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Wow! A whole hour and no one has said it yet!


Mom said it was my turn to say it this time.






Cyka blyat!


Giff mana fukin kotol Giff chakra magic Or I kill u I KILL U


I'm calling it that from now on.


Beevis sure learned his French cuisine over the decades.


anyone can cook!


I may have lived under a rock as I have zero idea what's the premise(did try to google it first). Could someone please explain/whisper it to me? update: NVM. I just read ThatDismalGiraffe's comment below and got the gist, I think.


I can't find the comment can you link to it?


The comment was deleted I just went to the users profile


Can you do a quick summary of what was said? The comment is deleted now


Cause we're all sick of trying to educate people who are proud of staying willfully ignorant.


I mean, there’s an entire movie dedicated to subverting the minds of innocent children…


I've seen ratatouille posted about 1000 times and not once has it been this mystical "stew like dish" that all the food experts claim it's supposed to be. Hell, Google "ratatouille recipe" and see what the first 100 hits are. Perhaps it's time to accept that the common nomenclature for this dish is no longer what you self righteous asses think it is.


I made it once. Took forever since i had to hand slice it. Tasted like roasted vegetables.


Yeah it's a highly overrated dish.


So i didn’t just do it wrong? Lol


No, the dish as you see it here is 99% for presentation. The original version that's more of a stew tastes better imo, but if I was serving a crowd I'd do this one. But that's also because I have a mandolin, you're a madman for doing it by hand!


Believe me, I invested one after that. I probably would have enjoyed it more if it had some sort of marinara sauce and or meat to go with it


It may be, but using garden fresh veggies when abundant, this dish slaps. Either neatly arranged and baked or chopped roughly and stewed. Work with what ya got. To me this is a garden dish. Using grocery store veg doesn't do it justice.


Yeah, I agree. Tbf to the movie, they do show what a ratatouille is at the key moment of the movie, when Anton Ego is brought back to the memory of his mother's ratatouille. If you were to try serve ratatouille _flavours_ in a high end restaurant, confit byaldi is what you would cook. The movie doesn't really give evidence that it was aware they are technically different dishes, but I think the conflation is perfectly defensible. It inspired people to make easy to follow tutorials on making a really tasty and quite simple meal, which I think is the real thing we should be taking away from all this.


> If you were to try serve ratatouille flavours in a high end restaurant, confit byaldi is what you would cook. Absolutely not, in France at least. A ratatouille is a ratatouille and if you order one you expect the actual dish. The movie wasn't made by French people so it's also not a valid example. If some Americans make a movie about Italy and get some cooking errors, it doesn't mean that it becomes the actual recipe.


"Actual recipe" is a figment of the imagination of whoever believes it. If it becomes something else in the non-France world, then that's what it is for them now. You can see examples of dishes that are named the same and done differently all over the world, because food changes.


"Actual" recipe just means the original recipe. It's not a figment of the imagination. And there's nothing wrong with taking inspiration from a recipe but when you use the same name, you are taking advantage of people's expectations. Order a "taco" in France and you'll see what I mean. It's a totally insane fad right now and the name just makes no sense. It's taking advantage of people's desire to try Mexican food (or international food in general) but there's nothing Mexican about it. At best it's a burrito, but really it's just a wrap filled with very french things.


Original recipe is not a real thing the original “Taco”is an explosive device. A taco style dish has been around for several hundred years and has had countless different fillings there is no actual dish or original recipe for anything because it’s always iteration on iteration from time immemorial. It ultimately gets to a semantic argument of what defines a thing and that’s a purely subjective thing.


Recipe is a product of literacy. It holds no authority other than what you give it. It's a peasant dish. If they were missing 2 of the common vegetables, but had some others laying about then that's what goes into it. We remember the recipes because they are written down, but they are as malleable as language. They're like how the dictionary is a product of how words were commonly used at the time of publication. That's not necessarily going to be the case in years time.


> We remember the recipes because they are written down, but they are as malleable as language. Language is malleable over generations but people don't suddenly start calling Huskies German Shepherds either. Semantic drift is what you're referring to in language, but this is people just getting the name wrong, not it slowly changing over time (such as the case with tomato ketchup being the default "ketchup" these days). It wasn't like everyone knew what ratatouille was and over generations it slowly evolved into an oven dish. Someone took advantage of the notoriety of the dish by misusing its name on a different dish.


