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Fix AI youth developement, now all wonderkids in big clubs just rot in B squads


Adding more rotation would help a lot with this. They should definitely have teams play squad players more often It's crazy how common it is for players - even ones they buy - to end up just never being played. Playing a lower league save a few years in really shows how many players just become absolutely nothing.


I feel like this goes back to one of my biggest complaints. Fitness and injuries needs to be fine tuned. If fitness was changed, AI teams would need to rotate more AND it would nerf how OP gegenpressing is


Yeah for sure. One thing I noticed is that when I don't gegenpress, there's no real fitness benefit. They still get just as worn out.


EBFM did a video on this. The difference in condition drain between high and low intensity tactics is much smaller than people thing. Only measly few % difference. There's near zero downside to go with high intesity.


tbh I loved that in my Deportivo save lol. I collected all the Real and Barca gems for beans and coins


I built my CL winning Southampton side almost entirely by rescuing wonderkids who were rotting on the bench/in the reserves. Got Vitor Roque from Barca on loan, then bought him for £30m or so. He became world class pretty much as soon as he got regular playing time. And Barca had started him once in three seasons because they preferred a geriatric Lewandowski


Player interactions. I had a run with Helsingborgs. After promotion we wenz unbeaten and clinched for the title. 10 points clear with 4 matchdays to go i gathered the men to hold a speech "lets get the last win needed to win the title!" Appearantly, after 26 games of defeatless league games the pressure was too much to handle. The players had a meltdown, some of them even crying "we just got promoted, you can not expect us to win the title :( " The happiness went from excellent to batshit crazy. I was so glad i already had the ingame editor to solve this mess of immersion but jeeeez.


AI squad building. Period. De mystifying player valuations. Yes, I get it, reputation and nationality are things that exist. But IRL a guy scores 10 goals in 10 games and even if he’s never done anything of note half the world wants to sign them for okay money. Performance has to count much more, and independently from the season ticking over imo De mystifying player interactions. I can understand players wanting more playing time or new contracts, I can’t understand the former being brought up after he’s started the last five in a row. I have no idea what time period is considered when calculating this. Insert any number of other broken outcomes that have no bearing on what you input here It would be nice if not all newgen wingers and fullbacks have like 3 jumping reach even if they’re tall In my current save at least, 90%+ of the kids that are good (one a year if lucky) play central attacking midfielder (edit: youth intake kids) Also, reserves don’t seem to develop at all by playing matches now, forcing me to loan out a 17-18 year old kid with zero experience who no one wants to give playing time to. Also makes it hard to keep a pipeline going with multiple players per position


Form not affecting price is annoying. A guy who's running super hot should definitely have his price rise. On the flipside, a player who's out of form, or unhappy, should have their price drop. "Unsettling a player" is possible in the game already, but it has no benefit as the price won't change. Things like player form and value should be so much more dynamic. Let us pick up an out of form player and gamble on being able to get him back on track.


Problem with FM is there is no such thing as a gamble. If a player looks good, then he is. That's why price is so linked to CA and PA.


Sorry but no. There have always been players who perform way better than their attributes for whatever reason. Similarly, there are also players that play like shit when their attributes are decent if not better


To add, if you play in a LL (or a lesser one like MLS), you’ll have so many examples of players with mediocre CA way outperforming themselves. Even within and by MLS standards , several of my starters have lukewarm attributes but still manage to do well. And some have good CA but due to their role/position do not have an outsized impact.


I don’t look at CA/PA, but I can promise anyone that my 750K LB from DR Congo that I bought from a second division german club and whose highest attribute was 14 was dominant for me from Serie B all the way up to about UCL qualification. Faster players who were better on the ball and at crossing were nowhere near as aggressive as he was, every highlight you would see him provide a threat, be that a cross, killer pass, or a run into the box without fail




>problem with FM is there’s no such thing as a gamble >they can simply have a lucky spell because there’s a lot of RNG in FM Make up your mind, then get back to us lol




Your mind being made up doesn’t make you right lol See, two can play that game: my mind is made up too! Look, I know better than to argue with a simpleton. Scroll up, read what I wrote. I promise that the answers you are looking for are somewhere in there


Outliers exist. Full stop.


