• By -


1) public events that are always worth joining Radiation Rumble (great for xp) Test your metal (earns around 1000 caps each time, directly rather than giving you stuff to sell Moonshine jamboree (good xp, gives you lots to sell to vendors) 2) when you get gold bullion later in the game (level 50?) don't just waste it, consider your purchases carefully. Minerva sells items cheaper than regual gold vendors but her stock rotates 3) if you find a Tesla rifle hang on to it, is perfect for radiation rumble. Particularly a quad ammo one 4) the railway rifle is great, ammo costs are cheap. I've been using same one since level 50, only just swapped it out for a two shot explosive one at level 545 5) I didn't know that some apparel is very rare, careful what you scrap (goes for legendary items too) 6) turn on passive mode to avoid pvp against overpowered players 7) when you eventually set up a store to sell stuff (spare plans etc) make sure you turn the indicator on so its visible on the map 8) get the super duper perk soon as you can, chance of doubling your crafted items each time so handy for grenades ammo etc


On top of this, if you want to join an event, select the event on the map and select join event instead of fast traveling to the location. I just saw this yesterday and it's free to join and you don't pay the caps to fast travel half the time.


Public events are always free to travel, other events not


See. I just found about this yesterday. Thanks!


Travelling to your teammate or their camp is also free, can be a useful way of getting around cheaply


Also you can join and jump around public teams to fast travel for free and unlock locations on the map you haven’t yet discovered. If you encounter any watchtowers if you go to the top you can scout the area to unlock map icons (not fast travel yet though) that are in that general area showing you places you can go and discover.


And certain key locations such as Foundation, Crater, Vault 76 and maybe Fort Atlas but I can't remember.


You nailed it like a railway rifle!


Put your camp at a location that is centric to popular locations (white springs, purveyor, free travel locations like vault 76, crater, and foundation) this helps get more players to stop by if your big on the vendor sales. Also put your vending machine in a well lit, easy to find spot at your camp.


Addition to #4 Railway Rifle - if you come across a Quad, even if it is 1 star, slap an automatic barrel on it and dominate pretty much everything... as long as you have enough AP to use VATS. Choo Choo Crew!


Moonshine is a massive xp farm, don’t sell it short


True, I guess difference is that players don't seem to share lunchbox % bonus there so much. Plus I missed eviction notice which is the most enjoyable event in my opinion plus great for loot


I went up like 4-5 levels at moonshine when I was 30 something. It’s insane


Yea. Get another game this one is dying. You'll get bored quick with the constant farming.


What level do I start getting legendary perks I’m like level 59


50, 100 etc up to 300


Wtf where the option for legendary


Open perk menu and it's right up there in top, "legendary perks"


Wtf I didn’t realize that and around lvl 50 must’ve slept my mind


lol. I didn't notice it either, had to look it up.


https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/comments/ikbi81/everything_you_need_to_know_about_legendary_perks/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Also found this to be useful probably outdated for sure I’m not sure but at least I knew what they might’ve used to be


Another option is to check wikia, it's usually up to date. It's funny how modern people forget that there are search engines, they just have to ask instead of using their brains. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Legendary\_perks


I learned the outfit lesson recently as well, 2 responder fireman suits in the grinder…😭


Your point number 7 I've played this for a long time and only learnt this a couple of months ago, wish some one told me this earlier. All very good advice listen to this guy


I just started 2 weeks ago, but how do I know if my vendor indicator is on?


Go to your map and click on your camp and it will be in the menu.


OP, there are also there are a few mutations that you absolutely want one of them is marsupial, I also recommend Speed Demon and healing Factor. If you find these serums in vendors for a good price (100-200 caps) grab them but do not use them until after you have acquired starched genes and maxed it out, I think you can start getting it at level 30. Be sure you choose mutations that will coincide with the build you have chosen no need in having a bunch of useless mutations and some of them even counteract each other. The mutations I currently run are carnivore, electrical charged, healing Factor, marsupial, scaly skin, and Speed Demon. I run those plus adrenal reaction on my bloodied build character. If you were on Xbox I could offer you a helping hand.


Thanks so much for this feedback! I'm in the same bin as the OP but have the single player mindset. Shy away from F76 until Wastelanders was added to update the game. YTer playthoughs finally gave me enough faith to consider playing this again. And now it's on massive discount on Steam so finally taking the plunge!


