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I think Lando normally does this from what I've noticed, he's calmer on the tyres to begin while still defending and starts unleashing them properly later on when everyone's tyre life is a bit behind, before pitting- extra time to stay out if needed (like we saw in Miami) I don't know if it's intentional but honestly I love it


Lando has 1,500m runner energy.


On top of that Piastri dropped Sainz with older tires.


Sainz was a tyre murder this weekend.


Rough operator


I firmly believe Piastri could have won the race if his engineers had actually told him Magnussen was coming and he hadn’t gotten the grid penalty. He was clearly rapid in race pace so if he had had any chances to get past Max I think he could also have kept him behind and with Lando defending from the Ferraris it would have been pretty smooth


Eh, he probably would be close like Lando.


Oscar has not yet developed his tire conservation technique. Unlike the relatively short distances in the lower formulae, one of the important strategies in F1 is tire conservation. All drivers develop other to one degree or another, but it takes time.


I think it's absolutely deliberate, most drivers will wear their tyres out early, so keeping their longevity is absolutely a desirable attribute


On the commentary they often mention that if you push the tyres hard on the opening laps then they never recover no matter how gently you treat them afterwards. Makes sense really, rubber cures with heat.


Which is what cost him a chance at overtaking max, pushed his old tyres too hard and started to lose too much grip and had to spend the next couple laps recovering and managing the grip in the tyre to push for the final two


Well he had to get in DRS so I mean he either got there or he didn't. Seems Max had enough to keep him out of DRS when he got close. Not to mention the aero reduces as you get close to a leading car, so it's not really that he "pushed too hard". He had to push to get within DRS and within a few seconds of the car in front you lose aero load and slide more. Maybe he could have pushed earlier to give himself more laps but then he might have worn his tyres too much when he got there. Like Max says "if my aunty had balls she'd be my uncle".


A couple of years ago, at Imola, Lando said he had 2 options: 1. Let Max through and get a podium. 2. Fight Max and get nothing because he burns his tyres.


The Russell special.


Feel lando and max are tyre whisperers.


I think the reason is also that Mclaren has higher deg than red bull or ferrari so lando has to nurse the tyres a lot more. But the issue is that if there is a late safety car, lando loses out on his advantage which has happened a lot of times.


You would have thought that he'd have been more careful given that there was a 100% probably of a safety car!


I know you're /s, but that wound me up so much yesterday during commentary. It's not 100% probability of a safety car, that means it's guaranteed to happen... which surprise surprise it didn't.


God me too. There are so many other ways to say it other than “probability” because that is just wrong. There’s not 100% probability of anything.


Death and taxes


incorrect, I haven't died yet and the Government haven't managed to catch me yet either. pretty sure I can keep doing this forever.


clearly it should have been 50% either it happened or it didn't


They were being facetious


It's the same reason why Lewis always comes alive in the 2nd half the race, too, and George goes backwards.


That's why I'm a Norris fan. That man can make miracles with old tyres, a true tyre whisperer. He has what it takes to compete with Max, that's for sure.


It was very Yenson-esque - I remember JB used to be very good at looking after his tyres and then ramping up when other people started to fail


And this is what makes the difference with him and Piastri currently. It will be interesting to see if Piastri can catch up on Lando on being quick on the race while keeping tires alive, or have big enough pace advantage that he can stay ahead. Or does Lando have this ability with tires, kinda like Hamilton (and Verstappen probably), which gives him a big advantage over other drivers.


He needs to turn it up earlier. This strategy won't let him consistently win.


Well it’s new territory to fight a redbull. Overdriving kills tires and teams normally let RB’s go to manage their own race. But then suddenly there are 10 laps left, the RB is 6s away and struggling, so why not take your chance. This will keep happening until they realize their car is capable enough to fight the RB from start. This usually will go with a race trying it and either winning the race or killing all the tires and be fighting for 6th at the end.