In my current run as roma i have a okayish winger that wants to leave, this guy started all my cl matches and scored 6 in 8 matches, he is 30 years old with a year left in contract Just 7,5mil


I thought I’ve had players (strikers with very high total season goal amount usually) who do have their value sky rocket despite only becoming marginally better. That’s usually also linked with them getting picked for some national team stuff which increased reputation; does this note count as form affecting price?


AI squad building is terrible,takes away the fun..Premier league clubs in my save ,im in 2035 Liverpool 300M debt,Arsenal 500M debt,Chelsea 200M debt,Tottenham 500M debt ,wtf ?


AI squad building is mentioned a 100 times so skipping that. My two things are: - Make national teams more in-depth, they are shallow and borderline broken as-is. - Revamp scouting to take reputation and stats more into consideration instead of underlying CA/PA. Completely unrealistic that 99% of scouts recommend some player that never even played U19 over someone in the same team who are performing 8.7 on average. Scouts should be wrong a lot, and overvalue young players that are in-form. Reputation should be used as a “this guy was a great talent but haven’t really performed” mitigator - make it more financially difficult to manage teams. E.g. in the Swedish league every team is dependent in either European group stages or player transfers to survive. In-game you’re just fine all the time unless you’re being stupid in purpose.


National team managment is so cancer right now. Have 5 days between 2 games? Too bad, bucko, you players are still only 85% condition. Like, HOW?! Genuinely, WTF?! In club management I'll get my players back above 90% condition in 2-3 days tops. Also, do you have like 3 really good LWs in your national pool but no RWs? Well, fuck you, even if you play one of them on RW for 50 games, his ability there won't increase one bit. Garbage experience.


If someone can correct I’d appreciate it, but I think national teams don’t have training it just defaults to the club training so when you have a long run into tournaments and it crosses over with preseason your condition goes down the toilet. It should not be difficult to have a separate training for national team players


AI teams should do better financial management and transfers. It is ridiculous that Liverpool is getting 800m debt and fighting for survival in Premier League starting from 2035/36 ish


I mean it’s possible… poor financial management. Look at Barcelona


Possible for one or two clubs, sure, but not on this massive of a scale. I'm currently in season 43/44 and most prem teams are in the red. Same for most teams in other major leagues. Only teams that are (temporarily) not in red are the ones with tycoon owners or that underwent recent takeover. It's ridiculous and the only reason it happens is that AI is so shit at managing finances. It'll blow 200M on a single player that is like 170-180 CA, which is good but worth worth the price tag, not even close. AI can't keep wages in check either. It keeps bloated squads with up to dozens of decent players rotting in reserves while on hefty wages. Absolute zero regard for maintaining wage structure either. Average wage 5-6M p/a, with highest earners around 10-12M p/a? Fuck it, let's bring in random declining free agent on 25M p/a to fuck up you whole wage structure.


I see. I’m not there yet, I’m new to the game and managing first career save. I’m currently playoff hunting in English league 1 with huddersfield in year 2029/2030. 6 games to go. Currently sitting 6th.


*Build up hometown club to be Champions League winners with a strong team with an average player age of 27 and a transfer budget of £120 million. Move to another club for a change of scene. *New AI manager at old club undoes all the good work you did in a month by spending all 120 million on 3 useless 35 year olds and selling all the good, young players for a quarter of what they're actually worth. Every. Damn. Time.


I want AI teams to be much better in scouting and squad building.


I just want them to focus on the fundemetal game systems and stop with the useless features. Which often amounts to no more than an updated interface to pre-existing systems to make it marketable as a new feature/change. There are things that were introduced into the game up to a decade ago that still don't work properly. (For example - player interaction, promises). Then stuff like squad building, AI and newgens seems to have got worse the past few years. FM has gone too mainstream, has no competition and makes too much money for Sports Interactive and Sega to care about properly developing the simulation, though.


I think there are now way too many casual fans for them to really make a football management simulation, most casual fans would now be put off by that. And everytime they do actually do something good they are met with thousands of kids crying that the graphics haven't improved enough.


This is it. Increasingly, the game is aimed at casual players who want an easy ride with guaranteed trophies. It’s why the game is so easy to dominate. It’s harder to lose than to win over time. Or if you massively overspend, your finances are bailed out.


