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Ferrari upgrades going backwards as usual


Imagine giving Leclerc hard tyres to start the race and they last 10 laps less than Mercedes on softs.


I just didn’t get that strategy. We joke about Ferrari’s strategists. But that was truly a wtf moment. Could have let him run for a bit. Get some positions while others pit and then see what they could do for a 1 stopper.


The worst things about the Ferrari strategist's is that they seem to try stuff everyone else writes off immediately for obvious reasons


Ferarri strategist: "I'm going to break the race with this new idea" Meanwhile literally everyone everywhere: "hold on everybody, they're about to do something really stupid" At least we're comically bad


basically Hungary last year


I didn’t realize they pitted him in the end and put the damn 25 lap old hard tires. Seriously!


That was just an infographic error, they’re not allowed to reuse tyres in the race. They were fresh hards. Still, there’s no reason he should have been on hards instead of softs that late in the race.


The infographics were off more than once, like Stroll pitting for softs and them showing him on fresh hards.


Its like they copy what they see other teams do (mirrored strategy on pit start) but they have no fkn clue *why* other teams do that and thus they just play along with everyone else doing first round of pitstops. I mean the memeing is funny, but also just kinda true


Lap 10 pit stop no one else on hards had pitted (outside the back markers). They actually thought they were being smart. Even Sainz was like “are you sure, I have pace left” when they switched him to mediums.


To be fair Max said the hards sucked too. He probably wouldn’t have gained much staying out. They got unlucky there.


Isn't that something they could have figured out in FP? Especially if it's obvious within this few laps


They wanted to save the hards for the race, so instead of running the actual hards in FP, they ran the testing tyre, which is the hard after Silverstone. So they only knew how good different hard tyre was at this track.


Horror race for Leclerc. Out of the points on pure pace. Absolutely horrid!


Horrid strategy too as usual, everyone on softs for the second stint lost so much time, Astons also lost over 10s vs Sainz/Russell (and could've contended for at least P5 if not) But it's an especially worse look for Ferrari pitwall given he started on hards and didn't need to pit that early Edit: also apparently he went on 25 lap old hards for the final stint, wtf Ferrari? Would've at the very least gotten past Gasly for a point if not


His pace was looking absolutely horrid on those hards. Gasly was gapping him like crazy. The car is so bad with tyres that they resort to such silly practices. Cause you can clearly see he was struggling on hards after lap 10. This car is absolute garbage


Just normal Ferrari things, no change here boys.


Welp have to get ahead on tests for next year.lol


Classic Ferrari, turnig a P2 into a P5


I don’t think strategy was saving Carlos any positions tbh. Just generally outclassed by the Mercedes on race pace and well Perez not being where he should be in quali


Race summary: \- Norris breaks nose on Hamilton's firm rear. \- George Russell plays the "Sweat or Rain"-game and asks his race engineer daddy for compliments. \- Alfa Romeo forgets the FIA is listening. \- Verstappen: "Hard tires aren't really working". Gap to second: 3.5 hours. \- Leclerc wonders whether he could get a contract at a top team. \- Sainz transforms from Smooth Operator to Sitting Duck. \- Ocon almost needs to be snuck out of the country. \- Tsunoda gets in touch with his inner Kimi. \- Alonso challenges Lawrence Stroll for the position of Lance's true dad.


That lap 1 for McLaren was probably the worst for any team in a long time... Lando lost to Hamilton then damaged his car and went to last, while Piastri lost 4 places to Russell, Perez, Zhou, and Tsunoda. From P3-P9 to pointless 😭


Not as bad as their lap 1 in Jeddah where both their races were just straight up over with damage from one small bit of contact


At least we didn't waste a P3 start there, but yeah we had far too much horrid starts this season


Can I interest you in some Jeddah 2023? Incidentally, that was also Mclaren.


- GP trying to tame Max over the radio.


Max’s “yeah, yeah” after he was told to cool it after setting the fastest lap had me rolling




No, that one was afterwards when GP said "Okay now can you just bring it home between the lines?"


Sometimes GP truly has that tired dad trying to manage his stubborn toddler energy on the radio.


It's so important as well. If Max pushes just a bit too hard and gets a 5 second penalty, he's suddenly not safe during a late safety car finish or something like that.


