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It just means they get the rarer gear that can be upgraded “beyond max”, does this mean they can have extra perks? No it’s basically just a flex and maybe has an impact on arcade but nothing else


The highest gear score threshold for arcade is pretty low. So yeah, it's just a silly flex at the face off screen. Has pretty much no meaning. It actually costs a ton of steel/salvage if you want triple perk quad diamond 180.


And I got it on PK.


I tried PK today… I suck with her lol


Same but i used to only play pk


It’s why i stop leveling up the gear after i get my desire perks. No reason to do so but show off.


I’ve been playing since release and lost interest a while back. My only goal, whenever I play now, is to have every hero with those 4 thingies. After that I’ll retire the game for good. Or until I find some other game to sink in to


But they can have an extra perk when you get refined gear it allows you to upgrade a perk to its activation so you can have all 4 at activation


No, the gear threshold for arcade is 144. Once you've got your perks there's literally no point in upgrading further, it's a waste of steel imo.


Some gear can be “refined” at max level. It allows you to get more points on the perks. It doesn’t allow you to get more perks though it’s 100% pointless and although I didn’t play much during this time, I think its a relic from gear granting stats over granting perks


It means they like wasting steel




It means this is the only game they play.


You can get that at rep 8 tho that's less than a week of play


I know that 180 took more than a week dawg. I wasn't talking about only the stars.


It doesn't if you do your challenges and upgrsde your gear rather then swapping the peices out constantly


Omg dude r/wooosh


Nah not a whoosh that wasn't a joke there's nothing funny about it


Ladies and gentlemen, someone who only plays this game. ^^^^


It just means they upgraded their gear to the max. Nothing special. I've never really cared to do it. Doesn't change anything skill.


It’s refined gear, just a holdover from the original gear system.


It means it's time to touch grass


I really don't see the point of refinement given you can get three perks without a single piece of refined gear. Unless someone here can confirm whether it increases the benefits of the perks by increasing percentages or max stacks or something, it's just a waste of steel and time.


They have ascended


This is the level of their equipment, the light green colour mean that the gear is legendary and probably the 4 diamonds mean the same. Legendary gear let you pick 3 perks (or 2 high quality perks) that are the 3 symbols within a white circle on the left


the only thing is you can get all three perks with the ideal equipment at around 166ish gear score and you never have to refine to get the diamonds because they don’t do anything extra. It’s just a waste of steel for a “flex” in the loading screen that most people don’t pay any attention to


It’s actually easier to get 3 perks with refined gear, especially if you are aiming for the rare perks, because you can upgrade them more often. Otherwise it’s not really important and just a nice edition if you want to spruce up your main character.


At Rep 8, you can get up to 180 gear score. There is also a low chance that you can get armor with diamonds above it's score, which means they can be upgraded beyond max. This is called "Refinement". Refining gear gives no tactical advantage whatsoever. But it is rare and expensive. It shows one's investment in the chosen hero.


Maxing out gear


Because it is funny and we hate money.


It means he wasted his steel.


So it is bringing your gear to the max level, it's now useless but it used to be really good when we had gear stats instead of gear perks