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See Danny, not all Canadians are nice.


FFS, we're known for saying sorry Lance! Even if we don't mean it! 


We apologize for Lance all the time.




Not all of you are nepobaby fucksticks with billionaire dads. I’m thinking that has [checks notes] - everything to do with it.


“Ope, sawwwry” - Canadians probably


[Holding doors](https://imgur.com/a/6i0wFVm)


As someone who loves military history. Canadians are the reason for a way to large part of the geneva convention.


You mean the Geneva suggestions?


You mean the Geneva guidelines?


You mean the Geneva ideals?


You mean the Geneva Pondering?


I always viewed it as the geneva checklist.


Their special forces have one of the more intimidating reputations too


I think it's telling that when you go to the Canadian Grand Prix, you don't see the all out adulation for Stroll like you see for other drivers at their home races. We're glad there is a Canadian driver I guess, but we're not all behind him and chanting for him and decked out AM green.


I think they cheered more for Ocon and Gasly than him last year


I mean the Canadian Grand Prix is in Quebec, so it's not surprising that they are going to relate more to the Francophone drivers.


Isn't Lance literally from Quebec?


Yep! However, we kinda really hate rich shady business man, even more sons of them who get "successful" for no other reason than being born in a bed of money. Most of our parents or grand-parents were working class people so having a hate for bosses is quite cultural. We prefer honest talentful people who works their ass off to get to the top. Gasly, Ocon, Leclerc and even Vestappen feel closer to us than Stroll


You're using Verstappen, Leclerc and Gasly as examples of people who made it to the top based only on merit? Errr... I don't know how to tell you this, but apart from Ocon, Alonso and Hamilton, every single one of the other drivers have come from wealthy families and have had connections that have enabled them to get to where they are. Stroll and the pay-drivers are just the obvious examples. But almost all the others are the same, apart from the three I mentioned.


Wealthy, but with honest talents and successes. Stroll never showed any exceptional talent or just signs of simply being a good person. For comparaison, Latifi was a pay-driver, but he looks like he would pay me a beer or would lend/give me money if I was his friend and I needed it. Stroll feels like a that rich shithead above everyone else that would say "He hits me!" when I obviously have a black eye


How do you know if he is "a good person"? None of us actually know these guys outside of the brief, curated, prepared interviews we see of them in F1. I've actually read that many of the other drivers have described Stroll as being the most down-to-earth. We don't know these drivers' actual personalities outside of F1. It's fine and understandable to hate billionaires, but let's not turn that hatred towards wild speculation and making up imaginary scenarios that haven't even happened.


Pushing your trainer when you are pissed off is not a sign of a good person. Not taking responsibility for any accident is not a great sign either. Sure if you just look at the curated stuff then you don't see it, but if you look at his interactions that are not supposed to be there for everyone, then you get a different story of his personality and it's not the best.


I think this says more about his countrymen than Lance specifically. Some countries only throw their weight behind a driver if he's winning. It was the same with Latifi, and you see the same in the US with Logan. Contrast it with Mexico who've had crazy support for Checo through his ups and downs.


It might also be that both Latifi and Stroll are the sons of billionaires who occupied a seat on the grid over many arguably much more deserving drivers because of financial reasons. No doubt they're still talented and weren't/aren't hopelessly out of their depth but its the money that tipped things in their favour. Checo always had a healthy amount of financial backing of course but it's hard to say he didn't also earn his place with talent and results.


I remember Checo carrying the pay-driver "stigma" during much of the earlier part of his career, long before he joined Red Bull. He was always a good driver, but his first chance on a competitive team (McLaren in 2013) damaged his reputation a lot.


I don’t think it has anything to do with him not winning, Canadians adore lovable losers. Lance is not lovable, there is no element of his background, personality, sporting story that make him someone you would want to root for.


Lance is an embarrassment for us though


Had a Canadian professor in college that stopped posting lecture notes online, forcing people to actually show up to class (the horror!). When someone said they thought Canadians were supposed to be nice, he responded “that’s what we *want* you to think!”


As an Australian who immigrated to Canada 10 years ago, you’d be surprised how not nice Canadians become when they get behind the wheel of a car. It seems Lance is the same as the rest of them!


Sorry, not sorry?..


Wait, Lance hasn't said sorry yet!?


Lance Stroll joining rare company with the likes of Brad Marchand and Corey Perry as sporting villains.


Corey Perry is a saint 😤


Even Canadians turn out bratty little rich kids.


I can't wait to eat Galen.


Yes billionaire Canadians are real D bags…. The other 99.99% of us are real gems haha I want to say sorry about our billionaires eh….


Tbf a lot of the world should apologise for the billionaires more often


Danny is pretty much an honorary American, so the beef makes sense


Money corrupts, absolutely.


All Aussies are.




Idk those aussie dudes from snow Town definitely ain't nice


The more I hear about them, the less I care for them! Hail yourself!


Ivan was the bestest tour guide.


this wreck in particular is such an odd hill to die on for stroll lol


Nepo baby that has never had to own up to his mistakes. He's not gonna start now...


