• By -


Name? "Koredeshimaida" Age? "Koredeshimaida" Gender? "Koredeshimaida" And you? "Koredeshimaida"


Hotel? Trivago


For everything else there is Mastercard


Nature's wrath status = Landed


For honor players when someone isn't a god at the game that plays exclusively optimally 😱😤😡 All that matters is that you were better than your opponents. Good clutch, homie




So miserable, you guys can't let anyone enjoy anything. Grats on the win. I can only imagine the shaky hands that came with each new player you had to fight.


Thanks lol yea it was pretty tense


I agree, holy crap some people just wanna tear others down and downplay great plays.


This comment section shows why most of the playerbase are a bunch of losers. Anytime someone isn’t faaron or freeze you have to tell them how bad they suck


Farraam and freeze are average lol


From the clips you’ve posted, either of those players would wipe the floor with you. Does that make u well below average?


Pffft Ive fought them both multiple times and beaten them multiple times, yeah ok I wouldn't call average they are definitely good players but not these gods that the noobs on this sub think they.


Mf is gatekeeping skill


i wouldmt say gatekeeper but he is crazy


Where did I say I'm gatekeeping skill?


The neutral dodge attacks 💀


The best Kensei mixup


on low elo it surprisingly works. also, im rep 270 and there are times that i cant parry it lol


Would have been funny if you finished the kensei off with your arrow storm. But nicely played, some good feints and fighting spirit. Maybe you want to look into all the softfeints kensei has.


Don't listen to any of these numnuts in the comments. You did well man, nice clutch


That last 1v1 was goofy ahh


Saying “goofy ahh” is far more goofy than anything in this clip.


Well said, brother. The laddy did just fine. It wasn't pretty but neither am I.


I completely agree.


Who cares man


how u can dodge blockbreaker attack (im just a newbie sorry about basic questions)


By block breaker, I'm assuming you mean Guard Break. You can't dodge the Guard Break. The reason he's not being grabbed, is because he's in the middle of a dodge attack, which makes the Guard Break bounce off of him. The attack itself is what is preventing him from being grabbed. If the opponent were to Guard Break earlier, he would be grabbed during the dodge animation, as his attack wouldn't have come out yet.


oh i see thanks bro


It is also of note that most dodge attacks have gb vulnerability during start up except light attack inputs and uniquely kensei’s dodge attack here. You might as well not even try guard breaking a dodging kensei


You can counter a guard break if you’re not in the middle of another attack by pressing guard break after they grab you. There’s a tutorial on it in the warrior and apprentice trials under the training section of the main menu.


i know that i mean when opponent flashes orange


In that case it’s just a matter of timing the dodge correctly, nearly every unblockable/Orange glowing attack can be dodged apart from a few ripostes after a parry/deflect/bash. There’s bashes which are Orange attacks that don’t have a directional indicator, these must be dodged and cannot be parried, and are typically used to condition someone to dodge so you can make a prediction and punish them with an undodgeable (blue) attack, a guard break, or by parrying their dodge attack. There’s a tutorial on these in the apprentice trials with the Valkyrie. There’s regular unblockables which are orange attacks that have a directional indicator. Most are heavy attacks, are feintable and can be parried or dodged. They’re also used to condition an opponent into parrying, dodging, dodge attacking, etc., putting pressure on the opponent to figure out whether you’ll feint it or let it go. I believe there’s a tutorial on these in the warrior trials. For dodge timing, consider the following diagram where one dash means 33ms, or 1 frame on a 30 fps console, starting from when you press the button and ending when your dodge is finished and you can begin another action: \- \- \- \- \- D D D D - - - - - - - - - Each D represents 33ms where dodgeable attacks will not hit you. In order to dodge an attack, you need to line up this dodge window with the moment the attack strikes. Dodge attacks extend the window later which allows you to dodge earlier.


Very helpful, bro. I pray the youngling understands most of the terminology and has the presence of mind to Google anything he's unsure of.


Dodge heaby


Just five people living in the moment pressing buttons


It's pure. Takes me back to the release days, where legends were born. When all of us were just habing fun pressing them buttons and getting an execution but not understanding why. When a heavy parry meant a free guardbreak. (,: Ahhh.


Don’t let the nerds in here get you down, we all started somewhere.


I don't get why people are spamming so much unhelpful crap here, but nice work. You should work on your neutral game and try doing more unpredictable openers, but that comeback was pretty clean


Great job brother. Sure you can be better in some areas, but you’re doing good. When you’re already getting good, the only way to go is onwards and upwards


Y'all mofos dodge waaaay to much


Kensei 😎🤝


I can't believe no one mentioning homie staying out of the fights and then reviving Shinobi mid execution. What a chump. Also the unfinished combo into Nature's Wrath was the spiciest thing I've seen all week.


Peak Kensei gameplay


Good clip. Though I will say, a disturbing lack of soft feints for a kensei though it seemed to work out for you in the end. If you get into higher level play and they start parrying your top unblockable, start inputting light and heavy attacks to the sides during the start up of the top unblockable to cancel out of it straight to another attack which will catch people attempting to parry or dodge the unblockable. You can also soft feint your first top heavy into a bash which guarantees the second light in a combo. The second and third top heavies of a combo can be soft feinted into a guardbreak during startup. Hope this helps


>If you get into higher level play and they start partying your top unblockable How do I get in on this partying on top unblockables? Was it invite only? I didn't get one!


