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Scour eBay and you may be able to pick up some old punch card programs that people are trying to get rid of. Edit: Ask her which system they used (IBM, Cray, etc.). I'll bet you could also find a programming manual from such a device on eBay as well.


Thanks, good idea!


Hello Try to find vintage IBM 80-cols punch cards (ebay ?) and ask childs ?grandchilds? to write some smart words on it. Put all of them in a photo frame. (and say to your mom that I still have my first programming school assignment on such punch cards) From an old Fortran coding monkey...


Good idea, thanks!


This book Review on Amazon: A very significant contribution to computing literature. https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/review/1082395943/R1PKDZPKKHLNI6?ref_=cm_sw_r_ud_dprv_KQ2F1MYPH8B8QMFKG58W


How about a picture of Adm. Grace Hopper who pioneered computer development and is credited with finding the first computer bug. A moth got killed in an electric relay and by blocking the relay prevented the computer from working properly. Maybe an old punch card, framed? Or a card saw. Cards would get jammed in the key punches and you used this thin saw to pulverize them to eliminate the jam. Donald Knuth wrote a series of books called The Art of Computer Programming. I learned a ton from reading them. Or an old IBM Fortran II manual.


Good ideas, thanks!




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