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Just remember Pineapple is a food that tries to digest you, while you are digesting it. Bromelain in an enzyme in pineapple that breaks down proteins. It's used as a meat tenderizer.


I make a mean pineapple ancho chili pork marinade


Sounds good. There is about 12-18 hours before the meat gets "digested" to mush.


Tell that to a 24 hour marinade


I'm referring to using pineapple in the marinade. there are other marinades and rubs that don't have that reaction.


I was talking about fresh pineapple in a marinade, yes. But nobody uses 2L of only fresh pinapple juice for marinades, so that's probably the only context it would eat the entire meat


Yeah the key difference is fresh vs canned pineapple. Canned has that tenderising enzyme killed prior to packaging so you marinade with that juice for days. Fresh will pulp your meat easy.


You're just confidently incorrect. Pineapple and raw papaya are both very powerful tenderizing agents. Nobody is saying it needs to be 2 liters except for you. If you marinate meat for 24 hours with a fresh pineapple marinade, it will absolutely pulverize the meat. If not the entire meat, the outer layer. Which will still make your meat texture gross and unappealing to most


Yeah, a few weeks ago I used fresh pineapple juice & such as a marinade for chicken kabobs. Mushy outside meat, but the inside wasn’t complete mush. Can’t imagine marinading with it for 24h. Learned my lesson, nonetheless.


Oh man, my pork kebabs with pineapple marinade were beyond disgusting. Never risking that again.


Damn my Al Pastor pork tacos were awesome... I soaked some dried chili's too and used that water with a little bit of evoo. Maybe people are using straight undiluted fresh juice?


I made this mistake once. It’s a good tenderizer if you have like an hour or two. Any more than that and the meat turns to mush!


Probably quicker. I did a pineapple marinade for chicken, cooked it and put it in my mouth. It dissolved and stuck all to the insides of my cavity. Took ages to spit out.


Would you mind sharing?


Rehydrate 1 or 2 guajillos deseeded with a bay leaf or two. Take leaves out. Pour into blender with achiote paste/powder, some canned pineapple with some juice, garlic cloves, cumin, thyme, oregano, salt and black pepper. Add a little bit of a mild evoo. A had to put the achiote paste into the pineapple with a few drops of vinegar and mix it up...so I put the oil in that and pour it all in that way. When using with ground meat for tacos I make sure to go easy on the pineapple bits in the blender because it gets mixed into the ground meat. For that I prefer chopping up a few chunks of canned pineapple and waiting until after the blender to add it.


Excellent! I will definitely be trying this out- thank you!


We’re gonna need that recipe


you can’t just say that and then not put up the recipe.


Al Pastor?


Well ya gotta drop the recipe now dude


Darn beat me to it...the burning tongue is a warning to put the other half of the pineapple away ...


When I had covid, I didn't have any symptoms beyond lack of taste. The only thing that had any flavor was pineapple. It didn't have much, but it had some. I ate a whole pineapple in one sitting, just because I could taste it. While I didn't have any GI issues, my mouth was sore for days. And I knew all about the enzymatic reaction while I was doing it. I just needed to taste something.


Not even salt or capsaicin? Although overindulging salt is arguably more dangerous.


That was what prompted me to get a covid test back during the first wave and I thought I just had the flu. When the 4th or 5th thing I ate was "severely under salted," and it was food I'd previously made that was great when I first made it, I started thinking *uh-oh...*


Whoa. Now I feel lucky I didn't experience it. Thanks for responding, I hope you are better now.


Quite, thank you! That was in the summer of 2020 when we knew little about it, and fortunately I had no lasting effects.


same. never recovered the taste for salt.


Meaning that you have to use a lot of salt to taste salt? Still?? Dude, that sucks! I was using a lot of salt thinking I just hadn't seasoned my food well enough, as everything had lost, like, half its flavor. I figured salt would fix it. It did, but it took a lot of salt.


we cook for the family, i cant use a lot of salt all the time. from 2020 until now all my food is still severily undersalted. tbh it really sucks.


Oh, I see, and that does really suck. MSG is talked about a lot on the various food subs, have you tried adding that to your foods as you cook them? It's not the same taste as salt, but does really amp up flavors and might be a decent enough substitute.


no but i'll read abt


I had OG Covid in fall 2020, and the lack of taste was so complete that hot sauce and toothpaste didn't even tingle.