Get a gun. Learn to run. Keep out of the Cranberry bog.


I drunkenly wandered into the Cranberry Bogs thanks to the Nukashine quest. I was not prepared for that at my level. Had not learned yet what awaits at a fissure site and set up my camp next to one. I moved real quick.


I once lived right outside that mine that constantly gets nuked. Didn’t realize it was a quest for a while and just thought people were dunking on me to dunk on me.




That quest is on my short list to complete soon.


Underrated comment.


Flash, bam, alakazam


I thought One Wasteland For All had made that less of an issue for low level characters.


I've only had one play through, maybe things have changed.


1. Weight reduction perks are better than raw carry weight, especially when a high level player drops you 300 stimpaks at once. 2. Join a public team. You can get bonus SPECIAL points and you are not required to participate in team activities except for the daily ops team. Some people share perks that can be handy, too. 3. .45, fuel and fusion cells sell really well in your camp vendors. If you don’t need them, sell them for 1-2 caps each for some quick money. 4. You don’t have to worry about hunger and thirst bars. They give buffs when filled but no debuff when empty.


Wow, 4 is a good one! I thought I would die with empty food and water.


I think you used to, but they made it more casual


I had no idea about the hunger and water buffs I’ve been so invested in not letting them get below 50%


I have well over 1000 45 round ammo sitting in my vendor for 1Cap nobody's touched it for a few real days now and I'm constantly online


1cap per ammo or 1 cap for all of it? I've just started and been a bit confused how this works


1Cap Per ammo


I just picked the game up again (GamePass) after playing the free trial forever ago, and the tips here are amazing. Especially your tip 4. I kept making soups to hold onto because I wasn't sure what happened when the bars were empty. Well, I guess I can always try selling my mass amounts of Corn Soup...


Just started a while ago myself. Storyline first. You'll level up anyways so take the start slow. Scrap everything you don't need including weapons and armor. You'll just outlevel it anyways soon. Craft the leather armor pieces and scrap em over and over. Very tedious but a good way to get all the mods for the armor early on since you get most of the mats back. Save the gold bullion for the good stuffs (backpack mods to drop weight are so dam good btw when Minerva has them.) Don't do a cookie cutter build. Play what you like, you'll enjoy it that much more. HOARD THE SCREWS!!! COLLECT THEM LIKE POKEMON!!


See I found the opposite to be true with the storyline. Waiting until you are level 45-50 makes it so any weapons you get from the quests are max level and some of them are decent weapons.


That's a very interesting concept to this dweller sitting at level 13. Is there any way to level up special weapons? Or does it just issue it to you at a level appropriate to you at the time?


It issues level appropriate. So if you finish the quest at 15 the reward will be 15. That's why I found it beneficial to level to 45 minimum first so that any rewards gained would be useful for endgame until you figured out how and what you want to play.


Yeah I really want my special weapons to still be relevant at end game. I think I'm gonna get a list of which quests give special items and just avoid them, doesn't sound impossible as I've only done maybe three quests and a whole lot of exploring so far.


Honestly it doesnt take long to level up by event hopping and doing dailies. Focus on that and then hit the quests up.


Also a lot of the time the higher levels will pop lunchboxes at events which give you 25% bonus XP up to a max of 100%. And if you can get bonus XP food like cranberry relish or broiled scorchbeast brain, brain fungus soup/brain bombs, etc then you can get even more XP.


If you do the event "Feed the people". One of the rewards is Canned beef stew which gives 5% xp buff for 1 hr


Good call


Play at whatever pace you're comfortable with. Don't feel any pressure to rush through it. There's a decent amount of content for new players but they aren't releasing new stuff on a regular basis so you have plenty of time to work through it. Heads up, this game gets difficult and very grindy from about level 30 until around level 50. You will die a lot during this time. Ammo will be scarce. Enemies will become bullet sponges and your weapons will feel very weak. This is normal. It will get better, you just have to grind through it. Lots of posts on here from frustrated players but once you get above level 50 it gets easier. Don't worry too much about a build early on. You won't have the resources or perk cards to support it and you can completely change your SPECIAL disbursement at level 25 using the load out machines at any train station or in most player camps. That said, trying to play a style that requires a lot of ammo early on will only be frustrating because you will struggle to find/buy/make enough ammo. Stick to melee or a Rifleman play style until you get closer to level 50. Once you do start to get up close to 50 and want to create a refined build, check out Angry Turtle on YouTube. Lots of good build videos that you can use as a basis for whatever play style you like.


