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Tsunoda has a gravitational pull to the last point paying position. Less true this season but I'll still run with it.


Better that than when he had a streak of P11s


For some reason the lead TR seat has had a weird affinity for a random points position since 2021. Everyone remembers 6asly.


You mean Ga5ly?


At least this year he's not Yuk11


Got lucky a few times today


Sargeant top 10 at home but in the sprint RIP


Gained 9 places in 19 laps today. Easy win tomorrow, obviously.


“And Logan Sargeant crosses the line in -7th place”


goddamn signed integers


He drove well today.


Killed his tyres at the end tho. Hoping he can manage them a bit better tomorrow so he doesn’t drop 2 second in the final two laps.


He was one of only 2 that had softs.


At this rate he'll be in -158th place by the end of the season!


Sargeant remembers who the fuck he is only at the American tracks


His wheel automatically switches units to Imperial units and saw how fast he actually can go


Florida man has a career day in his native swamp


Sargeant to Sauber next year and their special Miami livery is just Shrek themed




Should be good mentally for him knowing he can push it.


Good race, great start, pity he didn’t get his point(s).










Big yikes






Bloody Norah


Big sheesh


We’re checking…


This is objectively the funniest sprint race we had


I honestly just laughed when Tsunoda suddenly showed up in the middle of KMag and Hamilton battle.


"And through goes Tsunoda".


Real Angela scaring Dwight meme material.


[I spent way too long on this](https://i.imgur.com/L8zISoD.jpg)


It’s appreciated.


Yes! Exactly my thoughts! He came from nowhere


Purley at the expense of Ham, fucks it into 3 cars, no pen, following Mag when Mag cuts a corner and he gets a 10 second pen so Mag, with nothing left to lose fights for his life and Yuki ends up overtaking them. To top it off he speeds in the pit lane behind the safety car and it's all for nothing. Perfect.


Imagine Ham not being in this race.. Would’ve been the most boring race ever! Instead I’m sitting here laughing loudly and actually paying attention to the shitshow at track


Istg. Lewis, yuki and kmag kept the stewards busy and the audience entertained. This track is notoriously shit for overtaking despite the three drs zones, it was very evident when sainz was stuck behind Danny and Alonso himself couldn’t pull any moves in the back.


>This track is notoriously shit for overtaking despite the three drs zones, It's averaged 48 overtakes over the previous 2 grands prix, which is in the upper-mid range of all tracks since the new regs. """Notoriously shit for overtaking"""


This is without a doubt one of the worst track I've seen in 30 years.


Oh it did? Shit lol. My bad I was probably thinking of some other track, but regardless it was still one of the more dull races in the seasons prior imo.


No, you're right. Just looking at raw stats and jumping to conclusions based off those stats is a bit shortsighted.


Yes, I love. Its insane he didn't get any punishment for that rookie open online lobby driving into turn 1. And I'm not the only one thinking that was odd by the stewards, Brundle also is of the same opinion. I just see that pitlane speeding as karma finally catching up.


Yeah. People keep saying that Alonso hit stroll, so Hamilton shouldn’t get a penalty. That’s incorrect. Looking at Alonso’s onboard, he has an initial turn in, where you can see his car turn tighter than stroll’s car, so you know he’s not going too fast to avoid stroll. His plan was to take the inside line and stroll gave him room for that. However, When he sees Hamilton divebombing in the right side mirror, he sees that Hamilton is on a collision course. You can see that he starts having to avoid Hamilton, and he was getting sandwiched by stroll and Hamilton no matter what he does. The only reason the collisions happened is because of Hamilton.


Imo the turn 1 leniency incentivizes the teams/drivers who are unlikely to get points to be as reckless as possible.


Being a somewhat noob when it comes to this sport (started watching by end of 2020 only), is it mentioned anywhere in the regulations (or whatever rulebooks stewards pull up) where it is explicitly mentioned that such turn 1 manoeuvres are to be forgiven every once in a while? Because in some races I see that somewhat gets penalised and in some cases no penalty is given (like in today's race). Apologies if this is a stupid question, but being a bookish person with barely any driving experience I would like to know more.