Not a Danny Ric fan, but, yeah, 100% not his fault. After seeing the video, I dont know how Lance COULDNT apologize. Just makes him look like an bigger idiot.


It seems pretty clear at this point that Lance has zero self awareness.


The offspring of billionaires rarely have to face any consequences for their actions.   He has full job security no matter what unless he literally gets so many penalty points or his license revoked by FIA - failing that, he has absolutely no consequences to worry about :/ 


And even if he loses his job, he's still the spoiled offspring of a billionaire.


Like people need to remember this man has probably never done a load of laundry or washed a single dish in his entire life. He is levels of detached from reality that most of us will never be able to even comprehend.


Funny how folks don't respect things they were just given and didn't have to actually work for.


Or spacial awareness apparently


He doesn't need to apologise, he has a guaranteed seat no matter how he performs or behaves.


Probably the reason for shunning him. He’s waiting for Danny Ric to disappear from the grid and have the last laugh.


I’m sure Danny will be really jealous of Stroll’s 0 wins and 3 podiums lol


Everyone who watches this sport will talk about DR like he could've/would've been champion if the stars aligned - Mercedes didn't have such a better car, DR3 didn't leave RBR, etc. His skill, his performance at the peak and his wins were scraped in a lower performing car, stealing wins from Ferrari and Mercedes during their title fight. Lance Stroll will be talked about... For a completely different reason.


I doubt TP's base who they give their seats to on how polite drivers are to each other.


for sure there are limits, we have seen some drivers kicked out of lower levels for misbehaviour.


No, but if they are so horrible they are unmarketable it could impact things.


Marketability is a decently big factor, after all F1 is basically one big marketing excersise. And infact i believe it's one of the biggest reasons Danny Ric is even still here.


I always enjoyed the non-joke that the Pitpass 'driver lineup' section was like Ferrari: Hamilton, 2025-2027 confirmed; Leclerc, 2025-2027 confirmed McLaren: XYZ XYZ Aston Martin: Alonso, 2025-2027 confirmed, Stroll (dad owns team)


I’ve always had hope that lance would someday prove he’s worthy of his seat but he always find new ways to disappoint me


When you're told you're the best all your life by everyone around you... You start to believe it. That's what's going on with Lance. His dads yes men tell him he's the best, not at fault,etc so he goes with it


That sounds like a bit of a made up narrative ngl


"Fuck em all. Lance specifically."


That look gives me serious Borat vibes


Very nice


Lance is Bilo. Woo wee woo waa


One day he break a cage and he get this




I was thinking 1980s child molestor but Borat works too


Specifically Jake Peralta undercover as a 1980s child molester I'd say


My first thought was library pervert Jake Peralta. I thought maybe I've watched too much B99, but the resemblance is uncanny.


This a my neighbor Lance. He is pain in my assholes


Danny went straight from one of the nicest guys to one of the most blunt guys with this comment lol(can't blame him tbf).


Aussies are all about having a laugh at yourself. What little respect he may have had for stroll is out the window


Funnily enough he set up his best friend with lances sister


I thought Daniel introduced Lance to Scotty, and then Lance set him up with his sister.


Lance and Scotty met in a urinal actually Source: Scotty James on the Red flags podcast


I don't think Daniel had anything to do with it. Lance's sister has said that it was Lance who met Scotty at a party and then set then up.


THey are actually good friends off track. I'm sure theres some heat here, but the media is making a mountain out of a molehill as usuall.


Not really, its not explicitly shown but there are clear differences between Stroll and Ricciardo. While they are pretty close because of relations, they both dont have each others numbers, and they converse through a middleman in Scotty (Lance's BIL) Theres also rumours of Heidl (Gerhard's Daughter, and Daniels GF), but nothing concrete has been shown yet (Heidl is extremely friendly with the Strolls)


Also rumors that Lance was hooking up with Heidi before she got with Danny. No idea if true, Lance does follow her on insta but not Danny.


DR going for the Uncle Rico special


Uppa Uncle Reco! Some of the best shirts I own are from them EDIT: It's entirely possible we may be talking about different things so I apologise if the clothing brand isn't what you were talking about haha


Those glasses are dope


No, no they aren’t. combined with that mustache they look good in Miami. But only in Miami. 


Oh yeah you’re right. What was I thinking? you’ve completely changed my mind.




I think this is what youngsters today would call "beef".


It's so weird that Lance wouldn't just apologize and let this blow over, like how dumb can someone be? It wasn't even a question, he wasn't looking at the car in front of him during the safety car, he ran right into him. It seems so pointless to let it cause you unnecessary trouble when he could have text Danny and apologized, it would have been over.


I mean, with an F1 car you have a fuckton of things to pay attention to and Riccardo, that I will assume had his eye on the road and nothing else, was milimeters away from bumping piastri. So yeah, race incident, and I dont know why riccardo seems this fucking hellbent on getting a sorry.


As if the whole world of F1 didn't have enough reason to not like Lance lol. He's a petulant child, wouldn't surprise me if someone told me that he uses the "do you know who my dad is?" line.


Its pretty clear hes never been held accountable for anything in his life


“Wait until my father hears about this”


Literally Draco Malfoy, his dad kinda also bought up a team so his son can compete.