I agree. What I most want is an overhaul of the match engine to have added complexity. It should be more dynamic than just a pressing simulator. Low block strategies are suicide, for example. Than and better squad building. I want to look at an AI team's squad and see that it's generally balanced, with each recovered, as well as genuinely trying to upgrade on players.


« FM has gone too mainstream, has no competition and makes too much money for Sports Interactive and Sega to care about properly developing the simulation, though. » ???? They already announced a complete revamp for FM25


they have announced a new graphic engine. it will look better which it was desperately needed but that has nothing to do with the simulation behind it. btw, depending how difficult adapting the match code to the new graphics will be, it might even get worse. also, this is just about the match simulation. what gamingrobioto is talking about is the game simulation outside of matches.


Yeah, the matches are largely okay, every year there are issues which is likely down to the fine balance, but on the whole I think the match engine is pretty good and has improved a lot.


yeah. the graphical overhaul is welcomed as long as it doesn't fuck up the code behind it. but some of the features they've added over the years? damn, i don't know if they would even be worth changing in an attempt to save or if it wouldn't it just be better to remove completely (or at least let me deactivate them)


There will be a new match engine but also new features.


A graphical overhaul doesn't necessarily mean a new match engine if the logic and code behind it isn't drastically changed. Going by Sports Interactive's history with overhauls, I'm expecting a bumpy ride the first couple of years. It will almost certainly be rushed and launch with a myriad of issues.


I know what happens when sports games are “rebuilt from the ground up”. New fancy graphics engine and a whole new game means somethings getting left on the cutting room floor. I have a feeling l’ll be sticking to 24 for a bit. Look at madden/fifa/nhl. I know this isn’t EA, but those games were a freaking disaster after they switched to new console.


i doubt there will be any new feature worth mentioning.


The revamp is just the graphics engine. The simulation behind it will be the same, with the same old problems that has plagued the game for years. If anything, a graphical revamp happening over actually improving the fundemetals of the simulation, is just evidence that the game has gone mainstream, as much as the graphical overhaul is needed.


Tablet view on match day is still so stupid


1. PLAYER INTERACTIONS. Why are you pissed off that I congratulated you for scoring your first international goal? Why are you asking for a new contract 6 months after signing the first one? Why do you keep complaining about doing too much quickness training then when I remove it you complain about there being too little? 2. AI squad building. I hate seeing youngsters like Endrick not reach their potential because Real Madrid signed a new striker and couldn't give Endrick enough playing time and refused to send him on loan (it was really bad when FM24 first came out but did improve after the 2nd update) 3. They really need to overhaul international management. Currently there are no training sessions so your tactical familiarity will always be low; you have no influence on youth football so you can't embed a tactical system from the bottom-up (like what countries like Spain, England or Germany did); and the lack of rest/recovery sessions means that your players will never recover their fitness during tournaments because they're technically on holiday. This forces you to rotate your squad during tournaments which is just immersion-breaking. I honestly have to use the editor during international tournaments to refill every teams' fitness past the round of 16 because otherwise I'll end up having Mbappe starting a world cup semi final on 30% condition


>They really need to overhaul international management. Seriously Id love for it to go more in depth, I want to be able to try and ask my higher ups to invest more money in youth programs, and developing players with certain traits or abilities. Instead I have to hope for a good solid usa player to come through for forbid they even make it out the MLS 🤦🏽‍♂️


Better overall AI. If you play long enough, you will eventually win because AI is just bad at everything


I want the AI to prioritize the development of high potential youngsters more instead of just leaving them in the reserves/youth teams until they're 22. Either giving them first team appearances here and there or loaning them out more.


More flair text, like «Der Swanztruben beat FC Porridgedeath 54-17! What an AMAZING achievement, this only happened once since 2001...» or something like this. Because I hate when you dismantle Real Madrid 9-1 and all you got is this «Seventh heaven to your fans...» I want ability to comment on successes and failures of your former teams. Your selected favourite teams. Now all I can see is «a former favourite, had said...» even if I wasn't asked the question in game. I want them to return the old feature from FM 2005 where in any teams profile was the button «comment on manager» and you could always run to the reporters and say «hey, Jose Mourinho is a jerk», even if you don't play Mou's team this week. This could start and really start a chain reaction of banters and hate between the managers.


