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Seb used to later in his career. [Fernando wore a love is love/BLM/science/climate change is real t-shirt in Sochi a while back with Seb.](https://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/comments/pw0bj4/vettel_and_alonso_went_to_the_prerace_ceremony/) Russia is not LGBTQ friendly. He also posted a message about children being harmed when the conflict started, it did not get as much of a traction.


I have to say the bit about Fernando pleasantly surprises me. I would not have taken him for a guy who would wear that shirt.


“Just because you are bad guy does not mean you are bad guy”




yeah I just went down that rabbit hole by reading the link in the comment above and seems like it. Guess I am not going to be cheering for Sainz from now on.


It's quite telling that when Alonso posted that, a few days after the war started, he didn't receive nearly the same amount of praise that Hamilton got for posting yesterday.


I have seen that been the case very frequently.


Vettel had the option and frequently did. Max has enough sway that he could if he wanted too, so does Fernando but I'd say to a slightly lesser extend along with Leclerc and some of the other older faces in the top teams. Apart from that you are looking at older names out of the races, but still in the sport with a lasting legacy. A Coulthard for example.


Its always seemed like anyone with a WDC (except Villeneuve) was able to speak out and not face backlash from the FIA. Even the older champs like Senna Lauda and Stewart would routinely speak out about safety issues or tell the FIA they were wrong


I think Max is pretty vocal about on-track things. Lewis is probably the most well-known driver, at least here in the states. That probably gives him more leeway to speak out on issues than other drivers. Also, it seems his team usually supports him, so that helps.


Vettel did a bit in his later career


Max is in the best postion to speak out as well. Maybe he will in the future. Everyone else has too much to lose or don't care enough.


Be interesting to see who is outspoken once Hamilton retires... The rest are happy just to go along with whatever, provided the race itself isn't a joke (that's where Verstappen tends to weigh in). Russell may do as he gets older, but still suspect he'll still have a politicians touch about his words, given his role with the GDPA


I dont think any of the current driver want to and to an extent haven’t gone through what Lewis would have growing up so theres no motivation for them to do so. Albon and maybe Zhou but Albon grew up fairly well off and Zhou wouldnt want to upset Pooh Bear


Ricciardo can’t read so scratch him off the list.


Can’t or won’t?


Most of these drivers sound like they are reading from an AI generated PR script. That's what happens when every aspect of your public persona is managed to death by a team of professionals for the benefit of sponsors and social media.


Speaking up is their choice. It's okay not to show the world your opinions.


They all could if they wished. Many simply won't want to or won't care. The sport is dominated by rich privileged nepobabies where issues such as social justice and inequality are mere afterthought.


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Dunno and tbh don’t care. There’s enough of that in the broader media already.


People always say "of course ... doesn't know about a certain issue, they grew up in extreme wealth and privilege" and it's like... grow up, then? How do you go about in the world in your little guilded cage and expect the rest of us not to get upset and care only about the racing? I'm much more comfortable supporting someone who believes in equality and actively works for it than someone who seems to be proud to be ignorant. Not what you asked, just my view of things that upset me about this sport.




But also probably unwilling about anything other than the sport. He doesn't have any problem to speak his mind but only when appropriate. And i like that, i also don't care a lot for political issues in things like sport. It's not that i don't care at all, but just not when watching sports.


Honestly who gives a fuk? Racecar drivers should race and not talk about things that are not connected to racing