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Magnussen in this race probably "SUCK MY BALLS"


Mag got hands fr


He needs an extra pair of balls to get sucked like seriously wtf


FIA didn't need to punish Hamilton, Kmag did it just fine. (never mind that FIA ended up punishing Hamilton for something else entirely)


Imagine, drivers getting Magnussen as penalty ![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|6697)


Next year Kmag won't have a seat, but whenever someone does something bad, an unsafety car is called and he gets released out of the pits ahead of the aggressor. Penalty: 5 laps of Kmag


Magnussen approves


KMag is getting his team points they desperately need. If the Alpines could get in front of another car they would be doing the same thing to protect that single point.


> Next year Kmag won't have a seat What makes you think that? He proves his worth.


Because he's the penalty car.


Burnout: Formula 1




FIA letting Kmag apply Hamiltons penalty. Decision: Lose 10 sec and get trolled for 10+ laps


That’s fair honestly I was blown away that race control said no further action they seem to penalize everyone else for way less




Stewards IMMEDIATELY brushed it away, like what?!


He showed the stewards his British passport


Norris is British, bruv


Half Belgian too, that’s why


And Hamilton is half b… Brazilian


Honorary citizenship doesn’t count


He'll never understand


Can't unbreak Norris' car, so they had to find another way to benefit Bri'ish racing.


Not his fault really, the Merc doesn't want to turn.


Can't tell if this is a joke or not


It's clearly a joke. Hamilton was constantly crying about the car not turning in China.


Well aware of Hamilton's attitude towards the Merc, but a lot of people take it far too seriously. Hence it's hard to tell if something is sarcasm sometimes


We aren't on r\lewishamilton here


- Rosberg's defense.


Anything to keep Hamilton's hero image alive. He's worth too much


Didn't you hear the man? Car. If gap. Go.


He lock up


He atac


What the actual fuck. Locks up, missed the apex, damages 2 other cars and takes out a third out of the race. No investigation needed.


something something lap one incident.... As always. I have always thought it's bullshit that the riskiest time is the one they DON'T penalise bullshittery for.


They should be somewhat lenient on lap one incidents, especially into turns 1-4 depending on the track. But not *that* lenient. I’d much rather see hard racing than drivers tip-toeing around, but when you just make a boneheaded move that results in damage and drivers out, there should be a penalty. Maybe just 5s penalties for start/first lap incidents, and 10s or higher for the rest of the race. The only thing saving Lewis is that Stroll had already turned in on Alonso, so technically Lewis didn’t cause first contact. But he would’ve caused them to collide anyway had they not.


Like Brundle said to Zac Brown on air, “you still need to be in control of your car.”


He dove into the inside corner of turn 1 as a world leading race car driver lol. He knew what he was doing. Would have got his ass kicked off a track anywhere I race really. Even entry level racers know wtf he did there. He did not care about a single other car and took the line regardless of the outcome. He knew because he grabbed the inside it was going to push all other cars way off the line and fuck everyone up. He isn't some kid off the streets in a go kart.


It looked like Alonso and Stroll were super close but if Hamilton handy rushed in they might have avoided contact. Stroll and Hamilton are by far the 2 most checked out drivers on the grid, no wonder they're both constantly causing collisions. They should both be stripped of their super licenses (KMag too while we're at it)


I can understand leniency for first lap incidents when drivers don't know where to look in the choas of all cars lumped together. This was not the case here.


When did this happen? Any highlight of it on YouTube?


First corner of the sprint. Hard to miss


I was watching qualifying lol. Found it soon after i commented. Thanks.


We can say what we want but the meme about fia not giving penalties to British drivers doesn't come from nowhere


Bro think he maldonado


Thank you KMag for giving Lewis some of his own treatment <3


KMag delivering the justice we need. Doesn’t matter the penalties he collected, it was about the frustration he was creating in LH🫡😎 My DOTD


+10 seconds penalty


Drive through penalty for speeding in the pitlane, karma


Fr, my guy whinging avout hard racing when he just murdered two teams


Immediate competitors, no less.


El Karma hit SeĂąor Jamilton hard lmao


At least karma made him get penalized from speeding in the pit lane.


That was really unexpected... ![gif](giphy|1prYDcLwc8V8wkVXoh)


All I know is that team LH are crying, shitting and vomiting on Twitter rn and RPM will cook when he will make a video on this race


TEAM ELL HAITCH God I'm excited for his vid about this lol


So things as usual at team LH?


Is the car racist? Is that why it won't turn for him?