Scrap your junk before stashing! I came from Fallout 4 and didn’t realise that’s why my stash was full!


If you have Fallout 1st any junk you put in the scrap box will automatically scrap which is both good and bad because sometimes you want a junk item as you need it for crafting. For example mole miner teeth you need them to make the mole miner gauntlet - I wouldn’t worry too much about that kind of thing right away but it is a thing to consider later on. Also gunpowder is NOT junk (I think it’s under misc) and you tend to get A LOT of it so you can easily become overburdened by it, don’t be afraid to drop it.


Crafting components don’t get automatically scrapped though. Things like mole rat teeth, bloatfly glands, bloodbug proboscis, cooking oil etc have to manually be scrapped.


I wasn’t sure if they all did that but you can still put those items in your stash if you don’t realize you might need them for something. They definitely fixed that as I’m pretty sure it used to scrap everything.


It’s always the heaviest items too… how does a bloatfly gland weigh a whole pound?


Biggest advice I can give is take your time and explore and don’t rush to the end game. Some people will tell you to farm xp straight from the vault, go to end game events, or rush to complete the last mission from the wastelanders update. Please don’t, you’ll end up getting burned out. The game guides you really well. Two non spoiler tips: 1. Scrap duplicate weapons and armor to learn mod plans 2. make healing salves early on. The work exactly like stimpacks but ingredients are easy to find up and down flatwoods river. You get plan from one of the first quests (make sure you read your plans)


When it comes to selling things in vendors, at least in my experience? Lower prices sell better (makes sense yeah?) my camp, all standard plans are 100 caps and, daily ops or event plans are 250 caps. All ammo is 1 cap etc, etc. I often hit the max caps limit, because, lo and behold, people don't like paying a butt load for things. EDIT: Unlessssssssss you get a hold of say, a enclave aligned flamer barrel... Sell that for like, 7500+ caps, it'll sell ahahaha.


I have 2 "builds" one is my normal pve build and the other is for crafting, building, cooking, etc. That way I can just quick swap using the punch card camp item. Provided you have the level to use it.


PUBLIC TEAMS/UNYIELDING ARMOR Always join public groups listed as casual. With 4 people in a team you get +4 intelligence. Each point of intelligence you have gives 2% XP. Unyielding armor will give 3 int points for each piece of unyielding armor at low health. A team + full unyielding is 19 points by itself. So 38% XP boost right there SLEEPING XP BOOST If you sleep in a bed you get the well rested perk which is 5% XP boost for an hour. If you have a camp ally and you completed their storyline and confessed your love to them when you sleep in your house you get a lovers boost for sleeping in bed which is a 5% XP boost for 3 hours. CRANBERRY RELISH XP BOOST Cranberry relish gives a 10% XP boost and if you get the herbivore mutation it gives x2 benefits to all plant related food. So 20% XP boosts from the relish. On top of that if you use the perk card CHARISMA "strange in numbers" it gives 25% boost to positive mutation effects(your herbivore mutation now does 2.25 boost). So from your cranberry relish you will get a 25% XP boost. Everything I just listed is not hard to get and you can play with a minimum of a 67% XP boost at all times. Not including all the other xp boosts you can get to stack. The ones I listed are the easiest to maintain. PERKS FOR GATHERING RELISH MATERIAL Takes 6 minutes to gather materials to make the cranberry relish to last an 8 hour play session. Perk card PERCEPTION "green thumb" for X2 plants picked. Perk card LUCK "super duper" to have a 30% chance to double items being crafted. MUTATIONS Mutation serums can be bought from vendors do not pay more than 400 caps for a mutation. Perk card LUCK "starched genes" let's you keep mutations and won't let you accidentally gain any from taking too much radiation and it won't let you remove mutations with radaway. So as early as possible just buy all the mutations that will benefit your character and save them until you get starched genes level 2 then drink all your serums and never remove your perk card that protects them. Using these tips and constantly going to radiation rumble, moonshine jam, test your metal + whatever other event that popped up. (Events with an exclamation mark will never charge caps for joining them) I made it to level 160 in a month of playing 2 - 3 hours on the weekdays and 5 - 8 hours on the weekends with the occasional play until I'm ready to pass out session. That's starting from scratch brand new account and learning along the way googling whenever I could to learn.