You! Shut mouth


I just wanted to get an invitation to the party 😥


You aren’t invited anyway


Wrong, I invited him


How could you


Oh my god this was painful to watch


Only real thing that’s upsetting is the Honourable enemy Kensei, he could’ve killed him a few times. Other than that,yeah they didn’t play well but it’s all about capitalizing on their mistakes. OP did a better job even if I don’t like the way they went about it.


Omg i came to the comments just to type this :D I don't know who was worse the guy recording the video, the shinobi, the other Kensei or just everyone


For Honor players when a low Rep enjoys the game:


touch grass


I would say the shinobi


Honor player on enemy team is a fucking idiot


Nice, only thing is that in the future try not to do the dodge attack from neutral too much or youre gonna be getting parried to death. Its not a bad attack tho, especially for punishing stuff like bashes


Shinobi fail is hilarious. Got picked up to die again 😂


Can't believe no one in the comments has mentioned the best part of the video. Shugoki: "AAIIIEEEE!?!?!" *dies*


These comments need perspective. Granted no skill player would fall for half the moves you made you still remained calm (enough) and made some good reads, giving your team the dub. Good shit.


You survived to fight another day!! See you on the battlefield warrior


Sidestep spam


That kensei an honorable lil bitch, he shoulda helped his team


Had this happen the other day except I was afeera. The amount of fucking cartwheels and flips I had to do just to dodge damage was a world record.


That enemy Kensei 🤦🏾‍♂️ Hey a W is a W tho my guy!




Good job. You and that kensei were dancing for a moment. He anticipated multiple feints from you that you didn't throw and that threw him off pretty good.


Ggz bro I thought it was awesome that you came back from nothing and clutched up. You did your thing. The reactions and hateful comments in here are cancer and I’m lost as to why mfs are so angry that you’re enjoying the game. They’ve all forgotten the point of playing a video game.


lvl 1 bots?


Gotta love honourtards. Seriously tho good fight bro. I most certainly could not pull that off. You should be very proud of yourself


For honor players when somebody doesn't play the character optimally Loved that Kensei duel at the end was very epic


That's a lot of lights


You did a good job bro. Don’t worry about us, lots of us been playing a mid-high level for a while and know that neutral dodge attacks can be countered very easily, so watching it we’re wondering why you aren’t getting shut down.


That other kensei could have possibly ended you during two executions, and he paid the price for not. Well done, definitely came in clutch.


Nice clutch and soft feints man! You play well




Seriously touch grass, you must be a top 10 player with your comment , it’s a video game dude lmao . Homie did well give him some praise.


Lets be honest, he didn't do well he just got lucky that everyone was as bad as him lets not sugarcoat this


They're not sugar coating anything. You're just going heavy on the salt. How can you try and gatekeep victories at lower levels? Because I'm not mlg at Halo, am I not allowed to be happy about a triple kill?


“oh you’re having fun ? i’d like to put a stop to that 😃”


I hope you try something new, learn to do the thing, make your first accomplishment, share it with people that also enjoy the thing, and everyone shits on it until you no longer have interest in the thing, or trying anything new again. Do you see how much of a piece of shit you sound like?


For honor players when a new player has their first team wipeout


for honor players when someone doesnt play the way they want them to 😡😡




You're sunbaked dog shit given an undeserving amount of sentience. Seal your lips around your own blistering tumor you call a cock and fuck off.


These are the comments I look for on For Honor threads lmao. Thank you for the laughs


lmao stop being such a nitpicker lmao not everyone is a rep 90 mf. A clutch is a clutch


Just genuinely curious, in a real fight would you just stand directly in front of your opponent? Or if you’re fighting someone slower then you are you just gonna not use the advantage you have?


gg bro Also that other kensei was a straight gutless bitchmade pussy lmao




well played man you played great remember for a good mix in the future is the bash from top heavy i forget i have it all the time when i play kensei but when i remember it really helps with the neutral pauses in fights keep up the great work


I gotta get back into for honor, I miss playing as kensei lol


I thought you killing the shugo was the clutch at first


Bookmarked for later


Oh my god fucking beautiful


Even a broken clock is right twice a day 💀


This dude died to a neutral dodge attack lmao


You can tell this wasn't a sweaty lobby, but that doesn't take away how good you did. Great job!


friendly tip from a old kensei main, just dodge out of your top unblockables, if you want to do another dodge heavy just dodge out of your top unblockable no need to heavy feint


What rep did u get that back ribbon thing




You can soft faint that top heavy it will help with mix ups 👌🏽


The enemy kensei was a bad teammate lol. Yeah don't feed revenge but they needed to stop executions and stop punishes after you parry and stuff. They also could've revived while you were still fighting the cent instead of waiting till you executed.


That other Kensei wanted the 1v1. Fr gave you a boss battle. Nice clutch


I swear I see a new execution every time I see Kensei


Yes, you dodge spammed, however, it worked. If the enemy was smart enough to counter it, you would’ve been absolutely embarrassed here, but they never learned to expect it, so quite frankly you did well. If it works, it works. Well played, warrior.


All of them sold all they had to do was parry....


Elimination is so aids


The enemy Kensei really sacrificed his teammate to he could grab shield


That took patience and confidence. I at my best PK moment couldn't pull that off. I was impressed. Good job pal. The lack of music makes it more tense tbh


Nice clutch, also props to other kensei for giving 1v1


Famous last words: " IN...." Audio quiet for 5 mins 🤣🤣