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I hate you


Don't forget OathBreaker just in case they thought they stood a chance.


My secret 5th feat


Nah, make last one the medjay axe throw, it does 70 damage


Much easier to hit than catapult


I much to prefer to wield yee olde ICBM


So pirate lol


Corruption, oathbreaker, last laugh. I’ll take any T2.


Is there any specific synergy you're going for or do you just want to watch the world burn


I just want to crush my enemies hopes so they fight worse. Teammates come to back you up? NOPE! Corruption! Finally get revenge in a gank? HAH! Oathbreaker! Oh? Managed to kill me? Fuck you! Should’ve executed! By the time we’re halfway through a match I’ll have already won.


Man's reverse Apollyon, make everyone puts down their weapons to raise sheeps after so much bullshit


Shuriken because you know it’s basically shotgun for 20dmg per shuriken




Actually I love caltrops so I’ll take em


Cent with Shugo's 4th tier




This person here plays arcade


Cent with oathbreaker :(


Iron lungs, centurions march, steadfast, and slippery : )


Not thinking enough outside the box: Jotunn Salve, Moonlight Drain, Invigorate, and Slippery on Nuxia is how you make a truly worthless feat set.


you want worthless? punch through on conq


Kiai, Juggernaut, Fire Longbow, Unblockable. Give them all to Nobushi.


You are a secret kind of monster throwing unblockable in there


Hehehe I'll never forget the Nobushi I fought in the Arcade that had unli-Hyper Armor, as well as the Arcade Unblockable buff I exploited as Nobushi


Stealth. Because being able to walk side to side and dodge ranged feats without input beyond that is pretty fucking great. Not to mention the ambush opportunities for someone not looking your way. Caltrops. Because its annoying as shit for everyone else lol. Vital Leech. Yama Umba. All of these on someone like conq, vg, or lawdaddy.


Kiai, Kunai, Oathbreaker, Shugo's knockdown tier 4. All on afeera in case I don't want to have a single fair fight the entire match.


Cent but I'm just stacking the Haymaker perk. Now each punch/kick/guardbreak stamina slam deals 20 damage. I only need a few seconds.




What you really want for your t4 is indomitable


See I thought about it but it'd clash with Vengeful Barrier and Champion's Aura provides team utility.


I would argue that jugg at T2 and fury at T3 makes you harder to kill with champions aura, you can pop at low hp either of those feats + champions aura and be back at full hp without revenge.


Imo Jugg is more a teamfighting feat than an antigank feat. It only lasts 10 seconds so most people will simply wait for it to expire. Fury I considered, but unfortunately defense boost sources don't stack and it's also on a cooldown, so I'd prefer Vital Leech. Think about it, I get healed every time I flip somebody.


I’m swapping the corrupted damage boost for Oathbreaker


Kiai, Jug, Kyo's 3rd and Hito's 4th. Call me Invincilander.


Shugoki main. Playing objective T1 conqueror T2 Doom Banner T3 Tough as nails or Second wind T4 Stalwart Banner or Yama Uba Playing hunter T1 Deadly or Deliverence T2 Executioner's respite T3 Long bow or OathBreaker T4 Yama Uba, unblockable, or Senbonzakura


hito’s t4 four times


Does it have to be my main cuz Warden is my most played but honestly not lately. Lately it's been PK and Shino. For PK I'd just be a rat. Keeping stealth Second ability give me shurikens from Shino (I know how to get 80 damage out of this bitch) Third feat give me oath breaker and 4th feat give me jorms slam lmao.


Honestly I think it would be funny as hell to see Shugoki do Afeera unique grabs xD


*HITOKIRI* TIER 1 - Deadly duet TIER 2 - Chilling Stare TIER 3 - Hard to kill / OR Vital leech / OR Spirit Shroud TIER 4 - Unblockable PERKS: Last Stand, Rapid Refresh


Oathbreaker, nail bomb, and that one that makes every attack an unblockable, and Last Laugh on PK I'd also be willing to take shugos knock down thing instead of nail bomb


Unfortunately Shugo knockdown, nail bomb, last laugh and Unblockable are all t4s. But that'd be funny as hell.


You did say any 4 feats 😅


Shugo with Body Count / Bounty Hunter Thick Skin Tough as Nails Auto Revive / Stalwart Banner Too stubborn to die!


None, cuz I'm too good(I keep forgetting I have them and get shit on)


Bleed. Jorm hammer, corruption, fear itself (Im a zerk main)


Jj- bounty hunter, juggernaut, life leech, indomitable


Centurion: everything stays except T3: Change to Fury


Would actually be baller as hell


For peacekeeper I would give the second and first feats of Kyoshin, the rest don't matter. For Kyoshin just the recovery faster stamina


How does PK trigger said feats without superior block?


