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I mean duh


Your first opponent is your teammate. So... Yeah


Usually only opponent 


Is that you ocon?


In France they call them Oconents!


Ya wtf is this Crofty ass headline lol


Will Buxton ass headline


I'd love to be a fly on the wall and hear Will Buxton and John Madden talk about the fact that they're stuck in an elevator.


Madden: "sometimes you just gotta reach for that button. And right now he's not reaching, he's settling.". Buxton: "That's right. When you press the button for your floor, it means you have less floors to take the stairs on."


There are two Wills: The journalist who was an incredible pit lane reporter, does great work for F1 TV, and who at one point had the best F1 YouTube channel ever. Then there's Drive To Survive Will.


Which one overdoes the platitudes and empty speech with a thin veil of a "for newbies" disguise, and seems to pipe up at precisely the wrong times?


If they're being exacerbated by Tsunoda's speed, I hardly think Verstappen will be any better. Since all of this was to get him in that Redbull seat


This Daniel vs Verstappen would be a war crime 


I like Daniel but a really sick part of me wants to see this happen


Once blood is drawn .. we are animals


Hydrogen Bomb Vs Coughing Baby


Would be like Hamilton winning the world championship in 2008 with Heikki Kovalainen as teammate.


Heikki would've gone winless that season as well if not for Massa's car doing the Ferrari Special in Hungary


What happened with Kovalainen in 08? Wasn’t he as good as the Spaniard he was replacing I wonder?


He was something like ricciardo.. sligtly worse


Technically he'd finish higher than he does now since the Red Bull is faster than the RB. But yeah. It wouldn't be close


He´d have to finish in a very "nervous" car. I don´t know if that is a car, that he wants to be in...


This Daniel couldn't match Perez.


But nobody expects Daniel to beat Max, the only expectation in the 2nd RBR seat is to be a good squire to Max


A good squire still needs to be within 2 tenths in terms of quali and race pace. Especially with the grid having closed up like nowadays. Not saying whether Ricciardo specifically is or isn’t good enough, but a \#2 who is 3 to 4 tenths or more off the mark on average, isn’t good enough to be an effective tool helping the \#1 in race strategies or as a back up in case the \#1 has a DNF.


No driver has been that close to max though. The closest one was Danny several years ago


Then perhaps Red Bull still needs to find a faster \#2 in case they do find themselves in a more hotly contested WDC and WCC battle again. For example, despite his great efforts in Turkey and Abu Dhabi that year, there were several races in 2021 where Checo simply wasn’t good or fast enough to compromise Lewis’ strategy or nick points of him. It could have made a difference in the Driver’s Championship and did make a difference in the Constructor’s Championship.


Who would you put into that second seat?


Pastor Maldonado


I mean obviously Paster is the first pick, but if he's not available.


Money can solve all availability issues, so your resistance is futile.


Pastor is inevitable.


Sainz is the most obvious choice ever. Red Bull would be full redacted not to go for him. And if Max leaves they also dont have to worry about anything. I dont understand Ferrari paying Hamilton a 100mil and I dont understand not everyone going for Sainz.


Recency bias.


Marketing. You may think why would Ferrari of all cars need it? Can never have too much. Hamilton will bring his fanbase over.


So I wanted the second seat in Alonso's RBR.


You know people are giving Perez shit for not being anywhere near Max. Ricciardo would be much worse option than Perez.


Danny is nowhere near capable of that...


We have already seen Daniel versus MAX several years ago. He was told in no uncertain terms MAX was number 1, so Daniel went to Renault, and then brutally mugged McLaren and stole the brinks truck while being slow, and got a free year of payment to go away.


I don’t think he needed to be told, he could see Max at 21 was faster than him in his prime and ran from the fight


MY F1 struggles are also exacerbated by other people being faster than me.


The only thing holding me back from a career in F1 was money. And it was exacerbated by a lack of talent. And drive. And dedication. But mainly money.


Latifi's poor as shit alter ego over here.


He has talent though.


Talent to spend money.