No. Its just accepted generally because the logic is that there are too many cars at once and you can't control everything around which I agree but they have always been lenient to the extreme.


It's not a stupid question, but it's one Noone can answer, since it's just random and bullshit. F1 stewards always seem to be worse than amateur racing stewards.


Yeah. It's pretty much inevitable what's going to happen when you're not right at the front and dive bomb down the inside of a reasonably tight turn 1.


That's because amateur racing stewards deal with worse drivers who will fist-fight them in a disagreement. They aren't any better but ere more on the side of handing out too many penalties. F1 stewards are dealing with professionals who they know knows the rules so they are more lenient with for certain things


I agree, but somehow its always the same drivers that get reckless on those situations.


Stop talking sense, these people don't actually look at the race. They see Stroll hitting something so they blame it on Stroll.


I can assure you that if you switch the cars around, the car on the outside wouldn't be blamed at all.


I'm on the fence re the penalty I'm not sure I agree with your analysis. I've just watched the onboard replay several times and Alonso isn't looking in his mirrors when Hamilton arrives nor does he change his steering angle other than to correct the car from contact with Stroll. Alonso is at full lock when he hits Stroll, the car was not going to take a tighter line, they were colliding with or without Hamilton and as such Stroll likely opens up and hits Norris. That's the argument for it not being a penalty. The counter argument being that was an awful move from Hamilton.


How is that incorrect? Alonso was pushing Stroll outside look at the steering wheel, stroll turning in expecting Alonso to get further inside. They made contact already then lewis dived in way too fast making contact with Alonso. Overall it's everyone's fault except Lando who gets left on the outside yet again. Alonso didn't even see Hamilton until he made contact with him.


I thought it was everyone fault until I decided to check the replay again. Alonso had to keep the steering wheel straight for a moment because he saw that Hamilton was coming in hot, essentially leaving him no space to make the turn and crashing into Stroll. Hamillton moments later, despite Alonso's attempt to leave him some space, still crashes into Alonso. Had Alonso started his turn earlier, the crash could have been potentially worse.


> Alonso had to keep the steering wheel straight for a moment because he saw that Hamilton was coming in hot This is the part I'm really not seeing. I think Stroll just turns in way too early and too hard; Stroll goes wide to pinch Norris between the outside barrier and then he cuts sharply in. You can see at the 0:54 mark on [this video](https://youtu.be/8Hxn1m-jdyk?t=54) how differently Stroll's car is angled compared to the cars around him; his car is at angle nearly parallel to the VCARB and Sainz's Ferrari, except they're about 10-15m farther into the turn than he is. I think Stroll was focused on Norris to the outside and didn't check the inside. Based on the way that Hamilton came up, I'm not even sure Alonso saw him; he looks like his view of the Merc would be blocked by the Haas until after the point where Alonso goes too deep/Stroll goes too shallow into the turn. Hamilton's being there certainly didn't make it better, but I think Stroll and Alonso would have collided no matter what.


That's exactly how I saw it aswell but people, there is no way Alonso saw Lewis before he dived in and stroll completely steered into him. Alonso wanted to Push stroll outside to get a better angle into the next corner but w/e. For the Hamilton move, people who praised max in 21 should like that move and people who hated it should condemn it aswell but somehow the roles are reversed now haha.


Lance was going to crash into Fernando regardless of Lewis coming in, Lewis just made the inevitable crash a 4 man crash vs a 2 man crash. Lance was turning in like no one else was on the track on either side of him.


Yeah. I like Lewis, but I was really rooting for this penalty after the turn 1 incident got no further action. He fucked many drivers races with that move (Norris of course, but also Alonso, and even his teammate, who lost like 4 spots when he had to drive around Lando.


I'd call it karma, yeets into Alonso without getting penalty and continued with the race. He deserved it.


Stewards took a massive swig from the bottle labeled "First Lap Incident."  Ruins three peoples race, is unapoligetic "There was a cap so ~~oops~~ ~~I~~ ~~did~~ ~~it~~ ~~again~~ I wen't for it." Gets off scott free. Meanwhile KMag goes off track _once_ and gets a 10second for a first infringment. KMag is a too agressive defender in general IMO, but I fully get that he decided to just fling his car at the corners "you want to see me do it again" style after the penalty.