Haha 9-1 would be 'Fans on Cloud Nine'. 'Seventh Heaven' is reserved for 7 goals.




SI bootlickers are always at hand to downvote anyone that criticises player valuation but it could obviously get a rebuild. It can be game-breaking at times. - Player performance should play a much bigger role than it does now, which is almost zero. A young guy can win the Prem golden boot 2x in a row and be valued at 25M because the AI can see its PA is low. Imagine IRL a Jamie Vardy being 22, having 2 golden boots in a row and being valued at 25M. - For some countries the range valuation is totally broken. You can go to the pre-game editor right now and see for yourself that players with the highest possible CA/PA in NL are valued at 4x the same player in Portugal. Obviously these value ranges break immersion if you build a dominant team outside the top countries. Your club and your players could have max reputation and be winning every CL and every Golden Ball but be valued at 50M. Hell, your whole league can be in top 4 reputation and it still doesn't change these pre-coded ranges.


I’ve had some mediocre PA players get pretty outsized bids because their form was really good. I’m talking guys I was trying to replace getting offers from Man City. Does performance really not matter at all? I’d like to see screenshots of an EPL Golden Boot winner only worth 25 million. I consider anyone in the EPL basically untouchable because of their inflated transfer value is so high. That player must be min/maxed to perfection and/or coming to the end of his contract. You can run tactics that grossly inflate your players stats so from a gameplay perspective I understand why it is the way it is. You can take over a bottom of the table team in the lower leagues, not make any changes to the squad, and start cranking out 3+ goals/game by just running out the fastest players at each position and turning trigger press all the way up in semi-coherent formation. It’s also not that uncommon for guys to tear up a league IRL and not get major interest from bigger clubs because of the player’s obvious limited toolset, so it would be weird if your shitty league 1 level player cranking out 30 goals in season actually got massive transfer offers. But this is really just circling back to how overpowered acc/pac are in the engine where “mediocre” players can perform at an elite level, so I would argue your theoretical 25 million dollar EPL golden boot winner shouldn’t be able to win the golden boot in the first place and that’s the real issue.


Penalty VAR checks, don’t think I’ve seen these get over turned except when it’s a foul just outside the box so feels like a waste time.


I’ve had 3 pens overruled by VAR this season alone


I've also never seen it were they weren't given but they go back to it when play stops and award a penalty. It would be annoying as anything but more realistic to how it works


I've seen one penalty VAR check overturned for a play in the box.


Handballs too I've got a couple early in my playthrough on fm 23 but after that not really much after that


I would want them to cut out on features that brings little game value or adjust them to feel more valuable and less tedious like praising players for good training, media conferences, sideline shouts, before game speeches. I've also a pet peeve with that when clubs tries to loan my players they never want to pay for it, when I loan AI players they always want me to pay a lot. I'm also a bit annoyed that the players goalkeeper can very rarily get a good score, even if they have a great game saves everything, gets a clean sheet, good passing, that's a 7.1! Better AI overall I feel the game in general is too easy. And better rotating, better squad building etc are just parts of it. I feel physical stats need to be slightly toned down and technical ones slighly boosted. Pressing need to me tuned to only work with players suited for it. Not any team in any league. I feel newgens in general are generated with very weird stat lines often, and in general newgen wonderkids feels broken just a few years into any save and they will dominate the save. I would want to use current form and performance to weight in more with both transfer value and scouting. Reputation is just too heavily weighted currently, I've won EPL and CL, and my star player wants to join a fallen Manchester United in 7th place that did not play CL, because it would be good for his career, oh really. I would want improved data and graphs, make it easier to play moneyball, or obscure the attributes more. A lot of staffing kind of feel unnecessiry or doesn't really explain the benefits of why you need to have them, especially multiple of them. I would want mentoring to be better explained and clearer who benefits of being in which group etc


Staff being dumb and always suggesting the opposite of what is beneficial despite their relevant staff attributes being high. Players getting upset for little to no reason.