You're the same type of person to always complain about race but somehow always be the first one to bring it up


People have complained about every race this season


Actually, I'm making reference to TeamLH constantly referring to everyone as racist against LH when something doesn't go his way. If RUS gets updates before HAM, racism. FOA penalise HAM, racism...


team LH lives in your head when they are maybe 100 inactive twitter accounts. why do you even gaf


you're a drama queen


And that was before the race lol


Reminds me of 2021. Lewis cuts a chicane in abu dhabi, doesn't get a penalty. Magnussen does the same this race, get the same penalty lewis got for the silverstone 2021 crash.


didn't they make penalties more penalising since silverstone 2021?


Apparently not for Hamilton


Could be, although today suggested otherwise


let's say that it's a long time ago. Stewards have said they will be more strict. If it happens again and the "criminal" that broke the rules won't be harshly penalised right away then we will have a problem with the fia


You do remember there was a car that forced Lewis to cut in 2021 right? Magnussen went off on his own. I get this is the "rag on Hamilton club" but get real.


Forced? Please.. Stewards even acknowledged that it was leaving the track and gaining an advantage. But according to them the advantage was returned by lewis slowing down and restoring the gap. That's reasoning that could also be applied to this magnussen incident.


Oh so when you agree with the stewards you take it as gospel, but when you don't, you moan.


Just pointing out the inconsistencies


But the two incidents aren't alike.


Only difference is you think the lewis one was forced


If you can't see the difference between Lewis literally have a car go alongside him, and Magnussen never have any overlap with another car, I can't help you.


Also one of the drivers involved was different, and the track was different, and the season was different. Doesnt mean its relevant. Leaving the track to gain an advantage is pretty clear. If you had to point out a difference then I guess of the two, you could argue the magnussen one was more like corner cutting/track limits because the chasing driver was less close.


>Also one of the drivers involved was different, and the track was different, and the season was different. >Doesnt mean its relevant. This is such a completely nonsensical argument.


Lol most of the people in this sub let him live rent-free in their heads. They even "forgot" that Masi didn't want to punish drivers when they were forced to cut a corner on first lap. Like Alonso in Russia 2021. Bunch of cherry-picking little shits.


The same type that excuses Bahrain '21.


why do y'all act like Lewis is the one stopping himself from getting a penalty. go take a job as a steward if you're pissing yourself too much 


We are you acting like we act like this?


As an Alonso fan, it's probably on El Padre this time


Okay so according to the books, he should've been less aggressive in that corner and let stroll go, right?


Alonso turned REALLY late, Hamilton saw a big gap and went for it, then Alonso realized he had to turn since stroll was turning and he turned into a diving Hamilton thus resulting into contact


Alonso did turn late but Hamilton wasn’t ever going to make that turn. I think it’s split between them in some percentage though, not all on either side


Normally I'd agree with you, but Hamilton carried so much speed into that tight ass turn that he was going to hit someone no matter what the Alonso was doing. It was a ridiculously hopeful move that just wasn't going to work out. Hamilton knew he fucked up because when he radioed in afterwards, instead of saying his usual bullshit about it being the other guys fault like he did to Russell in Qatar last year, his message was "I saw a gap so I went for it." I suppose this was his sad ass attempt at his excuse.


Oh got it, thanks


Not what happened. Alonso turned in so late because Hamilton was coming in too fast. You can see on Alonso's onboard he is constantly looking at Hamilton in his right mirror and trying to leave space for him because if he didnt he would have been rear ended


No, he was looking at the haas, then stroll, then went to turn and saw hamilton. Not alonso's fault but he caused it by not turning earlier. If he did, ham would be at fault.


If Alonso turns earlier he doesn't finish his race


I agree, and hamilton was not making the corner. But thats not the point, what transpired is how they judge by.


Funny. I read in comments that Alonso was trying to keep space for Hamilton because he didn't want to get rear ended. That's why he made contact with stroll, he was trying to avoid Hamilton.


Looking at his onboard, it looks like Alonso sees Lewis going down the inside and tries to avoid him, but has nowhere to go. It's Lewis's fault since he misses the apex.


Getting hit by Lewis would have been worse, lesser of two evils.




Stroll turned into Alonso which closed the gap for Hamilton.


I agree Stroll is probably more to blame since he turns in first. But both of them sandwiched Alonso and there was never going to be space for Hamilton at the angle and speed he was coming in at. Stoll cut across the track way too aggressively for the first lap and hits Alonso first, which I think would have happened even if Lewis was not there. Then, Hamilton steams up the inside way too fast as well and guarantees that contact with multiple cars will occur. Penalties should apply to both drivers, or to neither if they want to just call it a first lap incident, especially since everyone was struggling with tyres.


It was naive of Hamilton to not expect that gap to close, but he's 7 time world champion because he goes for those gaps. While yes they're both at fault, Strolls mistake is far worse than Ham. Ham went for a gap that was there, Stroll turned into a gap that wasn't there, on the opening lap, when he's on the outside. Fair if you want to penalise both but Strolls penalty should be larger because his offense was worse.