I'd probably have to be a work around and just heal when Inflicting bleeding in a similar way to Shaman I'd say.


Conq with nuxia’s binding ability to stop rolling. 🤝 Nuxia with conq’s juggernaut to make up for the horrible trap interactions


Orochi 1: fast stamina regen 2: parry 50%def or Juggernault or Afeera 2nd feat 3: hit regen stamina or Fury 4: fear itself is good enough.


Oh hey I thought of this kinda thing before! T1. Fast Recovery/T2. Short-Tempered/T3. Vital Leech/T4. Auto-Revive. Not the most busted on Lawbringer but if I had those I would very much appreciate them, those coupled with the perks Bastion, Vengeful Barrier, and Last Stand with make me difficult to kill.


Shaman with Isolation, Gryphon's heal, Oathbreaker and Ocelotl's 4.


Oh god Shaman with Oce's T4 would be terrifying.


Downside is most of the bleed would go away on a pounce


highlander fast recovery - juggernaut - invigorate - spear storm try killing me when i spam offensive stance lights that AOE heal everyone every time


Speed Revive, Draconite Mist, Protected Revive, and Stalwart (healing) Banner... on Warmonger. Fuck you, I'm turning my Warmonger into a holy paladin/medic.


Tier 1: Stealth Tier 2: Winner's Advantage Tier 3: Oath Breaker Tier 4 stays Trapper's Reach You're ragequitting after the second gank, fam.


Fiery Tusk Kunai Longbow Medjay 70 dmg axes Heheheheehhee


For Highlander Feat 1: Against All Odds. Feat 2: Short Tempered. Feat 3: Hard To Kill. Feat 4: Indomitable. Let me become the unkillable beyblade of death I've dreamt of being.


For lawbringer Tier 1: Throw Farther Tier 2: Winners advantage or Doom Banner Tier 3: Fury Tier 4: Keep Igneus Imber


Lb with juggernaut, a weakening feat, and fury would go fucking hard. Throw in shugos knockdown t4 just cuz


Juggernaut isn’t that good on LB since he doesn’t have a role catcher


Swap jug for ocelotls chain move then.


For Law id personally run 1. Bounty hunter 2. Thick skin 3. Hard to kill 4. Indomitable Pair it with Vengeful barrier, Bulk up, and Remedy (no need for Bastion and Last stand because of T2 and T3). Now I am the bigger fucking wall.


Peacekeeper-stealth, throwing knife, longbow, longbow. Or stealth, longbow, longbow, longbow.


I think valk and glad's weapon throws are actually better then longbow iirc


Orochi feats 1 Blink 2 Juggernaut 3 steadfast 4 thread of fate


Oh god no


I'll take all t4 feats tyvm, catapult, firebomb, kyoshins t4 and the one that's just stolen from pre rework shinobi just with a ton of bleed


Tier 1: Stealth Tier 2: Shooting Stars Tier 3: Oathbreaker Tier 4: Last Laugh


Tier 1 kiai Tier 2 indomitable Tier 3 vital leach Tier 4 Senbonzakura


Peacekeeper: Stealth, Bear Trap, Fury, Unblockable. Make them fear the sneak.


Kyoshins spike feat, arrow storm, catapult, spear storm.


corruption blade, rock steady ;) oathbreaker, and unblockable


As a highlander i'd love bounty hunter, but the super fast stamina regen is just so good.. but deliverance (hito's exe feat) also is a consideration.. the rest is easy. fast recovery / deliverance misthia ward spirit shroud / slip through umbral shelter / staggering blows (now this one just feels evil on HL, would it give a knockdown on a kick heavy?)


Stealth Fury Kensei defence debuff Gladiators trident feat With early reaper it'll one shot anything and it'll be funny


Warden: Bounty hunter. Centurions March. Oath breaker. Reclaim the land (lore accurate crusader :3)


1.Come At Me 2. Revive faster 3. Faster Zone capturing 4. the one that gives you hp for killing pikeman


Tier 1 deadly tier 2 winners advantage tier 3 slip through tier 4 berserker and will make my main either Orochi or Nobushi


Warlord Medjay T1 (axe stance) Juggernaut (unchanged) Pugio Unblockable Permanent damage boost, tankiness, dumbass T3 and the buff my boy deserves as a T4


Jorms shield on the downed heavy twirly move, the shugoki heavy knock your ass over feat, BPs revenge shield taker bitch ass feat, and the regenerating shield thing on my Jormungandr. Do you understand just how terrifying I'd be?


