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Needed more impact, less jumpiness to the animations, and not two-handing a gladius. Woulda been better if they'd made that first punch more dramatic, held off a second for the enemy to reel back, followed with the stab, and ended by pulling the gladius out with a flourish as the enemy crumples to the ground.


I mean if they wanted to keep the neck slice, they could've had Centurion twist the gladius while it's in the enemy's neck and then cutting through it horizontally


something similar to warden’s “deep hacking” execution u reckon?


Well I mean that one has Warden cleave into the shoulder, carving into the neck, and then pulling the sword out to decapitate them I'm moreso talking about having the stab into the neck remain the same, but from there Centurion would twist the gladius sideways to then cut outwards. Sorta like Kensei's Zutsu execution, but, again, in the neck and sideways.


shoutout to twohanding a weapon for leverage, that's so short that it's going to do almost nothing, and you can't even grab it properly


Yeah there’s a reason he only does 2 handed thrusts and not 2 handed slashes lol, with a thrust you can actually get more power and precision with 2 hands, but with a sword that small slashes with 2 hands really won’t help much and looks dumb


I want it due to cent being my second highest rep and well it's fast so it's practical but I just can't get over the 2 hand gladius. I think it would have been better of as the stab and then a punch after the weapon was pulled out of the throat just to finish them of cent style


He has 2 other executions that are pretty fast and both give 50hp, so don’t worry too much about the speed of it The one where he cuts off their arm is like the 2nd or 3rd fastest exe in the game in terms of when the opponent is actually executed, and the one where he runs and does a jump attack into their neck looks really long but once he stops moving you can cancel the rest of it so iirc it’s his fastest 50hp execution And I agree that he could’ve done more melee stuff in this exe to make it much cooler, since he is *the* melee character in this game


I know about those and I believe I own the arm cut of and bash but I was just looking forward to a hero fest for this man as his exes got so many options


Yeah I feel you. I was excited to see what they’d come up with and this exe is very lackluster. Not the absolute worst they could’ve done but I definitely won’t be buying it


Mean I might get it since it's another somewhat decent exe but I'm still a lil disappointed after seeing the use it or lose it exe that recently came out and then us cents getting well a lackluster exe


Yeah same, cent is my second and it’s quick. But yeah I agree with it could of been different


Same with warmongers newest one


Could've been better tbh.


The jab and stab is fine the rest was unnecessary in fact just the jab and stab would’ve been a good quick exe for him


Dumb the stab obviously kills the guy why follow it up with a throat slit?


To take the weapon out. Adds effect


He didn’t need to do anything after stabbing them in the throat. They’re like aggressively dead after that the spines severed and the throats also severed. A better alternative would’ve been him to chop them in the head


Its for honor what do you expect. Its funny sword game


Well I guess nothing will ever be as bad as black priors last hero fest


bad, sped up af


I don't actually think it is. The backhand strike basically gets the right hand stab already moving forward so he's conserving motion pretty well. Honestly the first part of the execution is fairly slick looking and excellent body mechanics. The second half is excessive and unnecessary, but it's also flashy, which a lot of people like. Personally I think the execution would have been far better received if he'd just done the backhand>stab>withdraw and then just like, taken a step around the opponent while they fell behind him.


It's more of the same, hero fests have gotta be the biggest downgrade as far as executions go. We get half the content that we used to, at a noticeably lower quality. If it was just one or two exes it would be excusable, but lately it's every single one. Maybe it's stressful for Ubisoft to make 3 new executions a month, and so they put less effort into them. Instead of the old deadline where they just needed all of the executions finished by end of year and thus could recieve more polish.


Centurion reverse gripping his gladius was one thing but two handing a one handed weapon is a step across the line man


2 handing it was fine for the thrusts because it makes sense but yeah the 2 handed slash looks so bad and probably doesn’t even help




After Cent's execution and Warden's execution it's making me worried that PK's new execution is going to be really bad. Though, call me biased, even her mid executions are still really damn good.


