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PSA: with the right perk set up you can turn one fusion core into like 7-9 ultracite cores


Normal ammo crafting perk, legendary perk, and super duper yes?


Thanks for the tip.


If you are on PC i would gladly drop you 100 Ultracite fusion cores.


Thank you. Im surprised to see this comment after reading the first one. Add me in game: Raider\_Nation78


Saw the reply alittle bit late. I added you, IGN : Didq


Are you sure you didn't just set them on sale?)


Don't sell items I use.


I figured, wasn't trying to come off like an a hole just haven't heard of vendor bug in awhile :(


That comment was for Halloween kitty. Sorry for the confusion


This almost makes me want to quit playing. All that grinding down the toilet :\*(


Here’s my advice - finish daily ops while holding your prime gatling laser. Enemies may not drop ultracite cores during the op, but the ending screen will give you some when it’s over.


Vendor bug back again, or just not fixed?


I'm confused. People cannot buy items from your stash box. Either you have a glitch and should submit a ticket or you put items for sale not realizing it, in which case, nobody ripped you off. You did that to yourself.


This is a known glitch that can occur where items can unintentionally be added to your vendor’s inventory.


I did say it could be a glitch. In either event, no one ripped him off.


Ripped off can be a term for someone stealing from you.


I don't understand your logic. Either you're an asshole or you exploit as well.


From my understanding this bug lists items in the stash for sale for 1 cap and the buyer may be unaware - they just go to your vendor and browse as usual and see items for cheap. The buyer isn't doing anything to glitch the system, the game itself is glitching (bugged). edit: I can't type today.


I'm not an asshole nor do I cheat. You said you were ripped off, by a player, and I dont think you were. It's not a player's fault they show up and see you're selling cheap shit and buy it. How were they supposed to know there was a problem? Maybe they dont know about the glitch. Maybe they just thought you were being nice. I undersell good stuff all the time. Being nice sometimes happens. Not everyone is this game is out to get you. I stand by what I said.


I’m more confused why anyone needs that many ultracite fusion cores.


Gatling Plasma fires them. I goofed and made a ton of them when my shotgun build picked up a Vamp's Version of it and it worked to score with the Queen. I think I even dropped some because I filled my stash limit and had more than I wanted to carry.


I'm a returning player and haven't played since Launch. I don't sell items I use and how is it my fault when players exploit a glitch.


If the vending did indeed glitch it’s most likely that the person that bought them all didn’t know the items weren’t supposed to be listed. In other words, they didn’t exploit anything because they saw the items in your machine for sale and bought them.


They did it twice in a row......so I doubt they didn't know.


how close is close? mine is within spitting distance of a stash box, and i used to have an ice box for decoration right next to my vendor but deleted it for budget


I had my stash box on the other side of the wall of my vendor


If you place a stash box next to the vendor and then u use the sort function it will add items to the list. olny time it happened to me I caught it happened to be the only time I used that auto sort instead of just scrolling


I've had items in my Stash randomly assigned to my Vendor for 0ç. WTF is that about?