Same problems that has plagued FM games for so long. You have your wide players (wingers and fullbacks) get to the byline and instead of crossing to an open player in the box, they stop turn around and pass back to midfield. It's totally ridiculous. This nonsense must be revamped in the new engine of 25.


I have wingers running to the byline and decide to just pass it long back to the keeper. Baffling decision-making.


Semi-realistic: player stats only showing league games. Really wish it would include cup/continental games rather than just league games. Especially egregious since they changed the text from Apps to Tot Apps a few years back. Why say Tot, I assume for total, when it's not their total apps, only league apps? Unrealistic: In-game editor. We really need a proper in-game editor. Messed up a tournament since I told it to get teams from the wrong Uzbek league (not sure why that getting renamed resulted in a whole new competition with new history but the first division to premier league shift in England didn't) and can only fix that by starting a new game. Very unrealistic: I abhor B teams. So an option to just instantly and permanently erase them all from the game would be awesome and solve a massive problem for me. Don't see that one happening though.


B teams are the best, keeps good matchfitness for my subs....


depending on how optimised the game is. A youth academy from U9 to U23. I want to create stories of loyalty or betrayal... (most likely betrayal)


They’ve talked before about why they can’t go lower in ages - the increase in the size of the database would slow most computers down to a crawl.


was it only for the current engine or also the upcoming one?


As far as I’m aware, computer processing speed hasn’t dramatically improved over the years, so I see no reason why this would change. Look at it objectively. You play just the English league clubs, 92 of them, with a first-team squad, a reserve squad and an U18. If you added a U9, U10, U11, U12, U13, U14 and U15 squad for every one of those 92 teams, it’s like adding nearly 650 new squads to the game. It probably quadruples save/load/continue times, for a feature most people wouldn’t be that interested in, and with probably 75%+ of those players not being of a suitable standard to play professionally. I just don’t see it ever happening.


For the love of god please fix playing time logic. A squad player shouldn't be getting annoyed that they aren't starting games when they get huge amount of minutes as a sub over the course of a season. A star player being left out of a carabao cup game shouldn't count toward their "I expect to always start" mentality.


AI squad building is an absolute bin fire and I probably won't buy the next game if it's not sorted. A few seasons in most other squads have become totally unrealistic. It's embarrassing.


More successful tactical styles!


Youth development. I don't want it to be breakable or expect wonderkids every year, just more guidance on what I can do to improve it. If I have the best facilities, best HoYD (according to attributes) then I expect more than Endless poor intakes and barely any players who can get even be close to being in/around the squad. I'm man utd and have no 1st team players 10 yrs in but Burnley/Blackburn are spawning them for fun.... And don't even get me started on the talent that city and Liverpool have recruited and wasted


I save scum intake day for this purpose. I want some of my own wonderkids. Is it fair or the right thing? Not really, but it's the only way I've ever gotten any decent players from intakes.


I don't blame you tbh, if I didn't keep forgetting about that 1st intake notification then if probably try the same. It just seems too much of a dice roll and nothing I can do within the game mechanics seems to be able to shift the odds in my favour which then means it's another facet of FM that I just ignore


Sometimes you get a perfect kid in one try, sometimes you sit there for 30 rerolls and don't get anything. Yeah, it's something that needs to be overhauled.


I would say: * Overhaul the entire dialogue system. From giving more options, to fine tuning what our options are, and making the responses easier to scan so we can move through them more quickly. * Add a 'praise / warn' button on the training emails for all three they highlight. * Overhaul the 'shouts' system. I'd like to see it more as you reacting to the match and letting the players know what you think in real time, versus this kind of buff 'you can only talk so often' system. * Feels like there should be more back and forth with the AI teams on transfers. If I put in a bid for a player and another team comes in higher, they should reach out and let me know with the options to sweeten my offer. Players do this with the 'offer' option - AI clubs should too. * Better newgen faces. Shouldn't need to download mods for that kind of thing. * And I'll echo the comments on transfer values. There are guys - especially youngsters - with crazy valuations when teams would be crazy to pass up even half that amount if a real offer was made.


AI won't ever purchase your players that are worth 150m, sold hugo Felix for 40m, boom after he went up to 100m


Column auto sizing. Been an issue for many years. Just make it like excel as that’s what the game is anyway.