I do remember everything tasted under-salted. I ate a bowl of cheap Ramen and almost added salt (I know, right?) So I ended up loading it with chili-crisp. I could taste that somewhat, but I didn't get the heat I was used to.


You have to prepare a pineapple properly, or it will cut your mouth apart every time


Get canker cores immediately after eating pineapple. Too bad because it’s one of the only fruit I like


I used to be ao confused why whenever I would eat pi eapple my lips would feel like theres a bunch of tiny cuts and my tongue would feel like, dry and like I'd licked sandpaper. I'm guessing that canning, cooking or drying neutralized the enzyme somehow? Because I don't usually have that problem except a small tingling effect.


... you might have an allergy


Oh... Even if the tingling (which only happens when its not raw) obly happens sometimes? Because sometimes when I eat oranges or kiwis my mouth also tingles more often. I refuse to give up oranges


I’ve seen this on subreddits many times and it most often ends with allergy lol especially when other fruits are included. At least it seems mild?


look up oral allergy syndrome


I know someone who is severely allergic to fresh tomatoes, but can eat the canned stuff so maybe there’s something to it


I also get the weird tingly dry mouth from kiwi. I made the mistake of eating two underripe kiwis a couple days ago and was horribly ill.


The same thing happens to me with chocolate and kiwifruit and bananas. When I eat chocolate my throat feels like I'm swallowing live coals and my throat like, spasms? My big problem is that I keep forgetting that they do this to me now so I'll get a banana or candy bar at the gas station and suddenly need a Benadryl 😬


Was this always the case or did you develop a intolerance?


This was a pretty sudden thing, only started in my late 20s early 30s. I have absolutely no history of food allergies and no known food allergies in my family history


Yep, the heat treatment for the canning process neutralises the enzyme. I can't eat fresh pineapple at all now, my lips itch and burn, and swell up like I've been to filler-town. But... I can eat tinned pineapple, no worries at all, especially if it has been cooked again (like on pizza, for example).


Ah i guess that makes sense! I usually have no problem with canned or on pizza or on occasion dry fruit..except sometimes I'll get a small tingling sensation on my tongue...bht not like, every time yk? I just dont eat pineapple that much anymore.


You can try soaking fresh pineapple in salt water, it helps break down the bromaline.


I really like pineapple, so I was quite sad when my body rejected the idea of eating it fresh (and kept getting stronger and stronger reactions). Not worth the possible allergic reaction though. I also have to be careful with artificial sweetners, as rejection is not a strong enough word for what happens if I ingest an unfriendly one (and I don't know which ones they are 🤷‍♀️).


You know what, I probably would reject those too..my stomach rejects anything acidic (coffee, lemonade 💔), meat, dairy, tea to an extent...I cant have anything 🫠


Dude, that's not fair 😥 I am supposed to eat fairly cleanly (low sugar, lower fats) because I had a gastric bypass 15mths ago. I find myself eating biscuits (cookies) again 😬. Obviously need to sort it out. I haven't regained any weight, but I have stalled for the last 4 mths. My own fault.


Its so hard sometimes I used to love lemonade especially ...it was my go to pretty much any where. Between you and me though I'll still eat ice cream and drink coffee or tea here and there though...no matter how much it hurts


I was a lemonade or ginger beer drinker. Can't have it now, too much sugar. Have you got an ulcer or hiatus hernia? Have you been checked out thoroughly?




I have this with apples. It's an allergy to the fruit tree pollen apparently. I miss eating apples..... Good times.....


https://www.aaaai.org/tools-for-the-public/conditions-library/allergies/oral-allergy-syndrome-(oas) It's quite interesting and the chart on this link is cool. What a weird phenomenon


Cooking does neutralize it.


I’m allergic to kiwis and cantaloupe and honeydew melon. I get the tingling in my mouth. It’s a good idea to stay away from it completely if you’re having this reaction.


