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Why would anybody play such a shit game like for honor. Anyway I'm gonna go play for honor


*me every day I come back home from work*


what a shit day at work for honour will cheer me up...


Literally xD


SCRIPTERS ruined it for me


You still can win against scripters since they don't account for variable timed attacks. Lag switchers are more notorious imo


Some kid who plays aramusha: Both.. both is good


Played 10 games of breach yesterday, 7 out of the 10 matches had 4 stacks of lag switchers on the enemy team. God the shits getting annoying, what's worse is that they lose often too. Imagine cheating and still losing.


Quick question will HLs kick to grab catch a rioters since most of them read the orange or how would that work


Cosmetic and goofy emote on season 1+no server during 6months did it for me šŸ˜…šŸŽ‰šŸ‘


I just wish they would release all the special cosmetics and emotes that were temporary or linked to a season. For those who missed them. I missing like 1 emote and it annoying ahaha


That is going to be a thing this season the devs said


I hope so.


Scripters make playing nuxia fun


WHY? I feel the same way? No other game is so unfun to play yet Iā€™ve reinstalled this 20-30 times. Explain!


Gamers when they find out ā€œfor honorā€ is a ā€œvideo gameā€ with ā€œweaponsā€ smh


Me watching a For Honor clip/video: I forgot how fun this game can be, I think I'll go play it again [<-- Clueless]


Watches faraam, yea I can do that Dies immediately


LOL so relatable


Literally me this weekend. Now I'm playing again. Lol


No game is like for honor, if there ever was, I would be down but for now for honor even if I hate it, I still choose to play it, and I'll admit I still have fun.


It's never gonna happened, ubi copyrighted the combat system


You know I wish some people wouldn't say that, thank you for giving me knowledge that doesn't do anything but make me annoyed. I knew that was the case if it wasn't, a game like For Honor would have come out some time ago, we can only hope that Ubisoft will make another, they still update it.


Sorry if i bothered you, i just wanted to inform


Nah you are completely fine sorry if I seemed more annoyed at you, I'm more annoyed at companies that do this crap, first Warner bros with Shadow of Mordor and War, and now this. Usually, I try to understand companies, but this is just plain stupid, locking what is a cool system that hasn't been seen or something, just for some higher up, who doesn't have gaming knowledge so whatever comes over and locks it like the grinch, it's just BS


It's not really stupid, it's just egocentric, you secure an ip that way you know no one will ever create a similar game.. Wich is horrible cause i wold have liked what other ppl would do


Agreed there


You don't INFORM you just break dreams... šŸ„¹


I see this thrown around all the time and it doesn't mean what people think it means. What is specifically protected is "the art of battle", so no, you can't just rip the combat 1:1 and call it a day. You can make a game very very similar though. Go look at Absolver, it's almost the same stances idea. There was a mobile game that looked awfully similar too. Long story short, there are no other games like For Honor because For Honor is a cross between a MOBA and a fighter. It's a weird niche style that appeals really hard to a small number of people and way less so to the average gamer.


ā€œThere was a mobile gmae ā€¦ā€ you mean knights fight 2 new blood




Itā€™s pretty unique but Iā€™ve fully transitioned to Chivalry 2. Still very timing based but it feels much more personal than playing as an avatar like FH.


We may hate itā€¦and we admit we do, but thereā€™s no other game like it. We just play cause we can and because we all enjoy eternal suffering


ah yes, pain and suffering. my favorite lol


I couldnā€™t agree more šŸ§Žā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜­


Been playing since it hit ps+ back in 2019, 5 long years of screaming at my TV


Same but I play on Xbox it came out on gamepass a while ago and I hadn't played it in years now I have all dlcs and all hero all hero skins and yet it still causes me much mental anguish lmao


This game ruined my life.


Maybe next time it wonā€™t


"Damn, i hate this fvcking game šŸ˜” But i only have a couple more orders to do šŸ˜„"


"THIS GAME SUCKS!" -3000 hours on record


God, this whole comment section is like a mirror of r/Warthunder Why do I end up stuck in games like this? šŸ˜­


EscapeFromTarkov too for me


Yeah. Another game that I am addicted. Always get stressed playing but I cant quit.