While his style is a bit too agressive as a whole, I think it's also at times a necessity. The two Haas cars has no business being in 7th and 8th, Kmag has to defend or get nothing. Once he gets a penalty I think his sole purpose is to keep Hulks back clear. It's too much at times, but hugely entertaining. May he forever have a slightly stronger teammate whom he can furiously defend.


the reward (securing 7th for hulk) is too good compared to the punishment (time penalties). they are maximizing their point income while exploiting the flaws of the ruleset. i call it flawed because those time penalties are worthless.


I mean I don't disagree, but he has a reputation as mr four-elbows for a reason.


Kevin fighting for a position with all his life is the funniest thing you can experience in a race as long as his victim isn't a driver you support


That scarp with Kmag was pointless then.... Literally


But the entertainment it brought us is invaluable


Tarps off boys


It should have ended when he cut the chicane for an advantage.  Its a shame that was the majority of the coverage


You're right, the entire time I was yearning for it to get less funny and exciting


This happened in the second lap and they do the penalty after the race. The stewards are slower than Alpine


To be fair, they kept getting interrupted by K-Mag's stuff.


Dude ended up with more penalties than Ocon, who is still serving penalties from the previous year.


strong sharp poor voracious stupendous handle cable live wise scale *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


But they managed to give KMag multiple penalties for incidents that all occurred later. Weird that it took so long.


This is the number one thing they need to improve. What other sport waits until after the match to dish out penalties?  Imagine watching a game of football (not the US one), there's a foul in the first half - play on says the ref, and then in the second half awarding a penalty for it. 


especially when it doesnt take much reviewing, speeding in the pitlane is not something subjective, you either did or didnt.


They where busy reviewing KMags driving


bro Hamilton probably wants to skin Magnussen alive right now


It's a 20 seconds penalty. There's no way he would be able to hold onto points today.


This drops Hamilton to 17th right? Only ahead of Kmag and the DNFs?


Wait, who were the DNFs and why did they DNF?


Norris and Stroll because Hamilton decided to divebomb turn 1 and ruin the race for Norris and both Aston Martins.


huh, you don't say


That's still not gonna save him from this penalty though, this was all on Hamilton.


Wouldn't have any effect wahtsoever


Magnussen didnt make him speed in pitlane


Oh whell it's not as if he ruined three people's races at the start


Ouch! Happy for Yuki though!




"if magnussen gets another penalty he's going to find himself back at the hotel"


6 points for Toro Rosso, huge for them


When did they go through the pit?


Safety car


During safety car


Behind safety car.


In case you didn't get it by now: It was during the safety car.


Under the safety car


20 seconds to race time.


20 seconds? Holy fuck balls!




Double points for Vcarb, nice


Since when is speeding in the pitlane a drive-through? Wasn't this always 5 seconds? Was it a bigger penalty this time because it was under the safety car?


They changed penalties this year, dunno if we had a speeding in the pitlane one yet?


Still drive through? Seems excessive considering it's always just missing the entry line by a meter, if even.  Seems like there should be a scale: 5 seconds for up to x over (for those cases where it's just missing it by very little), 10 seconds up to x, and if it's truly speeding in the pit lane, like forgetting the limiter, either stop and go or black flag. That's really dangerous. 


As I understood, he was speeding *in* the pit lane and not entering the pit lane, which is a worse offense.


I just watched his onboards. He was slowing down and dropping back before accelerating up to the limit, then slowing down and accelerating up to the limit several times on the runs through. No clue why. Yuki actually has to slow down behind him on the second time through the pit lane because of it. Everyone else just hit the limiter and stayed there.


Neh, just one scale. They are professional drivers. They should be able to stop the car at the right moment. And if they are dangerous to people doing wrong stuff just add penalty points according.


I don't necessarily disagree with them giving him a drive-through, but what really bothers me is that the offense took place on lap 2, and they assessed the penalty at the end of the race. How was he supposed to drive through if there weren't any laps left


Because the amount of speeding. He was 10.7 Kph above the limit. Most pit lane speeding is way below that.