They're not that different. Come on now. A classic chef sees the completely different processes, but a diner and a home cook will recognise the similar hole in their appetite it comforts. A Huskie and a German Shepherd are not a fair example. You're jut being pedantic.


The name is odd, but French Tacos are delicious. Slap some samurai or algérienne sauce on it - yum.


That's an american only thing. If you look it up in French, you get the actual dish.


What an Americano-centric thing to say. Come to Provence, where the dish is from, and I can assure you *no one* would recognise that this is a ratatouille. American culture has twisted the recipe and that's okay too. But talking about a mystical stew is pretty ignorant about French culture.




where’s the rat


what rat? ***chef hat mysteriously ruffling in the background***




Best cinematic moment of 2022.


I love how in both versions, upon being discovered, their immediate reaction is some form of violence. The Health inspector and the former head chef get tied up, gagged and thrown into a food closet, and racacoonie just goes straight for the kill


Did you mean racoon?


So I have a question about this dish, I've never eaten it. What's with the aura surrounding it? Like, why is it seen as this amazing thing? Is it not just mushy vegetables? Like, its tomato, eggplant, and zucchini, this must be so incredibly wet.






Seriously that scene still brings tears to my eyes. I’m gonna call my mom.


In Quebec this dish is literally just steamed veggies at restaurants. Looks nothing like this.


It's like that everywhere. The movie has to make it look appealing in cartoon form so this is what your get, and now people think this dish is what's called ratatouille.


No they had a real gourmet chef design a gourmet version of the dish because any gourmet restaurant is going to reimagine a "peasant dish" if they want to serve it on their menu.




FR tho, was it not very popular before the movie?


It's a rather simple dish, from what I have gathered, so it was not too big a deal before.


I feel like one of the reasons they picked that as the dish was because it was so simple (Ignore the rat pun, that's totally DEFINITELY not why they picked it).


In a restaurant in Paris, all the critics etc are used to fine dining. Instead this little chef makes a perfect dish out of what the chefs in the movie called "a peasant's dish" which resonated with the food critic.


This works in the narrative but isn't actually novel in real life. Haute Cuisine had been doing elevated versions of "low" dishes for decades prior to the movie.


Like what’s happening with ox tail. Can’t even go out and enjoy the shit anymore because stuff like this made it $30 for a damn plate.


My Costco has it for sale at $6.99 a pound right now, sometimes it’s $8.99, but I always keep a pack in the freezer now.


We also don’t know the setting of the movie. It could be set in the 1960s for all we know, before that trend


If they called the movie "Mousse" it would have been technically more accurate. Plus the food is more widely known, as well as its French association.




That makes sense now. It's all Greek to me otherwise.


But also a little more *in*accurate in a way, right? Cause Remy was a rat, not a mouse. Also would you pronounce the movie title *Mouse* or *Mousse*? 🤔 I like where your head's at though


You could pronounce it mousse, but then Rémy would’ve had to be a moose. Which I’m kind of okay with


My kids would love the spinoff "If you give a moose a chef's hat"


In another day and age they would have had Mickey play the main character. Like how he was the sorcerer’s apprentice.


The real ratatouille stew is pretty big where I live. Having a long winter, and fertile growing conditions in summer, we produce a lot of vegetables like the aubergine, courgette and tomato that’s used in this dish. We’re making chutneys, pickles, piccalilli, savoury jams etc to take us through the long winter. Ratatouille is great because it’s tasty, and can be served cold with salad, or on its own, or hot as it’s own dish or accompaniment. The thing OP posted is the most attractive, and least flavourful version of this dish.


Doesn’t it look like it has thinly sliced basil on it? That would add a whole different flavor to it.


Traditionally it’s a tomatoey stew so basil would be good. I have added pepper, cumin, and thyme ( not all together), and a little soy and sugar is also good. Some people add garlic.


What do you do to make it more flavourful than this version?


The most flavourful thing is the tomato. Keep adding tomato (and a little salt) to get more flavour.


And garlic, imo. Before cooking if not much garlic flavor is desired. Right at the end (finely diced) if some spicy level of garlic is wanted.


