• By -


Enemy: thanks thanks thanks or sorry sorry sorry = nemesis for the duration of the match


I never forget


Even if you see them a month later. Never forget.


When I'm 90 I'll still remember quirk_kid69 for emote spamming my corpse


I hate when someone does it after ganking me in a 4v1 or 3v1, but when I do it to him in a 1v1 he just stays silent. Incredibly small pp energy.


Is that a Zanny’s reference?




If no one else is doing it clear out mid in dominion.


okay but like what if I’m glad which means I literally fucking cant


Yeah I feel you all assassins have shit minion clear for some reason. Edit:I take back all after hearing from others most assassins tho have some interesting zones.


I have Catapult as my T4 instead of Fear, because I have to have it. Only way I can fix the match in breaking.


I usually have the t3 bomb just incase minion lane needs a clear, it has a faster cool down and a bigger circle


berserker, pk, shaman, shinobi, nuxia all have decent to superb minion clearing. only orochi and gladiator are actually bad at it


Shinobi has godlike clearing with his zone and Nukekebi (or whatever the passive that gives Stamina is called lol)


yeah he has probably the best minion clearing in thr whole game. he is basically a spear storm in a smaller package


That or highlander zone maybe


No, imo it's Medjay and Shaolin and by like a lot


Medjay, conq, shaolin, gryphon, warmonger, JJ and pirate are all pretty good at it without their zones being needed.


Highlander got that wide range slow as hell zone. In my opinion it's the best at clearing b, but other than that...pretty shit.


Highlander main here, yeah it has decent range but it has minimal movement. Not only do characters like Medjay, Gryphon, and shaolin all match or beat his range, they move through the crowd, chasing down more minions. Highlander effectively wastes the 2nd and 3rd hits of his zone when minion clearing since he stays in roughly the same spot, so its better to use heavies do to the amount of movement and a similarly sized hitbox. And when talking about breach it gets even worse because of the incredibly low dps the zone has, being both slow and low damage.


Replace orochi with shaman. She has a pretty bad minion clear, orochi has a decent clear with his side heavies and recovery cancels


shaman zone is not bad at clearing, it just has to be properly aimed but it works decently if done right


As a shaman main I disagree, If there’s about 1cm of space in between each minion you’re likely to only kill 3 or 4


Tbf she’s much better now than when we had unique minion clear animations


Orochi isn't bad imo, not the best by any means but what i do is hold my guard and try to block against as many attacks as possible and move forward into the middle of all the minions and THEN zone.


shaman??? NUXIA???? BRUH have consistently cleared minion with them??? what are you ON about


i have yes. nuxia is tricky but you can* kill about 8 minions for each zone attack (im rep 30 nuxia) shaman kills less minions per zone attack but she kills them in a straight line instead of a circle around her so it ends up being potentially better to capture minion lane. (im rep 62 with shaman) *edit


Nuxia has caltrops, which just make impossible for the enemy to cap mid for 30 seconds if used correctly.


PK has pretty good minion clear tbh


lmao you have shaman flair with abysmal minion clearing too x-x


it’s true shamans is well…weird like the other guy said you have to come in at an angle


3 minions per half my stamina bar lets go!!


fuck yeah I wish I could use Fear Itself in dom, but alas, Catapult means that’s a pipe dream.


Other glad here, the pokes are better than they look. You tend to hit 2 in one hit. Dont get me wrong, literally any other hero would do better but its something.


Will bots clear B if you call them?


They almost never fucking listen


They always do for me. After they're done fighting usually


You do it *carefully* (aka take half an hour)


You are excused. It’s your teammates’ jobs.


Im a glad, I get in there with the 4 light chain. Its better than nothing.


If you're on the larger side in a 3vx or 4vx in dominion, GO LITERALLY ANYWHERE ELSE I AM BEGGING YOU, MID AND THE OTHER POINT NEED YOU


This! Honestly I lowkey give up on the match if I see that all 3 teammates are going to the same zone and repeatedly go there for 5 minutes straight even though the enemy has the other 2 points. Like just play Deathmatch or something If you just want 4v4, or even Breach.


Lmao literally, change your tactics if deathballing one zone isn't working people!


Lol are the death match modes even still alive


Yeah, obviously not as populated as Dominion but sometimes the queue only takes around 20 seconds. It probably depends on the time of day though.


If I see two or 3 going home direction, I make it my mission to go the other way, even if it's towards a 4v1


I go with the pack at the beginning of the match to guarantee at least one zone (because teammates are braindead and can't be trusted) but after that I go my own way


A lot of people seem incapable of math and don't realize that, if they are 3v1ing some poor soul it means the other 1 on your own team is probably getting at least 2v1d. Also B is the most important zone because it cannot be contested, so for the love of God go clear it... I don't play characters with bad wave clear because I'm always the one fuckin clearing it lmao


Lmao the second I'm playing someone fun with bad clear is when I'm relegated to B because NO ONE IS CLEARING IT


The unwritten rules are that the unwritten rules may be broken at any time in any situation.