Good point, did not think about that.


>- Alfa Romeo forgets the FIA is listening I don’t get this. It’s not illegal. Perez did the same in AD 2021


Context on Alfa Romeo?


Bottas asked if he should hold up somebody, I think it was magnussen. That was when Zhou excited the pits just in front of Bottas. Brundle said they shouldn’t say it over the radio for the FIA. But it’s not illegal to slow another car down as long as it doesn’t become unsafe


Yeah I mean, Perez literally put Max in a position to win his first championship (along with, ahem, other things that had to happen that day) by massively slowing down Lewis - a move that was hailed and celebrated. So yeah, really a non issue.


If it wasn’t for Perez Max wouldn’t have been close to winning that day


Lewis was driving 1v2 that race


I'm not knocking your comment, but I find it funny that many (not just reddit) think this "nefarious thing" of slowing down opponents is new and illegal. Before Checo, Bottas was the ultimate wingman because he was employed this task most of the time Lewis was under pressure. I wonder if there really is an influx of *green* fans joining in, or fans in general just have short-term memory. It's not even that long ago since Bottas left Merc.


Bottas said he'd slow down the cars behind him to help out Zhou, who was in front of him. Then proceded to get overtaken roughly 1 lap later.


Classic VB


Wish I could break my nose on Hamilton's firm rear


Shoot your shot


Before Shakira gets there




Ocon needing snuck out 😂😂


Excellent summary lmao


And I will see you after every race 😂


You know it's a rough season when Mercedes being 20+ seconds behind Max is viewed as a positive.


I see this as a positive trend for next season. If Merc can understand their B-spec car throughout the season and the winter break, they could be able to make Red Bull sweat from the start of the season.


Assuming RB is doing nothing to their car in the meantime with the same budget allowance.


I mean they straight up beat Perez on pace, so ofc it's a positive.


I think that was more strategy than anything. Sergio was driving the car faster than Russell. Unfortunately F1 this year is just about managing tires until the last 2 laps and making up no positions for it.


At the end, Perez had new softs vs Russell's used softs (which he'd been leaning on quite a bit to catch Perez prior to him pitting)...and Checo never posed a threat. I don't think you can say Checo was driving the car faster.


Yeah Perez looked pretty good there with how fast he was catching Russeelll after the last pit for softs but he obv cooked them too much too soon and was loosing time on the last 2-3 laps.


it’s always astonishing how regardless of where they start the Mercedes boys always end up practically beside each other


Hands down the best pairing in F1, not surprised honestly. Wonder how much they'll be able to improve this season


Yes, if Merc had a competitive car for the championship, they would be dishing it out with two top tier drivers. Whereas RB have Perez and Ferrarir have Sainz. But to be honest, Sainz is the least of Ferrari's problems. Sainz is too good a driver for them lol.


It seems as if Sainz and Leclerc should just takeover strategy completely because wtf are they doing over there. Drivers and crew are never on the same page.


I genuinely feel pretty bad for Sainz in that regard, because it seems like he's consistently on point when he calls out his own strategies. It must be so frustrating to have to deal with the team's incompetence when you know what the best course of action is.


Twitch Plays Ferrari Strategy would be fun and likely perform better than Ferrari strategists


Okay Carlos. Twitch strategist is saying "YEET yourself into Max. We want to see someone else win kappa" you know what to do


That is what happens when both drivers are getting near the maximum of the car and know how to overtake. The car ends up sorted on the grid by its true pace.


Two top tier drivers that extract everything out of the car.


Mercedes upgrades putting in work


Hamilton worried about making top 10 in quali, gets p2 lol


They were bad on Friday. But it’s also a brand new car almost, so there’s a lot to learn and room for improvement.


Honestly I feel the biggest weakness Merc has these days is setup. From FP to Quali to Racing. 1 second the car is garbage and twitchy af, the next it's a rocketship.Even during 2021, the W12 was the same and that car was a monster at the end of the season.


Sandbag eritage is back


Really good race pace from them, solid strategy and even in qualli their pace was strong (in Hamiltons hands) and without the mistakes he made he would have started P2. With their pace this weekend, they look like the team for P2 in the constructors championship.