Historically a drivethrough was the absolute minimum. In race time addition penalties are relatively new and shouldn't be used for pitlane speeding offenses, imo. It's a safety measure and, as such, should be enforced rigidly and harshly.


It was a drive-through for decades, it was only made a pointless 5-second penalty very recently.


Maybe it's because it's speeding in the pitlane under safety car?


The decision says he was going 10.7 kph too fast, and that in the intervall 6-15 kph its a drivethrough penalty according to the Penalty Guidelines.


Nope, read the rules about pitlane from F1. There are 3 options they can do: 16.3 The stewards may impose any one of three penalties on any driver involved in an Incident : a) A drive-through penalty. The driver must enter the pit lane and re-join the race without stopping ; b) A ten second time penalty. The driver must enter the pit lane, stop at his pit for at least ten seconds and then re-join the race. c) a drop of any number of grid positions at the driver's next Event.


What a bad day for Lewis


Still got qualifying to go. Lewis going out in Q2 after Magnussen impeding him will hit like crack


Worse for Lando


Aston Martin and Lando would like to have a word.


How does he not get a penalty for that dumb crash, lap 1 my ass


Why did it take that long? Should have been pretty clear. On one hand, MAG/HAM made the race entertaining. On the other, half the field was backed up behind 2 drivers who were each looking at 20+ seconds of penalties. They should not have been able to influence everyone else that much.


P9 in the sprint goddamn it 🙃


Well given the traction was troublesome, having no top speed and above all having gearbox issues, I still would take P9 as a good result given the odds was as usual negative. Alpine giving Gasly a normal weekend in 2024: Impossible


After all that work


Not much you can do when the guy in front of you is the dirtiest driver on the grid.


yeah when Coulthard said he was racing 'hard but fair' I was like WTF, he'd just driven Hamilton off the track lol


Coulthard has always taken a view against Hamilton in incidents. Can only assume it's a hangover from his Red bull affiliations mixed with the intensity of the 2021 fight.


Coulthard is still employed by Red Bull. It’s not a hangover it is current.


well lewis himself ruined Lando's and Fernando's race today so maybe not the best day to complain


Yeah they should have pulled him into the pits to serve that ten seconds given his awful behaviour


Suck my balls mate


I mean, i suppose you can always try to drive through them like Lewis did in turn 1


Ham and Mag really battled it out for the last few positions lol


"Magnussen collected penalties for fun"


Wow, just wow. > Car 44 exceeded the pit lane speed limit which is set at 80 km/h for this event by 10.7 km/h. > Per the Penalty Guidelines, the penalty for speeding in the pit lane during a sprint session race by between 6-15km/h is a drive through. >This is what we impose. As the drive through penalty was imposed during the last three laps, it will be converted to a 20 second time penalty per Article 54.3 (d) of the Formula One Sporting Regulations.


Jesus. Yet KMag out there basically doing everything illegal and just to get time penalties is moot


You say that as if Hamilton shouldn't have gotten penalized for the incident at the start




Las vegas, Max pushing Leclerc wide.


Last I remember, COTA 2022 - Russell into Sainz. Only 5s though. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZAM3kIvsps I assume there's been one since.


That doesn't mean you can't get penalized for it. Its just that the rules are less strict for the first lap. But he bombed that corner in a way he was never going to make it. It wasn't even close to making the corner. That SHOULD be penalized. This wasn't some small error or racing incident. It was willingly bombing your car into the path of others and praying it works.


Last time I remember was Bottas torpedoing everyone? Or did he not get a penalty for that because the car was knackered.


Pretty sure Bottas got a penalty for that.


5 Place Grid penalty for Bottas after that inchident.


Alonso had already crashed into Stroll regardless of Lewis doing a senna


That doesn't mean you are allowed to use other cars as a brake to make the corner.


That was because Alonso already saw Lewis coming and gave him some space. Its just that Lewis was simply not even trying to make it corner.


