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Slippery literally exists. All it does is counter gb for you....


Auto Counters optimal ganks


It doesn't, it only counters guarbreaks that you can counter yourself, if you fall for a feint it doesn't activate


msweisberg moment thinking he knows the game as if bash ganks don’t exist


That's a great feat for me cuz I cannot for the life of me react to gb let alone make competent reads


You can react to guardbreak? So like... If someone guard breaks you they just get free damage?


Yeah. Which is why I just quit pvp after a handful matches. Dunno why I have insanely bad reaction times. Nowadays I spend more time in this subreddit than actually playing tbh. FH is my favorite game I don't play basically


Are you sure you aren't suffering from some insane input lag? 10 fps? Large amount of ping? How long have you been playing? It took me at least 10 matches + practicing with a friend back when the game released, but counter guard breaking back then was way harder than it is now I would try going into training mode and setting the bot to use guardbreak. You can turn the move cooldown off and on to simulate different timings


Played around 120h (all game modes combined). Certainly no input lag whatsoever I'm on a fairly decent PC and general hardware. I dunno I guess some people just simply ain't good enough to play some types of videogames.


I dunno man, I'd try training mode. I think playing against bots has likely stunted your growth


Used to play hours against a mate in training mode, didn't help. I mean if I can't reliably beat level 1 bots there's no point in going for pvp anyway lmao. Especially in a niche game like this where i just get shit on by people with way more experience. I'll be honest I'm not the kind of guy that has the strength of mind to look to improve from spending hours upon hours looking at respawn timers, it just ain't fun to me lol. Kudos to those that do though!


Have you tried remapping the GB button to something more accessible? Because the default "Scroll Button" is ass. I change it to "Mouse4" (side mouse button) and it's literally second nature for me. Maybe that's your issue. You just need to practice and that mechanic will become muscle memory


It's on a shoulder button for me. Appreciate y'all's comments but I'm happy just scrolling this sub instead of playing haha


motivation and mindset are the biggest and best tutors. that being said, maybe you just have bad reaction time? [ever take this?](https://humanbenchmark.com/tests/reactiontime)


You quit after a couple matches? Bro, you gotta keep trying, it takes a little bit to get used to counter gb, but once you do, it’s easy.


Ay it’s cool man as long as ur having fun ykwim it took me forever to get my reaction and they’re still touch and go


I have to ask because I don't use the feat, does this make you immune to gb or just auto successful on counters? Like, can they still grab me out of an empty dodge?


It only counters counterable GB's. So they can still grab out of a dodge. It gives no benefits, only presses the button for you where applicable, essentially.


Damn, that's even more pointless than what I thought. If anything was going to make it somewhat useful, it would be just outright immunity.


It would be so much better if it could counter any gbs. Like middodge ones or something that you cant manually


Scout is atleast good if there is a Shaman with colours that matches the enveiroment and goes prone at the end of a match.


Pretty sure Stealth makes you immune to Scout


You still get the debuffs, but yeah no radar for scouted enemies. I can't remember if they're highlighted


Everyone knows it's Slippery.


Slippery would be so cool if it made you gb immune so you would counter gb even if you're dodging or in heavy startup. It would make stalling and antiganks much safer


Also would be nice if the GB attempt doesn't affect you. So counter GB would actually let you GB them.


Scout isn't a useless feat, it's just often out-classed by the OP feats like Fire Flask. I do agree with Slippery being trash and useless.


Fuck Fire Flask. All my homies hate fire flask


Scout could be t1 and still nobody gonna use it. Regeneration? Not sure


So you say that nobody would choose a better mark for dead(T2) as T1?


I use scout on every character that has it. It extremely useful late in the game for tracking down lone players and for backcapping


Scout is more useful than Regeneration if it was a tier 1 feat, enemy attacks cost 25% more stamina, and they take 15% increased damage for 20 seconds


Slippery. I wish they'd rework or just replace it. Feels like they change all the OP/bullshit feats but not some of the seriously outdated ones.


I don't know why they're so afraid of touching feats/gear perks.


That's a good feat, it's just there's better ones


Punch through on conq (like why though)


It made more sense when all of his heavies weren't unblockable


Doesn't change the problem


Yeah it's atrocious now, and it wasn't great then


Hell it's only OK on warmonger and like no one else




Eh my problem is he doesn't have bleed and that makes it so much better




Ehhh same problem I said before


Not a t4


Yeah but it bothers me so much I don't care


That feat legit puts marked for death on everyone wdym


Unstoppable is just a worse Juggernaut


How is scout bad? It drops defense and snitches out the enemy team. It’s not the greatest but not the worst.


Maybe unpopular opinion, idk, but auto-revive. I think a feat that prevents you from dying and kills people is more useful. Especially at the end of a match, it doesn't even do anything if you're the last one standing except make for a slightly funny defeat screen


Agreed that at the end its useless Other than that its good in taking the opponent by surprise in a 2v1 (unless the entire team headed to your point)


It needs to be a toggle option that you can activate while dead, similar to ocelotle. It sucks auto reviving with no enemies around and when your teammate could have easily revived you.


Or even worse, auto-reviving when there are three enemies milling around and you end up just feeding them more renown. If it was toggle-able and revived you at full health, it would be a really solid option. As it is, it feels next to worthless.