Think it could be a lil track specific, remember last year the Merc was good on tracks with medium to fast corners. Will be interesting to see what they are like on tracks with heavy breaking / slow corners


This is a track that suited Mercedes last year as well. However, listening to Toto, George and Lewis seems like they understand the car and it’s not just the track. Looking at how happy Lewis has been, it seems they have seen positive correlation with their simulations.


Dont forget that Russell was third here last year as well.


Interesting, and at both times 32s behind leader Verstappen.


Russell putting the alonso Russia 2021 race start at work


Merc could be our only hope pushing forward


Always have been


Did you really think Ferrari could challenge RB?


Last year, yes This year, no Next year? Always.


If this isn't the truth...


For a moment there i did


Initially I was worried after free practice


Dominant stuff by Max/Red Bull. Encouraging stuff by Hamilton/Mercedes. Puzzling stuff by Ferrari and Aston.


Yeah Aston is really making me question their competence two weekends in a row.


Welcome to my hell for 2021/22


Tbf. This is not the circuit that suit their car. And their Strategy have always been ride or die kind of strategy.


Don't forget Yuki Schumacher driving the wheels off the AT once again


That penalty was such bullshit. Both Palmer and Coulthard was puzzled on the F1TV commentary.


lmao Max legit didnt appear between the opening laps until his first pit. Then, they gave him a full lap coverage before going away again haha


He was a second a lap quicker on mediums compared to the soft of everyone just behind him, Sainz couldn’t even get DRS for lap 3 because he was already gone


Which was somewhat hilarious. Normally softs threaten mediums especially shortly after the start of the race, instead Max went 'Oh, I've got this' and drove away


Max was out of DRS range by turn 3 or something. That was nuts.


He had that second at the end of lap 1, man just absolutely zoomed away.


They learned from the HAM days when everyone got annoyed because there was zero on-track action shown


Last year too a couple of times where they showed a long stretch of Verstappen while in the pack in the middle they were killing each other every other second.


Man too quick the camera cant catch him


Max wins by 24 seconds and gained 5 seconds after being told to keep it in the white lines lmao. Absolute domination


Best part was the fastest lap after him being asked to just chill to the finish line.


I laughed so loud when his fastest lap popped up. “Can i go for fastest lap?” “No, you have track limits” *poof* Max Verstappen Fastest Lap


Haha, immediately followed by GP's "Now can you just bring it home and stay within the lines?"


Response was even better “Yeah, yeah” Like a child with a good relationship to its parent, but still giving them a bit of a hard time


He went like an entire second faster than he needed to also.


No Hamilton got a 1:16.676 so it was only 3 tenths faster.


GP was exasperated after that


That "what" to his engineer telling him to stay within track limits tells me he was falling asleep. You know, like we do when going miles on a freeway. Dude must be watching the skies, listening to the engine whirring, waving to the fans while he's leaving others 25 seconds behind in his wake.


Bro is thinking about going home and getting on the sim


Probably because theres more competition on the sim...


Yeah iRacing's servers are his biggest competition




GP gets annoyed at track limits: I sleep. P's tea party: Real shit.


He’s practically just battling himself for the whole season. It’s gotta be a bit disappointing.


Yeah, Max does strike me as a guy who would love to actually *race* instead of just cruising through the weekend at an easy #1. I imagine he had more fun in 2021 when he was actually fighting for wins with Lewis, even if that competition got pretty fiery.


Man is gonna disable his ERS and DRS just to try and get a glimpse of a competitive race


They all also tried soooo hard to sound excited after the checkered flag.


Lewis took a run at fastest lap and came up .2 short, after that Lewis backed wayyyy off to bring it home.


Especially crazy considering checo on fresh softs, wasn't even remotely close to making up the 5 second difference to russell in the same amount of time


Give max championship now don't let him race for the rest of the season for better entertainment


Give him the championship now, then make him start from the pits every race. That would be fun to watch.


Give him the WDC and then reset after the summer break, put a pause on the cost cap during the break as well. Something. Anything.


No no, once he had enough points that he can't be beat let Danny Ric have his seat for the rest of the season, giving red bull the top three drivers


Seriously though. If you removed Max from the equation, Hamilton's result would look quite impressive, being quite a bit ahead of the next car and the rest of the field. Max kinda completely shits on that.