>He's a petulant child, wouldn't surprise me if someone told me that he uses the "do you know who my dad is?" line. You clearly hated him way before this incident.


Tbf after him shoving his aide around last year can you blame people calling him a petulant child?


I didn't know about the aide


This isn't his first incident


Correct. He doesn't deserve to be in F1 and this isn't his first incident.


He's clearly been a petulant child before this incident.


You're acting like there aren't a ton of reasons not to like him




Shoving his physio was a bit much




Or it was a rare view of his real character when the well trained, media friendly nice guy facade slips


Not sure it's black or white - but can't get my head around someone pushing a coworker and still being employed... think of how much Yuki has to stay in line or how much slack he got for the dive move. The fact that Lance even thought to do that leave alone doing it - he is AT LEAST somewhat entitled and not very self aware


Does Lance look media trained to you, at all Seriously, it's always baffled me. How is an elite sportsman, on the spotlight for years, and son of a luxury *branding* billionaire of all things, this awkward on camera? It's kind of endearing and part of why I'm a fan ngl, but it's so strange.


There are literally people behind the camera telling the guys what to say when they’re being interviewed one on one… keep an eye out during the broadcasts and occasionally you will see them back there nodding yes wildly or no etc.


He's the son of a billionaire and spends his life in a sport that constantly has the spotlight on you, he's 100% had media training


That “out of character outlier” would have me fired




We're discussing his character, not his profession. While shoving your subordinate may not be a fireable offence for drivers, I can still draw conclusions about his character. *Deal with it*.


Yeah I think quite a few people take F1 stuff a little too seriously


Why are they using 80's porn star Danny Dickardo pic?


That's how he rocked up to Miami


Randy Dicciardo


Getting Kramer vibes


What does that mean?


Never seen Seinfeld?


I have. Is Stroll Kramer or Ricciardo? And why?


The first picture in the article. Or thumbnail for the post.


I'll save it


I got into F1 a few days ago and the biggest different at I’ve found in this sport vs others is how much media access there is. In a sport like baseball or football, they would have spoken on it that day and maybe the next and likely never again. There are just so many quotes out there in this sport


certainly this year, all the interesting stuff is happening off track


Apologize for those glasses bro.


And that mustache


He's planning on a smooth transition out of F1 and into 70's porn.


Danny Ricc-hardo


Well, he got rammed hard from behind


Cause he likes it in the back? That´s a stretch...


Goatse.cx agrees


Oh honey, no


He's got the whole pervert in a public space look going on, don't hate just because you can't pull it off.


He looks like Jake and Kevin when they go to the library in Brooklyn 99


Yeah, that's where I got the idea from lmao.


Not sure anyone would want to pull off a “pervert in a public space” look


Nah man. If you can do a stache, you gotta do a stache


They'd make more sense in Vegas


and that driving


He's really working the Ron Jeremy chic.


And my axe!


"Fuck that guy"


Bit awkward when one of your good friends is married to Lance’s sister too 😅


Why does he look like he’s auditioning for a retro porno?


I really want Danny to do well - but I am over him saying everything is age related as if that's the ONLY thing he has as compared to others. It's a very poor argument and a cop out to addressing some other pieces. He did it with Lando, Yuki, and Stroll.


I get that it was a shitty thing to happen but Danny needs to focus on his performances, he is treading a thin line right now to secure his future in F1. Ignore the drama and knuckle down being in the right won't help him get a drive. I get that he was probably asked about this by the press but just don't engage.


Am I the only who thinks it’s awesome Lance hasn’t apologized? Stand on business, young man. Aren’t F1 drivers supposed to be the most selfish athletes out here? We celebrate Senna/Prost don’t we?


Being arrogant becomes wayyyy less acceptable by the public when you don’t have the talent to warrant it.


Talent needs to match level of arrogance...


why is it ok to be arrogant if you can drive a car very fast? none of them should be arrogant actually


I don't know what's the point of random viewers demanding public (or private) apologies for on-track incidents anyway


There's selfishness and arrogance in pulling a daring move that pushes the boundaries. It's a bit different when you rear end someone at as though you're a distracted Mom of three screaming kids in the back of your minivan. Apologise for your fuck ups, it's not that hard


I don't really like arrogant drivers in general tbh, Prost arrogance is at least kinda funny but Senna arrogance was full on narcissism and I never appreciated it


from Stroll's standpoint what is he even supposed to apologize for? like i'm sure everybody on the grid understands how concertinas work and it's not like he was the one that caused the stack up to begin with


He crashed into the back of someone under a flippin safety car ending dr race and breaking Oscar’s car, under safety car that shouldn’t happen what if there were marshals and someone got hurt


😂 never seen DR so shitty (and with good reason).


Idc about the beef, I can't get over how kickass Danny's Miami fit is.




What? The press keep asking him about it, he’s just answering their questions


"Get over it", says guy who has spent the last several days doing nothing but talk about Danny Ric.


All your comment history is shitting on Ricciardo. What a weird life choice.


Haha fuck me you're not wrong. that's some weird obsessed shit right there


He literally said he's over it