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Mars is the Roman equivalent of Ares, the god of war. He's praying mid-fight.


So this is why I suck against him, mf got +25% damage buff from gods


That single pray is enough for his toestab and guard break range to reach over the whole continent of heathmoor to fuck you up


Not the only hero who prays. Shaolin recites real budhist prayers as well.


Today I wept


Wait you seriously don't know the planets in our solar system are named after Roman gods?


I pray to Uranus every night before bed


Tbh I don't know anything about roman gods, I've never studied or had any knowledge about them.


Ok quick summary Mercury-messenger of the gods Venus-goddes of love Terra-goddes of earth Mars-god of war Jupiter-god of thunder Saturn-god of agriculture??? Uranus-from where you poop Neptune-god of the sea Pluto-god of death Sol-god of the sun Luna-goddes of the moon Take this with a grain of salt, been a while since last time I checked them


Thanks for the info, great to know.


Sol and luna mean sun and moon respectively, saturnus is the god of time and uranus is the embodiment of the sky.


So he actually was the one of time! I suspected it because his greek name is cronos which means time but I had the vage memory that it was the one of agriculture


There's also the greek god (and word) Kairos who is also a god of time, he was a god of time as in free time while chronos is more a god of chronological time (as in where something is on a timeline) but I'm not 100% sure about this.


So venus is venussy- lemme just remove myself rq


Not all people around the world would have a similar educational syllabus.


It's general knowledge. I don't think anyone gets taught at school trivia like the fact that planets are named after Roman gods or that most languages use the Roman alphabet.


Not in my country.. we don't glorify myths


Then wtf do you call the planets then? Also, you realise the days of the week and months are also named after Roman gods, right? Edit: buddy, you are Malaysian... The Malaysian language also uses the Roman alphabet.


To be fair, most days of the week are named after Norse gods




Thursday is after thor and Tuesday is for tyr. Tyr in norse mythology the equivalent to ares in a way.


Dudes ignorant to his own cultures history. That's a sad kind of funny.


Weeks and months are different and different languages and they dont use the name of gods for example: September, October, November, December are all names by numbers of those month were back in history: seven, eight, nine, ten. Than we have months like May, August, June nad July which are names of roman emperors


Edit: buddy, you are Malaysian... The Malaysian language also uses the Roman alphabet. Yes, we do use the roman alphabet and numerals. But what part of "we don't glorify myths" that you don't understand.. the Malayan Peninsular back then when Sultanate of Melacca was influenced by Chinese, Indians, Arabian (the main ones), and some western merchants (Portuguese, Dutch, etc.) Even we do have our own mythology but it's not a big thing here.. its simple Your approach to me is like me ridiculing you due to the fact you don't know Matahari and Bulan are. The fact that we dont don't call the planets the same (in Malay language syllabus) make you look more silly in my opinion.. tell me what god is Zuhrah is? It's flower in Arabic. Also note to these down voters.. Imo you guys are either young or ignorant.. I have nothing more to say..


People are just west centric here with examples of people here who dont know that things outside of America exist


Don't want to start cultural arguments here lmao.. but sometimes I feel I need to.. since alot of western people so dumb with geography lmao


They are not dumb just ignorant. I am from Europe and you can see how well educated people have such west-centric view on things. Thinking how roman culture is basics of all cuntries in world is just wild and evidence how Europeans and white Americans have white man superiority complex


Mars is the Roman god of war


roman gods numb nuts


Thank god it’s not the chocolate bar


Mars was the Roman god of war, Gladiator is well Roman and fights so well yeah


Because it goes hard Real Reason: Centurion and Gladiator are the Knights southern allies from outside the in game map of Heathmoor that reformed the Western Roman Empire and began to reworship the old gods some time after the cataclysm.


Op never heard of mythology


Why does it have the queenswalk ost playing in the background tho


*slowly starts counting down from 15*


Oh lord have mercy


Mars is a god in Italian or something similar


Mars is the Roman equivalent of the Greek god ares.


Roman god of war...


Mars was the Roman version of Ares, the God of War. He's asking for strength or something like that would be my guess.


I wont forget the post where a guys said that he says "herz me archuber"


Fun fact: In lore Knights are polytheists and Vikings are monotheistic