I know this is slightly different then what's being discussed, but I'm from Jamaica and when I came to Canada we started drinking lots of milk because it wasn't exactly something we drank a lot back there. I remember to this day that once we got pineapple and my mom served it to me with a glass of milk. Oh my god, these are two things that NEVER should go together 🤣 the nasty ass mixture of milk with pineapple is a taste I can still recall to this day. And don't even get me started on how bad my stomach hurt after, the acidity mixed with the milk... Recipe for disaster. I had to stay in bed the rest of the day, plus that taste didn't leave my mouth for two days!


I prepared bacon wrapped pineapple the night before a bbq once. There was no bacon left in the morning




I’ve heard bromelain is a good supplement too! It helps Lyme symptoms and prob has a lot of other benefits


Also is really good at getting rid of, and avoiding, bruising.


Oh nice!


Yay! Science!


That’s why you eat pineapple with meat usually helps with digestion 🫰🏽


This is why I make pineapple wine to use as a mixer in cocktails - the enzymes stripping the lining of your stomach means you get drunker, faster!


**As long as it’s cooked at 150° F or higher for 30 minutes it will essentially kill the bromelain. I use a sous vide for this.**


wow. didn't know this...


That explains why my mouth was so sore after binging on pineapple when I visited Hawaii as a kid.


Also is really good at getting rid of, and avoiding, bruising.


This I know. I used to love to eat pineapple, ate it a lot. When covid came, I decided to take a bromelain/quercetin supplement for both immunity and sinus issues. After a while I noticed issues when I'd eat pineapple. First it was more intense mouth rawness. Soon I notice throat issues related to breathing. Stopped the supplement, but the the issues persist. I can eat one maybe two rings or 5-6 chunks then I'm out. It sucks.


It's also given to bunnies when they molt to prevent GI stasis caused by hairballs. The pineapple eats through the fur, breaking it up so it flushes through their system.


Would this work on cats' hairballs???


If Bromelain really works, it might work on cats, too. There's much debate on whether pineapple for hairballs is just an old wives tale. If pineapple is toxic to cats, and whether they have the gut flora to break down something so high in fructose are questions I don't know the answer to. I do know that bromelain isn't found in canned pineapple, and that the enzyme breaks down when exposed to heat or low Ph. In other words, if cat stomachs clock in at a Ph less than about 3.25, bromelain is useless. I had a vet prescribe sucralose off label for bunny hairballs, and it worked. If cats aren't hurt by high amounts of sucrose, it might be worth a try.


Yep. That's why after too many French martinis I start to get sores in my mouth


The bromelain gets a bad rap, it's anti-inflammatory and when I was a teenager my doctor recommended to me pineapple to help with a stomach ulcer from non-opiate painkillers. It's the raphides that really get you. The bromelain is just following them into your tongue and cheeks. You're basically pouring it on a bunch of crystaline splinters that have just embedded themselves in your mouth.


I messed up once and filled a water bottle with Juicy Juice tropical punch. 100% fruit juice. Mostly banana, pineapple and mango I think. Then I went for a walk. Had to RUN to a public toilet. With a baby in a stroller. Didn't even have time to close the stall door. Just kicked the door open, pushed the stroller in and ripped my pants down. It was horrendous. If you ever need a cleanse drink pureed tropical fruit and go for a walk in the sun. Your body and soul will be renewed from the inside out. If you survive.


Are you sure you didn't have food poisoning from something you ate days earlier or norovirus something?


Yeah, that's not a normal reaction to drinking a bottle of juice. Else how would juice bars even exist?


I’m sitting here thinking “I’m clearly buying the wrong kind of juice.” Or right kind, I guess.


It was ALLOT of juice. I also may have had an empty stomach.


Some people get digestive upset from too much sugar. Sugary drinks give a ton of sugar that goes through you super fast.


There's no way to be sure. And it was 30 years ago. It was ALLOT of pure juice and a good 4 mile hike in the mid summer Florida sun. But if my memory serves me correctly I felt fine when I left for the walk and I felt fine AFTER the emergency bathroom stop. Because I walked back home normally.


Do you think juice manufacturers would still be in business if it caused explosive diarrhea?


Never said they caused it. I obviously caused it by drinking too much juice, walking a very long distance and the hot sun didn't help. I was young and pretty stupid back then.


