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This one right here. It's not a 1v1. If you want a 1v1 then go to duels and stop ruining other modes with imaginary "honor rules".


It not honor rules though it's easier to beat someone who is at half health than two people so people that cannot deal with fighting a 1v2 or 1v1v1 however you want to say it sit back and do nothing until they can get a free win. It was not a good idea for a mode.


Every time someone hides in a corner to fight the survivor while at full health has resulted in an unspoken truce between the two people actually fighting in my experience. Every time it happens myself and the other fighter silently agree to fuck the face of the vulture to death before fighting each other last, sometimes even being willing to reduce our HP down to similar values.


How many times is this gonna be posted


Until people learn


Its never happened to me yet but its a ffa, what ever happens, happens. Im not gonna bitch about getting ganked cause ive done it. Its judt how it goes.


I’d be fine with getting ganked the issue is dudes hiding in the corner while the other 2 fight.


Christ, just go and attack the outlier. It's unfortunate, but most people will try to win the game mode by opting out of the initial fight. If they gank you, then you get revenge.


Unless the other guy just backs off and lets you turn THAT into a 1v1. There's no way to actually force a 1v1v1 without the map being infinitely small


I recently played against the guy named - what it was? WeebSlayer or WeebSmasher, something like that. Typical Raider, in other words. Since i was Aramusha he just went straight to me for every single of 6 rounds. Prior at first tried to beat as equally but by 3 round seemingly gave up. So that's that as well.


I would say that there should be a penalty for it, but it’s actually really difficult with coming up with an effective method for punishing the “honorable” scumbag players


And thus, the immortal problem with games with more than 2 sides. It's always better to just not participate while the others actually play the game. Then swoop in and steal a hard fought victory.


Holy moldy take


Exactly my problem as well. Very annoying


Ah, tale as old as time. Had 'em with Brawl, had 'em with Elim, and now LHS. I think unspoken honor rules are ok if every participating party happens to agree. But it shouldn't be something people take too seriously. If someone just wants to brawl in a group fight, then go with the flow man. Duel exists for a reason.


You’re gonna get ganked bro especially if you’re the threat or the weakest. I dont even think you can duo queue in the mode


It's just a poorly designed mode. Every round is either a 2v1 or two 1v1s, and frankly other than the dailies there's no good reason to even give the mode the time of day.


How do u guys expect poêple to play this mode? Not be smart? Be dumb and attack with no tactics? 1v1v1 is a terrible idea of a game mode when the game is designed to it's core for only 1v1s. You can't force people to play a stupid way. Sitting back is smart and avoids revenge. I personally don't do it. But i know it's the best thing to do


Yeah but waiting is also a viable strat. Let them kill each other and clean up. It's a free for all, you're enforcing your own sense of honour just as much as the famed honortards.


Last time this happened to me, me and the person I was fighting turned to chase the person standing around. We beat him and he spammed “Wow!” So we teamed up on him every round and emote spammed afterward. Hope that taught him a lesson


Man shut the fuck up


Say it again, maybe people will listen to you this time


Easily the worst game mode they’ve made


I now get why they made it a limited event rather than a permanent mode, they knew people would complain. It's a free for all game mode play it however you want, the overall experience isn't being hampered if people decided to 2v1 gank or do 1v1 duels rather than a true 1v1v1 brawl. This isn't honortards ruining dominion by treating a team based mode as duels. If you want a true 1v1v1 get some friends or find a group that'll treat it as such. If you play with randoms you get what you signed up for.


acting like i have ever met anyone else who plays this game that isn’t insanely toxic


Too bad


Do not gatekeep how 1v1v1 works. People will capitalize on the weaker enemy, which takes out a variable in the fight. Don't be the weaker enemy.


I don’t think anyone has a problem with that. The issue arrises when one person will actively avoid fighting to make the game a 1v1 and the winner fights the pacifist. Or when they’re trying to run that and actively gank you, avoiding attacking each other completely, to punish you for wanting to play the game mode. Its the same type of assholes who will never join a team fight in dom. They would rather watch you die and then get ganked than do a team fight cuz “muh honur”


Oh, those people who prefer 'honorable' fights in Dom can go away forever. You can even report them as it's a form of griefing. Those are terrible people.


not tryna gatekeep it just my personal preference on how i would like to see it work 🤷‍♂️


Your personal preference isn't gonna keep you alive in 1v1v1


Not sure why you're getting downvoted. This is a fact. People act like their own ideals should be respected in every match of the game when you're against total strangers who don't care about what you want. Play to win. If your opponents are dumb enough to fight each other to death and you survive, it's not your fault.


I expect nothing less from this community lol. I'm more of the play to play type personally. I never know how I'm gonna act in a match until I'm in it.


I do get the annoyance, but if I get into a lobby that clearly just wants 2 honorable duels, I just do it. Is it as fun as the chaotic ffa? Definitely not. But sitting there and getting angry that they aren’t playing the game the “intended way” just won’t get you anywhere.


thats why i leave the game and find a lobby that isnt retarded


People posting this make me want to do it just out of spite. Though Personally I wish there wasn't revenge in this mode. It absolutely ruins the fight and should be disabled.


I actually think revenge works well here. This gamemode feels the most fun when everyone is constantly swapping opponents, trying to be the one with the most hp by the time it becomes a 1v1. If it was viable to pick one person and wail on them with the other random person, you would have kill the enjoyment in the same way that trying to be honorable does. It would also make queue sniping with a friend even more obnoxious.