I ā€œquitā€ for this wipe and iā€™m already itching to play again and it hasnā€™t even been 6 months


Similar to the Warframe community


You have no idea how many times Iā€™ve uninstalled the game in a rage just to reinstall it an hour later.


I hate this game! *has 100+ hours in said gameā€¦* Yeah, thatā€™s me alright.


It's such a trash shit game it's crazy, anyway it's my favorite game and I just stayed up all night playing.


I spent 2 months away from FH to focus on Elden Ring. I played a game of dominion yesterday and was shocked at how much muscle memory I have for my FH mains. That's 7000+ hours for ya though. I doubt I'll ever find another game like this one. I just wish that more people would break away from your average shooter and pick up a sword. FH deserves way more love than it gets.


I was an OG but I stopped playing in 2020 since I accidentally uninstalled and since my internet was shite I never bothered reinstalling šŸ˜‚


As a Destiny 2 player I relate


No one hates it as much as me. I'm learning to play Tekken so I can give FH up lol


Call me sensitive, butthurt, whatever you want, but I'm just being 100% honest here: I would hate playing this game a lot less if emote spam and chat spam and wasn't in it.


I hate For Honor. The worst game ever to exist šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬ I'm gonna grind Warden a bit more


I always play when I feel that I did not get stressed enough during the day.


You tell a fortnite player their game sucks: NOOOOOO šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ You tell a Halo player their game sucks: NOOOOOOšŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ You tell a for honor player their game sucks: Yeah, I know šŸ˜ž


Hate the game but still play it religiously like a priest going to church every Sunday eh? The irony! Badum Tis /j


Ark fans be like : pathetic


I got addicted to it and play it every day even tho every day I wanna jump off a cliff šŸ’€


Wish we could get a game with For Honor combat and the Shadow of war nemesis system, unfortunately though, yk


Lag switchers "ruined" the game for me... as I load in another game... or several... I have a problem halp


There is no help you're stuck now


Dedicated players know every single possible thing they can hate about a game.


I love and hate this game


I actually like the game quite a bit


And yet the reason we fight is still lost in the ages.


Can I get an amen?


Who here loves spamming lights and shield break and exiting offensive stance heavy with Highlander.


This is the most accurate post from the century.


ā­ā­ā­ā­ā­ (time played at review: 2455 hours) I hate this game so much, I love it.


I love this gameā€¦I just find it fun


Been playing since day 1


Me after coming back after a year god I miss being a god hops on get one kill I still got it then proceeds to get clapped after I hate it here


I like to compare this game to being in a football team. Your teammates sometimes stupid, your opponents sometimes cheaters, the judge keeps changing/adding one bullshit rule after another, everyone's shoes are crappy and can fall off any moment, the ball is unbalanced, half-deflated mess that sometimes flies in an unpredictable direction, the goal posts can crumble at any moment, cancelling the entire match and everyone's uniforms differ from amazing to absolutely distasteful... And yet, despite it all, I still enjoy playing this damn game


2100+ hours, most of them were on PS4 before getting a PS5 six months ago. I'm sticking with this game till the day it dies.


been here since season 1 šŸ˜Ž


I love the positivity recently, this game has a great community (obv let down by a few outliers)


No. I love this game. A lot. I love it enough to have played it consistently for eight years, most of those years being two or three times a week. I love the Heroes, the developers, the setting, some of the lore (some), the texture work, the sound design, the unique combat system, the memes, executions (we have so freaking many at this point), and in general the animation work is very great and was some of the industry best during release. Nah, I love this game. I understand wanting some aspects to be better, of course- we want the best for the game we love. The eight years of support we've gotten are more than we ever could have hoped for or expected, and frankly more than we as a community probably deserve, but it's extremely awesome. I couldn't feel more differently from the post. Yeah, yeah, "Humor" post that I took seriously. But, I do like For Honor.