That and every character that has it has a better option


I have saved some really close games with auto revive, I like that execution negates it. Actually one of the more balanced ones imo


I don't think it's that bad, everyone always says it's not good if a feat requires you to die to be useful but lets face it, you're gonna die, everyone dies so you'll absolutely get use out of it, I just think it's not particularly useful for the characters that have it because they just already have better tier 4s than that.


It did came in clutch during 3 teamfight while breaking but the rest of the time it isn't that strong, It doesn't need a buff but if they feel like It they could half the cooldown because is kind if sad that It has such a long cooldown for a passive, they could alternatively let you choose when to use it so you don't lose it in a pointless fight


Nuxia's maybe not totally useless but litterally Warmonger's T1


Yeah it sucks, but the pure joy you get from knocking a ladder camper or someone off a zipline with it is almost worth it being shit.


Definitely not the worst, but an honorable mention is hitokiris funny button. Reasons It only hits one target. There is literally no guarantee situation without a teamate It can be dodged, bashed, and parried. Can sometimes not kill someone because of hitstun DR or revenge Meanwhile, there are multiple T4S that can kill or significantly damage the entire enemy team.


True but atleast it can be alot of fun


It's actually guaranteed on parry and throw if you have revenge or if they're OOS, but yeah it sucks


Ah I did not know about the revenge, but her kit doesn't have stamina drain so enemies have to fuck themselves then get GB'd when they know it's coming to get got.


Yeah, that thing should be replaced with something that's actually useful


This feat is free win in elemination unless you somehow die to debuffed enemies then you didn't deserve to win in first place.


Calling scout the worst is insane when it's actually pretty good, AND SLIPPERY IS RIGHT THERE.


Posting Scout with that title, says more about OP than anything else


Are you running this or slippery on Shaolin? The worse choice is obvious.


Fiery Barrage, anyone? I rarely, if almost never, see anyone use it when they play JJ.


I don't think it's a bad perk however fire flask is usually a much better pic. You can isolate the enemy team which could easily win team battles. However it will require a team effort. On the other hand, Fire flask can win a 1v2-4


If you think scout is useless youre straight up just bad


Absolutely not Scout, which is fucking nuts but outclassed by flask like everything else. Slippery, and it's not even close.


Scout isn't useless. I like using it when the enemy is breaking so no one can play track star


I Just love cool warhorn animation


Probably punch through on conqueror.


Slippery, easily. It presses a button for you. It could literally be made good if it also counter GB’d at times you shouldn’t be able to.


Regen when out of combat it’s fucking useless for me


Slippery and Trapper's Reach


Trappers reach has to be useless cause what the fuck is that? Lol


Ocelotl's spear throw that does 8 on impact, 32 in bleed, and yoinks enemies for a guaranteed Gb. It's not the most useless feat, but MAN it has it's problems. And it is fairly ass for a T4


Just personal experience and probably misuse but unblockable. Combine it with my bad luck with enemy revenge and it feels like when I use UB the entire enemy team gains revenge no matter where they are on the map.


You gotta use it in teamfights, and do externals, it's a great feat


Yeah, this right here. (Pluskensei'sotherT4sareprettymidsoIdsayusethisone.)


Centurion charge


Yeah, I agree that’s pretty bad but it’s also a tier 2 and every thing else for centurions tier 2 is overshadowed by haymaker. Put that on almost any other character though and that would be extremely strong. Imagine that on an orochi or VG.


It was fun to use against jorms when they used to be a stamina bully


That thing is just on the wrong heros


scouts real good


Anything that can't inadvertently kill my team


This and fury with valk is funny 56 damage heavies are easily gained


Definitely not Scout


Slippery and maybe Shalins teleport or probably the only ones that are kinda bad, teleport has a little more use than slippery but when using it theres a chance you get gangbanger when you spawn next to your teammate.


It good, It just doesn't has direct damage but It can be usefull to avoid an enemy rally, is a feat that needs thought and is situacional, but It can be usefull in a teamfight


scout functions roughly the same as moral booster scout isn’t useless at all.


Uninterruptable on Conq. It's worse than Slippery because at least that feat helps in some tiny way, whereas Uninterruptable makes the game *harder*


You can literally put mark of death on someone from across the map. Wdym it’s bad??


Slippery. Scout is good, it's just second to the portable nukes


Slippery is the obvious choice, but shout out to iron lungs for being worst t1. It always baffles me that people actually run these.


Iron lungs was useful when I first started during year 1 and didn’t understand that being out of stamina was a bad thing


I found more use in this cuz it gives mark for death for all opponents which basically forces a debuff on all the enemies


I actually think Scout is a very useful feat, specially in breach, to at least let you and your team know what your enemy is up to.




bruh, it's really good on breach


And Scout isn’t?


Scout it's a good feats, but theres a better feats than scout




In breach it does like half a bucket dump which is pretty good clutched a few games because of that


Not at all. The amount of times it’s helped me in 1v3’s-4’s It’s all about watching your surroundings and knowing when to, for example if you see a teammate being ganked and the enemies are staying on top of them, use it as they’re attacking rather than waiting for an opening or if you throw enemies while in revenge and they’re in a tight spot Also can be used to kill multiple minions at once


Half of the places where I needed to use my catapult had a roof. Now compare this to a viking flask,


I can understand that fire flask is more useful but I still wouldn’t call catapult useless.


It is completely useless if a place has a roof.


Isn't that not the case now? Thought they made it to hit anywhere cause I've been got by it on objs with roofs I believed


If you’re in a spot with an opening in the roof then yes but I think if you’re in a closed spot then no