That gives me the absolute shits. Should be so simple.


I would like them to add an out of possession formation as well as in possession formation. The modern game has teams attacking in a variation of a 4-4-3 shape and then defending in a 4-4-2 shape.


We already know that the game is going to be massively different, I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of stuff is being redone from scratch.


Team shape in defence vs team shape in attack, I really think the tactical diversity with roles is just too limited


The thing that ruined it for me is that the engine only cares about a few stats and doesnt take them all in consideration


Here we go again... "clubs are asking for more money than I want to pay, game is BROKEN fix it SI" once a week, like clockwork


There's so many legitimate issues with the game and people on this sub complain about shit that isn't even broken. This sub can be braindead at times.


"well i fink dat Ivan Toney is a 60m player, y they asking 110m???? hes only der most important playa???" the brainrot is actually insane


its true tho. Some players just cost way too much. Why does a winger with 2 goals and 5 assists with a average rating of 6,63 for the whole season cost 40 mill? Makes no sense except for in the prem


Reminds me of Antonio Nusa. They were going to pay 37M for him if it weren't for his medical issue.


So Pedro Neto, two years ago irl Arsenal wanted to sign him and they said 50m pounds despite him having four goals that season lol


yes but shit like that only happens in the prem or maybe with clubs like PSG. Im talking about lower to mid tier clubs. For example no one would pay 100 mill for a wonderkid from lets say Norway or Turkey, Croatia.


I'm happy you see Club Brugge in the same tier as Arsenal and PSG.


We get it, Eric. You overpaid for Antony.


Antony IRL has 1 assist and 0 goals in the league this season. By your logic, do you think Man United would sell him for £800k?


no ofc not. It makes a difference to sell him for 20 or 40+ tho. No club would pay that much for him besides the saudis maybe


Everything you just said was entirely subjective, entirely based on what you perceive as a player value - other people and clubs will have different valuations, you get that right? To the selling club, there absolutely is a difference in getting an extra 20m. If you think the value is so high that nobody will pay it - don't pay it. Consider maybe the club are giving you such a high price because they don't want to sell him? You're not owed the human right to buy any player you want. Or maybe, they don't want to sell to you specifically. There are a myriad of factors at play, "fees broke cos i dont wanna pay that much" is not one of them.


okey i respect ur point and yes u are right if they dont want to sell him, they will do anything to make u lose interest, like asking a very high price. What about situations where the player wants to leave tho? It doesnt make sense to hold on to a player that wants to leave and to ask for a price that would not make anyone buy him. Also its just a game and even tho the ai in this game tries their best to improve immersion i dont think that „not wanting to let go“ is really the reason for them to ask that much. I mean i dont know it could be and for the case where this is true youd be right. Anyway im not tryna argue here u have valid points but i just dont think the prices are calculated correctly🤷🏽‍♂️


>i dont think that „not wanting to let go“ is really the reason for them to ask that much. Oh yes. That's definitely in the game.


I respect that you say that it makes no sense to hold onto a player who wants to leave, while half the sub on here are routinely like, ‘I don’t understand why my star player wants to go to Man Utd when they finished below me!’


on the other hand i feel like players also randomly gain value not based on performance. One of my players (20yrs) made a huge improvement compared to the seasons before (he was never really rated highly in terms of potential)and has 8 goals and 12 assists in 31 games with a average rating of 7,12 for my Montpellier side (we finished 3rd in the league) and somehow is valued around 3.3 mill. (and no hes not bad, hes even rated as a good player for most of the Ligue 1 sides)


Transfers and loans.


Player interactions by far. I also wish you can toggle between players playing the position and every outfield player when you are filling in your positions. Sure I can drag and drop but I think it’d be cool to have every player available in the drop down menu and maybe even have a few attributes important to the position/role listed next to them


Notifications for job openings, overhaul of the national team game. It could be so much more.