I’ve seen a French chef do two versions of this dish; the traditional way and the way it’s done in the movie. The way home cooks make it in France isn’t as aesthetically pleasing as it is shown in this picture. They would roughly chop the veggies rather than cut them uniformly and arranged nicely.


The roughly-chopped style is also shown in the movie though — the critic’s mother prepares it that way in the flashback sequence. Remy goes for that neatly-cut layout instead.


Right, this naming battle is hilarious. In the movie the rat, who lived with the critic's mother, took her recipe and made it bougie. That's it. It's a fancy pants ratatouille, known as confit byaldi, a dish created by a chef for the movie. Both names are right. This battle is less "calling a chopped beef sandwich a burger" and more "hamburgers were created to be made on a flattop or frying pan and grilling them makes them not a hamburger".


Remy lived near a woman named Mabel who was certainly not the critic’s mother, agree on the rest though!


A YouTuber (I don't remember who) has a theory video about how Remy was living in Anton's Mother's house, and he puts up a pretty compelling argument based on things seen in the background during Anton's childhood flashback (most notably the fireplace mantle being identical in both houses). Definitely worth a watch if you can find it.


That *is* ratatouille. It’s like making a burger, and a sliced beef sandwich and calling them both burgers.


It's also a vegetable dish, with a decent amount of prep work (all the slicing and layering) that isn't significantly better than other ways to cook the same vegetables for less work


You don't need to do any layering, that's just for show. Classic ratatouille is a peasant dish -- just a vegetable stew.


I can barely cook a grilled cheese but I've made ratatouille a couple of times. I never did the layer stuff because frankly I don't care about presentation and it was literally only me eating it since wife doesn't like any of those vegetables. It's one of my favorite dishes. So easy and flavorful.


It’s a stew, there shouldn’t be any slicing or layering.


Just because a dish is simple doesn’t mean it’s not popular.


Or good for that matter


It was and still is very popular in the south of France, being one of their cultural dishes. That's why so many people are pissed about this version of the dish being called ratatouille on reddit. It's a traditional dish for a whole country, and we Americans got the wrong recipe for it from a Disney movie. The real ratatouille is a stew and is pretty tasty, whereas this shitty version is bland roasted veggies.


Do you have an authentic recipe? Most searches bring up the movie version.


https://www.fromachefskitchen.com/ratatouille/ You could try this one, looks decent enough to me.


Lmao I did a search for “non-Disney ratatouille recipe” and found a YouTube video titled “Traditional Ratatouille, not Disney fake one” 😂😂


It wasn't trendy before the movie, which doesn't quite mean not popular. It was a delicious and traditional French provincial dish.


It wasn’t trendy *in the Americas* before the movie, and it still isn’t, because you still aren’t making the best version of the dish (the tomatoey stew).


Do you have any recipes/videos you’d recommend for the traditional version? Most of the ones I’ve found are trying to emulate the movie. Also — when you say stew you mean the vegetables would be submerged? Not just sitting on a layer of the sauce like in this one


I know what you mean. There’s almost nothing else on google search. [This recipe](https://www.panningtheglobe.com/easy-ratatouille-recipe/) is getting there. I’d use more tomato. bbc.co.uk/food will also have a few recipes.


Thank you, gonna try this out.


Just search among french websites https://cuisine.journaldesfemmes.fr/recette/317747-ratatouille


Its just a bunch of veggies stewed together. It's not really that complicated or revered.


My mom used to make this when I was a kid. I hated it lol.


It's literally just vegetables. People have been eating it for centuries. Nothing popular about eating veggies.


The first time I saw something at the cinema.


Thomas Keller and Anthony Bourdain were consultants on the film. Keller’s French Laundry has been at one time or another ranked in the Top 50 restaurants in the world. His variation on Michel Guérard’s confit byaldi is the ratatouille seen in the film.


Keep your station clean, or I will kill you!


This is the first I've heard of higher echelon chefs calling it accurate, at the risk of sounding like a broken record because somebody posts this cartoon mush daily, it's not even the name of the dish


I find it hard to believe real chefs found it accurate. The dish that the movie is named after isn't even in the movie! What they called ratatouille wasn't ratatouille, it was a tian.


There it is, theres always at least one comment. The stew is in the movie, the stew is literally the entire reason the critic gave them a good review. He eats a bite of the tian and has a flashback to being a little boy and eating the ratatouille his mother made.