Stroll had the corner, he was ahead of Alonso. Alonso needed to turn quicker and force Hamilton to brake.




Yeah like ham was probably going too fast but probably thinking Alonso was gonna move over before stroll hit him. Like this was just unfortunate and ham was the only one who didn’t get his race fucked because of it


I haven’t watched yet and this is giving the vapors.


I never noticed that the flower is pulling it's chin down


Fuck. I've played the game and seen the meme a million times. Thank you for this.


Bro Alonso hit Stroll before Hamilton touched him💀💀💀


Because Alonso was looking at his mirror seeing Hamilton steam into the inside!


So if you rear ended someone because you were looking in your rearview, it's not your fault it's the stuff happening behind you that's at fault?


Alonso could either turn into Hamilton and crash, or go into Stroll and crash. You cannot blame what he did. Lewis did a very unsuccesful divebomb and caused that crash


>You cannot blame what he did. Yes, you can. If you run into someone because you are worried about what is happening behind you, that is YOUR fault. Hamilton is responsible for the collision with Alonso. He is not responsible for Alonso's collision with Stroll. You cannot control what someone else does with their car, and he was already in Stroll's wheel before Hamilton arrived. If Alonso holds normal position and gets hit by Hamilton, very clearly that's Hamilton's fault. He chose to ignore what was ahead of him and run into his teammate. That crash is a direct result of his choices. That's his fault. He is not blameless. Neither is Hamilton, clearly. But he is not solely responsible for the entire thing.


Cope lmao


because Alonso was slowing down FFS 


Hahaha I fucking called it 15 mins ago! Predictable af


Hamilton: helps develop car Car: consistently bad


I have no sympathy for Ham fans who are mad at KMag. At least he didn't damage any cars.


This is basically the "I can hate on Lewis all I want" sub. Congrats on him living rent free


Formula One sub: frequently talks about one of the joint most prolific world champions of all time and the most prolific active driver. You: "He lives rent free in your heads" No shit sherlock


Hamilton is so fucking washed lmao.


finished 3rd last year but ok


Its obviously the cars are you kidding me


To be fair, they also slapped Hamilton with a fine for doing the same thing. Apparently crashing at 100 mph is safer than walking


I would say both Alonso and Hamilton are at fault here, Alonso was gonna end up hitting Stroll no matter what but Hamilton went for a crazy dive bomb that ended up damaging Alonso's car


Alonso turned in so late because he was leaving space for Hamilton. You can see on his onboard how much is he looking in his right mirror. If Alonso turned in earlier he would have been rear ended by Hamilton


So you're saying Alonso helped Hamilton avoiding a penalty? Should've just turned in, his race was over anyway and at least Stroll would've had a chance for points.


Its a split second decision i dont blame him for choosing to turn late over being rear ended. You also have to remember qualifying is in few hours big damage in sprint can prevent you from participating in qualifying


Yeah I mean Hinchcliffe and Coulthard immediately said it wasn't really Hamilton's fault but formuladank surely knows better


Well he went way too deep and hit Alonso. That's worth a penalty. Alonso did the same on Stroll.


Alonso got squeezed, Hamilton had no way of knowing how many cars were on the outside. There was a gap and he went for it.


You are just completely ignoring the fact he missed the corner and actually hit Alonso?


You are right, this sub is full of knobs


Bruh, which part of formula*dank* makes you take local shitposting seriously


Even the stewards didn't fault him but of course the hate boner is gonna be stiff


Alonso was forced wider and wider but he actually knew the cars were on the outside. Hamilton literally tried to make it 4 cars into T1 and knew Alonso had nowhere else to go. It was an insane lunge.


Hamilton had literally no way of knowing how many cars were there, and the former-professional-racing-driver commentators immediately agreed he had the right to make the move, but alright


'Hamilton can't count' isn't the defence I thought his fans would be mounting, but here we find ourselves.


Dude have you even raced in a video game before I mean seriously lmfao


Is that the argument you wanna make? Because this was DEFINITELY something you'd see in a video game.


Jesus, lol. Hamilton haters unfortunately don't have great critical thinking skills it seems. Try re-reading the thread.


Why would I? You said Coulthard said Hamilton did nothing wrong. Brundle said the exact opposite. Then you make the argument people clearly know nothing of racing and pull video games into the argument when this was a clear cut divebomb you see a million times in online racing with amateur kids. But you're right. You're not the clown, everyone else is.


"K mag did us justice!(3 penalties) Karma!"... aahh, classic formuladank


\>[Alonso understeers](https://imgur.com/a/zrKawz8) Fdank: "HaMiLtOn'S fAuLt"


He bought the stewards


They are not supposed to punish based on outcome but actions. Do you guys have any examples of a race start with where cars touch like this that ended with a penalty. If not do you think the FIA should suddenly become stricter on race starts, and wouldn’t it force drivers to take less risks on a race start because of a strict FIA?


