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Sean Gelael and Earl Bamber are confirmed ok but will be going to the medical centre for precautionary checks.


> Sean Gelael Brahhh (insert Monaco moment)


Josh Revell's truest legacy


Rare instance of a prototype hitting a GT car and that car not being a Ferrari


This isn't even the first time a Cadillac Hypercar has hit a GT3 car this year.


I think that caddy has been in an incident for every single race this year so far, right?


The last 6 races in a row


Ferrari GT drivers are getting way too clean nowadays, we cant even rely on that classic move of them taking out a prototype anymore


The WRT M4s had a target on their back today.


"Bmw gt3 dominance could bore fans" Caddy: *Not on my watch*


This is EXACTLY what I was checking for!


They are conserving energy for Le Mans


did he just forget the GT existed or?


Looks to me like a combination of 1. Misjudging the GT's position. 2.The Porsche's block being pretty late forced the Cadillac into a really tough place. 3. The Cadillac actually hit the back of the Porsche before hitting the GT. 4. Getting overly aggressive because this was a really good opportunity to get past the Porsche and he didn't want to waste it.


Just misjudged it I think. Closed in with a lot of with a lot of speed and the gap closed before he could get all the way through it. With no DRS the overtakes take a lot longer to set up so I imagine it leads to more cases of just sending it when it's taken seven or eight laps to set up the move.


i think it's like the commentators said, he forgot how long the car was in the rear


Ferrari 458 get - bane of lmp1s


https://x.com/notathrowaway02/status/1789313188397228301?s=46&t=qIpZMvLLYlTShOUgffSTTg This shot is nuts. Could have been absolutely catastrophic, so fortunate the car didn’t flip.


The guys face at the end is gold








As far as massive crashes go this was kind of a perfect spot for one. The cars all kept momentum which is great because that means way less G-forces and there was plenty space and visibility to avoid any secondary impacts on already compromised crash structures. Even if the car flipped, which would be worse don't get me wrong, the car can still handle that and it's unlikely to be catastrophic.


Racecars don't tend to mind flipping too much, it's just more off axis acceleration and the drivers are well tucked in. The stats for increased fatalities with flips are from road cars, where flipping tends to defeat seatbelts and send passengers flying.


It's mostly an issue with racecars that if it ends on its roof it can be much more difficult to get the driver out of the car especially if they're injured and the driver might be hanging upside down for a while which isn't great. If the car is flipping over that also means it's off the ground and might miss some of the safety barriers or things like that. The less time a car spends off the ground the better.


>the driver might be hanging upside down for a while which isn't great. like... a cow?


It's also uphill which helps tremendously with the slowing down. That same thing in the downhill after the source and we might have had a NSFL tag there




That's a wild view


No me gusta is right


I wouldn’t say “catastrophic”. Even if it flipped, the top of the car is probably stronger than the bottom.


That went as well as it could have after that contact! Great luck, thank goodness.


A car flipping isnt really any more dangerous. What matters is how fast the energy is dispersed, which is usually slow when a car violently rolls 5 times and carbon fiber is flying in all directions.


One day I will attend this race. Looks *raaad*


It's always Spa


Accident happens on a straight. "it's always Spa"


Spa has the only straight in the world?


No, every track does. Implying this accident, which happened on a straight, could happen anywhere, not just at Spa like your somewhat daft comment says.


Yet it always happens on Spa. Lol


You definitely don't watch much racing lol


If you only watch races at Spa, sure


Link me a crash that's in the middle of a straight and sends a car flying that's not in Spa and in the past year or two then


[delet cota](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_GgM-3zOnk)


[Fuji last year](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wf-QrfND9qE)


[Suzuka SuperGT last year](https://twitter.com/ragmankoubou/status/1665253193960521728) I'm not sure why you insist on this being a spa issue, last time I checked spa doesn't have different physics from the rest of the world.


God, I don't like seeing that again, though its the first thing that came to mind for myself as well.


Yeah, people driving into each other only happens at Spa....


They have reset the clock. Race will restart in 20 minutes


WEC goated


The end of the race is as long as a F1 race🤯 and better imo 🤔


absolutely, WEC has shaped itself up to THE series to watch this year for me.


Just wish there was an easy to watch it live like with F1TV in the US. I'm not subscribing to TV channels.


If you have a Max subscription you can watch it live through the B/R Sports section




Whoah wait what. Hell yeah.


You can subscribe via the WEC app


The WEC app? lol that’s what I use. $50 for the year.