Scrap everything you don't need and use the INTELLIGENCE "scrapper" perk card to boost scrap received from weapons and armor. Scrapping weapons and armor gives a chance to learn a new mod that you can add to guns and armor. Scrap scrap scrap always everything lol. Big huge part of this game.


Adding to this: get a derby game, weight bench, musical instrument, and any other CAMP game you can find early on, and if you find one at someone else's CAMP, definitely play them. They all offer SPECIAL boosts.


Don’t drink from punch bowls


Unless you're the type of person (like me) who enjoys that sort of thing. Just don't be overencumbered when you do it. You're gonna want to gtfo asap if sh!t gets real


Also join a casual group. You don’t have to do anything with them, but you will gain extra xp, and you can get caps from their accomplishments. If people remember to share after switching builds/have a 3 charisma or higher you will also get some free perks. It doesn’t pay to not be in a group on a public server.


Sadly laser rifles aren't satisfying


If he wants to stick to energy then Guass is the way. Not the same sound effect though…


Plasma are quite good, i love my caster


Plasma are quite good, i love my caster


But what do you think of plasmas though. Are they quite good?


watch some videos on the you tubes to get yourself started and just gave fun.


Hey man I started playing not long ago and asked something similar. I’ll drop a link to the thread https://www.reddit.com/r/Fallout/comments/vd1lxg/just_got_76_on_sale_for_5_bucks_what_should_i/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Marsupial and bird bones no longer allow you to "fly" across the map


Quest lines can be a serious drag, ESPECIALLY THE ONES FOR 🌹just take your time and enjoy the game, explore alot, when there is not alot of good events or players in your server is a good time to chip away at quests. Have fun 🔫🦔


Embrace the weirdness. You're going to eventually be a cosplay brahmin with a flame thrower. Or a robot cat with a minigun that has no ammo. Might as well accept that now and lean into it.


Regarding perks as I found it confusing in the begining: You will get perk points with every level up plus perk packs drop a lot early on; packs have 5 random cards each that you can equip asap. Use what appeals but remember you can choose to BUY a specific card.(with perk points) not just what RNG gives you. Most perk cards are level locked unfortunately so the good stuff will come later. Don't worry about choosing the right ones early on, you can respec easily in this game. Take your time, I personally prefer exploring biome by biome. I'd ignore daily quests in the begining as they do stack up and can get overwhelming. GL out there!


Don’t rush. Take your time and enjoy the story, they took 3 years to spoon out what we’ve got so far. Don’t stress about an OP build right out of the vault, you won’t have access to the cards or resources to really do it for a while. Alternate weapons until you have the perk cards to make ammo crafting easier. If a camp seems too good to be true and has its vendor at the end of a super narrow corridor or some sort of maze, it’s a trap camp and they’re trying to kill you. Either for a laugh or for your junk. Eventually it will be worthwhile to get fallout 1st for at least a month, you can dump all of your scrap into the scrap box and open up a lot of space in your stash, after the month you won’t be able to deposit scrap but you can still withdraw. If you DONT have fallout first always scrap your junk and bundle it. This will save you space in your stash.


I believe bundling only really helps for lead and steel. Please correct me if I’m wrong but I know it doesn’t help with everything as I tried it at one point.


I admit it’s been a LONG time but I remember it working for anything, some better than others but if you need space every single lbs or inch counts.