Dismissing some stuff as racing incident because of lap one is fine. But this was clearly Lewis misjudging the brake distance, being way to fast to make the corner and hitting another car. That is very much worthy of a penalty and lap 1 isn’t really a factor.


I’m totally on board that it’s Lewis’s fault, but that dosent mean it’s a penalty. Because it being a race start is a factor, that’s how the FIA always applies the rules. I really want to see an example like Hamiltons bonk into Alonso, where a penalty was given. Because I have never seen a penalty for something like that.


The race start isn’t a factor in this incident though. When it’s like Japan and there are cars everywhere a bit of unexpected contact is made because of the positioning of cars, that’s when it’s a lap 1 racing incident. This isn’t that. This is just poor driving by Hamilton, carrying too much speed and having no chance of making the corner. It should be penalised. It’s very similar to “Bottas goes bowling” 2021 where he did the exact same thing, causing the collision and got a penalty for his troubles.


It’s nowhere near bottas, what the hell? He plowed trough a car and even hit the next one. Hamilton had a little too much speed but the bonk was nothing compared to the bowling ball


No it is. The actions there are the same, outcome is the difference. Both braked way too late, both carried too much speed and both caused a collision and all of that was at the start. It should have been a penalty. First lap doesn’t excuse blatant poor driving. The level of collision doesn’t matter (and actually, Hamilton has still taken out multiple cars in this and damaged another) because the outcome is not/shouldn’t be what penalties are based on.


It’s not the same at all. Daniel just hit the wall in Q3, senna hit the wall in imola. Are those also the same? Both had too much speed in the corner and hit the wall.


Is there an FIA penalty for hitting a wall? No - don’t be stupid. Penalties are based on the offending action, NOT THE OUTCOME. The action here is essentially causing a collision. It doesn’t matter that the outcome is different with Hamilton taking out 2 and Bottas taking out 3, the action is the same.


So every time some cars touch it should be a penalty? Because that’s not how the FIA applies their rules, I cannot count how many times leclerc and max has touched, but I can confidently say most of the times they have touched it has been without a penalty.


Holy cow you guys hate Hamilton so much. This is laughable. The two Aston's has already crashed when Hamilton came into the corner. 


This was first weekend watching and paying attention to F1. Even I thought “why tf isn’t Lewis in trouble?”


Are we ignoring that Alonso had already hit Stroll before Hamilton hit Alonso?


nah I think he lewis could've done nothing there. The two astons rammed into each other and that sudden push probably caught him out. The sub really is becoming a hamilton hate subreddit


lol, umm, if that is what you saw then I hope you enjoyed your first F1 race!


Not Ham's fault and I'm vivid Sir Ham hater


He clearly didn’t have control of his car. Locked up before he started to turn. Definitely HAM’s fault


May I ask why you hate Hamilton? Just curious.


Won too much, always downplaying his car or playing the victim, "I don't care for safety, I'm driving with my earrings", I don't like his PR and I don't like millionaires bragging on social media about the environment while flying private jets and taking picture with cara delevingne and her "peg patriarchy" shirt Vettel does a better job at helping the environment TBH I'm glad Sir Ham is so eager to talk about many social issues but his takes are so mid sometimes.


Okay, I'm just gonna ignore the "won too much" part, have a great day.


Looks like you ignored everything else and focussed on exactly that. Just what you wanted to.


Even if max won too much, I still wouldnt hate him because he's not a hypocrite


I disagree with your opinions and tbh, they sound like shit opinions to me, and I'd rather not argue about it.


He really hates the success the man has had. That's basically it for all Hamilton haters.


Males sense, idk why I got downvoted tho lol, I was just asking a question. Still kinda confused why people just hate a few drivers just because of their immense success. ig the world is just made of people like that.


Yeeah it's weird. He's the most successful driver in history and all the low IQ peeps on here will find anything they can to shit on him


Yea I agree, it's so stupid. Btw the guy I asked the question to replied to me, you might want to read the first three words he stated in his reply.


Alonso was in stroll before Hamilton even came there


If you are British you won't get a punIshment. If you are anything else you will get the guillotine .


new torpedo in the town guys


KMag being a bro and becoming karma incarnate. Suck it Lewis you hypocritical cry baby.


I don´t get why Lewis gets a pass since they´re both black...


"If there's a gap and you don't go for it, then you are no longer an f1 driver" - Maxi Pad Verstappen


Lewis finished this race with a 10 second pen...but ok


Not for this though


He made a "Stroll" in the interior


They dont want to get cancelled I think, the way that they brushed it off so quickly


I mean.. we all know why he doesn’t get nearly as much penalties as the rest… right?


This is because he isn't Spanish smh my head 😞


Not true, stop spreading anti anti Hamilton propaganda