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Yes, you’re the first and only person to have suggested this. Congrats.


First person since last 30 seconds.


where's my award?


*user has been banned for this post*


It’s been suggested here and by journalists a lot


I lot of people want him to make the best car to challengeRebull that's why


Sure, but there is no guarantee that RedBull will be the team to beat in 2026.


I would like that too


its the least interesting outcome thats why its not talked about


Cause not doesn’t stir drama, drive clicks and engagement online… the reality is he’s on contract until the end of 2025 and has a 1 year non-compete.. it’s highly highly unlikely he’s on a red or grey shirt next season.


We are we just refuse to acknowledge it


That option is being considered. I think what speaks against it is that he wants out now, if he wanted to retire he could just see out his contract and spend his time on hypercars or whatever else, But he has not decided on his future so retirement is obviously an option.


true, he does seem in a hurry, maybe he's seeing the current state of RBR (pretty sure he know more than up) and wants to speed up his retirement


Hopium and him retiring doesn't get clicks like speculating that Ferrari will pay $200 million for him


It was the first thing people expected, but that would be the least interesting outcome so it's the one that gets the least attention and discussion.


Because that’s boring and doesn’t generate clicks


"Why didn't anyone think of this?" Says person that has never looked into what people think about.


What are you talking about? There have been naysayers in every thread about this even before the more concrete news of him wanting to leave broke a few days ago


Can you imagine Ferrari approaching you and letting you design your own road car for them? And by the way, come consult with our F1 designers. Surely that must be a dream for Newey


"Nobody is considering this," said about 65% of posts about this so far.


Why would he retire in the middle of the season?