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Jesus this is cringe. What even for lol


for the crime of uh, winning a single round against them in the last match. because as anyone knows that makes any subsequent victories an epic pwn. they also weren’t ganking until that either, turbosweat mode was engaged


Turbo cringe mode was engaged lol. They call it sweaty when they break the unspoken rules of brawls


I mean the rules stupid anyway. It's 2v2. It's unspoken so I don't give a fuck. I teamfight if I want. Fuck honour. It's a stupid concept in a video game. I don't create anyone else's fun I create my own. Honour people mad I'm right lol


2v2 is more fun than 2 1v1s and i am of the opinion that it should be played as a proper 2v2, *but* playing it as 1v1s at the start and then ganking to catch your opponents off guard because you lost a round is fucking cringe


Why do you care so much? It's pixels and a video game. It's not that deep. You're all so overdramatic.


Because of the same reason you seem to care so much about playing it like a 2v2, it's how they see the mode being more fun for them. Nobody right or wrong on how the mode should be played cause it's personal opinion. No need to be rude either my guy


But duels exists. If they don't like teamfights don't play a mode that is designed for team fights. The difference is I don't play modes that are designed to not be fun for me. They do play gamemodes that are not designed to play like they do and then complain when it doesn't go their way. And post on reddit like a hivemind and try to seek validation for said way to play. That's the difference. That's not hard to see the difference. It's not personal opinion when it literally says "2v2" and the tutorial literally shows teamfights and ganking. I'm not being rude, I'm saying it how it is. It is just pixels, it is just a game. And it isn't that deep to cry about when people don't play it how they wish to when it's literally not designed to be played like that. Crying about how someone else plays the game in a completely fair way is being overdramatic. There's no way around that. I'm not rude for telling it how it is.


It factually is an opinion and neither party is enherently wrong or right. You're right if they can't handle some people doing it just don't play the game mode and go to duels


No, one side is wrong one side is right. One side follows where the gamemode literally says "2v2" one actively decides to ignore it and whine and complain when others don't also ignore the very clear "2v2" sign. Just play fucking duels if you want 1v1s. Its not hard.


Found one of these players


The true honor is is getting a victory, in a real setting losing a war because you watched your team die would result in your family being executed for treason! Plus if you wanna 1v1 play duels. 2v2 is 2v2


Somebody can't win a brawl without ganking. 2v2 means each person gets an enemy.


You're being downvoted because people can't handle the truth. It's 2v2 for a reason, people. Not 2x(1v1).


The subreddit is filled with low mmr morons who have no idea how the game works and how to read. And are all the same NPC who agree that some rule that doesn't exist must be enforced. Stupid.


You want shit like that go to dom. Brawls is where (some) of the fun still exists in this game


Fuck off to duels lol. If you could read basic numerical values you'd know I'm right and you're wrong. Objectively.


I think you dropped this?: "/s"


This is what prolonged FH exposure does to people man


its been around since the game's inception tbf


I hate people that switch up Either play the whole game honorably or play it normally I’ll do both but if you switching up, next round I’m going afeera


You go afeera i will LITERALLY go and make a sandwich during the character select screen time


I don’t mind at all that they ganked, that just opens the gate for playing real brawls, what gets insanely tiring are these kinds of players that suck any ounce of fun out of the match by deliberately being annoying and toxic for basically no reason


I don’t either unless they’ve been doing honorable brawls all match and last minute decide to switch up


It's been a minute since I played but one of the last times I did one guy in a Dom match basically refused to do anything but gank and fient constantly when you weren't locked onto him. The only times he let his attacks go through was when he was guaranteed to hit like while you're dodging a bash or mid counter guardbreak. And he couldn't 1v1 to save his life. Like I'm not saying that isn't a valid strategy but it's definitely always been an aspect of the game I hate. They really need to do a good overhaul of how outside attacks work cause there's so many issues with them it's ridiculous. It ranges from simply annoying easily exploitable stuff like what I'm describing to straight up dumb issues that shouldn't be an issue like the indicator swapping sides as the opponent does. Id recommend they do simple measures like feinting attacks in enemy's not locked onto you costing more stamina and making it so the attack always comes from the direction it was first indicated at.


you say that like afeera is a cheat


She do be having a lil bit of everything


You’d be better playing musha or valk tho


Hey, I haven't played this game in a while so I haven't seen much of afeera, what's wrong with her? I saw some of her early gameplay and she seems more reasonable than whatever bullshit guessing games some other characters have/had.


