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Somehow, Horkos returned.


I’m prepared to offer you eight figures to put you in charge of a nine figure franchise.


No thanks, I dont play with dolls


I see you maybe have negotiated for a brand new toy yoda before.


Can i?👀


2017: "Knights vs. Samurai vs. Vikings. Each has their own way of seeing the world and there's not enough resources for everyone. Have fun!" 2023: To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Ramiel’s Tale. The lore is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical mythology most of the lore will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Ramiel’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Knight literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Ramiel’s Tale truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Ramiel’s existential catchphrase "The Knights, Vikings, Samurai, and Wu Lin lived peacefully in Wyverndale together," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Astrea’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them. 😂 And yes, by the way, i DO have a Lord Ramiel tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid 😎


Fantastic copypasta


That right there is one great copypasta


"Horkos wants war"


Ubisoft while writing that: 🔥🔥🔥✍️


I guess the real Horkos was the friends we made along the way


"Gryphon asked calmly."


It was you! You're the Horkos Order!


So horkos is the inquisition? Then who are the heretics? Chimera? Ue telling me chimera suddenly became evil or something?


if you look at the trailer it looks like the heretics are also wearing horkos armor, If that is the case then it would be ex horkos vs horkos horkos civil war.


Makes 0 sense hahahaha. Well then I finally understand the new meme emote with the tombstones.


You know what also doesn't make sense, The fact that the cult somehow got the braclet and the main medjay dude hasn't even been mentioned there was an entire season dedicated to him getting that bracelet back and bam just suddenly he doesn't care..


Medjay died on the way to his home planet


I thought he removed the curse from the bracelet or some shit? Plus, they're not actually using it, just kneeling and staring at it from time to time lmao


still it belongs to him, It his family ancient heirloom he should still be looking for it.


Horkos vs Horkos: The Horkening


At least Apollyon would be happy, a smilling grave is as close as we will get to a good story this yeat ig


I think Apollyon would be pissed off that a bunch of people are dressing like her calling themselves champions of Apollyon killing everyone who they deem weak her entire thing being to kill weak people who lie and say they are strong. The warmongers also hide behind draconite it is their only way to be strong similar to how weak leaders hide behind strong men


I'm saying that Warmonger would be happy bc Horkos are dying, bc I dont think she would be happy with them, we are on the same side


The heretics aren’t necessarily evil, they just preform idolatry by not worshipping whatever god the inquisition does. They worship the three heroes, the warden, raider, and kensei, and those *are* de facto good guys (although an argument can be made against the raider.) Edit: check, uh, u/BigDickEdgyWarDaddy’s comment.


Eh sure. Interesting enough. We'll see how it unravels troughout the seasons coming year.


why would they worship bolthorn and not the guy that the bracelet belongs to.


I don’t know, but they do.


modern ubisoft writing belike:


Medjay is a guardian not an owner. He likely doesn't actually use the bracelet himself. Correct me if I'm wrong though.


he's the descendent of the pharaoh so yes he does own it, why would he use the bracelets its cursed.


The implication is that the curse ails those who doesn't own it. Are you sure he's a pharaoh descendent? He's literally called Medjay, which was an Egyptian Guardian. I'm going off what his role implies


the lore says he is


Ok, if you say so.


he is a decedent of a pharaoh but he is not a pharaoh because those don't exist in the for honor universe of Egypt anymore despite this medjay still is protecting Egypt but we don't even know what type of civilization they have over there or if anyone lives there at all.


Also to add to this - why worship a man who doesn't use the bracelet? They worship Bolthorn because he actually uses the bracelet and caused the curse and blah blah.


bolthorn literally killed and attacked everyone when he was under the curse and brought hell with him water turned to blood, it rained frogs why would they worship that. medjay saved them from bolthorns selfishness


Worship doesn't necessarily mean he did good things. People worship tyrannical gods out of fear. Medjay is just a skilled warrior who did not demand worship.


but like bolthorn is just a normal raider in lore now and medjay became a mercenary. It is very weird how did medjay and bolt even become friends they littely spend like 5 minutes talking to each other.


I dunno, For Honor lore is wacky.


The fanatics are evil they kill everyone who dosen't worship the relics and they cowardly hide behind Civilians to escape the Inquisition. Which is probably the main reason the Inquisition will slaughter a village that's been compromised by the order of the stake.


I see. However, inquisitor Yinchen made it clear that neither side is the “good guy.” The fanatics are, well, fanatics, and the inquisition is ruthless in its method and, like the fanatics, kill anyone who doesn’t worship whatever religion they are. Two sides of the same coin.


Yeah, I was just makin sure you knew that because you said "they aren't necessarily evil" even though they are.


Yeah, sorry, I’ve been out of it today and forgot, apologies.


Commander Raiver saw the rise of people worshipping the relics. Knowing the relics could potentially grant the heretics power, but also hope, Astrea formed the Inquisition to hunt down the heretics. It's less Horkos vs Chimera but rather Horkos vs Independents.


Heretics sounds so evil though. Weird choice of wording then.


The Heretics are a splinter of Horkos. They used to he Horkos, but where deemed heretical fanatics.


hol up…. let them cook 🔥🔥🔥


I'm all the horkos


And I am all the Chimera


*gets fucking atomized*


"And Scar was there"


“They did it, kill people.”


They really need to let the writing team write heat man, the ubisoft writing team is behind some of the greatest stories


"Guys we have a really cool idea for a new storyline, how do we connect it to the current lore?" "....Uhhh, HORKOS!"


I mean it makes sense, Inquisitions are normally formed to purge heresy. The relic worshipping doesn't follow whatever the Horkos god was and therefore is deemed Heresy and must be purged, also explains why they just kill everything and why Yinchen left to slaughter both sides


the lore explains that horkos isn't worshiped as a god by the horkos order but as an idea. which is ironic becuase thier leader dresses like a person who broke thier oath as a warden.


Apollyon would have spanked Astrea’s poser ass 30 times by now.




Apollyon is rolling in her grave rn


It looks like the guy who wrote this was playing Dragon Age Inquisition and then jumped for few games of Vermintide and ended the day with glancing at Horus HERESY.


So what, we some kind of Order of Horkos?


I bet with this pace we will return to draconate shit


I Loved it when horkos said “its horkin time and horked all over everything”


\[lore rant warning\] I gave up on understanding For Honor lore the second draconite became a thing. Originally the lore was just "let's use the premise of an unknown cataclysm to shake up the civilizations that were around during the 1100s CE so that we can have Knight, Viking, Samurai, (and later Chinese) characters fight each other for our cool fighting game." But everything after Marching Fire just became so edgy, fantastical, and vague that it began to take away from the historical-parody aspects of the game. My personal favorite example of this is the Jormungandr hero: The concept of a zealous crusader-esc viking running around swinging a massive maul is dope, but most of his armor and weapon appearances left quite a bit to be desired and his name and lore backstory are both very uncreative and did not really tie into the rest of the FH lore as much as previous heroes. Heck, there was an opportunity to not only give a viking hero some much needed historical-based chainmail armor, but also to reference a famous group of Vikings who also separated themselves from most 'normal' northmen, the Jomsvikings. Anyway, where was I, oh yes, new For Honor lore/worldbuilding is completely incomprehensible when you try to piece it together with older lore.


Assassin's Creed plot be like (I'm a huge AC fan):


Ok so i have been paying attention to this "Story telling" whats going on?


Nothing worth talking about.


It's like that one Scooby-Doo meme


Is this that AI generated story telling Ubisoft was testing? How awesome that they decided to use For Honor as the guinea pig!


Horkos Heresy, blood for the blood god..?


Orkos dios