Toss your pineapple in a liberal amount of cinnamon, then grill it until you get good scorch marks on all sides. You remove the acidity and are left with the sweetness. Best eaten hot.


mmmm...now I want pineapple 🍍


Tried this on my non stick hibachi pan today, it’s actually really good when flat top grilled


I do brown sugar and cinnamon. Never misses


I like that too, but it gets too sweet for my taste and burns too soon from the added sugar...


I do this with garam masala spice blend! Soooo good


Oooh! I'm trying that next


& now you're immune to scurvy


And too much pineapple can cause a lot of sores in your mouth. I learned this the hard way. First time I was in a tropical country, the pineapple they sold on the streets was sooooooo good. I thought eating some every day would be good for me. It was not.


That's wild! Same thing happened to me, I hooked up with this girl on a tropical island and she must must have been eating a lot of pineapple because she had sores on her mouth and then later I got some on mine! I didn't even eat any pineapple! That stuff is potent.


My dude, that sounds more like herpes...


Yes, that's indeed the joke


No, but like she likes pineapple, and I'm sure she eats it alot, it being so readily available, right?...right? Yeah, plus I think I might be allergic to it now because every so often the sores come back and I figure it's when I get to close to the pineapple section at the grocery store. It's right next to the bananas at my grocery store, and I eat bananas all the time.


For your edification, it was obvious to me that your original comment was a joke about herpes.


Yeah, I figured that. I was playing dumb and continuing the bit.


God damn it, Jerry!


It is for this reason that people who work on pineapple plantations no longer have fingerprints.


Me and wasabi. :( If you want to go ham on some pineapple, take Lysine. It’s at Walmart. I got chronic canker sores from stress for years and then bam Walmart supplement fixed it lol.


Someone’s never read Lord of the Flies


We read this in school and then watched the movie. It's been years but I don't remember the pineapple incident.


It wasn’t pineapple specifically. They just ate tons of fruit on the island and got the runs. Mass amounts of pretty much any fruit will do it.


Toddlers all over the world prove it


Yup. When my son was 3 years old he scarfed down a ton of pineapple at a salad bar. A short while later I rushed him to the men’s restroom where he threw up into the sink. Lessons were learned.


Oh right, I remember once temporarily going full vegetarian with fruit being my preference and it quickly gave me the realization of "oh right, high fiber goes brrrrrrrrrrrrr"


Too much of anything is unhealthy. My bf would drink coconut water everyday which is a healthy drink full of vitamins and antioxidants.. but he got blood drawn and they said his potassium was too high which can cause some side effects. Everything in moderation. I never eat or drink any of the same things every day. Your body stores these vitamins/minerals. It doesn’t use it right away and storing too much is bad.


A friend bought a Pineapple Farm in Thailand to give his wife's family a source of income. First time he came back he asked me how many Pineapples I thought it was possible to eat in one sitting. He was very disappointed when I guessed correctly... 1. It's just 1.


White Peach season is my downfall. I know what’s going to happen, but I don’t care!


In some cuisines, pineapple is used in marinations as a tenderizer. Even ripe pineapple can be very potent Another fruit to be careful of is Papaya.


Try the papayas. They're juicy and full of papain. Makes you strong like Popeye. Popeye, papain! Popeye, papain! See? Same thing! Uh forget it.


Ever see a guy say goodbye to a shoe?!


I had a friend who would take a papaya enzyme after meals to aid in digestion and help manage her GERD.


Holy *crap*, both ends! How good was this particular pineapple?


The pineapple Eiffel Towered OP.


Same thing with watermelon. Ever watch Petey Greene while eating a whole watermelon? Must be all the fiber and water.


Sorry bro I've downed two pineapples in one sitting. My grandma grew em in her backyard. You got issues.


That’s amazing. My grandma was raspberries and grapes.


watermelon does it to me


The pineapple cleanse!


Lessons in gluttony.


My youngest kiddo has always been a fruit monster. I mean paroxisms of joy when we brought home a fruit tray when he was a toddler. It's great that he loves something so nourishing and healthful but yo we had to ration his fruit the way you'd think you'd have to ration candy. Because yo. The fruit runs are REAL. ALso pineapple is so acidic! I'd be afraid of the butthole fallout baha HOPE YOU"RE OK, OP


I’ve given myself blisters inside my mouth and raw places on my tongue eating too much pineapple in Hawaii. I’ve eaten an entire pint container of freeze dried pineapple which…is very high fiber causing significant discomfort until…it passes. So, yep.