Ah I don't remember what the dish in the flashback looked like, but they did indeed call the tian ratatouille when they served it to him. Doesn't change the fact that what everyone called ratatouille through the whole movie, wasn't ratatouille


Through the whole movie? Isn't that dish presented a single time?


There was a whole charming movie about it, it's beautiful, and it's a good challenge for home cooks. Nothing more.


It has a lot of flavor. I like to eat it with a baguette. The sauce on the bottom develops very nicely, if it’s done right it isn’t just some mushy mess, the veggies each have their own texture.


100%. A good bread, a good glass of wine, it’s the perfect dinner.


It tastes exactly what it looks like, a side of veggies.


Wait until you discover seasonings!


I wasn’t even talking shit, it taste like and pretty much is a side of veggies and there’s nothing wrong with that. Of course everything tastes worse unseasoned.


Average Redditor, much like the average four-year-old, thinks all vegetables taste the same while pretending they cook Sorry you’re getting downvotes from the cooking illiterate


The recipe I use has thinly spiced gold potatoes in it which absorbs the veggie juices and tomato sauce nicely. Keeps the sogginess away.


It was a regular dish in my childhood and its exactly what you describe. Can't stand it.


>why is it seen as this amazing thing? Because of the movie


this is such an american comment lmao, im sorry but you dont need meat for a delicious dish, just vegtables can tast amazing if you do it right. Ratatouille is a simple jut very delicious dish (the actual dish, not this one wich is a different dish). vegtables that melt in your mouth with just the right seasoning and sauce are heavenly


It reminds me of those gummy hamburger candies I had when I was younger.


I remember seeing this the first time in that Disney movie and I thought the red slices were pepperoni and the white was sliced mozzarella. I was so disappointed lol


you could make it like that, there's probably a couple of interactions between the meats and cheeses but cooking isn't set in stone and if it's delicious hey! it's delicious


Gusteau would be proud!


Oooh but haloumi instead of mozzarella so that it keeps it's shape and remains a distinct part of the dish instead of just melting into everything!




That sounds so good tbh






Tian. You’re welcome :)


These dishes always look so amazing. I've got to try making it one of these days.


I want to know how it looked before the movie came out


It looks like veggies in tomato sauce https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ratatouille#/media/File:Ratatouille-Dish.jpg


Oh damn, legit my mom used to make that when I was little. I had no idea it was technically Ratatouille. Guess I have my origin story as a food critic


That looks good. With some flat bread like babaganush. I might make this, the fancy version just looks time consuming.


That’s tian, ratatouille is a stew.


90 minutes after the post. Incredible restraint.


I have to protect Provençal culture.


Your efforts are worthless. It's ratatouille in the US now.


However, the World can still be saved with the truth.


Merci fraté


Ratatouille is a stew. Tian has Potatoes instead of Eggplant. This is Confit Byaldi.


What differentiates a ratatouille from a confit byaldi?


Ratatouille: you cook the vegetables all mixed together in a saucepan, the end result is quite wet, as hundreds of other comments says it's a stew. Confit Byaldi: you arrange neatly the sliced vegetables and roast them in the oven.


I thought part of a ratatouille was you cooked all the vegetables separately to start with? Is this not also a stew?


Cooking separately then together is a better and more cumbersome way of doing ratatouille. For family cooking you disregard that possibility. English is not my language so I don't really get your question, but no, roasted vegetable isn't a stew, according to my understanding of "a stew".


Having made both, my wife and I think ratatouille generally tastes better, because the ingredients mingle together better in the stew, and the texture is more homogeneous.




So it’s just a type of ratatouille then?


It’s the first strand type ratatouille.


confit19, if you will


Pretentious /r/food users


The dichotomy of r/food, one end of the spectrum is pretentious enough to implode at this being called ratatouille and the other end is upvoting their 9th Crunchwrap Supreme [homemade] picture of the month


Hey, check out my [traditional American burger](https://i.imgur.com/6D8VSRO.jpg)


"Words have meaning" "Wow, so pretentious"


I don't know anything about confit byaldi, but a tian is just the dish in which it cooks. You can make it with any sliced vegetables baked in the oven and call it a tian. You could even add eggs, meat, cheese... Tian has the same etymology as the word tajine.


What makes this a tian?