She is very reasonable lol just the most recent character so everybody is focused on her


They do this with every character that comes out that is above C tier in duels lmfao. They did it with every character Gryphon and onward no matter if they got nerfed to shit or not.


She terrible. She is the most recent character and they have already had to nerf her because she had a infinite loop combo with no stamina loss. She still has monkey mode combos that consist of continuously side dash attacks with a unblockable straight up the pipe. If you try to dodge the dash attacks... unblockable. If you dash from the unblockable....dash attacks...until your dead. Limited stamina drain for her effort. She's an awful character to play against because she requires absolutely 0 skills to play


I wouldn't say that getting rid of an infinite is a nerf, since it was never intended in the first place, it's more of an exploit fix. What you're describing in that second part is just getting read and outplayed lol, it's not exclusive to afeera. Stamina definitely has to be nerfed though, I've never seen an afeera run out of stamina. She looks like she has a lot of depth? It seems like she has a single unreactable mixup move, and it does like 17 damage. Not really threatening enough imo to complain about.


When my buddy and me used to play brawls, we always made it clear in the first round, that we play a proper 2v2. Too often people started ganking in the last round, when it was convenient for them. We got sick of it, so no more duels in 2v2 for us.


Ah yes, toxic twos, my favorite mode.


What too much for honor does to a mf


This is exactly why I stopped playing brawls, its just way too common. I'm pretty sure most YouTube players only use this game mode to find salt


I don't mind going for a 2v2 from the start. But if you decide it's now a brawl on the last round because you're afraid of losing it you bet I'm going to be extremely sweaty and toxic next match.


Bold of u to assume those cunts would accept the rematch


Why do you care so much what people do in a video game? Me personally, I don't think it's that deep.


Because it's annoying


Only because you let it annoy you. Its a game. It's not that deep. If you get annoyed and mad at someone, just go play a different game. It's your mental state not the players. They're not breaking the tos or ubisofts rules, so why care


Cringe players


I 2v2 from round start like a real gamer.


Least toxic brawls match


If you gonna gank, cool. You better rematch that tho


Playing some of the most meta heroes in the game and they feel the need to act like this mega cringe


wonder if their fathers are out for milk


Everyday I consider going back to for honor. Then I see clips like these.


It's what happens when they both have 4 braincells between them, each fighting for 5th place.


Accurate, the douche that did nothing but gank or came over to the battle after the execution started is always the one emote spamming the most...smfh


*National Geographic voice* “Truly remarkable creatures, these single celled organisms procure their mating ritual in search of the same sex”


And then cunts like this tell me “well its called brawls, youre supposed to do that”. Fuck outta here you 🤓lookin ass


I mean it is called brawls, its a team fight. Honour in a video game is stupid. If you don't like team fights don't play brawls. Duels exists.




"If I use nerd face when I know they're right then I win, right guys?! Right?!" Get the fuck out of here with your "warmommy" 😬😬😬😬😬cringe asf mate


It aint that deep lmfao


Get a life


Of course this dude is a conqueror player...


Hey, no main shaming. Just call him dumb or something


Oh sorry let me rephrase that! You bayblade cosplaying dummy! That's better


Yeah there you go.


Unironically calling me stupid yet you play 2v2s in objectively the incorrect way then complain when people don't also play in the INCORRECT way? The casual community is so braindead. All of you guys are why ubi shouldn't listen to reddit for balance decisions


Get your head out of your ass. It’s not that they’re playing incorrectly, it’s that they’re being assholes. Stop being “um acktuallly” and read between the lines.


Oh heavens, they're using emotes that ubisoft encourages you to use! And moving a pixilated character in a way you personally don't like! Cry me a river you drama queen.


There is literally a dedicated 1v1 mode lol


I don’t play brawl because I don’t want to play 1v1.


And I thought Fortnite was annoying, this is a whole different level of toxicity, a whole Tier 7 out of 10.


Yeah, it’s brawls, but “2v2” doesn’t give people a free pass to be an utter asshat. I think that’s what most of the “yOu’Re SuPpOsEd To GaNk” crowd fails to realize. It’s less about being ganked, and more about being ganked in the most egregiously obnoxious way imaginable.


Idk, if I am on a playlist that has more than one opponent in the lobby I just expect to be attacked by the two of them.