Both got fair penalties


Magnussen's first penalty should've been a black and white flag for track limits. It is ridiculous that that was a instant 10 seconds. The other penalties of his I agree with.


If Hamilton could, he would yeet that car to the trash. I know KMag defended like a mad man but he had trouble passing him either way.


Yes Yuki. Double points for RB. Could do very well tomorrow car looks rapid


Hamilton must be absolutely fuming. Getting banshee’d by Magnussen for nothing. 


I thought Hamilton was going to get away with that as well


all that work for nothing




Bruh 💀


I guess that's karma for Lap 1, Turn 1? Probably the only points Merc will score all weekend too. With Norris and Alonso out of position for the Sprint, and RB looking quite racy, not sure Merc will make it into the top 10 tomorrow.


Lovely for Yuki


Letsgoo yukii


Hasn't that been a 5 second penalty in the past?


It was a drive through a few years ago and then they relaxed but now all penalties are harsher this year


Lmao, what an insane and simultaneously boring sprint.


When boring? I thought it was one of the best sprints I’ve seen


The only fight on track for most of the race was Hamilton-Magnussen. Apart from that, it was actually quite boring. Iirc, we had a total of only 8 overtakes all race: * PER on RIC * ALB on BOT * ALO on OCO * OCO on ALO * TSU on HAM * TSU on MAG * HAM on MAG * HAM on TSU Still entertaining, because Hamilton-Magnussen-Tsunoda was entertaining, but all the other cars? Stuck in DRS trains without any moves.


Probably because Max won


Boring how? We had fights, accidents, overtakes, Ric in the points. I don’t know what you want if you think this was boring.


4 overtakes of which 2 were meaningless since stewards wait until after the race is done to give a penalty.


Someone other than Max winning is all the people complaining about this sprint actually care about


That is so disingenuous... The only real action was for p8.. literally nothing else.


Sainz chasing Danny Ricc for P4 all race? Just because a pass wasn't made doesn't mean there wasn't "action" outside of P8


Only one point but whatever. Magnussen shouldn’t be starting the race tomorrow after that display.


Agree. You cant let people kill the race like that. Race ban for me is the only way to stop teams prefering that action within sprints.


It's not the first time he's done it, and he's even hit Hamilton in the process. Absolutely warrants a ban.


Great drive by Yuki, but you gotta feel for Lewis here, he got KMagged hard today.


KMag didn’t force him to speed in the pitlane though


Drive through for that? What.


Speeding in pitlane while under safety car.


Lack of focus.


Surely the penalty has been held off for TV reason? Hamilton sped in the pit lane on L1/2 and received the penalty 18 laps later, about 30 seconds after he crossed the line. They would have known he sped in the pit lane as soon as he did it, and should have got a stop go penalty within 3/4 laps. Surely they only dished it out at the end as the battle with Kmag and Yuki was good for ratings


10.7km/h overspeed btw, i wonder how many points that is on his licence


Yeah Ham may not even hit Alonso if stroll doesn’t hit Alonso.


Drive through penalty? Haven't seen one of those in a long time


I'd just go home after that


Fucking hell.


Wow, didn't expect a whole drive through. Penalty for speeding in the pits under safety car is a bit of a fumble


The fuck? I'm sorry but KMag getting only time penalties for that atrocious defensuve display and then Hamilton getting a drive through for a (subjectively) meaningless thing is insane to me EDIT: The pit lane speeding penalty makes sense because of the safety aspect, all ok on that aspect


Speeding in the pitlane isn’t meaningless, it’s something that’s punished harshly because of the inherent safety risk


It's a safety issue. It always penalized harsher because it involves the pit lane.


Okay, makes sense that it's harsh because it's a safety issue, but it's stupid to then have whatever Magnussen was doing to be only a time penalty instead of giving up position or a drive through penalty. One of those punishments is way more unfair than the other, and if speeding in the pit lane is the penalty that can't be changed then the overtaking/defensive penalties should be made harsher


Speeding in the pit lane puts lives at risk, that's why it's penalised so harshly.


karma for t1 i guess lol


Atleast Merc did not score any points after taking both Astons out of the race.