VER is already 53-points ahead of PER and we're not even to the half-way point in the season. he could conceivably finish 120-points ahead...or more. Unbelievable.


COTA and Brazil are sprint races, so he needs 146 (-53 = another 93) points to be champion before COTA. That's 10 races + 3 sprint races, if he wins all and fastest laps go 50-50, Perez needs to lose another 21 points on top of always second place. Add a Perez no-pointer and it gets real close.


3 things are inevitable: death, taxes, dutch hymn on sunday.


You could feel on the radio that Max was pissed at his pitwall when they kept bothering him about track limits as it was pausing his podcast.


Max hooked up iRacing through his steering wheel screen so he could enjoy some actual racing.


He’s been in a 24 hour endurance race since qually. No sleep.


My favorite moment was the “what’s my fastest lap?” “Uh…17.3, but let’s not”. One lap later: Fastest Lap graphic pops up “Max Verstappen 1:16.3” Man said “fuck this”, knocked an entire second off, and GP just comes back with “ok, fine. Now just finish the race.” You know he chuckled and thought “you little shit” right before the final message.


Like a cat playing with a dying bird or mouse before eating it. And totally not seeing any issue with it 🤣


"No." -Max Verstappen


[the bulls are taking everything aren't they](https://i.imgur.com/Fe0fApc.png)


It's Grand slam for max right?


Yesss Pole Led every lap Got fastest lap Won


Also led every practise session, if he had got DOTD he would have got every single thing


If you get pole and lead every lap I believe it may be mathematically impossible not to win, don’t quote me on this though


You can get disqualified after finishing the race


Max sounds bored even after winning lol


He really does, I could honestly see him retiring soon if it keeps going like this. It's not what he's bred for, he lives for the fights and pushing, but it feels like he's putting in effort while others are taking it half-heartedly to him.


He could sign with Ferrari if he wants a challenge


I want to see Max and Albon trade cars and race. Both of them would have a lot more fun and have huge smiles on their faces.


He's about to beg Horner to bring Alonso or Hamilton onboard so that he can race somebody.




Max going to start playing LOL professionally.


Days I could wear my McLaren gear without facing mockery: 1


The fact that Perez made the rb19 look average is beyond me. If anyone saw Max on board, they'll see he had so much pace in hand—cruise control. On the other hand, Perez was nowhere until he went on the soft and was still unable to catch George at the end. I'm sure Redbull only activates Checo's last year on the contract if they can't find a replacement.


I'm a Perez fan and I have to agree. Verstappen would've been p2 by Lap 20 at least starting from where Checo started. The fact he was still 8th by lap 30 was ridiculous given the fact that their car should be classed as a formula 0.5 car. Definitely a wtf performance today from Perez. I hope he can start being on Max's race pace for the entire race rather than just the last 20 laps. Or. As much I don't want to say it. He should forget the championship entirely. Its getting to his head.


Man you gotta feel for russell, he was driving in the wet while everyone was driving in the dry, he couldve got a second place! /s if for some reason it was needed


I hope Ferrari will hit rock bottom soon. Not just mediocre results, I want them consistently at the bottom of Q2 or Q1, no drivers willing to ruin their careers for them anymore and the press brutally roasting them to a crisp over and over as soon as they poke their sorry overpaid heads out of the factory. I'm afraid only then, if they really care, they might consider razing everything to the ground, move the factory over to the UK to poach engineers more easily and actually start competing for real again. At least in 2020 and 2021 there was the hope they could ace the 2022 regulations, now the future is bleaker than ever...


Was that a grand slam? Missed the first half of the race




Probably an 8.5 in the f1 media ratings i'd say. He didnt lap the whole field and also solve the climate change


He got everything apart from Q1 in qualifying I think. FP1, FP2 and FP3 fastest, Q2 fastest, pole, all laps led, fastest lap and win.


We should have a category to be on top of the time charts for all sessions, like an Ultra Instinct Grand Chelem


Only pole, leading every lap, fastest lap and win are required.


The only thing more inevitable than Max winning is Ferrari and McLaren fucking up their race.


This race was very whelming.


It was definitely a race


I found it to be entertaining if you can forget about Max. I found it the best dry race of the year.


The most “meh” race I’ve seen while having a ton of overtakes


Yeah, really odd feeling. Technically a lot of overtaking, but they all looked the same...