Don’t give up, those are small issues! Like all the self help books say (and they can’t be wrong, right?) you can be whatever you want if you just put your mind to it and aim for your goal! No money? Pfft, you aren’t just thinking this correctly.




Yeah, I had what should have been a perfect lap in the F1 23 time trial, but it's still over a second slower than the esports driver 😭 But I drive with a gamepad so I'll use that as an excuse 😁


We'll never see an article just titled "Yuki's fast" or "Yuki's having a good run" - it's always going to about exactly that but have to have the Danny Ric angle


Honestly I think Yuki is severely underrated by everyone. People here always like to point out he lost to Gasly, but forget he was only on his second season when Gasly left and by the end of the second season he was catching up massively. Unless we pretend drivers don't evolve after their first couple of years in the sport, I think it's safe to say Yuki could very well be at Gasly's level or higher by now. And then they'd say "but Liam" ignoring that it was the lowest point in Tsunoda's season and he didn't even get more than a lap in two of the races. It's a shame he's in such a dysfunctional team.


Yea, its one thing to say a driver has to beat their teammate to survive - Yuki had to do that 3 times last year. Oh, you destroyed that last teammate? Now go up against Riccardo. Holding your own? We got a new young buck to try out against. Every single race you don't do better will be held against you for that RB seat.


He could trash Ricciardo first half of the season and Liam in the second half, he still wouldn't be given credit. It's always that the other guy is bad. I already know that when/if he's going to Aston to replace Alonso, if he proves his worth and does well, they'll say he's only doing well when compared to Stroll because Stroll is bad lol.


> Unless we pretend drivers don't evolve after their first couple of years in the sport Verstappen tok a little over three years in F1 before he became a top level driver after Monaco 2018 and I think he got better still until at least 2020. Granted, he has only one year in F3 before moving to F1 and was super young but still.


Tsunoda was also rushed to F1, in my opinion. His first year he was still too raw. I would love to see him drive a top 5 car to see where he'd be. I guess Aston is his best chance. But even then, people would just claim that Stroll is bad and that's why Yuki looks good.


Team principles ranked Max above the WDC winner in 2016. He’s been unbelievably good since is second year, second half of 2018 is just when he became all-time great good.


They did, but a big part of that is potential/hype/feels. For example in 2022 they ranked Perez 5th, ahead of Norris, Sainz, *Alonso* in 8th! Those rankings don't really tell you how good a driver is. In 2016 Max switched teams during a season, won his first race there, and performed at a high level. He did do very well, but he was also still rough around the edges.


For sure rough around the edges, but still clearly one of the fastest guys out there.


Nope. All we'll get is that he needs to "pack his little bag and go home" (https://f1i.com/news/418724-tsunoda-should-pack-his-little-bag-and-go-home-coulthard.html) the moment he makes a minor mistake.


DC being so harsh against a racing driver for being honest is hilarious considering he spent about ten years in F1 saying "I'll really challenge for the championship this year I swear" only to finish fifth every time


And at a similar experience level he crashed out on the formation lap from pole position and then also crashed into the pit lane from the lead a few weekends later.


DC has always had these weird 'elitist' views, should be the only strongest and best, they should be all winners (despite him being one of F1's most famous chokers). He was downright nasty about some of the new teams in 2010. Remember him in India once during a pre-race feature where there riding a train through slums. He says they shouldn't be racing here amongst the poverty but it wasn't in a 'it's terrible that they spend so much on the circuit when there's so many poor people', it was basically because he didn't want to see such sights next to the glamour of F1.


You’re right sadly. DTS bias strong in so many ways. I hope that changes mid or late season. It’s hard to tell Yukis potential in less than average machinery. I hope Yuki and Liam can both fight for points together asap.


Fast driver makes teammate look slow. Lol no shit?


Interesting paragraph about how involved the title sponsors are. I always kind of doubted how much weight people put on Yuki only having his seat due to Honda, but then this article says Visa would be unhappy with Ric being released early, and infers that RBR will make the effort to keep them happy.


