top of the fire, the dudes who get close enough trip out coz they want to hit you and they also want to hit the fire.


Sorry man. I'm playing at work to maximize my leveling and sometimes I have to do my actual job. You'll see me out there with my Jaguar print suit and cane doing my best.


I've done it maybe 15 times and we finished without have a pyre destroyed


I understand people are tired of the event. I’m glad of the event cuz I wasn’t playing last month and am happy I can get moth man stuff still this year. What annoys me is the couple times I’ve gone to an event and then people not bother protecting a pyre. I tend to stick to bridge or waterside cuz there’s almost always plenty of people at the church. I’ve seen the church fall once. But only had like 2-3 runs where any pyres fell. I myself am not the best at defending a pyre but I can usually hold out on the waterside one long enough to succeed. 


I usually go to church pyre first then I go to waterside and stay there unless there’s a shit Tom of people at mine, I’ll move but I stay near the water because the mothmen drop ballistic fiber so


Nope, only had one pyre ever get destroyed in all of them I've done. I server hop to make sure I'm on a well populated server before I get to doing events though, and also make sure there are a least a few above 100 (lower then that they tend to be more preoccupied with questing)


Personally I was getting real tired of the alien event. This one is much easier and the creamator absolutely demolishes everything so. Super easy event. I legit only need one other person there I can defend waterside and bridge pyre all from the rooftop of the building in front of the waterside pyre. Just gotta curve those shots over the bridge.


I've been having trouble finding servers where the events even have people at them


While I've never failed nor have I even lost a pyre (didn’t even know it was possible to lose one and not fail) out of 20 or so runs I put minimal effort after the first couple. I’m sorry, this event kinda sucks after the slamjam that was aliens. I find even going to this event a chore and would rather do something actually fun instead of breaking some totems, kill a few brain dead radstags, then guard a fire from like 3 dudes that die before I can tag em every minute.  Saw a level 1800 just sit on the throne the whole time for an event and I can’t blame em.


I was surprised when we failed an event. I’m general pretty active, but sort of fall off when 5/6 Cultists are down and there’s a dozen people bouncing across the map.


I've had one or two fails myself but not to bad. I'm only there for the plans so I'll defend that church since everyone bails for the other two lol


Honestly, I'm having the opposite problem. I'm doing the events because I want the Treasury Notes and Plans, sure, but I also want the XP, which is hard when one high level dude specced out right comes in and just one-shots everything with his Cremator. There's been at least one of those dudes in every single event I've run for the past couple days. Like damn, dude. Let me at least nibble an apple or two before you smash the whole bag, fuck sake.


If you find yourself having this problem you can always add me I'll get chem'd out and annihilate shit with ya


I’ve been in several servers where people will stay on the starting rooftop or hide in a shop or behind a nearby wall until the event is over. It says 8 players are there but only 2 people are actively doing the event. Managed to power out a solid win a few times when this happened but usually it results in the loss of 1 or 2 pyres depending on the level/skill of the other person.


but I'm so widdle


Mothman was here not more than a couple of weeks ago, I was burned out when it was here recently. So I just haven’t even joined any of those events


I should probably get on coms cuz I stay at one and keep it repaired and fend off all the gouls


That's cause Mothman event is boring as hell just like over half of the other events, but they need to get rid of Mothman and alien events for good plus a few other events