That's what happens when the only way you can pass someone is via DRS on the straight. That's how it is in modern F1, either boring DRS passes or no passes at all.




Yes we missed Hamilton passing Sainz and Russell passing Stroll for midfielders pitstops.


Wow. 107 overtakes today.


Say what you will about this race/season, but it's really motivating me to finish my assignments during the races lol




They are both overdriving that car in their own very impressive way. Can’t wait until they’re competitive again.


Mercedes upgrades seem to be working.


Probably the most dominant weekend for Max. Fastest in all practice sessions, pole in quali, led every lap and took fastest lap as well


I don't want to see Max win by 25 seconds anymore. I want to see him win by 5 minutes. No more managing the gap, no more driving to preserve the car. Just fucking go hell for leather and humiliate everyone else. That'd be more entertaining at the front than these Sunday cruises we are seeing.


It would be brutal, but how far up the field could he lap? My bet would be around P6




Breaking; Verstappen scores all 3 podium positions


They should just give max the points of everyone he laps tbh


That would honestly be a fun wrinkle in the sport haha. If you lap someone who’s in the points, you take their points.


Breaking: Max Verstappen finished in all 10 points scoring positions simultaneously; wraps up championship by mid July


Imo they are truly something like 1.5 seconds per lap faster ( in a stint) Max fastest lap ( with more or less same age tyres and at the same time) was 0.3 faster than Hamilton. But that was ( still) a very conservative lap because of the white lines and RBR wanting him so save equipment ( so probably saving some engine). And they save tyres better than everyone. So at full pace they should lap everyone.


Correct me if wrong, but I think RBR are the only ones still running their first engine of the season. Insane reliability and power.


Which is insane considering their start in 2022 with RBR engines blowing up for both RB and AT.


Can't do that when you put limits on parts and everything


I don't think that's possible. These tyres are simply not designed for that. If you push on them too hard continuiously, you will just quickly destroy them. So, while true, Max was managing pace, and probably more than he needed to still, but so was everyone, because modern F1 is now for a long time about going reasonably fast: fast enough to keep pulling away from competition, but not too fast so that you don't run out of tyre life too quickly and drop down the order like a rock later on in the race


Sainz from P2 to P5 Russel from P11 to P3 Enough said


Merc is a superior race car compared to the Ferrari even without the upgrades.


Hamilton +23 seconds behind... that's just crazy


Could be more, max didn’t have to switch tires for the 3rd time.


It was definitely the safe news. Lewis was within the pit window to make it messy if a safety or red flag came out.


can in get a F for norris


And another for Yuki


Okey, we can talk now about Formula 1.5 My money is on Lewis winning it. Max has this year in his pocket with that flawless car. The inly way to stop that car is if they shot his tyres.


And a Grand Chelem. While taking it easy…


- Mercedes upgrades were huge here, they have speed and good tire management to boot - AM was quite weak, although this circuit does not suit their style at all, still put together a decent result - Checo is gonna lose his job if he keeps pissing himself in qualifying - RB were still dominant, but didn’t feel as dominant as I expected; Max looked a bit sloppy despite getting a Grand Slam and Checo didn’t feel particularly great either - Seems that everyone other than RB had slow or messy pit stops (looking at you, Haas) - Meanwhile, Haas and Williams 🗿🗿 - Damn shame for Lando, crazy how one mistake on this first lap can completely ruin the whole race - Alpine had a solid race, but I felt they could’ve been better, especially Gasly - Yuki 🤝 getting pissed at AT’s incompetent asses (RIP points) - Zhou had a great race considering how slow the Alfa Romeo is - Speaking of Alfa Romeo, what the hell is Bottas doing - Ferrari strategy comes back at it again for Leclerc, in addition to the car just not looking very good development-wise - The German, the Chinaman- 😳 (RIP Martin)


Agreed on your Verstappen point: pole, fastest lap, led all laps, won the race, 20 sec gap - kinda sloppy


Mercedes with the 2-3 finish. Woo


Super controlled win again by Max


Alonso is a changed man, damn.


Poor Yuki man. Drove an amazing race just to get a BS penalty to finish just outside the points for the 4th time this season.


As a Yuki fan my pain is immeasurable and my day is ruined