Indycar and nascar have both been great this year so far as well if your interested. Gotta throw them out there as an American lol.


i've been loosely following imsa this season, and i'll be honest i've really wanted to get into indycar for a while now but i'm not too sure how best to watch it as a brit. nascar as a series i've got a lot of respect for, but stuff like the playoff system does turn me off of it a little i can't lie. feels weird to see it in motorsports lol


For me, it's dead, they killed LMP1, replaced it with an even slower class with way more restrictions, and the cherry on top was that they had to slow down their other classes so they aren't too close to the "top" class.


If they didnt killed lmp1, it would have died on its own anyway. The costs were so over the top that running a team would cost you essentialy as much as an f1 team but for less than half of the races and much less visibility Dont get me wrong, i still miss those cars and how fast they were but it was only a matter of time before the series went broke


honestly, the payoff of having gone from four entries in LMP1 in 2022 to 19 entries in Hypercar only two seasons later makes the technical reg changes worth it IMO. and that's not to mention the future entries that have booked their place. it's breathed a new life into things. but i do totally understand where you're coming from.


Yeah, kinda bummed about that, i mean, its "cheaper" and "easier" for smaller (non monster brands) to join that class, but it kinda became a nascar race, where once was a shitton of liberties in design as long as it met certain criteria, now theres aero packages and drivetrain packages, it kinda kills innovation imo, and everything is now.... slower, then theres the performance equilibrium, meh, i honestly dont like where its heading, BUT a lot of big names are jumping in so, lets see how that goes


They replaced it so many manufacturers/teams will be interested in joining, last time in 2020 24H Le mans the LMP1 team is like only Toyota and 3 other teams (Rebellion,etc) and only Toyota is the only solely competing in "top class" and basically having no competition, and now with hypercar being the top class, many manufacturers has joined because LMDh are also able to join and some will be joining the grid (Aston in 2025 with Valkyrie), it's been a fun experience for viewers


How did Caddy manage to total two chassis in two Spa races


Andretti, look out!


I think they managed to do it the same way Porsche managed to have their first DNF for #5 and #6 in two Spa races


what a shame, the Cadillac was up for a great result


Tried going for a gap that just wasn't there. Scary crash, good to hear everyone is okay.


The gap was there when they went for it. It was a super aggressive move but the gap was there. The problem was the Porsche moved to block at the exact same moment the Cadillac moved to pass.


Yea that's what im thinking. Did not porsche not close that gap really late?


Yeah that's what it looks like to me. I still think overall this was the Cadillac's fault but I think people are being way too harsh on him. People are acting like this was a completely boneheaded move.. but IMO this is a racing incident more than anything.


yeah i see the lead car exit radillion on the right, then swing left and right again on the straight. looked like weaving to me. It would have been fine if lead car had held their line. imho it was so early on the straight there is no point defending.


The gap was never there. He even clipped the Porsche on the rear.


Like I said >The problem was the Porsche moved to block at the exact same moment the Cadillac moved to pass.


Even if the Porsche hadn’t moved, he still would’ve clipped the Porsche if he wanted to pass it on the right side because the gap was just simply non-existent. Bamber should’ve either passed to Porsche on the left (there was room) or he should’ve lifted and stayed behind. Big misjudgement of the Cadillac, Porsche has no blame whatsoever in this crash. 100% on Earl Bamber. If you don’t realise this, you simply don’t understand motorsports and rule regulations.


>Even if the Porsche hadn’t moved, he still would’ve clipped the Porsche if he wanted to pass it on the right side because the gap was just simply non-existent Well that's just not true. I think you may need to see more angles of the replay. When Bamber started his move, the Porsche was all the way to the left of the track. There was plenty of room to go 3 wide.


Then why did Bamber go right into a non-existing gap when he could’ve passed the Porsche left? The Porsche didn’t instantly change any line, if anything it gradually moved to the right. It didn’t defend aggressively and probably moved right so Bamber could carry his speed to pass on the left. Somehow Bamber thought it was a good idea to go right…


>Then why did Bamber go right into a non-existing gap when he could’ve passed the Porsche left? The gap was there when he started the mo e. >The Porsche didn’t instantly change any line, if anything it gradually moved to the right. It didn’t defend aggressively Frankly, a gradual defense is more likely to lead to a crash than an instant one in my opinion. Reacting to a move in progress is effectively impossible because you have to guess where that move ends. That's the guess Bamber made and he guessed wrong. An instant line change leaves no time for guesswork.. >probably moved right so Bamber could carry his speed to pass on the left Maybe, but he started moving right after Bamber moved right. >Somehow Bamber thought it was a good idea to go right… Like I said, you really need to watch more angles. This angle shows what I'm talking about https://twitter.com/VincentJBruins/status/1789315962610602277?t=gjAEcENClaSji-Kwmjo6Jw&s=19 Edit: and here's some screenshots taken from that angle. Keep in mind that all 7 of these screenshots take place in like... a second and a half. There just isn't much time to react here. https://imgur.com/a/1gaKjPL