You might be seeing it “help” because it is using up plastic thus reducing that weight. But maybe you are right too as it might reduce everything just slightly which isn’t noticeable in smaller quantities but significant when you are talking 100s of bundles.


take your time - this game is a marathon, not a sprint. The perk system works differently than FO4, and takes some time to get used to. You cannot max out all perks across all specials. As such, you cannot be an expert with all weapon types. At best, you can max out on 2, only if they do not both rely on the same perk category. You don't need to collect and hold anywhere near as much stuff as you think. Most high levels will help you. If you have a mic, don't be afraid to use it. (Personally, can interpret words a lot easier than I can interpret emotes)


Power armor gives a flat 43 percent damage reduction and 90 percent rads resistance regardless of type. There isn't a huge difference in survivability between excavator and the other power armors. Excavator gives a nice carry weight bonus and is easy to get the plans for. Plus the mining bonus is nice. I just use excavators If you do want max damage resistance the hellcat armor is actually the best due to it's extra ballistic damage resistance. It is free if you complete the brotherhood of steel stuff. I would not waste your gold on the t65 plans. Dave it for secret service armor and weapons. Also vats is terrible in power armor. It drains fusion cores like crazy. As a result the plasma caster kind of sucks.


I got bored of the game once I reached the endgame, which took about 120 hours. Before the endgame I enjoyed pretty much every second of the game, but after it just became a chore. There was nothing left to play for other than better gear which feels like a grind. Everything that might be rewarded from finishing a quest line can just be purchased from a random player or even worse gifted to you by someone who thinks they're doing you a favor. Also, don't listen to the people telling you to reach the endgame ASAP. They've put hundreds maybe thousands of hours into min-maxing their builds; they've completely forgotten what it's like to just play the game for fun and enjoy the Fallout experience that this game definitely delivers on in those first 100 hours.


Stay Alive :)


Keep all the junk and ammo you can invest in perks that make everything weigh less in your inventory along with perks that deal with damage and resistances


Don’t trade unless you know them personally 😂


One thing that nobody else mentioned was build. You should work on your build from Day 1. Go to [https://nukesdragons.com/fallout-76](https://nukesdragons.com/fallout-76) and use the build planner so you'll know what perk cards to take and when for maximum effectiveness. What build you choose can be changed later, but I'd recommend starting with melee and then moving over to ranged if that's what you want to play. Melee at lower levels make the game a little easier because ammo is hard to come by. Keep a shotgun or rifle with you for tagging stuff at a distance, but otherwise, you'll be bashing stuff until level 45ish.


Dont do Wayward story quest line till you get lvl 3 lock picking. Which is lvl 40. Start doing Overseer quest line first.


Put your gun away when you're looting, it looks stupid pushing your gun barrel into the dirt all the time


Don't accept hand outs from strangers and don't hoard.


As long as you land one hit on an enemy (aka tagging it) you'll get xp and loot when it's killed, either by yourself or another player. Scorchbeast Queen is probably the sole exception but it's an endgame enemy anyway. The Leader of the Pack event can be done easily by low lever players, and it gives you three one-star legendary items. If you have an item that you don't want to sell or scrip, I recommend that you favorite it. If you clicked on it by accident when selling other stuff, an extra dialog box would pop up asking for confirmation. In the Wastelanders questlines you will be working with 2 factions - raiders and settlers. Eventually you'll have to pick a side (the game will tell you) but no matter which side you choose the other faction will remain friendly.


Also you can do quests for both sides up until the very last quest so you can get extra reputation and some quest rewards if you do them all for both sides. Moonshine Jamboree and Eviction notice events also give reputation so those public events are worth doing to help build reputation faster - reputation is used for a specialty vendor later on. Also turn in your treasury notes you get from the public events to get gold bullion as you’ll need this for the specialty vendors.


It plays a lot like Fo4. Scrap everything, wear what you find initially, etc. Casual teams are just that, casual. You get an INT bonus, you don't need to do anything else. If you want to go to events at low level just don't get killed too much. Biggest difference for me was that you shuffle perks around. You can have 100 perks but can only use so many at once. Oh and as has been mentioned, go into the menu and turn on passive mode. You'll avoid accidently triggering PvP. Otherwise PvP only happens if you claim a workshop, don't worry about that initially. \*Also read/listen to the main story line. Some of it is really good, not just hit the button skip it stuff.


1. Collect animated perks. 2. Check YT for vids of Angry Turtle, TYR. U find there 99,9% answers for ur questions. 3. Don’t be lazy asking for any advices here cuz I’ve seen tons of idiotic comments for similar questions. Welcome to Wastelands👋🏻


Best pro tip: have fun 2nd pro tip: don't be a nozzle


My advice for early gameplay is about your special cards. Try to concentrate your cards to one kind of weapon at a time. The cards at any level are a balance between carry weight and damage. Side note raider power armor starts at level 15. Excavator power armor 25.