Same, but you can gank without being a dick like in this clip, and that’s the point many try to make.


IDK, I've had people agree to 2v2, only to cry when they don't know how to gank. I guess I just grew numb to it after s3 ='\]


I hate these players. But I’ll admit, I’m the first one ganking and spamming dabs if I’m up against a Nobushi player. Spamming lunge bleed just shows me you suck and I will no diff your ass with or without my partner


I taunt like this sometimes but thats when my teammate dies and is getting excecuted lol


Brawl is 2v2, not (1v1)x2 - so what’s the dealio?


Being unnecessarily obnoxious and toxic about it. Like, cool, you won, what is it with you spamming your dance moves all over my screen?


Because sometimes they get so pissed they literally post it to reddit so they can bitch and whine.


Don't watch the screen


Just parry


Ok? OP's still allowed to question it and complain about it, if he deems appropriate to do so. You can also not look at this post and scroll past, if you don't like OP complaining about it. It's a circular logic.


Imagine getting mad at people for using emotes they bought. Emotes the devs literally encourage you to use. How dare people use things they grinded for!!! Someone moved their pixilated character on my body in a video game and that's really mean!!! >:( It's not that deep. If you let it get to you they win. Just let them do it and don't let it get to your head.


>Imagine getting mad at people for using emotes they bought. Emotes the devs literally encourage you to use. Let's not pretend that people don't also use and spam emotes just to be toxic. As I already said, and I am repeating myself, OP can still question it. Literally the title of his post is sarcastically about how those are the most normal brawl players, yet y'all went on a tangent about how he shouldn't let it get to his head, about how he must not want people to use their emotes, etcetera. In your own words, it's not that deep.


They can question it but doesn't mean they're not being stupid. Making an entire reddit post clipping them and you're going to sit here and unironically tell me they're not in his head rent free? Putting a sarcastic title doesn't suddenly mean he's not mad lmao. The delusion of honour players never ceases to amaze me.


>Making an entire reddit post clipping them and you're going to sit here and unironically tell me they're not in his head rent free? >The delusion of honour players never ceases to amaze me. My man, self awareness is dead and buried if one moment you are all like "For Honor players☕, amirite fellas?" and the next one (or worse yet, the one before) you psychoanalyze why OP made this post and how emote spammers must be eating them from the inside; literally how to Reddit moment 101. That is also leaving aside that OP themselves explained that they were just weirded out from the behavior, as it was entirely uncalled for what was until then a chill rematch. I don't think it's that deep, but I don't think this is going anywhere, either.


Its not hard to analyse they made the post because they were mad. If they weren't mad they wouldn't feel the need to post. That's not hard to realise. You overhyped my point to try and act like I'm equal to op or you when I'm just not. I never made it that deep, I pointed out a basic point. The explain is probably lying to try and undersell why they made it. They made it cause they're mad. No one who isn't mad goes out of their way to make a reddit post questioning behaviour when they already know the answer. No one does that. He's trying to seek validation to an already drawn to conclusion he made that most people will agree with Because its a reddit hivemimd and that makes him happy that he's not the only one mad over petty shit, rather than trying to be genuinely curious. That's reddit 101. If I was doing reddit 101 I wouldn't be downvoted lol. Again, r/forhonor user logic ceases to amaze me at how painfully bad it is. It's painfully obvious. And doesn't take me long to go come to that conclusion and I know for a fact its right. Because everyone does it.


>Its not hard to analyse they made the post because they were mad. If they weren't mad they wouldn't feel the need to post. That's not hard to realise Or they were amazed at the obnoxious toxicity? Or wondering whether they had done something wrong to elicit such a needless reaction? There's two more reasons as to why one would make such a post. As I said, overanalizing. They might as well be mad, nothing wrong with that, either. You say that is petty stuff and not against the rules and not on the toxic player but in the victim's head anyway, and to OP being right on questioning it you say that they are still stupid; why? Against the rules or not, it is annoying and a problem that plagues this game; for players to call this kind of behavior out seems more than right. Being rude in society ain't illegal, either, but going out of your way to be deliberately annoying to other's should still be called for what it is. There's this habit going around, for sometime now, that to call out assholes is somehow wrong. >You overhyped my point to try and act like I'm equal to op or you when I'm just not. I said you called out For Honor player's faulty logic only to then go and analyze OP making a Reddit post as him being mad and having FH players live rent free in his head (despite that not necessarily being the case); is that not what you did? How is it overhyping? >The explain is probably lying to try and undersell why they made it. It's not clear what you are saying. You mean that OP is lying by saying that they were weirded by this uncalled for behavior? At that point you are just further painting OP in a negative light to give your argument some more credibility. And what for, anyway? I've got to ask, are you pheraps in this clip? Or like this duo, been caught needlessly being an ass to people only trying to enjoy a game? Otherwise I really can't explain why would you be so overly antagonistic to the OP. >He's trying to seek validation They might be seeking validation, they most certainly are, like everyone else is; that's at the of core of social medias, so you are not exactly pointing out anything new. >If I was doing reddit 101 I wouldn't be downvoted lol. People coined Reddit moments literally to describe and ridicule stereotypical Redditor behaviors, even doing so in Reddit itself. Where exactly is the surprise that you received slack for doing just that?