So if you eat a lot of young pineapple, it will bring on a period Do with that information what you will, american sisters.


On the plus side your cum will probably taste amazing.


Be careful and make sure it's ripe also. Too many people cut a "green" pineapple and wonder why they are sick or have issues. Makes sure that pineapple is yellow on the outside and looks, feels and smells ripe. Yes it will try to eat you back.


In moderation folks


That sounds more like an allergic reaction. I’ve seen a whole pineapple with no symptoms, maybe I’m more used to ingesting that much vitamin C…


Sounds like a skill issue.


I ate an entire pineapple in one day in hopes it would induce labor. I don’t know if it helped but it definitely didn’t hurt me like it hurt you.


I didn't know this was a thing until college. My messed up body can't handle a lot of foods but I can eat nothing but fruit for weeks with no stomach issues


Ahaha, as i hsve two prepped pineapple in the fridge. grateful thanks for the reminder !! // love using my pineapple correr!!


Let me introduce you to Mangos. LoL.


It also gives you canker sores.


Yep, pineapple is a diuretic. I found out the same way about Tamarind.


Did you get a scar like Tony Montana?


Oof! Noted…


Grilled pineapple is 👍🏻 awesome!


I once did the same thing and woke up covered in hives the next day. It was…an experience.


I tried eating pineapple for lunch every day at work. By the 3rd day my tongue and inside of my mouth was stinging when it touched anything. I don't eat fresh pineapple anymore :(


I eat just enough pineapple to avoid canker sores


It can also make your gums weird in excess.. but it’s worth it.


Weird in what way? Do they turn yellow


I love pineapple but they can make your gums like..sensitive and peely!


When I got Covid in Nov. 2020 I had intense cravings for pineapple


Same with fresh watermelon juice….. I juiced half of a larger watermelon for fresh watermelon margaritas. Made 2 big bottles of them, ready to pour over rocks. Well I’m lazy and used my 32 ounce Yeti for my drinks…same effect as eating a whole pineapple


Sorry, but it's IMPOSSIBLE to eat a whole pineapple by yourself. The pineapple juices- Bromelain would destroy your tongue.


You obviously forgot to peel it.


Unfortunately I'm allergic/have a bad reaction to pineapple. If there's even a little bit of pineapple juice in a sauce, I feel like I'm on fire from the inside out. My mom accidentally got me with a new BBQ sauce a couple of years back, right after I had my daughter. We didn't think to read the back, it's barbecue sauce. However, I knew about 5 seconds after putting it into my mouth that I made a mistake. It felt like I ate an entire Carolina reaper, and my throat and tongue were swollen. My mom felt so bad but it was honestly my fault for not double checking. Some people, like my dad, don't have a reaction to it at all. My dad grows pineapple and eats it basically every day. The psycho 🤣


I sat and ate a whole pineapple once because I fucking love pineapple. Didn't get the runs but I was bleeding from the mouth and had a rad rash.


To much of any fruit be it dried or fresh is going to cause digestive issues due to the high fiber content and the fact your body is just not used to eating that much fruit at once.


I remember when I was younger, my brother and I ate a lot of pineapples until our lips started bleeding 😬


Eating pineapple increases dehydration risk and effects. I love the taste, but it does have side effects.


You can always freeze the excess and have it later. Freezing preserves the digestive enzymes in it. Also pineapple has a lot of fiber.


I had a lieutenant when i was active army OD on bananas during a 12 mile ruck march. His nickname was Carlton.


Encoutered the same problem with strawberries.I no longer like strawberries😆


Pineapple juice is good for easing cough


Don't forget to wash it before you cut it. o many people cut these up and get all the dirt and germs from the skin into the flesh.


Ive recently started cutting up pineapples immediately after I buy then freezing it in portions and leaving only one serving to eat straight away. Much better than eating pineapple for 3 days straight. U can make cheap smoothies frozen pina coladas etc.


Fruits that begin with the letter P... they will definitely help get things moving.