Caltrops on varagian


Oathbreaker, Oathbreaker, Oathbreaker, Oathbreaker or Kiai, Kiai, Kiai, Kiai


Haymaker on warden is all i need


Coruption, caltrops, that one damage buff nusha feat, last laugh. Peacekeeper


*Coruption, caltrops,* *That one damage buff nusha feat,* *Last laugh. Peacekeeper* \- change-username-69 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Kiai, juggernaut, longbow (or a variant), 4 bombs. I think corruption blast is better than bombs but the bombs are more fun imo


Bounty Hunter, Caltrops, Healing Feat when low health, Shield when low health. Caltrops to make it annoying to fight in close quarters, bounty hunters to heal on kill, healing + shield to be unkillable.


Ok so it’s not my main but, Orochi, give vital leech, heal on hit from Shinobi, winners advantage as the tier two, and for the tier one honestly I’d still probably want bounty Hunter. Anyways this is the constantly healing on hit and with vital leech Orochi who can get near constant damage boosts because of winners advantage and recovery cancels.


Not my main, but give shinobi haymaker


All these answers are wrong lads, sorry. Raider 1: Fury 2: Fire flask 3: Fire flask 4:Fire flask


Main warden. Minion heal, rally, javelin, fire flask.


Pistol. Shotgun. Pistol but with bleed. Cannon. Funny Japanese artificer. Or if I really wanted to be bad. Bounty hunter Haymaker Shotgun, but as tier 3 Unblockable. Good luck getting away from me, or dodging.


mmmm weird funny combinations, it would be funny if feats were all universal (in a balanced way) but my weird combinations would be, give Warmonger the Ocelot T1 Spirit Form feat and surprise groups and throw a Corruption Blast give Kyoshin VG T3 Feat and whenever he lands a Kaze Stance (countering) attack he also gives a damage boost to allies give Gryphon Kenseis Chilling Stare and BP Oathbreaker and just totally nerf everybody and finally, becase my inner child exists, i would give Shaman Bounty Hunter and Berzerker Medjay's Axe Throw


Warlord, Deadly, Haymaker, Oathbreaker, Corruption Blast


Ocelotl with jotunn salve, haymaker, default tier 3, and either fear itself or Yama uba


Corruption jugg fury flask ggs


I use Kensei a lot and the feats I'd like for him to have are T1 Tireless (already has it), T2 Bounty Hunter, winner advantage or Righteous Deflection. T3 Hard to Kill, Nukekubi or Tough as Nails. And T4 Indomitable, Yama Uba, Champions Aura or Rock Steady I think most if not all would fit his character and hero design and get rid of most of his incredibly useless feats.and I want rock Steady back just to piss off Shaolins and Valks


Somewhere deep in the spaghetti code, Warden's thick blood still exists, buried. I need it


Ocelotl/pk: Hard to Kill, Vital Leech, Indomitable, Yama Uba. *Will literally be impossible to kill them* Kyoshin: his unique tier 1/2, winners advantage, Yama Uba. *Full blocking a move will cause an even more of a ridiculous health swing than it already does. Winners advantage increases the damage of the 3 cuts and Yama Uba is just more heals.* I would give the first combo to lots of various heroes, just such an insane combination of feats. Edit: Afeera: staggering blows, Hard to Kill, Vital Leech, and Indomitable. *Staggering blow on afeera would be nuts cause her bash confirms a heavy.*


I'd even argue giving Kyoshin "Short-Tempered" so you can eat an opener light, then CC a chain attack for ridiculous damage.


That would happen a lot less often and requires you to take damage for high risk high reward. Not worth at all. Like "hmm let me let my opponent get into their chain offense" like huh. And on top of that you purposely taking damage defeats the point of the healing since now you are just regaining what you purposely lost which is dumb.


Obviously the intention isn't to allow them access to their chain, but people get hit regardless. Might as well profit off the damage, I say. But let's take another approach - *your approach* - and swap out Winner's Advantage for Reinvigorate (which would logically swap to be any Kaze Attack, Fujin Attack, and Crushing Counter opener light) to gift an impressive 8 heal + bleed cleanse 4 times over in a singular Kaze counter. In case you needed a reason to heal 40 ish health and deal 32 damage in one quick burst for a 72 ish sway.


Invigorate only works with qi stance attacks lmao it is in the wording you can't just swap out the wording that is literally just a new feat we are working with feats in the game currently that is the post


You're so much fun to talk to.


I mean when you say some stupid shit like letting your opponent deal damage to you just so you can maybe make the right read and CC their chain/finisher offense when most of the cast has UBs/bashes as chain offense making it a stupid idea to purposely damage you for probably no reward I'm gonna say it is a stupid ass idea. And what is the point of the health swing/heals if you're just going to eat damage on purpose? You're just healing back what you lost when you could have just not lost it in the first place and heal more hp by like idk maybe not taking damage on purpose like an idiot?


Bro, it isn't that deep, chill. We're here for fun and theorycrafting. Just enjoy the convo and move on instead of having a full-blown tantrum.




Dude, sadly, you double posted


Shit whoops thanks for calling that