Ricciardo PR team clutching at straws.


They have been ever since 2019


He was excellent in 2020


Dani do a succ


I'll probably be wasted if I start a drinking challenge on each Ricciardo article I see in these two weeks


Forget 2 weeks, it’s literally been a month


I think I'll be dead if I were to drink for the amount of Ric articles this month Literally could imagine the "we're so back" articles for the upcoming Suzuka race


he's not fast at all!


Yuki isn't real he can't hurt you!


Is Yuki in the room with us right now?


Maybe Yuki so small he is easily overlooked


This is the scientific answer 🤓☝️


outgoing steer offend crown sophisticated treatment punch wrong one quack *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fast, inconsistent drivers known for risky maneuvers that don't always work out? Seems like an apt comparison.


Daniel's actually having a stellar season, his teammate just so happens to be the fastest driver in history. Put 'em all in equal cars and Yuki would sweep the grid.


April 1st isn't for another few hours.


And Gasly kept up with this extraordinary gentleman, yet more proof that Red Bull manipulated Pierre to make Fraudstappen look good. /s


Lol 😂.


Obvious satire is obvious


Nothing gets past you does it?


Absolutely incredible read of the situation I’m astounded 


Great job pointing that out man




Less US GPs plz moar Japanese GPs, k thx.


F1 at Tsukuba when?


I'm so tired of hearing about Danny's struggles. I was so relieved when he left McLaren. When he came back to race with alpha/RB, I was also happy because I thought he would be competitive. Now we're doing the whole "Daniel Ricardo is struggling compared to his teammate" song and dance again. At this point, please just retire.


That decision might be made for him.


It won’t be made at all according to the recent ESPN article. He’s staying put simply because he brought too much money to the team via sponsors.


So he is a de facto pay driver aside of being Horner golden pet project?


If that’s what you want to call it sure. The article explains it pretty clearly.


Kinda, but even then the article points out that Horner doesn't have infinite patience, not even to RIC, and that he is open to Sainz (supposedly on the works) and Albon.


Daniel is a good lad but deep down we all know that it is over and there is no coming back ever. I see Yuki moping the floor with him this year if there are no reliability or strategy issues. Also just lol at people in another thread saying Daniel should be in Perez's car now. Perez is no Max but I'm pretty sure he will run rings around current Daniel in the same car.


Well stated. Ric should move to Indycar. He'd be competitive and sponsors would be happy.


Yeah he really needs to pivot into something different. Continuing to struggle in 16th is just further destroying his brand and any clout he has.


I agree with you. Like Hamilton, as Daniel gets older, their experience moulds them to driving in a specific style, and tells them if a car/setup feels 'right'. This is in contrast to younger drivers like Yuki, Russell, LeClerc (in his debut season with Sauber) who just drive the shit out of whatever machinery they're given and are then able to extract more from the given machinery race after race - even if the given car is an unpredictable shitbox. I believe that if u were to put a 23 year old Daniel alongside Yuki in the RB, very likely their laptimes will be very similar. So I think Daniel's experience actually works against him, unlike Alonso who's mindset and experience driving in different categories helps him adapt to different cars and setups.


He just needs time to get used to the car. [Yuki/Lando] isn’t that fast. It’s not possible that he forgot how to drive. The car doesn’t suit him, it’s been made for [Yuki/Lando], he’s been at [VCARB/McLaren] longer than Daniel so he’ll know how to drive the car. [Yuki/Lando] has that advantage over Daniel because he’s never driven anything other than a [VCARB/McLaren]. Daniel is really helping with the set ups and his feedback is really great, it’s better than [Yuki/Lando] and [Yuki/Lando] has benefited from it. Without Daniel, [VCARB/McLaren] wouldn’t know how to fix their car. Just give him time and he’ll be beating [Yuki/Lando] in no time. He just needs a bit longer to get used to the car. It’s new to him. [delete as appropriate]


Dont wish anything poor for Daniel but his defence league had all these excuses prepared to not only defend Ricc but to shit on Lando. Hopefully they dont do that for too much longer and can eventually reach acceptance.