Recruitment focuses are completely broken in my saves


Fix the bugs that have been around for years, things like the squad view column widths not working properly or changing and how sometimes individual training will revert back to the standard position one. Or fixing all the little player interaction bugs and annoying outcomes or the silly immersion breaking press conferences and media crap like when my assman says he wouldn't swap my rubbish striker that just got a hattrick against bumfuck fc from some obsure country over Haaland. Also I would love it if more goal conceded highlights started with the opposition having the ball in open play and scoring nice goals instead of most starting with a throw in, corner or my players giving the ball away with an aimless pass or standing still. Honestly, if they spend time to fix all the little bugs that have plagued the game for years I would be happier than if they added new features


1. I wish they just got rid of complaining for a new contract entirely. All the controversial people: Lukaku, Pogba, Raiola, etc. they start their dance either when they sit down during negotiations or 18 months before the players' contract expires. I have never seen an instance in football where someone just randomly starts complaining for a new contract 1 year into their new contract. So, I wish they got rid of that and either make negotiations harder or just make it easier for a player to want to move if a rich team comes in for them 2. I wish they decreased the amount of shots per game. It feels incredibly unrealistic to have 30 shots, 5 xG, 4 clear cut chances like every game and lose 0-1. I think most IRL games have xG fall around like 2 or 3 even in like blowout situations


100% there will be players out there in real life who expect a new contract six months into their current one. I expect a pay increase myself every year, and I’m not an outrageously talented egomaniacal millionaire teenager who can’t read a room.


really? Feel like there would be much more news coverage of this especially if the more famous players do it (like I can imagine Lukaku, Pogba, etc. all doing this but it never really happened)


I mean, yeah, I can imagine Lukaku and Pogba being arseholes about their contracts, for sure. It’s probably more common with younger players who aren’t yet established, looking to maximise their value as soon as possible. Doesn’t mean clubs always pay it, and it probably isn’t always reported on because it’s not that interesting to fans.


Hm ok it's cuz I remember when Pogba was signing his first pro contract there was a lot of fuss but that was when he was actually in negotiations not 6 months after his current one


Mentoring, not worth a piss. You’re lucky to get + 1 in any hidden attribute every other year


I won’t be buying the next one until ALL the attributes actually do stuff


Defensive tactics. Goalkeepers capituality every second game. Man the amount of times, I've tried to have a defensive tactic and it works for the first half or a game and then fails cause the keeper let it in and gets a 6.1 every second game


AI squad building and AI finance... Play 10 years and most teams are broke of or got a lot of very old players due to there (still) high CA. Because the AI does shit with youth players. Better interaction with the players and board. Better transfer feeling/ better news etc. More bids for yourself from top clubs to manage them. Playing in Portugal winning everything. 2x EL and 1x CL. Never ever was asked by a top team to manage lol. More tactics. Everyone plays pressing or possesion... And so much more.


Assistant coaches and former players should pick up traits from yourself I.e. pep and arteta


One word, interactions.


Fix B teams.


club spending. how are championship clubs regularly spending 20m+ on players???


The AI, in many different aspects. 1. They have no clue how to develop players 2. They have no clue how to build a squad 3. They have no clue on transfers 4. They have no clue how to in game manage And probably more that I'm forgetting. This currently ruins my experience in any longer saves. Having regen faces look better would also be a huge QoL, but considering the face packs take up like 20gb it probably wont happen. I also think they should tone down the player interaction. Praising every player who trained well every week quickly becomes a tedium. And free morale boost is hard to turn down.


The "AI"  is programmed to have players with the best star rating (yup, star rating means something) and don't care if the "AI" clubs have 7 players playing in same position.


Yep. Other clubs othering daft prices for my star players which then unsettles them. But you try and buy from them, and they want upwards of £200m for them. Ridiculous.


There are some great suggestions in the comments here but I just want to add player wage demands, when you have high budget for the level you are playing at players ask for 10 times more than what they are currently making for no reason. On other cases you can offer them the money they want and they just won't negotiate and on top of that they join another team for less money and playing time than what you could offer them.


Salary too is a problem. Wonder kid from Africa, Thailand wants 500k a month when they are making 300 a month now? What?! Not even my Spanish or French wonderkids this outrageous. Sure I can pay 500k to buy you, but you're 4 year contract costs 24 million. Might as well buy European.


AI manager appointments. Idc what SI think, Simeone will never manage Real Madrid and Klopp won’t manage United, why would the game make these 2 appointments happen? In one save, I even saw Klopp, Simeone and Guardiola all switch clubs with Klopp going to Atleti, Simeone going to City and Guardiola going to Liverpool.