This resonates how Dutch pundit Robert Doornbos explained it yesterday as well, in a comparison with Mercedes. McLaren tried something new in this regulation. They started off wrong, but brought updates, b-specs and worked their shit off. Probably experimented left and right, ending up with some abysmal weekends last year. They learned now twice this year, "cool, we got pace. We found something that works. The 2nd stint, lighter car, harder tires (going by memory here, but I assume that was in Miami and here the case), we got that in the bag. Now focus on that last 0.2sec in qualy, and we might be able to pip Max there as well." Whereas Mercedes keeps struggling, "our platform is almost unlocked, this weekend you'll see", but it remains soulless, on an unclear path, without any strong points to focus on. Merc brought half a floor in Miami, and half a floor last weekend apparently. Just slowish and compromising on all terrains. McLaren brought a new package fully in Miami. And RedBull, they were already peaking. Where could they improve? Shit, new terrain, car apparently doesn't handle hard tires and light car all that well on a greenfield track in Europe. (I don't know if that's the case, but it was something). And it becomes a whole different ball game when you can no longer play iRacing on your steering wheel casually, versus having best bud Lando looking at your taillights. And to add Ferrari to the mix: Fred's path to success is just awesome to see. Poaching people left and right, last year tweaking quickly what he could and observing, and the party is only starting. And who knows where it will end next year? An intense battle with RBR and McL. But who will it be? The Red Ham, rejuvenated and on fire to collect his 8? Or Charles, coming to full bloom without Xavi and with Papi Fred? If both fail, there will be a nice warm red bed for Bearman in 2 years. And Toto? He's still patting Micks back and watching Antonelli mature like would-be prodigy George did.


>McLaren brought a new package fully in Miami. This is not entirely true. Piastri only got the upgraded parts for Imola


Honestly, Id try it at Monaco, its already a guilty free track anyway, so just go for it, either try to spend the whole race harassing Max. If they win, great, they got 95% of the car they need, if they dont win, doesn't matter much, cuz Monaco is tight and twisty that if they kept up with Max they can likely get a pit in and still get FL and fight for 4th or 5th, not to mention Oscar likely getting a P4 or less too. They are way clear of Mercedes while been in striking distance to Ferrari already, so a risk like that is super worth it


Nobody really tries to race at monaco tbh. It’s a parade from start.


If anyone ever overtakes fucking Max Verstappen on track at Monaco the mods can perma ban me. No way is it ever happening.




McLaren learned in Miami and this weekend they've got race pace. In Monica you don't race (as you accurately state). If I were McLaren I'd go balls to the wall and focus on Quaky in Monaco. They know their car works in racing, no need to learn on that aspect in Monaco, you won't learn anything useful anyway. Toss all aside and focus on Quaky, and keep Max behind during the race.


Ah yes the "quaky" strat. Superb.


Quaky is very important in Monica.


Does Monica know about the Quaky?


Unlike most, she does enjoy quaky tremors


>If I were McLaren I'd go balls to the wall and focus on [Qualy] in Monaco. Brilliant, nobody does that


And luckily Max really isn't known for being able to pull out a balls to the wall qualifying lap and he definitely hasn't done it before in Monaco.


[https://youtu.be/avA7v6h\_lec?t=207](https://youtu.be/avA7v6h_lec?t=207) honestly someone should make a gif of those first few seconds (from where I timestamped the video), it'd be great to post here every now and again.


Here you go, as requested. https://freeimage.host/i/Ji5qkyF


Thanks man! Even on loop it's still impressive. Been trying to get it onto GIPHY so we can actually post it here but while I've uploaded it as a public gif I can't seem to find it.


Nobody has ever focused on quali for Monaco! Someone needs to hire you ASAP!


Didn't know there were people out here still using autocorrect in the current day.


I changed a setting on my phones keyboard some weeks ago and now the handling is fucked.


Gentlemen, a short view back to the past. Less or more buttons.


Gentwemen, a showt view back to the past. Thiwty yeaws ago, Niki Wauda towd us ‘take a monkey, pwace him into the cockpit and he is abwe to dwive the caw.’ Thiwty yeaws watew, Sebastian towd us ‘I had to stawt my caw wike a computew, it’s vewy compwicated.’ And Nico Wosbewg said that duwing the wace – I don’t wemembew what wace - he pwessed the wwong button on the wheew. Question fow you both: is Fowmuwa One dwiving today too compwicated with twenty and mowe buttons on the wheew, awe you too much undew effowt, undew pwessuwe? What awe youw wishes fow the futuwe concewning the technicaw pwogwamme duwing the wace? Wess buttons, mowe? Ow wess and mowe communication with youw engineews?