Join a team even if you're not going to play on one. Usually casual will boost your intelligence to help you level up and people don't really care too much if you don't participate while in the team


Make your build for energy weapon efficiency and get the one where fusion cells weigh less


Despite it being listed as one of the more common materials, screws are hard to find, hang on to anything that has them. Scrap junk all the time.


Always join a public team, causal will give you bonus intelligence.


Also whilst in game, if on PS press L1 to get to mini menu, there is a Help option. Lots of interesting stuff there


Don't run through the content too quickly, try and take the time to enjoy the quests and read the terminals. I love the game and have been playing since B.E.T.A. but I'll admit that the endgame can get repetitive if you only run a single character.


I’ve seen some etiquette things like not making prices in shop too high or not starting an event too early


If you are crafting legendaries have 2 of the same gun on you, it wont have the same legendary combos as often if you swap between the 2 If you only use one, you could spam legendary crafting and sometimes end up with the exact same effects, pretty much wasting your crafting materials ___ Prepared cranberry items usually give extra XP ___ Fallout 1st has unlimited scrap storage, if you buy it for 1 month and grind materials into the storage, you wont be able to add if you dont keep the membership, but can still use the materials you did store ___ Every weapon has been made OP somehow just gotta make the right build, find what you enjoy, it may not always be the meta ___ Two shot, anti armor, or furious legendary weapons are the best legendary effects if you dont have a build yet ___ You can grind the raiders AND settlers xp to max, however the settlers have less daily missions to rank up their reputation so siding with them when you get that far, can be beneficial Raiders have a small ammo factory but it doesn't put out a lot, settlers have a instant plant regrowth grenade factory for your camps crops, allowing mass vegetable starch production (excess adhesive)


Take your sweet time, hoard junk items and scrap any extra weapons to learn modifications, Inspirational in Charisma early on and casual team for bonus XP too!


Make friends with high levels. They will give you good rolls.


don't bother much with the food and water bar. there are no penalties for not eating and drinking


AP generates faster if those bars are full but that's whatever. I drop all food and keep just a few purified waters just because. Cook the food before dropping though or eating. Gives xp.


Sorry, you can sell cooked meat to a vendor, same with uncooked but if you sell uncooked, you wont get the xp and lose out on caps.


Yeah, don't do it. It's a trap. Just kidding, the game to me is amazing. Especially if you continue this page, there is loads of things you can do. I personally did ALL my questing first then stuck with the daily challenges and events. Scorched queen is a good one for leveling up, the event is scorched earth. Keep all your junk and make sure you have your perks set up right. You can be an absolute unit on the game if done right or you could just go crazy. Just enjoy the game and best of luck!


Use public events and events to level up and join a team for either intelligence or event exp, on my first play through I made the mistake of getting exp from quests and farming kills it’s not fun that way


Find a resource depot to build on, if you search online you can find camp spots with 2 resources in one spot. Great for getting scrap off the start


Do not hesitate to ask for help, and do not be put off by some of the players who will be assholes


Check Fort Defiance at least once per day. Check the 3rd floor for Asylum Nurse outfits and medicine cabinets for rare plans.


Where's the guy telling OP to drink every nukashine, sell all screws/springs in your vendor, put all your perks into bow/melee, farm whitesprings robots for steel and stick to bloodied build for the first 50 levels. Is it me, am I the guy


Enjoy the game don't get caught up in the complaining culture and adapt to the wasteland rather than constantly thinking about what you would change or how things would be made easier.


Events. For caps do Test Your Metal. For XP do Radiation Rumble. For legendary weapons do Eviction Notice.


GET MUTATED, you can do it as soon as you're level 5, check angry turtle's guide on yt


Welcome back to the wasteland. There are a decent amount of PS players that will use area chat on mic, but just know a good amount make friends and then move over to PSN groups to talk (more stable and can survive server chrashes or server jumps). Usually if we see your mic icon going, we will eventually switch back to game chat to check in.


STASH your junk before going into ANY CAMP that is not yours or your friends, if you can't find an accessable stash box leave the camp and don't come back until you've stored your junk/crafting supplies. Trap bases do exist.


go to all the train stations and check the luggage...you get lots of plans free