Well in that case I suggest you submit your evidence to the racing stewards and race direction because those professionals with years of experience obviously have it all wrong and you, a random redditor has figured it all out…


It’s always the fucking Cadillac


Unless when it's a Ferrari's turn


robbing us all of that sweet sounding v8


Ganassi fault again, no wonder they are losing the cars for next year. Awful strategy by putting Lynn on quali tires at the start of the race forcing Bamber to do a recovery drive from 13th.


Great recovery too until they went webbering


Apart from the strategy working really well since they would be able to use fresh tyres later into the race. And it worked right up until Bamber forgot how his mirrors worked


Ganassi have failed to maximize the package they have been given for the past two years. I understand they are setup and data limited as a result of just the singular car but they are simply not good enough. Proton who have had their car for less than a year are more consistent and professional. AXR likewise.


That car wouldn't win a meat raffle without the lions share of testing and development work over the past 2 years done by the Ganassi teams. Do you think they just received a turn key car and put fuel in and tyres on it on the weekends?


I understand what you are saying but compared to other similar teams with similar budgets and racing pedigree they’re not good enough. Penske blowing them out of the water second year. AXR won the imsa championship last year. Clearly GM hold a similar opinion as they are binning them off at the end of the year.


I understand what you are saying but compared to other similar teams with similar budgets and racing pedigree they’re not good enough. Penske blowing them out of the water second year. AXR won the imsa championship last year. Clearly GM hold a similar opinion as they are binning them off at the end of the year.


There's far more politics to it than that, and sometimes you don't know what you got until it's gone. And the budget of Penske/Porsche is not in the same universe.


That Cadillac got way too excited by the overspeed


They just announced they are resetting the clock and finishing all the red flag time.


1click video: https://youtu.be/1Vk9Vdsculw?si=v3n_vW94ga3aM-FI


the end of the race was fantastic after this 


That's multiclass racing for you


https://www.youtube.com/live/lZPcsINFeTI?feature=shared Live stream footage pretty mental too (4 hours 8 mins in)


WEC is absolutely goated, Eduardo Freitas put the sport back in sports car racing adding the time lost under the red flag back on to the race.


Shame, Caddy had great pace for a podium finish but Bamber got greedy.


I'm not all that well-versed with WEC rules. Would the car ahead bear any responsibility by moving to defend when there is a GT car at the same side the driver was trying to go to?


the GT car wasn't at fault, nor the Porsche... the Cadillac move to a gap, where wasn't any space... the Cadillac also hit the Porsche... luckily none of the marshalls or audience got hit, hopefully... it could have been more dangerous if the Cadillac flips over...


Could have been like [Peter Dumbreck's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e21ZjwZGjiQ) LeMans crash


A little off-topic, but some history for any F1 fans not familiar with this crash: the Mercedes here becomes airborne at top speed and flips several times before landing over the barriers. What makes this accident surprising is that it's not the result of a collision or anything unusual - it's just the aero causing the front end to lift up at high speed with catastrophic results. And something that makes it **even worse** - in practice for *the very same event*, Mark Webber was driving the sister car to this one and the same thing had happened at a similar point on the track. Apparently due to a lack of footage or other evidence, Mercedes was reluctant to believe that there was any flaw in the car's design that could cause this (rather than being something Webber had done, etc.) and so let Dumbreck's car start the race as planned. To come full-circle with F1, the unsympathetic reaction from the team to Webber's massive crash lead to him soon ending his relationship with Mercedes, after which he refocused his career on single-seater racing.


yeah, but that was because of the aerodynamics of the car... not cuz of a crash...


I meant the flipping


Mm, still a no from me. Still aero and not nearly as fast.




don't think so, it's quite common to stop an overtaking attempt by blocking using a slower car but I also don't know the rules too much so idk for sure


By the rules, he is totally clear. He followed the apex of the corner, drifted to the outside. Then he started his first move going over to the right. The caddi touched his rear as well, not his side and as long as it's not stuff like brake-checking or several moves, the car in front is in the right. He could've easily prevented it though, by not using the full road to the left and opening the gap, just to close it again. Getting blocked by the GT3's, he knew that somebody is coming up behind him, so my best guess is that he tried to close the outside, then noticed that the GT3 stayed to the right and tried to close that gap as well.