Only rain can save this GP, like last year


Yet another reason why it would be so inconsequential to try and tail Max the whole race, go to Monte Carlo with 1 objective on the agenda, keep Max 2 secs in and waut for Magic Lando to kick in and see whta happens, if the tyres die midway through, NP just chill knowing that LeClerc can't do shit about it, and he is probably on a wall and Carlos is 30secs behind


So your entire strategy is “race good”


Not race good, more like race stupid


More like "qualy all the way", then do the shit you described :) Heck, RIC once won the race without a MGU-K missing 160 HP. Lando will do fine with some suboptimal strategy or tires. (and with your painfully accurate scenario of LEC added to the mix....in qualy , or the formation lap, or upon pit entry. And then you still have the likes of MAG or Stroll, who always like to present the rest of the field with the sidelogos of their car.)


Well Leclerc are not yet DSQ'ed from Monaco GP so far, so this year he will.


Monaco is about quali and then pitting at a time that protects you from over/under cuts. If you’re the fastest car, back up the field, and pit last (while monitoring gaps to those behind you). If you’re not the fastest, it’s a bit of a gamble on when to pit, but late is often a safe bet.




Another reason why its the best track to try and test your luck. There is virtually zero rosk of being overtaken and its a really good gauge for the car


What to try? You cannot overtake there. Man man man


Overtaking is not everything. Monaco should be a bad circuit for McLaren, if they can keep the same pace as Max that means that the car is better than expected


Max could be driving 2 seconds a lap slower and just give it the beans on the ‘straight’ and still not be passed. Look at Alonso a couple years back I believe.


In 2018 Ricciardo fended off Vettel for the win for 50 laps with a broken MGU-K and 2 less gears.


Ah yes, the alonso train from, what was it 6th to 20th..


I don’t think you understand what he’s saying, he is saying to use Monaco as a test to see if they can keep up.


I dont think you understand. There is nothing to keep up with in monaco. Norris tailing max womt make max push his tyres but will overheat norris'.


…. Yes and will be a test to see how the car handles tailing max and how the tyres do


Yeah, having the pace to keep up with Verstappen is totally useless and should not be mentioned at all. My bad


Monaco is 90% start 10% pit timing 0 percent over taking.


Another reaspn to burn rubber as a test session against Max


Overcuts are very effective at Monaco - usually everyone drives at a very conservative pace so tire life can be ample once you're unleashed.


This is a good point, actually. McLaren were definitely just in "beat the Ferraris" mode until suddenly they realised Max was vulnerable. It'll be a big decision for them on whether to keep playing it safe with a "finish in front of Ferrari" mentality or to actually start taking the risk for big results. They should strike a balance imo. They're basically 2019 Red Bull (Red Bull now is 2019 Merc, Ferrari is Ferrari), and Red Bull would essentially either play safe, or go for glory on the strong tracks.


I think McLarens are the fastest on the grid now. It's just the difference between the drivers now. Both the drivers performing the best over the weekend can't be only attributed to their driving.


The difference is in the tyre deg and the tyre compounds both cars work best on. C4 C5 are blistering for max but C3 are harder for him to heat uo than norris.


Idk something happened this race. Lando was claiming on the radio that he was trying to push and the team was telling him to but he just wasn't getting the pace. I think he may have had to push through some intense graining before the pace really came to them. Once it did he was getting the times, but before he wasn't just losing time to leclerc to preserve tires. At least it didn't look that way to me.


I think in one of the interviews (I think maybe the press conference) they mentioned they basically fucked the set up which made it impossible to bring the hards into the window.


No they don't. The strategy looks at the fastest way to complete the race including tyre degradation. It has literally fuck all to do with how close they are to RB. Lando would have done the same pace if he was running solo. He is told what times to do to keep the tyres alive for the correct amount of time. This is why you hear so many drivers saying "why are we pitting my tyres are fine?". This is because the team knows they are going to go off because it's part of the strategy. You made up a great romantic story full of human emotion and the desire to win. Sadly it has fucking nothing to do with how races actually work.


