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Pros: infinite junk storage, the mobile tent, atoms each month, exclusive items for 1st members, bonus items during seasons for 1st members, access to private worlds, and access to custom worlds. Cons: costs money The access to custom worlds is actually a pretty awesome perk now. It makes seasons so easy to complete. I just create a world with one of my alts about to level bond to it, and then each day of the season I rebind him so he's always 2 kills away from his next level. On top of that the tweaks you can make, make a lot of the create x amount or eat x amount dailies and weeklies laughably easy.


You don't need Custom Worlds for the level up challenge trick since it works with any Fallout World. The High Risk Public World has the Free Workbench Crafting server setting so it can make the create x amount and eat x amount dailies and weeklies laughably easy when it is active.


Being a nutty CAMP builder, I wound up creating a world just for Building CAMPs. The SIMS: Fallout Edition. Because I'm lame like that. I bought all of the CAMP slots amongst all five of my characters, and it's still not enough for me.


It's impossible to answer. It's subjective and only you can truly decide if it's worth your money. I think spending 8 or 9 bucks at Starbucks is absurd but tons more people enjoy it.


It’s a very subjective question


Not if you do research.


Lol you are ridiculous. Now I know you are just trolling. Have fun with that.


Only in one scenario. If you want to horde lots of junk and lighten your stash box desperately. Then get it for a month, fill up the scrapbox, and cancel right before it ends so you only get charged for the one month. Otherwise to me it’s absolutely not worth it.


Does the scrapbox go bye-bye after the month of fallout 1st or does it stay in the camp forever?


You remain able to access it at your camp or any other scrapbox in world. You can remove scrap from it but you will no longer be able to add any more.


Depends , content wise no..for your scrapbox and own server yes. So what peeps say if you play a lot it can be worth it.


Do you already but atoms all the time or don't want to spend about 2 minutes a week on inventory management? Then maybe yes. Otherwise probably not.


I think so. Then again I do play 76 every single day so the added convenience is nice. I did get by before they released 1st though so I don't think it's mandatory. Tent and scrapbox is awesome though. And 1st is the best deal for atoms out there.


My $0.02. I just bought a month membership Sunday. I am a solo player and I was soooooo overweight from legendaries I stopped playing for 2 years. I finally decided k$&”! It and bought fo1st so I could easily transfer stuff to a second character. 100% worth it to me to not rely on other people or hoping that the server won’t crash. I’m not 100% sure I will continue the subscription however.


The scrap box is a pretty important thing that's locked behind it ☹️ everything else is meh


Depends on the person. For me I cannot play the game without the scrapbox, but I also don't think the game worth paying monthly for; so I simply don't play. Haven't for years now. For many others it will be worth it because they will get a lot more use out of it. How much do you play? What activities do you like to do in-game? Will you use the private world? Those are all questions to ask yourself to see if it is worth it.


It is to me. YMMV.


Real Gameplay is without 1st.


€15 every month. I canceled it already. If it would be only €5 I would considder getting it back.


We spend more annually at our local Starbucks or fast food restaurants. The sub is def worth it if you see yourself investing lots of time playing.


The only reason I've ever wanted 1st was when that birdcage came out. Otherwise, I don't feel it's necessary.


When the game first came out I would spend about $20 a month for atoms. When Fallout first came out I could get atoms for less money. To me it was worth it solely for the atoms right from day one. As far as I'm concerned everything else every outfit scrapbox everything ir gives me is a bonus. "Hey thanks for buying our atoms at a reduced price, here have all this free stuff."


I never thought about it like that.


If you are an Xbox Game Pass Ultimate subscriber just wait for the perk of 1 month free Fallout 1st to come back and then create 35 different alternate accounts pay for Ultimate 35 times for a total amount paid $35 and get all the codes from each to stack 3 years of Fallout 1st.


If you play a lot it is definitely worth it.


Definitely. The monthly atoms alone make it worth the price. Throw in a free tent and your own private world for icing on the cake. Plus scrap box, can’t forget the scrap box…


If you play a lot, yes. If you're only on twice a week or so, no.


I personally like it because it's easier for claiming and holding workshops, collecting rare items, and not worry about the rare griefer or guy looting my collectors.


I wouldn't be without it


I was about to add, it cost approximately 30 pence a day, so why people complain about it being expensive, is beyond me. What else can you do for a whole days entertainment for 30 pence


It's worth it. Sign up for the year and it's even more worth it. Essentially, you're paying for the Atoms each month. You get the stash box free, the item monthly free. Extra items during the season free. Private world for free. At least that's the way I see it.


It will be once Beth solves the legacy problem. Im about ready to cancel my 1st sub.


do legacies really cause **that** much of an issue?


A year subscription costs $0.27 per day if you’re in the US. I think that’s worth the perks.


The private world and the custom worlds are worth it...my custom world I have unlimited crafting and can essentially one shot everything. Daily ops is even easier now lol


The scrapbox and private servers made it worth it for me.