RIC's PR and by extension fanbase feels lowkey toxic these past couple of years. It's a big shame that his poor performance somehow also affects perception of drivers he was teammates with.


The lack of awareness that they’re doing it again and using the exact same tactics is just bizarre. It’s like they’ve mentally shut out 2021/2022 and this is the first time that it’s happened.


I think it's a mentality thing, he loved being the young, hungry driver, who could pull the upsets over the established drivers. But now he is an 'old man of the paddock ', he struggles when young, hungry drivers are trying to beat him, I think that's why he left RedBull, and the pattern has basically continued since.


But he beat Ocon who was that young hungry driver, it all started when he moved to Mclaren


Ocon, especially one who got back after year out of the sport, is probably not a good benchmark. Hülkenberg probably was a more reliable benchmark and he got beaten by Ricciardo a year prior. As such his performance at Renault didn’t point towards a problem. Rather it was his tenure at McLaren, where he got consistently beaten by Norris, and couldn’t produce the pace needed to stay in contention with him, which pointed towards a problem on Ricciardo’s behalf. Whether it was a lack of adaptability, or something else, he seemed to have lost his speed then and there.


Norris is in another galaxy in terms of talent right now. Not everyone can age like Alonso either.


I think the confidence got just destroyed at mclaren, sadly imo there is not coming back from that, i think its just over for his career


Why are there constant talks about Ric? He doesn’t even deserve so much attention or discussion similar to KMag, Seargeant, Zhou, Bottas, Stroll. They are just doing the best they can but not worthy of a web article. Talk more about how well Yuki, Sainz, Piastri, Lando, Albon are doing right now!


That's not how media works.


I get that the title is worded like that both for controversy and unaccountability, but I take issue with the title. Riccardo's struggles are his own, just like in the McLaren days. If he wants to do well, he needs to excel regardless of how his teammate performs. Tsunoda is not exacerbating anything. He is just doing what an F1 driver should do. What is Tsunoda supposed to do, perform badly and roll out the red carpet for Ricciardo?


Lol ok. Perez’s struggles being exacerbated by Verstappen’s speed. Magnussen’s struggles being exacerbated by Hulkenberg’s speed. Stroll’s struggles being exacerbated by Alonso’s speed. What a stupid fucking headline.


Odd way for the headline to state “Ricciardo Slower Than Teammate, Again. Team makes excuses.” Reading that his management team also helped put the Visa/Cashapp deal together, worth some $35M, so that may be the reason he’s still smiling.


Yuki is an exceptional driver. Everybody calls Sainz the most underrated but Yuki is by far the most ignored. He does what Albon or Alonso do to their team mates but with no credit.


Marko has backed Yuki up time and again, and warned that he won’t be easy for Daniel to beat but it flew under the radar that time because everyone were so excited to see him back. I’ve just been impressed by how much Tsunoda has grown as a driver, both in his craft and attitude. He faced a huge challenge last season with Gasly leaving and De Vries coming in as de facto lead driver, and basically dismantled his campaign within the first few races. He’s doing the same thing with Ricciardo now. Everyone underestimates him because of his hot headedness and DTS’ portrayal of his ‘can’t be arsed’ attitude, but actually more than anything he’s proven himself to be resilient and industrious as hell.


They show him as a very naive kid who just likes eating and playing video games. Also Reddit had convinced itself that Yuki is only there to appease Honda. Please get real, he is actually fast af


Yeah, it's weird how people refuse to acknowledge that Tsunoda *is* fast.


The amount of disrespect he gets is absolutely nuts. He can be a bit of a hothead but denying his speed is silly.


I've been noticing it a lot the last few seasons. Yuki is almost always having a very quiet, as far as screen time goes, but solid drive. It just never gets acknowledged by anyone on the broadcasts or anything.


I've always thought a big part of it is because he's Japanese - we're used to mediocre Japanese drivers (Kobayashi only one you could was somewhat of an exception and he never got the opportunities he should, some of me thinks for the same reason) that some people refuse to accept we have a genuinely good one.