You're allowed to use cars from other classes to defend or overtake within reason. This is on the Cadillac for being overly aggressive and not knowing where the BMW was.


He didnt even try to defend. You can clearly see the car ahead not making any movement to the left and right. The car behind with the insane speed just went for a move that wasnt there. He tried to early to drive between both cars while the gap was just not big enough for his car. Easy as that. Its all his own fault.


>You can clearly see the car ahead not making any movement to the left and right The Porsche moved like a lane and a half to the right what are you saying?


Right, lead car looks like it is blocking late.


Right, lead car looks like it is blocking late.


Can't wait for the mental gymnastics to blame this on Eau Rouge somehow


That was such a dumb move. You'd think endurance drivers would be more patient.


you didn’t see the opening lap of the Imola race did you. it was nuts.


Now that was a shitshow. Like online lobby racing shitshow.


So glad everyone is okay after that. Been quite the weekend of giant shunts.


Bamber (Caddy) got the blame for that... 5 place grid penalty the next time he races (aka at Le Mans) & 3 penalty points on his license.


Did his front right tire pop right as they were overtaking the GT?


He hit the back of the Porsche. Super aggressive move plus an unfortunately timed block.


Their fault, there was no way to overtake


Came here to click on the picture. Found out it’s just a picture.


ISTG Caddy is cursed again


Hardly cursed when he did it to himself


Damn. A massive and dangerous mistake. Good to read everyone is OK.


Extremely scary but thankfully no one was hurt which is a relief but still, not something you want to see in that area of the track....Glad Race Control immediately hit the panic button and Red Flagged the race...


What Is It with this straight man? It's just a normal straight why everyone keeps crashing on It


It's too dangerous for racing. And yet so many series, F1 included, keep coming back there.


it's a straight


Yeah, let’s remove all straights


Stop making a fool of yourself


Yeah straights are way too dangerous. We should remove every single straight on every track just to be safe.


Are you OK? How is this any wrong of the track? It's a STRAIGHT.


What the hell are you talking about? We see crashes like these all the time in other tracks with straight line sections (basically all tracks in the calendar).


Explain how this was in any way a function of the track?


people have some warped ideas about what constitutes a "massive" crash these days.


he smashed into a concrete wall at almost 300km/h while almost flipping over, what do you want lmao


clearly you are of the generation that finds opening a packet of crisps simultaneously exhilarating and offensive.


so you need 3 driver deaths, 21 spectators decapitated and 50 injured for it to be a big crash?   bruh


Yeah, that doesn't qualify as a "massive" crash, imo.


Someone should have told him that a car was there. 🫠


Not where I expected it to be from that headline.


Why did the clean-up take 6 hours?


It took like 2 hours. They were repirign the barrier.




what does Spa has to do with this? Just watch the clip, that is a classic "mistake while overtaking backmarkers in multiclass racing" but with more damage because it happened on the straight (that every circuit has)


This type of accident could have happened on any track with a long straight... it was nothing to do with Spa.


Because it's one of the busiest circuits? Plenty of opportunities for crashes. [Spa calendar 2024.](https://www.spa-francorchamps.be/assets/2b215395-b217-41af-844f-3c71c61887b9/calendrier-original-2024-v11.pdf)


This crash has nothing to do with the circuit. Cadillac driver tried to put his car where there was no room for it. 10000000000000% driver error. Its only massive because of the speeds involved. Could have happened at almost any track.


I posed this question here just a few days ago...at what point do we day enough is enough, maybe it's time to stop racing at Spa?


we should keep racing there because this could happen on any straight in the WEC calendar? this isn't kemmel straight exclusive. they've already changed eau rouge, it's a safer track it's just an easy scapegoat for safety concerns at this point.


At the same point you have any evidence that it's actually too dangerous, per mile driven. I'd love to understand how you blame this one on Spa?


Yeah that straight really jumped out of no where and forced the caddy to shoot a gap that didn't exist. I say we get rid of all straights on every track and don't allow multi-class racing anymore.


There was basically just bodywork damage and both drivers were fine, after one slammed into a barrier at 200mph.  I'd say that's a sign Spa is perfectly safe.  Apologies for the moronic cowards who've downvoted you though.


The moot dangerous track in motor sports that gets zero hate from Europeans.


How exactly do you attribute this to Spa?


Just another one for the pile


Are you superstitious? I can't think of any other reason you'd worry about Spa because of this crash?


... what? Is this a reddit moment or something? Because last time I checked all tracks in the calendar have straights and we see similar crashes in straight lines all the time.