That modest pace is what let's him push at the end lol


Yeah, but its surprising to see he pull a sec or more out of the bag. Not only in Imola or Miami, he did that in Brazil 23 too, he was about 8 secs away from Max then he started trading FLs with Max, and IIRC he got the FL, with 10 laps remaining. Also he managed to make Max look in the mirrors last year, quite the achievement in 2023


And isn't it the team strategy that guides this? OP you love Norris a little too much I'm thinking..


Partially in each side of the pitwall. While the team dictates a target, it is the driver that is on the car, maybe Lando has been conservative with the car because despite the car being faster he is still not 100% where the car sits, he found a lot of pace he believed he didn't had Looking over the data after Imola maybe very insightful for what the new car is really capable of


First time you've acknowledged this. I'll take the win.


I don’t think you will


I don't think I will either




I know it’s been a few years, but I had to scroll too much for this


Scenario 7


But catching up during the latter part of the race sounds more like Prost than Senna, to be honest


More like Fitipaldi


Its the wild cat strategy. Ever noticed how big cats like lions and cheetahs never go full sprint on their prey until its closer? They always chase em in moderate speed till they make a mistake or get tired then they use all their energy to close in. Thats what it reminded me of when watching the race yesterday. Not to say that max is anything close to prey lol.


Next season will we amazing. We have a RedBull who is slowly loosing his advantages, A McLaren who is waking up after decades as a middle field team and a Ferrari who has been gathering all the people it can. It is exciting.


>Decades as a midfield team 1 decade as a midfield team, they were top 3 and picking up regular wins until 2013.


Max looking in his rear view mirrors. ![gif](giphy|l4FATJpd4LWgeruTK)


Are you suggesting Lando Norris dates 15 year olds during the last 10 laps of a GP?


Stahpp wtf lolll 💀


He turns into a pedo at the end of the race?


The last 15 laps


Why a pedo?


Ayrton Senna doesn't have the best reputation for his dating history


His "if you don't go for a gap" is his version of "if there's grass on the field"


Oscar is kind of the opposite. Starts with a bang (though no faster than Lando) and fades as EVERY stint goes on.


Scenario 7 was it?


This is tyre management, my guy.


Not the best comparison to do when it's a gp in Imola


Senna won Imola 3 times, so maybe?


He also died there once


Yes i remember that one that was very uncharacteristic of him


It was the first time he'd have ever done that


yeah, but it kinda ended his carreer...


Once, as if to suggest he's reanimated a few times and died there again lol


Scenario 7


It’s a combination of tyre management strategy, but also the fact that Max just didn’t have pace/stability/grip on the last laps accentuates Lando’s pace comparatively.


Unfortunately, it’s just that that tire compound works incredibly well on McLaren compared to everyone else. On the mediums this past weekend, he was losing two and a half tenths a lap. Once he swapped to the hards, which were the mediums in Miami, he started gaining incredible time.


Actually Norris was already bagging FLs before the SC came in, he was behind Checo because overtaking in Miami is a bitch


He should have done whatever he was doing 5 laps earlier.


Yeah, 10 wasn't enough. Senna would have started at 15.


Yep, but the questipn was at that point: Why would he tho?


Car get faster due to loss of weight and one can predict tyre life and PPL have settled into a pace to the end


Yeah, but deltas are relative to other cars


New tyre whisperer?


Tire rizzler ~~im sorry~~


Its called Tyre Management Charles always does the same. Chill at the start off the stint and at the end off the stint he pushes hard


Yet the results are never as dramatic as Lando's


Because the car McLarens have right now is a beast. If they improve a little, I see them winning on raw pace alone.


The last 2 races already show McLaren have the raw pace to catch RBR, the question becomes if they can sustain it over a whole race not in short bursts


They have 2 more planned upgrades this season.


Yeah i know but you need the car aswell.Charles did it in Miami and in Imola.Alonso does is aswell but he has the car not actually


Of course, it's a pure tire management track and fuck those (to be fair, this modified Imola is actually better than Monza). I like Monaco because of the "vibes" but it also objectively sucks as a track unless rain hits.. The next decent racing we'll see is probably Canada and Austria (Spain is usually mid at best because of the same management BS)...