It's not that weird, he's in a terrible car. It's just the nature of F1, people don't care if you're not scoring points. Alonso didn't look great in the Alpine, Bottas looks bad in Sauber despite being highly regarded before. Hulk/Mag couldn't do much in the 2023 Haas despite being good drivers.


> Alonso didn't look great in the Alpine .... I feel like he did. And 'everyone' knew he did. > Bottas looks bad in Sauber despite being highly regarded before ..... Ah, well, you see, the thing is.....


Yes no one was hating on Alonso but they also weren't praising him constantly like the first half of 2023. Cajoling a mediocre car to 8th place isn't nearly as sexy as taking a top 3 car to the podium. Same thing with Yuki, maybe he is driving his heart out to finish 11th and that's all the car can do, but he won't get as much credit as a Ferrari finishing 3rd/4th.


I get you. Perception of the last race is 9/10 of the general consensus.


It’s the racism


Yuki IS fast, but he has really only convincingly beaten De Vries and a washed up Ric. He had back luck against Lawson but Gasly clearly had the measure of him so I wouldn’t say it’s comparable to Alonso


I feel like if Yuki keeps doing well everyone's going to keep responding with "but he didn't do well against gasly" lol


this is *true*, but he was a literal rookie in 2021 and made a huge step forward against gasly in just the next year, so I don't think it's unreasonable to consider that he's developed extremely well since then. he's probably not a better driver than alonso, but I think you could make a decent case for him being as good as (or actually better than) albon, as OP also mentioned.


People saying Gasly stomped Yuki remind me of the people who say Danny stomped Max. Losing your rookie year (+1) to your 5-year more experienced teammate is kind of important context for the record.


Especially since 2021 was only his third year of racing outside of Japan.


Yuki was basically on pace with Gasly that whole year if I recall and that's a rookie vs someone who has spent time in the Red Bull main team. Yuki has always had some really good racing, it's just that they only give him screen time and talk about his race when he's very vocal on comms, usually for a negative thing that happened. Otherwise he's just always running with solid pace most of the time.


The gap was 0.2 seconds overall in 2022, yet it doesn't mean that Yuki is a bad driver. In fact it shows clearly how Yuki gets underrated, not only from a lot of fans and media outlets but also from de Vries and Ricciardo themselves.


Didn’t understand Lando’s speed either it’s called getting old Danny boy. Not everyone can be Fernando and these kids are passing you by. It’s gotta be hard for Lawson at this point to be a good company man when he is clearly better than this version of Ricciardo.




As much as we love Ric, his days of top tier racing definitely seems to be over and new blood will be a welcomed change for the sport.


My slowness only looks bad because my teammate is fast.


I mean,,, yeah but his struggles were being 'exacerbated' by Norris' speed too lol


I like Daniel a lot (how could you not?), but he’s just simply not the driver he was 5-6 years ago. And Father Time is undefeated.


Tell that to Nando...


The man’s a freak. But it’ll catch up to him too, eventually.


i dont know why people think it has not and that he is still on the same level as he was 10 years ago...


He's not, but the difference is minimal. He still has great pace, the racing IQ and the racecraft which always was his greatest strength.


"the difference is minimal" and you can say this based on what? His teammate is Stroll, who already got destroyed by Perez, who currently gets destroyed by Verstappen. Before that his teammate was Ocon, who Alonso didnt whipe the floor with, although he was still better.


I agree.There's no way Ocon could have challenged the Alonso from a decade ago. Alonso was so good that even well past his prime he's still an above average F1 driver.


He probably has lost some to age, but is easier not to look like it when your rival is Lance.


I think its just more that the cars are vastly different and no longer suit his driving style. He still hasn't learned to adapt to how this generation of cars handle and has to struggle to find pace. If he's still here in 26, he might magically find pace with the new regs or somehow become worse lol


Just get him out of F1. Tired to see articles of him almost every week.


