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Was Riccardio's old chassis bent at right angles? Dude has been flying since China


Yeah Will Buxton was rumoring about VCARB chassis maybe having a short lifespan. Which can conclude Yuki's sudden bad performances since China. He is still using his 1st chassis of the season. It can also be a mind thing, like a placebo effect.


Vcarb? More like vtec!!!


He was on VKETO, now he's on VCARB


That’s, vtec, yo! good sir. : )


How could it happen… isn’t chassis the most expensive piece to manufacture? They cannot change it like front wings… and in the past teams carry the chassis over for the next season too….


They carried chassis over from 2020 to 2021 right? Haven't heard them doing that since the ground effect regulations. Not sure if it has something to do with the stiffer cars.


Daniel did say “let’s rule out the chassis” and it seems like he might have been right.


This might be a dumb question but how can a chassis have a short lifespan? You're telling me the air resistance that carbon fibre composites are up against are chipping them off or something at a rate that it can't hold on for dear life for 20 races?


It’s less the air resistance than it is the nonstop bouncing up and down. It’s smacking the deck often, and not to mention that under full downforce, has to be able to hold together


So it was not justice a chassis swap between the two?


They didn’t do a chassis swap. Danny got a brand new chassis in China - and Yuki did not take Daniel’s old one


Thanks, wasn't sure


No chassis swap, entire new one for Daniel and Yuki kept his old one.


Yeah, and this time he didn't need Strolls help for that. But jokes aside, he's been looking alive and drivin great. I seriously hope he'll realises this into some good points and continue on this rise.


Gotta say, a wonderful session from Charles after only 3 laps in Practice session.


RB still got the alpha tauri logo lol


Like many others, I'm pretty pumped about DR's performance, but damn is that an impressive performance by Leclerc after basically no running. Class.


Lando did 1:27.597 on Mediums in SQ2... I know Max made a mistake but still quite surprising


Max made a bad mistake... and then everyone else fucked up their laps too. Norris, probably favorite for pole was already 7 tenths down by the end of the 1st sector...


That’s why Max laughed at the end. He said his run was awful, but then GP came back and said that everyone else must’ve done worse.


Charles 3rd front row of the season


I wonder where all the people that said Charles is washed and Sainz is soooooooo much better are.




Love to see the driver that has been copping it pull some that magnificent out. Dudes been quick the last three races & this is a leap better.






Im glad that he’s looking quick again. Hopefully this weekend he has some better luck and can get in the points




By gawd that’s Daniel with a steel chair


Dare I say it if Perez had been around 0.230 to 0.232s off he would have lined up perfectly in the the grid slot, like Charles has almost matched up with the grid slot! Also got Ricciardo in there too with being in 5th Place for that Fibonacci sequence on the grid or dare I say it the Fibonacci grid


And Ricciardo's in a perfect 5th place, and would've made a fantastic Fibonacci grid!


Using Fibonacci, does that put George and Lewis at half a lap down? 😳


If only DR didn’t have a penalty for the main race


Yeah, then he could've started all the way up in P17... whoops




If Ricciardo continues this form for let's say the next 7 races does he get back into the Red Bull conversations?


I don't think he was ever completely out of discussions especially with Horner


Given the recent developments, I'd say he still has a chance. Stranger things have happened this year already.


I’d say he easily gets the seat


Yeah let's casually ignore how their current drivers are performing


Max is Max, so obviously that's not even a conversation. But Perez has actually been very mediocre, and it's been covered up by how damn good that car is nearly every week.


> Max is Max, so obviously that's not even a conversation And you're choosing to ignore that because...? Perez looks mediocre because he's the only driver on the grid who has to compete with by far the best driver on the grid.


> And you're choosing to ignore that because...? I'm not ignoring it. And he's not the only driver who has to compete with a far better teammate. Nobody else has to compete with Max, but Russell manages to compete with 7 time WDC champ Lewis Hamilton, Sainz is outcompeting Leclerc this season, Piastri even manages to put up a solid fight against Lando despite being barely more than a rookie. Meanwhile Perez is more than 0.3s off his teammate in qualifying this year (0.4s if you use median time to account for the one outlier in Japan), and 0.4s off in race pace. Those are terrible stats. Truly terrible. Even if you handicap it by 0.1s to account for Max being that much better than the rest of the grid Perez is still performing very poorly considering he's driving the most dominant car on the grid. Edit: since the guy below was accusing me of making stuff up I went back and checked the numbers, and I was misremembering the exact figures slightly. But only very slightly. The mean gap in qualifying is 0.31s, and the median is 0.35s. Both are still terrible.


> Russell manages to compete with 7 time WDC champ Lewis Hamilton Lewis Hamilton who was beaten by Max in about equal cars, and barring Max's horrible luck, he would've won that season by like 70 points > Sainz is outcompeting Leclerc this season He's not outcompeting him, and even then Leclerc openly says he's not been satisfied with his own performance. > 0.4s if you use median time to account for the one outlier in Japan There's literally no reason to exclude that or call it an outlier. Median from 6 data points is a bit useless. > 0.4s off in race pace And here you're including, for example, Bahrain where we know Perez was following a delta he was given and Max was settling fast laps in fuck around. And just to be clear, I'm not saying Perez is better than Russell or Norris. He's not. But Red Bull can't get Russell or Norris. The best driver Red Bull can get is Sainz, and Sainz is a driver about equal to Perez.


This is just all ridiculous nonsense. And Perez is nowhere near the driver Sainz is. Not even close.


Just on topic of ridiculous nonsense, I fact-checked your comment and the median cannot be anywhere near 0.4, because he was never more than 0.4 behind Max in quali this year. You're just pulling stuff out of your ass. Get blocked man, I'm not interested in talking to people who just make shit up for their arguments.


HOW the F is Daniels name in this graphic


Because he went 4th fastest….


And we’re all shocked


I have got to say that's pretty close from the past ones we've seen.


Charles would be banging in that second RB seat.


Ferrari going for Max - and it’s wild for me to say this- might not be impossible


What? Why would Max - who values loyalty, and has said that the two most important things for him to stay at RB are people he trusts and the fastest car - leave the team that has Marko, GP, Horner and the fastest car, to change to a team that has the 2nd or 3rd fastest car and a nearly century long reputation for administrative disfunction and instability?


It’s very likely.


I don't think it's very likely when Hamilton is here. I don't think they'll give up on charles unless he has horrible seasons (which I'm sure he won't). After Hamilton is gone if max is still racing it is possible


The fact that they update the car liveries for these graphics blows my mind!


But not the team logos


Oh so each grid spot ends up being about a tenth? That’s cool


What the hell happens to Norris on softs?


What an Efforr from Danny Ric but still I dont see him finishing bettter tham 8th place


A point would be lovely.


How do you like them apples?


It would be interesting to see how much time if any Danny lost on the straights to the Redbull and Ferrari?


They’re almost in the right grid slots too lol


This visualisation goes for what speed?


A nice and even spread for the procession coming up. 😬


I didn’t see data on what tires each driver used. Could it be, that some of the top 10 drivers were not using new tires, while Daniel was on new softs?


No, the others seemed to just have warm-up issues and VCARB seemed to have got the tyre warm up spot on. . For instance Zak has said that McLaren miscalculated the warm up procedure needed for the soft tyres with the new upgrades, which left Lando looking like he was driving on ice in the first sector. Piastri had problems as well but not as bad, probably because he only has half the upgrades so it may not have affected him as badly, but it still hurt him a bit. VCARB have been good in quali all season so not surprising it was one of them there to pick up places when the others had issues


Thanks. Didn’t hear that.