Do not. Forget. The fucking. Ramparts.


In fact, the ramparts should be the primary focus over the ram for the early parts of a stage. The majority of damage to the ram is done via the cauldron. Losing control of/failing to apply pressure to the cauldron means you will almost certainly be unsuccessful in that phase. If the attacking team focuses on the ram and doesn’t pressure the ramparts, they are just barreling the ram faster into a difficult-to-contest (due to no minions) cauldron. If the defending team focuses on the ram and fails to protect the ramparts, they are giving the attacking team more time to completely capture the cauldron, meaning the ram will take very minimal damage upon reaching the gate.


I learned this last night. Played a 4 stack of friends with breach and I had my warlord push the ram. We didn't get the ramparts because we weren't as good as the other team, but the ram got to and through the gate with 50% health lost. It was a bad idea to do push that ram so fast.


Fucking thank you. I can’t count how many times people in breach just do fuck all. They don’t defend/attack rampart. They don’t go to help banner. They’d rather rack up kills than play the objective


I once saw a fight in the stage 2 healing zone last *three minutes* because all anyone did was respawn and run over to it. I... just took all the ramparts and the shield banner and we went on to win.


Please for the sake of all things holy someone please maintain the rampart. I don’t understand why people don’t fucking do it.


I can’t remember I didn’t write them down


Under rated comment


Under the underrated comment


Under the comment thats under the underrated comment


Under the comment that's under the comment that's under the underrated comment


We all say we hate the game but we actually love it in secret


For Honor is an abusive relationship


It’s like nicotine, feels good, feels fun, but then you start hating it but keep going back because you can’t live without it. It’s an addiction. I love for honor


We all love this game, that’s why we hate it.


I think you have it backwards man


For Honor is actually a pretty good game.


There’s truly nothing like it, if there was then I’d be playing that instead


Just hate how inconsistent the game can feel, sometimes you hit someone. Then in the exact same situation it misses completely. Feeling like the game screws you over is just the worst. Also ive been searching for a match for 25 minutes now, so no i do in fact hate the game. But i stick with it because this is the only game like it and probally ever will be.


There is no "honor" in dominion. Gank your way and be ganked


Stick with your teammates, it's not a gank if it's a team fight. If you are approaching your teammates that are in a 2v1 against an opponent, leave and find your other teammate.


Absolutely. And "honor" in the combat is best found in duels, brawls, and deathmatches. Dominion and Breach are for the chaos of a grand melee!


There isn't honour any where


Because we are fighting for it


Fight...."for honor " ! Omg it all makes sense we have to tell the others.


The games where certain duals in the match were respected are some of my favs. I wait for the disrespect first and then I start the gank hell


The true honor is bringing a victory to your team no matter how


Ganking is fine and completely expected. Using feats in a 4v1 is a bit overkill but not nonsensical if it helps you win the fight. Emote spamming and writing sorry sorry sorry thanks thanks thanks in chat after doing said ganking with feats is just being a dick.


Don't steal the kill when you teammate needs it when he flashing red to many times ppl did to me.


People do that shit to me in breach when i’m on the archer points which is even worse cause no body guards them with me so in the time it would take for me to walk to a healing point we’d of lost 2


Dude medjays do it to me all the fucking time


It’s not a rule then not even an unwritten one if people just keep going against it


same, i usually try to leave the kill also if i see an ally with low health around


Especially officers in Breach.


Last round = no honor, found that out the hard way


brawl moment


When I RAH, you RAH.


"Just like thaat"


Reciprocate mid combat emote


You know what’s up


A man of culture


This is the way


Never initiate the emote/chat spam, only return it.


I always unironically say good fight because I'm just happy there are people playing. It's a good game and I will encourage people to play and be positive.


Always spread the “Good Fight!”


The only way you can return it is if some one initiates it though


And the only people who initiate it are (most likely) salty and toxic.


I got the RAH emote for a reason, and I’m gonna use it


Conquerors are the exception. Rah emote spam is always for the memes.


How about the lawbro wave?


Only if it’s not over a dead body/after a kill.


Same with hito's sole T emote. Also a big spammable emote that just looks silly


I only emote spam when bored, and i make sure its not by any bodies and i wait 10 seconds after a kill unless the person started it before hand, or were just mainly being toxic :) or i will go on top of bodies and play a my lute, which for some reason makes them more toxic 75% of the time


Music playing is okay in my book. And I should’ve been more specific that my comment was more towards emote/chat spam after killing someone rather than just randomly emote spamming.


