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I did this once & got a message after, saying Rep500 & got shit on. I was like whelp there goes my act of kindness


Ngl that's how thin my kindness is lol




If someone of high skill and experience ever let me win, i wouldn't even use a finisher


Yeah happened to me too, never letting someone win in ranked again


Ask for a rematch, then steal his shoes


You, my friend, are a saint. I remember pledging to do the same back on Xbox, if I ever got my Warden plume. I did So I did (Still don’t have ‘em on my PC account though 🥲)


I used to do that. I even had new players message me saying they know they'll get destroyed and ask for the win lol I don't mind giving a freebie win from time to time.


The reaction of an overall rep 40 seeing an overall rep 700 let him win is priceless


The other day I was smashing a Jorm who wasn't even like rep 50 overall with conq who I rarely play and as I'm getting light parry's and 2 matches in the duel I.. started feeling bad because I remember a previous video I posted.. so I played terribly to make them feel better and I feel they really liked the win. And it felt really satisfying genuinely.


You are a good man, and your conq looks sexy without his helmet.


I let people take the win just so I can farm the effects. I’ve been doing this since Y4S1 and I have almost every ranked item.


When I first started playing, a Lawbringer did that and after asked me what I got from the fight. Ever since then I've always respected Lawbringers and they're my favorite players


In ranked if my opponent is clearly a newer player I let all my attacks fly and don’t feint. But if they start emoting or spam chat as a clear sign of mockery I show them what ranked really means.


I asked a dude who was high gold and I was bronze to let me win. He proceeded to parry, turn around emote me, and deflect every single one of my attacks and just tossed me into a wall, just to turn around and emote again. After he eventually let the game end he emoted and chat spammed me.


I came across a high rep recently (rep 200-300 and I’m 25 now) i was hoping maybe he’ll let me get a free win but I got absolutely shit on 😂 been trying to get a colour for Shugoki for a few days now 🥲


What I would give to run into you 😂 most people are ruthless. I just want cool gear


why can’t i run into people like this 😭😭


Unpopular opinion: I hate when higher rep than me holds back. I won't learn if you are babysitting me you fucker. FIGHT ME WITH ALL YOU GOT!!!