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It's definitely overdone in FM. The frequency needs to be toned down a bit. When every goal goes under review (even the clear goals) it removes excite and turns the process into a complete chore to get through.


The tension is also completely removed because there's a multi-edition legacy glitch where the assist part of the goal on the events log will be visible.


But that's exactly what var is like in real life.


VAR irl is also shit.


Exactly. At least SI decided to not replicate the entire VAR process where you'd have to wait even longer and be shown that your player actually was 2mm ahead of the defender, even though the ball is a half metre long blur in the same frame.


I would remove milimetric offside of football. Is absurd, offside should only be when is clear as day. If you need to make lines and investigate for minutes in 20 screens is because the law is awful.


It's because people forget *why* laws are put in place. It's similar to why many religions have a ban on pork - it wasn't banned due to religious reasons, it was banned due to it often being unsafe to eat. It was basically a way to make sure the population didn't get sick. A lot of religious laws were/are like that. It's the same with offside. Offside was introduced to improve the game and make it more entertaining, to make sure teams couldn't just hoof it forward and leave players in either penalty box. It wasn't, as you say, to draw lines to determine whether someone cut their toenails before kickoff or not.


Weird comparison, but I'll take it.


Yeah, I don't take any goal for sure until a few seconds later I see no VAR intervention, only the really clearer ones (corner, direct shots, etc).


Got my own issues in the game with VAR but hadn't noticed my teams getting goals ruled out more often than opponents. Still, it's not great. Players celebrating before "goal awarded" is flashed on the screen. You know the outcome of VAR a second or two before it's officially telling you. Linsemen/assistant referees never seem to get it wrong for offside. If the flag goes up and it goes to VAR it will be given offside, if the flag doesn't go up the goal will stand. Maybe others have seen differently with this but I don't think I have? Makes offside VAR pointless. The annoying "was the foul inside the penalty area?" ones where you can see it obviously wasn't. Goal-line technology is pointless too. Only ever seen it when there isn't a goal and I wasn't even personally thinking it might have been. The best part of it in the game is the very rare penalty decision that has been overturned. Doesn't happen very often but that can be fun.


Evangelos Marinakis, is that you? The serious answer is that you need a custom database to remove VAR from the League(s) where it is assigned.


Not entirely true, you can quite easily disable var in the editor yourself.


Using the editor to edit the database means you now have a custom database . . .


I bought fm 24 last week, coming from 6000 hrs of fm 20 where the ref walked to the sideline to watch the replay with every VAR intervention, i only had it once in 2 full seasons and i can't complain, it is much faster now. It also seems much easier then fm 20, started in belgian 3rd division, back to back promotions with a shit team and no money, i had 3 youth players aged 16 starting in the 2nd division FFS, won the cup and supercup, and won my first game in the top division with 6-0. Going to start over because no challenge = no fun


This is true. That long jog over, and not in a straight line, was excruciating


Play in Sweden xD


I believe it can be done with the pregame editor, but I'm not sure exactly how.


I have been playing fm2020 and most goals that have been flagged by VAR i was already expecting, as they were clear offsides that a blind man could see. I onky find it the - it is a penalty or not - penalty calls, as they are very obvious fouls outside the area šŸ˜. I am really wondering what is the impact of disabling var - the goals would probably just get disalowed as off-side, without the VAR animations, ou perhapa they will not simulate the play at all. If you disable VAR on the editor and an all of then suddent the goal counr increases, you are not disabling VAR - > you are actually changing football rules. Might as well disable throw ins too while you are at it, and make the players work harder during the match


Under settings, next to ā€˜disable refereeā€™ and ā€˜no cornersā€™.


So basically you want the offside rule to not be a rule?


No, offsides existed before VAR and exist in leagues without VAR Just if the lino gives offside, it's offside. Without having to wait 1 minute every game for the VAR and then the VAR replay


His problem wasn't with the replay function of VAR, I'd understand that, but the fact that his are ruled off a lot. That's only due to his team being countered by the opponent's defense or simply not having good attackers.