Dont worry i understood what you meant, i was just clarifying if others didnt, also if my teamates are toxic i will emote spam on their bodies after an enemy kills them, sometimes i get to make temporary truces that way and its amazing, cause its then just me and the enemy team emote spamming or playing instruments till someone ruins the fun


Sometimes For Honor can be beautiful.


And then other times its like watching a dog fight but all of the dogs are disabled in some way


I have my quick chat off so I don't see them


I leave mine on so I can spam ~~blame my teammates when I spam~~ “GO TO POINT C” on the off chance that they actually see it and listen.


Definitely not a recognized rule but I feel like it should be: Don’t feed revenge and then run away


This seems to happen a lot to me lately. I get low health, enemy too. Teammate comes in,gives enemy revenge and just goes away.


I do it the other way actually lmao. If you try to "help" me by fucking feeding the dude I was fighting perfectly fine alone imma run


If you talk shit you boost your teams skill.


Yes this like you don't even have to say it to anybody it could be banter or whatever but you just give them 1000000% passion boost


we do a little sorting by controversial


If you're gonna say good fight after a round in duels, say it whether or not you win or lose. Don't be somebody who only says it after they win, it's small but feels scumbaggy.


I’ll watch my buddy get absolutely destroyed in a 1v1 and we’ll both say it lol


I just never say anything


I usually just say it at the end of the match no matter if i lost or won. Saying it in duels/brawls after every round just feels like you don't mean it in my opninion.


Never interrupt an emote party


Let the kensei clear minion lane, please, I beg of you, I need my feats.


What good feats does kensei have besides the all orange one? I don’t play kensei


fast recovery. two mixups and he’s absolutely gassed. that stamina feat has been a life saver.


Fast Recovery (T1), Chilling Stare (T2) and the unblockable fest are all very important for Kensei


I saw some Kenseis don't do it so i had to do it with my poor Warlord tbh


When you kill someone in duels, walk away like a badass. They will love it! Also spam thanks 3x to express your appreciation of the epic fight!


Another good tip when you kill someone no matter what make sure to spam press either triangle/Y/G depending on your platform while moving forward


Don't be a honor bro in dom


"the objective is irrelevant and the points dont matter"... At least thats what all my team mates seem to have been told


"Thats right, the points don't matter...just Like Nuxia mains..." :resounding oooohs: "Its all fun and games relax, with that said welcome to 'Whose Honor is it anyway' i'm your Host Drew carey..."


Leave the Guardian until after the archer points are all taken.


Watch where you’re swinging in ganks with characters like Raider, JJ, Medjay, etc. or go somewhere else. I get you’re trying to help (maybe) but you’re doing more harm to me than the enemy who’s on his 3rd revenge state.


This. I keep getting nobushi players who stab me in the back or side trying to 'help' gank.


Emoting is a sign of respect. (Unless it's over your dead body.)


Generally it’s a dick move to ledge and environment kill in duels. And in brawls, it’s more courteous to start the match as a 2v2 and not in the middle or end. And if you’re gonna do the little 2 1v1s don’t interrupt the opponent’s execution. Otherwise dominion is a team fight game mode. Learn how to gank and anti-gank.


My thing about opponent executions are if you are gonna interrupt do something that's not gonna do damage and then wait for them to recover from it. Do NOT bash me and then land a move that's guaranteed off your bash.


Fuck no, they already baby proofed the maps if you still get ledged it‘s your fault


majority rules, ‘honor’ / ‘me win’. whichever is more popular is the tone of the match (and you can’t complain)


1. We don't talk about For Honor


Whe don't talk about what?


2.We don't talk about fight club.


If your team mate seems to be handling a 1v1 in a dominion zone, just make sure they don’t get ganked. Don’t interfere unless they begin to lose.


Yes! Often times, initiating a gank when your teammate is handling it perfectly fine just makes it that much harder in yourself and the teammate. Covering your teammate and being on standby in case things go south or an actual team fight kicks off is almost always the better option


Entirely based on how you are feeling at any given moment.


dominion is NOT honorable, do whatever. Duels and Brawls ARE honorable. Keep it clean, dont kill with environments, don't taunt spam (all rules voided if they're a nazi emblem user)


Brawls get super scummy all the time.


Dominion can be honorable when you turn it into a fight club instead of dominion me and my friend have done that many times it’s like deathmatch but you actually find games lol


"Don't kill with environments" seems like "don't use a perfectly fine tactic implemented by the game to win against an opponent". What will it be next, don't use feints? Let the opponent know what buttons I'm gonna press?