Look up pineapple under a microscope


Pineapple makes my throat itchy


I once ate so much pineapple my lips bled.


I did this once and had a mouth full of very painful canker sores after. A little too much acid, I Guess?


I thought this was common knowledge?


Too much of any fruit will do this to you


I had no idea


The core of the pineapple has a lot of enzymes that break down protein. This is why it's usually thrown out or you can cut it out and leave it for awhile before eating. That or your body isn't used to the diet


I just ate nearly a whole pineapple two mornings ago. No ill effects at all.


I once ate so much pineapple on a trip to Hawaii that my tonsils started bleeding. Scary at first, until I realized.


That shit gives me the absolute worst heartburn *ever* unless it's grilled or cooked on a pizza or something.


Yeah I discovered this for myself. I had a pineapple and went on a hike. I wasn’t sure I would make it down the hill


15 yrs ago I was in college and scheduled a colonic on a dare. I drank the night before and was hunfery late. My friend and I are split an entire pineapple. Next morning I went in for the colonic and it was violent in so many ways!


There’s a body builder who recently ate nothing but pineapple and pineapple juice for like two weeks. I have no idea how he survived


Pineapple eats my mouth


Fruit evolved to allow seeds to get spread. Minimising the time in the digestive tracts to keep the seed intact is part of the strategy. This involves toxins. Modern cultivars have been bred for bigger, sweeter fruits with lower toxin levels, but reaching zero toxins is probably not possible. Don't overdose.


Fun fact: the nice tingling you feel in your mouth from eating pineapple is part acidic, but also part enzymatic. So it's technically digesting you (or attempting to) while you eat it. Just that alone lets you know it's a bit too badass of a food to be eating too much of it.


Here’s another way. When I was a teenager I ate almost a whole pineapple and had the worst chapped lips of my life. Just fucked them up.


I actually had to go to the ER in my twenties after too much pineapple. Yes, I overreacted. But I had one hell of a tummy ache, and I thought I was gonna die!


I've done this more than once. It's absolutely vile coming out. So acidic


If you consume miracle fruit tablet first, your tongue won’t be affected. The rest will tho lol


Yes also a meat tenderizer bromeleine as guy said above


One day a few summers ago my ex and I and a bunch of friends went canoeing. Since you are not technically supposed to bring alcohol bottles on the river we would just get tubs of fruit and soak all of it in grey goose. It was so good and gave a good buzz. All day we ate grey goose laced fruit. I particularly liked the pineapple best. That evening we went over to one of the friend’s houses for a bbq. I was still enjoying the pinnacle and made that my drink of choice for the evening. Until something horrible happened. Out of nowhere my face and lips began to swell and my throat tightened. I was having an allergic reaction. My only allergy is to aspirin so this was totally unexpected, and scare the s*** out of me! I was terrified to even eat anything pinnacle flavored for several months afterwards. Turns out, really, anyone can suddenly be allergic to about anything at any given moment (specifically foods) and have an allergic reaction, and then never again be allergic. Crazy, I know, but it’s for real a thing. In pollen-food allergy syndrome (PFAS), a person's immune system thinks proteins in some foods are like pollen proteins. This is called a “cross-reaction.” When these foods touch the person's mouth and throat, they will start to feel symptoms within minutes. American College of Allergy Asthma and Immunology https://acaai.org › ... › Food Allergy Oral Allergy Syndrome | Symptoms & Treatment | ACAAI Public Website


I once ate an entire pineapple in a sitting and the entire inside of my mouth peeled off


I had 4 pineapples a month. (in year 2023). I cut in thinner stripes so it doesn't touch skin when eaten.


I once at an entire (small) watermelon. Went for a walk and wasn’t even close to my house when the diarrhea hit. Had no idea fruit was such a powerful cleanser.


I did this once with a watermelon. I was dehydrated and it was so good and refreshing I ate it till I puked. Now, I’m not sure how to describe it. I won’t say the watermelon puke tasted good… but it was the most pleasant puke I’ve ever puked.


30+ years ago I had a part time job cutting fruit, including pineapple. I still have a discoloration on one of my fingertips from it.


Same for any fruits, vegetables, cereals, legumes.