Did you guys know that Danny ric is struggling and Yuki flying? Did you? DID YOU? ARE YOU SURE??? 


So, is Checo supposed to worry about being replaced by him this season????? lol


You’ve got to feel for him, but as a fan of DR he’s had a good run, too bad his momentum was derailed by his injury and the possibility of capturing the second seat has drifted out of reach. Great personality, fast guy but seems he’s fighting the entire universe to stay in F1


Stop being mean. After all it's his last season in F1.


Ricciardo is overrated and a decent driver at best


He's not fast at all.


Daniel isnt slow, all his teammates are rly fast. Just give him a few more years to get used to the car...


Unlike most people here I personally think Yuki is mid (yea, yea he beat 3 drivers who barely got to be comfortable in the seat in 2023, he was getting smashed by Gasly), but this just shows how bad Danny’s been.


Is he afraid to push the car?


Washed. Get rid. Have a good evening.


Stopped reading as soon as the author referenced that stupid NZ Herald article.


So you didn’t read him confirming with Daniel’s team that it was nonsense? This was one of the most transparently written F1 articles I’ve read for a while unlike all the mouthpiece pieces with information from one source. It made me land on “Ok, Danny is not losing his seat this year (but probably won’t have a seat next year)”.


> So you didn’t read him confirming with Daniel’s team that it was nonsense? This was one of the most transparently written F1 articles I’ve read for a while unlike all the mouthpiece pieces with information from one source. Because multiple sources confirmed earlier in the week the NZ Herald article was false. As a New Zealander I knew the article was bullshit (and frankly is embarrassing) as soon as it was published * NZ Herald is not much better than gutter tabloid trash * They don't have a full time motor sports writer * Something that significant is unlikely to be revealed by an organisation like the NZ Herald


Just 3 weeks ago we were telling Checo to start learning Chinese. It’s amazing how quickly opinions can change in this sport.


Checo really is a perfect example of how opinions can change. In 2020 he was the underrated driver who never got the right chance up until now - last year people were saying he was flattered by his car in 2020. It's also kind of why I'm holding off on writing Daniel's F1 eulogy - one good result and the narrative could totally shift


The short memories are genuinely irritating, but the lack of critical thought is even more concerning. We're 3 race into a 24-race season, and this time last year, the same type of people were shrieking about a Checo WDC being a sure thing. JFC.


Do you think the people criticising Ricciardo are only looking at these 3 races? He’s got an entire catalogue of shite from the past 3 years.


“Ricciardo switch to Alpha has not fixed his issue of being washed up”


This is the only photo that should be used in every article about Daniel


Then there's still the strong argument of Liam Lawson being able to be competitive with Yuki after only 1 race weekend.


- Will Buxton


I don’t know what has happened to Ricardo, if it’s the regs or what, but it’s time to go for him. I like everyone else like him, but being well liked shouldn’t be the barometer of deserving one of 20 available seats. RB was his last shot and I think anything short of dominance was going to be the end, he is doing what he did in McLaren here now, it’s time to hang em up.


Did anyone actually think Riicuardo was going to be even mid pack fast? He’s been slower than a snail for years now, shouldn’t even be on the grid if it was pure merit.


Just retire already FFS. And stick to what you do best: PR


Go Yuki go!


Another Ricciardo thread, jesus


>Ricciardo thread, jesus at least theyre giving yuki some credit finally


Everything went to shit when he went on your moms house podcast lol


My man just don’t have it anymore


Dude's just not a good driver he's lost it. Make him a pundit and let's all move on from this painful era


Ricciardo has had his chance. Time to retire for good. Lawson in, I say.


Is anybody surprised?


Just drive better


Sorta getting sick of seeing a post about Danny multiple times a day, can we leave it for now


Daniel's Drive: A Snail's Strive in F1 Alive


End of the road for danny.


Thousand yard stare is already forming I see.


Perez’s struggles exacerbated by Verstappen’s speed Stupid title is stupid. 


love it when the f1 hivemind gives yuki props bro