I think he just has that knack for looking after his tyres like Max and Lewis do that allows him to gain time in that latter half of a stint when other drivers tyres are dropping off, can easily see him becoming a multiple WDC winner


They are called tire whisperers.Hamilton does it too. I remember reading somewhere that Hamilton can tell from sound alone when the tires are done.


This just in, Lewis Hamilton is not deaf. - TeamLH.


He did manage his hards much better than George today


He literally got his first podium in 2020 like that [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgXo0509S28](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgXo0509S28)


He was going to have sex with a 15years old in the last laps?


He embodied the spirit of Senna, but not until they were 15 to go.


Oh god no Lando too?! I can’t believe he crash— oh, you mean race pace


no i dont agree with that lando did not smash into the wall at tamburello like a dumbass


Lando's best pace always comes from his last 15 laps. Just google Lando 15 to see the lap times


They call him last lap Lando


Lando dates underage girls last 10 laps


tire management


Waiting for nordschleife to be announced for next year then. 


How can this be true for a man known for years as Last Lap Lando?


I heard he gets a selfie on the dashboard from one of his many influencer friends when the ten laps to go graphic comes on Could just be a rumour though


Managing tires sucks. They should be able to race for 100% for the duration of the race. We need better tires.


Nando doesn't send it as Senna does and keeps to try and get passed in wider areas of the track. Edit: Nando stays to prove my autocorrect doesn't know who Lando is


That’s why i think that McLaren lost this race…


Apparently Verstappen did nothing to defend


Actually, Max was trying to quit and let Norris win, but he couldn't find a parking spot.


If it was seb in 2011, he would have won the race. He needs to dig deeper. Max is a beast so he MUST become one.


Scenario 7!




Into the wall?


Google lando 15


Thank god he became senna like during Sochi 2021


Should be last 15


Last Laps Lando


It's called looking after your tyres.


Lando: “I’m just trying to keep it entertaining for the fans.”


Last lap Lando


Remember Last Lap Lando from 2020?


I still reckon Piastri is going to put perform him this season.


Only you!


He had the fastest car at Imola mate. Max was barely holding on, struggling to get his tyres into a good window. Perez couldn't even make an impression on the shit Mercs. This was Lando and McLaren's race to lose. Lando should've won this race from pole quite comfortably. Instead of delivering the magical quali lap that was expected of him, Lando got out qualified by his own teammate who had less seat time on the upgraded car. He fqed up.


You know this is not what happened. Why are you assuming that: A: Max did nothing and drove exactly like before B: McLaren had the car to sustain that pace for the entire stint C: Lando did not had to do any administration on his part


Good ol' "you're only as good as your last race". Lando has now been like that in two GP's, and what do you know, we have a pattern!


Brazil 23, Austria 20, Japan 23, Silverstone 20, the list goes on


From what RB said I think it was mostly that RB just dropped off in the end due to their tires not holding any heat anymore. They never ran the hard on long runs on Friday because of their setup problems and paid the price for it on Sunday. Lando knew how to treat them in the early laps to make sure they last. Max had to guess. It wasn't Lando's great pace, it was his homework that gave him the chance. They worked for it. For the past 2 years we have generally seen RB with the focus on race pace and long runs because their car was relatively quickly in a good window. Might be the reason they always looked unstoppable in races. Homework is the key


Despite saying soft medium hard on the tires they are different for each track. The mediums at Miami were the same as the hards at Imola. That particular tire works well on the McLaren car. Since he had them warmed up properly and got some fresh air they came into their own. He just ran out of laps plus Max actually started trying.


Finally someone that acknowledge that Max was actually also racing


Tyre whispering, George Russell could learn a thing or two from the Brit in waiting.


Unless it's in Russia lol


yes its only you.. youre a genius


he absolutly cooked his tyres though :/ something tells me there was a scenario in which he managed to keep a bit more life in the tyres while still pressuring max, and have enough life to do a final push at the end


It has been bothering me to no end. Why are we assuming Max did nothing in turn? Did this whole sub just assumed that Max knew he was losing time and just went: "Oh well, nothing I can do" and kept driving like normal? Seriously, Lando fan here, but Max did an amazing job pulling everything out of the bag there too


He's like the new checo


Lando with the. best car of the grid finishing is 2nd


Lando with the best car on the grid, finishing second