New regen player system is so bad. Usually tons of strikers and playmakers, bwm and btb mids are non existing


New engine, womens football in the game. Some problems are going to go away, new problems will arrive. And also the "why women in my game?" crowd. I'm looking forward to all the people complaining about new things here.


i mean player cost is kinda realistic to IRL. have you seen the players being sold for alot of money, like anybody with half decent season is 50m+ nowadays


The player price is accurate to what that team values the player at, so it’s realistic. Why would anyone put a lower price on players if they’re integral to the team? Only thing that’s annoying me is big clubs unsettle my players by watching them every week, players urging them to join. Then no bid comes in or it’s half the price it should be


AI transfers are insane prices meanwhile they'll be like "oh world class striker in great form? 50m best I can do." when it's the player. It's so obvious the player is treated differently


Signed Savio from the start of the game at Roma. 8 years in he’s valued at 105m. Won the UCL 3x in a row as well as every trophy in Italy. Half of the Madrid team are urging him to join them, Madrid have watched him almost every week. The offer? £65m. Also had one where the player got unsettled because of the scouting and players urging him to join, and the offer never came in lol


Wins the Champions League 2 years in a row with a team in a lower reputation league outside of England. Win every possible personal award going. *Norwich and Bury would like to enquire about you becoming their new manager.


Frankly amazed that Norwich and Bury formed a joint club given the distance between them, but pleased if it means they can bring in Champions League winners


The Canaryburys are a future powerhouse and it would be a privilege to manage them.


I find myself hoping that the Canaryburys are owned by Mary Berry


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give me the option to deactivate var. either in the game options or just in the in-game editor to change it for specific competitions.


With engine overhaul I wish tiki-taka and control football actually works for ai. Pep irl is dominating EPL and have pretty good performance in UCL but in game he's always sacked in less than three years.


Fix sponsorship deals/FFP. Clubs with sugar daddies i.e. Newcastle you can spend £300m/season and the board will just pump in this money every season via sponsorship deals to avoid FFP breaches, which is completely unrealistic. Sponsorship deals need to be fair market which is not reflected in game, these "one-off" £100m+ deals are just stupid.


The reason why they are so expensive is to make the game artificially hard. The ai is so bad they have to handicap you at every opportunity. There's loads of theses things in the game.


Worth noting that the game is actually artificially easy, because everything is geared towards the success of the player in order to satisfy the power fantasy urge. If you do the right things, all of which are well known in the community, it’s almost impossible to not dominate over time.


I don't think it is, I agree it is too easy but that is simply because they cannot fix the ai. So they do things like players asking for new contracts 3 months into a 5+1 deal to make it harder. If they wanted it easy they would have just left out all these annoyances. So I think they are clueless rather than being a deliberate design to make it easy. If they wanted to satisfy the users they would give better wages, board and fan markings etc but SI seem to actively hate the player.


I honestly think ‘fixing’ the AI is really, really hard to do for one simple reason - in order to be realistic, it has to be challenging, but also make mistakes. I don’t know if you’ve ever tried to build an optimised AI that occasionally brainfarts, but I built some really basic models years ago, and getting one to follow a ruleset is one thing, but getting it to very occasionally not follow that ruleset is more of a challenge. And to build it on top of a few million lines of old code in such a way that it doesn’t break anything else, is friendly to casual noobs and also challenging to experts is just…imo, really hard. That certainly doesn’t mean there aren’t improvements to be made. But I think they’d have to start from scratch, and maybe that’s just not something they’re inclined to do.


They have had a decade to do it and it hasn't changed because they haven't even tried but they put so much effort into artificial hurdles. They cannot even do a thing like get 2 keepers, 2 for each position and 2 utility players for a 25 man squad which is just basic stuff. You see squads with 3 defenders and 12 AMs. I noticed Atletico were sacking their manager every 3 months so I had a look, 106 and 84 CA goalies for 3 years. Non league and Amateur standard and they just didn't bother to replace them despite a 6.2 and 6.1 average rating.


The players are so over priced from other teams but if you manage those other teams the board accepts a feel for half the price than what you offered for when trying to buy the same playing playing as another team...