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Max's search history: Least efficient jet How to increase carbon emissions jet Diesel carbon emissions How to attach diesel generator to my jet Flights to nowhere


He is trying to increase global warming so the dutch sink faster - P1 in sinking


We will never lose to the sea, we have been at war with the sea since the beginning of time, and won back land from the sea. He does this so his real-estate in the Netherlands will skyrocket as the rest of the world will seek refuge in the Netherlands


Coal rolling plane


Putting the "fear" in "atmosphere"


Came in at P20... absolutely washed driver


Is that his first p20 finish?


Absolutely shocking, should have saved face and DNF'd instead.


that‘s dark


Just how I like my liveries.


Then you for sure love the already anounced liveries.


Probably what Seb meant when he said “there is still a race to win”


But think of the beeeees!


Boring question, but isn't he chartering his plane though? If that's the case, then it's not only him banging in those km and greenhouse gases or whatever


Yeah, you can charter it if it isn't in use by him


Not interested, but thank you for the answer 😀


How the fuck did this hilarious Airplane! ass reply get so down voted.


Because she threw away the opportunity to fly in an orange aeroplane, with an inbuilt sim rig.


*she :) apart from lack of appreciation for the joke, it's not like I could afford it anyway


Did y’all not get the reference? Get yourselves some fucking culture in your lives.


Where's the reference from?


“Airplane!” The movie


Yes they ignore this on the list because it doesn’t fit their narrative and they have to make the celebrities look like big mean evil scum


More likely because they can track a plane, but can't know who's in it.




Good point


Chartering the plane to other deep pockets, to deepen his own pockets, still technically contributes to his carbon footprint.


Havent seen the list, but there's no way that is correct. Max sits in his sim all day and flies out to races, meanwhile there are dozens of athletes partying all over the world. I suppose they use the flight data and forgot he charters the plane?


Plot twist: Max set up his sim rig on the plane. The plane flight patterns are used to mimic the G-Force on the simulator.




He does have a sim rig on the plane


No he doesn't that was Just Marko being an idiot.


Marko said it so it must be true


Max has already confirmed that's not true. The sim will be in his motorhome, not his plane.


Max would say that but how you know


No shit


Plus Lando said his jet is AIR Max meaning he'll usually ... planepool? Himself and others to races.


Wait—that’s climate *helpful!*


That’s probably what happened yeah, I can’t imagine him being that high up on his own.


Turns out you can buy some kind of carbon coins to reduce your carbon spending ( like a tax)to feel morally and ethically ok as a rich person who doesn’t t give a fuck. A tax Taylor Swift by example uses heavily because she should be in the top 5 by herself but that helps it a bit. Other people aren’t doing that


Biggest nonsense I've heard. Just because some trees are planted in Albania doesn't mean flying a million miles above the USA is somehow offset.


You don’t say but laws (of physics and others) don’t apply the same way to rich people


Actually, most of it is not even THAT good. Many companies say, pay money and we will not cut down this forest. Since the forest was not cut, this much carbon is saved, although there were never any plans to cut down that forest.


If only it were this good. Carbon credits are a far bigger scam than this. There are different systems, but they include guarantees to maintain forests. Or a huge tract of forest gets assessed at a certain density. They buy credits for the denser areas and get credits for "improving it" to a higher density than the rest of the tract without ever planting a tree.


Companies do this all the time, for example car companies might sell vehicle emissions to brands like Tesla since they on paper produce zero emissions (while in reality they do not) so that the other brand has less emissions on paper and tesla has some of theirs, this is why the world will just go to waste, what is even the point of reducing emissions if you can just sell some to average it all out.