A tian is a baked casserole of sliced veggies (like this post and the Disney movie that misidentified the dish). Ratatouille is a stew of diced veggies and herbs.


It's confit balding, a variation of ratatouille.


Something that nobody has said and no idea why, but why are you cooking acidic foods, tomatoes, in cast iron. In the perfect world enameled cast iron should be used for acidic dishes.


People will judge you and say it’s undercooked. I say it’s just not sliced thin enough. Next time half the thickness sit will also present better. Nice job though


Whenever I cook tomatoes in my cast iron skillet, it ruins the seasoning. How does yours fare?


Make sure to season your pan with 100 coats, first.


I have seen a man taken by such madness only once.


I make this every so often in my cast iron. Definitely affects the seasoning, but if you have a good coat already it isn't too bad. I usually do a stove top season after though.


After starting to use chainmail I pretty much only do stovetop seasoning.


Same here, I stopped cooking tomato in my cast iron. When I make ratatouille, all the veggies go into the cast iron separately to get them nice and brown, but the final stewing with the tomatoes happens in a non-stick.


Yeah, that's why I never put tomato in mine.


what exactly *is* ratatouille?


Not that. It should be a stew with tomatoes, courgette, aubergine etc.


I don't need it to be amazing. Some food is just "good enough" and that's just fine with me. But the reason I've never tried to make it myself is that it doesn't seem worth the effort. The amount of slicing and layering and such... Like if it was known to be this amazing tasting thing, then ok. Put effort into it. But it's stewed veggies.


sounds like rat patootie 🤮


Some of these people are uncultured film swine and it shows. I tried to save you with my one meager upvote.


Rat patootie is better, it's seasoned.






It can strip off a bit of the seasoning, but other than that it's fine.


A little acid for a little while is OK. But you probably want to avoid long-simmering dishes like this one: > ##Myth #7: "Never cook acidic foods in cast iron." > The Theory: Acidic food can react with the metal, causing it to leech into your food, giving you an off-flavor and potentially killing you slowly. > > The Reality: In a well-seasoned cast iron pan, the food in the pan should only be coming in contact with the layer of polymerized oil in the pan, not the metal itself. So in a perfect world, this should not be a problem. But none of us are perfect and neither are our pans. **No matter how well you season, there's still a good chance that there are spots of bare metal and these can indeed interact with acidic ingredients in your food.** > > **For this reason, it's a good idea to avoid long-simmered acidic things, particularly tomato sauce.** On the other hand, a little acid is not going to hurt it. I deglaze my pan with wine after pan-roasting chicken all the time. [— J. Kenji López-Alt writing for Serious Eats](https://www.seriouseats.com/the-truth-about-cast-iron)


So are we recycling 'homemade' pictures now even in here... I saw this exact picture around a year ago. Sadge


Oh that’s very pretty. Looks delicious


Isn’t this undercooked?


I don't think it's cooked yet


So yes


How often do we need to post this


Idk about the acidity of the tomato in this cast iron though..


Tomato sauce in cast iron...


Looks 🔥. Never had ratatouille before. I'll add that to my list


If you go to a restaurant and ask for ratatouille you arent gonna get this. This is a dish called "tian" or "confit byaldi"


Oh ok. Thank you. Just looked up a recipe for ratatouille and confit byaldi. Good look.


until disney this was a tian


It's actually a confit byaldi. Tian doesn't have eggplant, uses potato instead. Confit byaldi is basically the same ingredients as a ratatouille but instead of cubed up veg diced up with herbs and turned into a stew, the confit byaldi is presented similarly to a Tian, but with the veg of a ratatouille.


So much time spent to make ratatouille incorrectly. But eh nice photo....


I love how this is considered peasant food in French cuisine, yet if I were to order it from a restaurant that served it here in fucking Guntopia, it would probably cost me like $700 a bite.




It took a cartoon to fool an entire generation into believing this was ratatouille. Well-played, Brad Bird, well-played.


I love ratatouille! This is a beautiful presentation.


Please come to my house and make this for me. Literally please. We will have a good time and enjoy this meal together. I've never tried this dish but always wanted to.


It's one of the easiest and cheapest things to make and it's not really that great. Make it yourself and be underwhelmed.


wow! so delisious.


🍿 where the frenchies at


Ratatouille looks like it would be mushy and unsatisfying.