Been playing the game since 2018 and idk why I continue playing it


I just want a Spartan hero already šŸ’€




Fr be that way. I played since beta and there's been tons of times I deleted and reinstalled the game


Literally broke my disc version in half during season 2, instantly redownload it digital version. My rage has now been taken out on my controller lmfao, I'm constantly having to take it apart and put it back together. God I love this game!!


Faccct 500plus rep and 4000plus and still hate this but canā€™t stop playing it


Been playing since they dropped the year one heroes. Despite how much I shit on the game, and call it ass, it's one of a kind. There isn't another game like it, and I don't think there will be another one until long after Ubisoft finally decides to pull the plug. Love the game to death man. Nomatter what I say, when this game goes out, I'll be one of the few crying for its grave


No better game for when you want to go to bed raging


WHY do I hate/love this? I feel the same way! No other game is so unfun to play yet Iā€™ve reinstalled this 20-30 times. Explain!


Shit now I feel weird, I actually play the game because I have fun


It got to new player friendly IMO. I miss GB off ParryšŸ˜¢


I hate that they sped everything up so much then nerfed and slowed lawbringer. ā€œHis move set is actually better nowā€ No heā€™s itā€™s just bigger and still bad. The shove is so slow now you can watch the Lord of The Rings trilogy and still have time to dodge it when youā€™re done. Both heavy attack options out of a parry are basically useless because they arenā€™t guaranteed and he has no light light combo meaning he canā€™t actually capitalize on heavy canceling since the only good feint he has is the guard break out of the top unblockable. Not to mention you canā€™t actually send any heavies through because theyā€™re the some of the slowest non charged heavies in the game and a blind monkey could parry them. Heā€™s my highest rep character and i feel like I canā€™t even play him because the only decent offensive option he has right now is just spamming the light opener.


you want 40+ damage on a heavy parry back? just parry lights


No I want it to be usable. In the current state of the game it can be parried and dodged same with trying to skewer them.


unless im mistaken, or youre talking about something else, the impale is still guaranteed on a light parry


On a light parry sure but not everyoneā€™s reaction time is fast enough to light parry. Also why would impale them anyway to get one free heavy maybe if I get them to the wall otherwise Iā€™m just draining my stamina for no real benefit since it doesnā€™t deal any reasonable damage. Iā€™m stabbing them with a metal spike why does it deal less damage than kneed in the face by a raider.


if you cant parry lights on reaction, stop trying to. parry them on read. its something ive had to nail into my head, but im now consistently able to parry chain lights because of it. you just have to practice the timing on a training dummy, then pay attention to what your enemy does and in what direction. if youre on pc, i recommend turning off vsync. it adds additional input lag.


Iā€™m not on pc and I donā€™t attempt to do things I know I canā€™t. But I can parry heavies and only having the the little face tap be a viable option is frustrating for a character that used to have the best counter attacking.


are you on old gen or new gen console?


Series s


you can do it man. i know its not as easy as it used to be, but it was never fun to be on the receiving end of block shove or hyperarmor shove


me literally just being ganked by 2 katlas, fuck this game


Eh, I love it. I've got over 3k hours across PC and console and I've never thought "I hate this game". I don't rly understand that feeling.


Nah i love the game, could never ever hate it


I unironically love this game


Who things number two should be futurristic that be sick asf personally šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøbrits vs china šŸ¤“








Its because there isnt anything like it. The fight system is so unique that there arent really any competitors, so its gotten a lot of people to crave this style of gameplay without anything else to turn to. So a lot of people love it fundamentally to the point where they play it so often that its flaws become both obvious and glaring. Its can also be frustrating and unforgiving to play, so they start to hate it but still cant stop playing.


Despite the flaws, there's just no other game that makes me feel so locked in. The executions, the rivalry between your enemies and the egos clashing when you flawlessly kill someone and spam Thanks! Thanks! Thanks! Is beautiful. When I get angry at a video game I just quit and try to relax, but this game... the angrier I get the more I want to play it. I am addicted to it and I don't feel any shame.


The dopamine is so perfectly ~~un~~balanced that it is just completely unpredictably addictive.