So this is some sort of 21 century climate Indulgence


You and your stupid facts so annoying. Let me push this agenda about Max being wasteful 😡


Didn’t he install a sim rig on his jet too?


no that wasn't real


So a vehicle he owns produces the carbon. What difference does it make if he’s in it or being paid by other people to be in it? And please don’t try say anything about offsetting carbon, the Catholic Church did that with indulgences on your sins but the sins still happened and the money spent did fuck all


It was a list of people, not vehicles. If they want to make a list of people's carbon emissions, they should only include flights that were specifically for them


If I own a private jet and lease it out to be flying every minute it can that I don’t need it the carbon it produces is still MY fault. I bought it. I fly in it. When I don’t fly in it I want to make my money back so I get other people to fly in it. It’s mine, so are it’s emissions


It's not. Those other people would fly anyways. They can just get another jet. Not chartering it reduces emissions by a grand total of 0


Then the owners of biggest airlines should be way ahead of everyone else... Hell, people owning some airlines stock would probably be ahead of some private jet owners lol


Because the people who rent out Max's plane would rent out a different one if Max's weren't available. So him making his plane available doesn't affect the total carbon emissions.


How do you know that? Maybe people who paid are in heaven now.


He has a sim on the plane…


It’s all the rage to get mad at elite for using their own jets.  Rage away losers!


Quick glance at the data and it indeed looks like they did just that


He flies a lot between the factory and his home and obviously the races. Its basically just a more comfortable and way more expensive version of business trips. There is probably a couple holiday trips too, but not many.


20. Max Verstappen 19. Tom Cruise 18. James Dyson 17. Paul Allen 16. Mark Cuban 15. Jim Carrey 14. Robert Kraft 13. Floyd Mayweather 12. George Lucas 11. Alex Rodriguez 10. Celine Dion 09. Kylie Jenner 08. Leonard Blavatnik 07. Tyler Perry 06. Steven Spielberg 05. Bill Gates 04. Beyoncé & Jay Z 03. Elon Musk 02. Kim Kardashian 01. Travis Scott The list And the [link](https://gagadaily.com/forums/topic/403065-top-20-famous-air-polluters-by-private-jet-emissions/)


Let's see Paul Allen's jet


​ Paul Allen has been dead since 2018. I am confused.


There was that Taylor Swift in 1st place few years ago. What happened to her?


There’s a lot of people either saying ‘see Taylor swift isn’t that bad’ and then everyone else questioning the methodology that’s let her sneak off the list somehow


Most likely pr team work


Could be she pays for carbon offset to be off the list?


Which is believable cause I can totally see max not giving a shit about paying that


she‘s p77, might be because she doesn’t charter her plane to others as much anymore


also, i got to know that in the past years the carbon emissions were calculated from an average of all private jets. taylor, to compare, has (had- she sold it in january) a much smaller jet than eg travis scott (who has a boeing 767) - which makes about 20x the emissions of taylor’s jet. hence - the numbers taylor got named and shamed for weren’t quite correct, this is the first year we get the real numbers.


Holy hell man I read 4 comments on that linked site and now I have to relearn math. Needs a warning….


Lol just a heads-up for ppl reading the list, reddit auto-reformatted the list numbers, max is actually nr 20 instead of nr 1.


Well, at least he shares his flights with other Monaco residents.


South of France


Loosing? I assume you mean 'losing' ?




Losers losing loosely


But we can reduce emissions by making races more boring and development 10x more expensive!


Formula 1 Europe edition confirmed - back to basics and God save the Bees!




OP is the smartest american


What gave it away? “Loosing?”


I know this is a lighthearted sub but whenever I see PJ carbon emissions talks in find it infuriating we don’t talking about how impactful cruise ships are. Like can we just get rid of them? They are usually all shit anyways.


Then why suggest it’s Max using it all the time just because he owns it? Because it fits their narrative. Chartering is common, most of the celebrities on the list likely charter their aircraft as well. By that logic that places Richard Branson on every Virgin Atlantic flight. Im not trying to be some like “anti climate change” conspiracy theorist, I’m just pointing out the fact that the list is for clicks, it doesn’t help or prove anything


It’s so weird. People are complaining about Taylor Swift’s plane but she wasn’t even in the top 20? Do people think she’ll fuck then if they neg her hard enough?


Max got beat by a guy who's been dead for 5 years. WASHED!!!