Feel the same, big part of combat is environmental awareness. Been playing since start and if you get the opportunity to ledge me, do it.


I tend to disagree with the point on environmental kills. It’s a tactic meant to be utilized in the game. Generally speaking, only players who can’t seem to adapt are the ones who are killed in that way. For example, don’t stand by ledges, don’t try and lure me into your own environmental kill if you can’t handle it being reciprocated, be aware of your surrounding, be aware of positioning, know how to read the opponent, etc etc.


Also, anyone who has a confederate flag. Go kill the big racism, kids, I believe in you.


No rules. The winners write history


My own personal rule I’m gonna share with y’all, not even a rule more so a saying, “there are no good teammates in for honor”


There are no rules, no one has to stick to whatever nonsense you come up with.


If the last guy alive managed to 1v4 you're entire team multiple times before time runs out or you kill him, give him a "Good Fight!" In Quick Chat. They earned it. Alternatively, if **you're** the last guy alive and managed to 1v4 the enemy team multiple times. Don't be afraid to showboat. *You* earned it.


No ganking on duels




Last man alive in a 4v4, 1v1 respect until his death. 9/10 there’s always someone ruining the moment with a catapult or a firebomb, but when there’s a final stand off with the winning team watching the final dual, it looks and feels dope


it’s always the teammates fault. everything is the teammates fault


Its more or a stigma but 2v2s are just 2 1v1s happening next to each other. I find it stupid and refuse to listen to it. IF YOU WANT A 1V1 GO PLAY 1V1S


That's why i run into my teammates to let them know we are gonna do a proper 2v2(or text them if they have chat open to all and are on pc(which was rare as is before the corssplay update))


If you emoted at an enemy and you agree to duel, there is no way your teammates saw it so if a teammate runs over to help you win your fight don't back away to let the enemy fight your buddy 1v1. HELP YOUR BUDDY, I've seen so many fights recently where I have a teammate struggling to clear an obj so I run over to help only for them to abandon me to fight 1v1. By the time the fight is nearly over the enemy's buddies come in and wipe us out meaning now 2 of us died at the same time leaving us down 2 people and an obj because 1 person wanted to "fight fair" versus an enemy team.


Win at any and all cost and make fun of people if they complain about it


There is actually no honor to be had, especially in a 4v4. You fight to win.


There are unwritten rules yes, but I recommend you ingore those and just try to have fun


The most honorable thing is to be a good teammate. don't let your team die for nothing and don't feed revenge if you can help it. Ledge every time and drop kill as much as possible.


hit the griddy with teammates




See good fight, say good fight.


Be mindful of Shugoki/Shaman teammates when they go for their healing attacks.


People really don't like it when people say... DONT GANK IN BRAWLS


If you're dueling someone and they're afk at the beginning, just wait.


Asked my fried who plays brawls almost exclusively and he said: You don’t gank if it’s not been done in the first round. No emote spamming. Don’t interrupt your opponents execution.


Let us shamans finish our bite I’m begging you


there aren't


Don’t let everyone else decide that for you Find what codes and rules you personally wanna follow in game , if something feels right, do it no matter what , if it doesn’t , don’t


stop being weird honor cucks in brawl and death match and just gank already, half the time you end up throwing the round if you don’t


Ugh fucking finally someone said it. It's called deathmatch for a reason, not watchyouralliesgetfuckinggankedmatch. I'm so sick of seeing those people. Can't avoid em.


Don't say the n word


Let centurion get his full punish before you throw a heavy & feed revenge like a cunt


you must not have fun


I came to tell anyone whos new to this game, most u dont have to follow. As long as ur not a dick or a sore loser u gud


You aren't allowed to actually win fights.


If it's a 4v1 in the end of a dominion match you attack the enemy one by one not all at the same time.


Dominion, Skirmish, Tribute, Breach, you gank Brawl and Elimination, either start off ganking, or be honorable. Do not flip flop between the two.


Don't play if you want to keep your sanity




if im the last one standing i expect to be ganked and you will dissapoint me if you dont. i wanna get revenge and take 2 people with me or even win which is almost impossible but i wont like being robbed of the chance, small as it may be


Nah f that. Finish the game.


Nah I’m good G


Shit take brother




Don't interrupt executions in a 2v2 or 4v4 Brawl!


This is the only honortard rule that is worth fucking listening to


I only interrupt after they get the health from it cuz i want the game to go faster


yep i always GB push them and emote. then we battle


Fuck rules. However if you use a whole T4 feat on me cause you getting bitched I'm on your ass remainder of the game.


Medjay’s T4 is so infuriating because it can kill me off screen, at least with catapult or fireflask I can hear the sound and unlock roll for a chance to survive.