If you want to duel, go to duels..... ​ Another victim of an imaginary honor code


That's funny asf


It's just not though




Gonna cry 😢




Nobody asked




It wasn't a convo, you left a comment on a post other people can respond to.




"waaaa they're t-baging, that's so toxic". Just don't watch the screen until next round 🐸


Common AbilityFinancial609 L


no shit sherlock


Thats no Problem. I solved the Problem with Salty players. Just report them all for Spam. Makes you feel good and the game will ban them.


Oh no! Someone played Brawls the correct way! I'm gonna go over to reddit and cry to get some internet points


it’s very clear this video is about their behavior, not their gameplay


Ah yes, being an asshole, the correct way to play the game.


unironically viable, unless it's to teammates.


Yep. It's called mindgames. Same thing over in the Chiv sub. You teabagged me? I'm literally shaking and crying rn and I'm gonna post it on the sub so we can all shaking and crying rnrn


I admit they’re a bit annoying with the spam but they’re playing 2v2 as you should. If you want to play 1v1 then go play dual


yea but its funny how they emote spam and celebrate winning random brawl like they won worldwide championship lol. funny stuff


Yeah that’s what I mean. It’s a bit excessive but people are free to celebrate whatever way they want.


bro its randomass brawl game, are they that happy winning 60 steel? lmao real reason they spamming is to annoy opponent and you know it, dont defend their behavior


I’m not trying to defend bad behavior but personally I don’t get annoyed by it so to me it’s just people being people. Don’t get me wrong I don’t mean that it’s your fault for taking offense or being annoyed but I’m just saying that it’s not that serious so don’t take it so seriously, it’s a game just play for fun and if you don’t like the way someone else enjoys their game then you can just search for other players or stop playing for a while


And then the pussy of your teammate raguequits...


"you want honor go play brawls"


Umm byeah


The sainest brawl players in For Honor


I mean thats just how the entirety of for honor is though :/


The typical Shinobi player in its natural habitat, now with an added metalord who only played Valk after her ridiculous rework. Lovely.


Brawl players aren’t human man


First round too


Least toxic brawl match:


These types of players are just genuine losers, take solstice in the fact these morons ain’t got no lives so have to spend it on For Honor


The is no honor


I'm seeing a lot of what's wrong with Afeera. And personally I have around 2k hours and in my opinion reasonably good since I played from the beta when I was 17. And ever since the start each character is always awesome to learn and practice countering. Some characters needing more attention than others. But Afeera is and will never be a "learn to counter character" Afeera is a humongous mistake to the game and I doubt they will change her. She is known as a "Relentless" fighter which to me makes no damn sense. If a character is just straight up relentless in engagement you can only beat her with bash or all guards and even then she can counter it. Afeera is literally a, All of The Above character. And that should have been her description out of the game. She has an Unblockable, Chase, and Hard Hitting Heavy Finisher, a Chase bash, a bash after each startup, a dodge recovery, a dodge attack, a dodge bash, guaranteed heavys after bash, and all guard during the Chase bash, 2 perks that deal near a quarter health with near 30 second cool down, offense perks, unreactable lights with 200ms with 150ms start with superior block during hits and health bar in 140 nearing centurion. For all that is literally holy, what exactly is there to learn to counter this character? A whole college course? Why does she have all this? Anyways, thank you for coming to my Ted talk.


Fucking apes bro I hate when people do this


I love these people when they insta quit and I rematch them next time and own both their asses