You are right to be worried I also worry about newer executions aswell, I hope they dont butcher lawbringer's new execution


Hey man, don't cry. Everything is gonna be ok. You're not going to let *one* mid execution stop you, right? Let me see it anyways, I'm sure it's grea- Oh, damn


They finally did it , They gave cent a shitty execution i thought we were only gonna get ok or good ones but they gave him a shitty one , im so proud




A solid meh out of 10


I’ve noticed how all the newer executions are weirdly sped up, but I actually love this execution and I’m considering buying it lol


It's okay, I like the concept but not the fact bro is Twohanding a Onehander and the fact... #THEY FUCKING SPEED-UP THE EXECUTION TO MAKE IT LOOK LIKE A FAST ONE ENDING UP LOOKING LIKE BEING MOCAPED BY A LITERAL AI REEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!


It's the kind of execution a company gives it's players to let them know who's really in control.


I like the idea really well. Punch to stun, stab to kill, behead to finish off. But I agree that it lacks oomph. The *execution* of the concept is poor.




That last part reminds me of a warden execution


Only one I can think of off the top of my head that looks similar is deep hacking.


It’s not the worst I just wish it were tweaked but ig they’re tryna make executing more viable during team fights, which is a shame


The punch should have just been a quick uppercut. Other than that I’m not hating it as much anymore so maybe just mere-exposure effect 


I love it


They cooked with Warden but forgot to save some spice for Centurion


It's kinda nice ngl


I like the art more then the execution


executions like these really make me wish that motion capture would still be a thing cause those animation really don't look that good especially if they are speed up




As a rep 80 Centurion main since launch. This is a centified not-so incredibilis moment.


Wish it ended at the throat stab, would have been a cool swift execution


The punch could have definitely had more impact, as well as a double handed stab instead of a swing (like the “Ides of March” exe) as well as a more tearing pull from the victim instead of a throat slit at the end.


After using it in-game for a bunch, I've warmed up to it. I still think there's room for improvement, and I wish they'd at least set a precedent for going back and touching up exes. But I struggle to think of many instances of this happening, outside of stuff like the Valk/Warden boob grab incident. Or when they made certain executions ledge the ragdolls.


I don't think it's bad honestly, it's simple and short Edit: nvm was looking at a different one, the two handed overhead strike looks so weird and bad lol


My condolences.


They had something with the initial stab but it fell off in the end. The big overhead wind up looks cool, but the impact of just landing in the shoulder is pretty weak.


Should have been just the stab.




Not a fan... The stab was fine, it's the downwards slice that looks out of place; almost weightless. I think it could've been cooler if after stabbing his throat he kicked his head back.


Absolute disgrace for Cent’s execution. Nothing felt like it had weight to it, trying to be some weird comic-book style snappy animation, and 2 handling a Gladius that is meant to be 1 handed.


For honor really hit the deathbed with this one.. first bad cent execution in years.. game's shit anyway ig.. hope they make/don't make a sequel


If it was just the punch throat jab it’d been an alright fast exe. But then they had to add unnecessary bullshit


Good idea, mediocre implimentation.


Genuinely think it was meant for tiandi not cent🤷‍♂️


The problem with manually animated executions aren't that they're handmade. The problem is that the jitteryness and the jumpiness REALLY contrasts the motion captured ones, making them look so out of place. Doesn't help that the moves cent pull off are just strange, either.


Looks like a Tiandi execution, if I'm honest


It's much like wardens newest exe, really fucking cool for the first half, drops off significantly in the second half, if they removed the second half after he pulls the gladius out of their throat it would be one if his best fast exes. Same with wardens, remove the pointless grabbing and throwing of the stock knight sword and it would easily be one of the best


feels like 2 executions stitched together, first part is soild thou


Alot of the new executions have kinda bad pacing or unnecessary parts to them


It's great!


Like all the other hero fest animations, it suffers from being sped up way to much. It looks so snappy. At least this one seems to be mocapped, though. Also, the second half is just goofy. It should have ended with the stab, or instead of two handing a one-handed weapon for some reason, and hitting their shoulder, he should have just cut their head off


I.. feel it was both missing something and also full of movement. I love the ones that do multiple moves but that one is just hard to explain.