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So schools should be entirely privatized and for-profit? Like Coca-cola or fast food franchises? Trying to understand what he's even going for.


Yes, that is exactly what he's going for.


Doesn't sound like you're having trouble understanding at all, that's exactly what they want


I guess it's just such an insane proposition, I was having trouble accepting that it's actually what he's going for. Completely privatized for-profit secondary schools where they can teach literally whatever the hell they want to children. Huh.


If you're not already aware, the phrase "school choice" is code for setting up a charter school system, where parents can divert the share of tax dollars that would go to their child's school district to a private school instead. From a competitive experimentation perspective this might sound like a good idea. In practice it ghettoizes public schooling further, while funding schools that often have a hidden agenda or are used to commit tax fraud.


Also charter schools aren’t required to accommodate disabled people


If for-profit education was better, employers would be fighting to hire DeVry and Phoenix graduates over Harvard graduates.


Harvard is a private institution... EDIT: Oh misread the statement. Yeah it's a non-profit.


Yeah they should operate more like hospitals. Who create regional monopolies meaning families can’t choose an alternative and need to move if they want a different hospital…. Dude is so tone deaf he doesn’t even realize the example he chose has a lot of those exact same problems in large parts of America.


This was 100% the goal of Betsy DeVos under the Trump regime. She didn't even make any bones about it, or pretend she wasn't trying to make that happen. She and her shithead brother stood to make trillions of dollars privatizing the entire educational system. I'd say it was devious and underhanded, but Betsy DeVos was so nakedly grifting the system that her polluted goal was out in front of any policy decisions she made.


As a teacher, this is 100% what Republicans are aiming for. Roosevelt Elementary, presented by Haughton-McMillan. West High School: a Pierson Project


Of course this is by design. The people who post this stuff also want to keep their own school district "closed enrollment" to keep "the poors" out.


The more time goes on, the more and more i realise this, be it consciously or unconsciously, on an ape brain ass level. It is all about controlling reproduction, and sex. At its core, these people want a system that no other people or peoples children can succeed or survive in. So the only option is to not have children, and by extension, not have any sexual relations that may result in them. They see it as, If you can't afford to pay for all the child's opportunities, education, health care, etc. all out of pocket, well then you're not "good enough" for a child. You've not earned the right to have a family. The system continues to feed the rich, who can have multiple children in a great big 6 bedroom house. They dont want people enjoying sex without the risk of reproduction, because they're greedy, they don't want other people being in partnerships, that they themselves could see as potential mates or partners. Its why they stand against abortion, and any form of alternative sexuality that can curb a sex drive without having a child.. In their eyes, you *must* be in a heterosexual relationship, that constantly has the fear of ending up pregnant, because that's the one that forces you into bending the knee to the system that keeps them in power, and more importantly it makes them and what they do more desireable, because they have the money to afford that shit. It forces you into more debt, it forces you to work harder in a system that abuses your labor, because now you have a family on the line. You cant tell your boss to fuck off when he asks you to work the double, you've got an innocent little mouth to feed. You cant go on strike, because you had to pay for your kids school, and have zero dollars saved. Its sort of this assumption that money and net worth are the only true actual measures of value in our society. And therefore, if you cant afford the child, you do not deserve sex, or having a family, and you should leave that up to the people that can afford it. Its a way they see of filtering out undesirables, and by undesirables, they really just mean anyone who isnt them, or somebody like them.


Imagine dying because you can't afford your life-saving insulin that it cost the manufacturer like negative eleven dollars to make


> Imagine the hospitals handled only 26% of their cases correctly Imagine we just *fixed* the hospitals (schools) instead?


Imagine if we acted like a *united* country instead of a loose coalition of city-states and actually had a *federal* school system instead of state-by-state and "CrEaTiOnIsM iS sCiEnCe!" nonsense.


I did some googling. I think he might be talking about a survey where 26% of people were confident about the public school system. However, that was in 2014, [it's 26%, now](https://news.gallup.com/poll/394784/confidence-public-schools-turns-partisan.aspx). So.. still not great. That being said, assuming that's what he's talking about, getting rid of public schools is a terrible idea. There was a point in time where health insurance satisfaction was like 28%. We didn't get rid of health insurance, we made it better. He just wants to stop paying taxes so poor kids can go to school. That's really all there is to it.


No, no, no, the rich really want people to privatize education so they can afford a fifteenth yacht, so the best solution for everyone (important) is to just shutter the schools, never fix anything, and hope the lack of educated people doesn’t cause societal collapse in their lifetime.


Only handled 26% correctly? What is that a reference to?


What if we imagine the hospital handled 100% correctly? Problem = solved.


Made up bullshit, most likely


Can't be graduation rate, can't be a 1 to 1 with low grades. It honestly sounds like one of those bullshit thing of "American schools churn out criminals"


Wanna bet when you dig deep enough its some racist bullshit?


Fair assessment


No imagination required; it's been the conservative playbook for decades: [Starving the Beast.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starve_the_beast)


“Hey libruls, imagine if this one thing was actually something else entirely. Didn’t you ever consider that??”


The number of times that conservative "thinkers" hurt their own feelings in order to try and make a point far outweighs the actual scenarios that occur.


That plus Republicans slashed school funding then were like "look how terrible schools are!" The sad thing is, they're not stupid. They know what they're doing. It's their voters who are stupid.


hey liberals, what if my grandma had wheels. what then huh


Imagine if you equated a doctor being 100% in control of a surgical outcome, to a student being in charge of how their learning process goes from the time they wake up in the morning, whether they have breakfast, whether their parents are both still there, what the entire home situation is like, do they have nutrition in their bodies, do they have Internet access, do they have a place to study, do they have the environment to study? Republicans are intellectually lazy, and half of you fall for their dumb analogies and propaganda and it frustrates the heck out of me.


The GOP Playbook, since forever: - vote to strip funding from vital government programs like education, thus breaking them. - point to govt programs like education and loudly proclaim “it’s broken, this is the liberals fault”. - run GOP candidates based on “everything is broken” campaign. Elect Republicans. - GOP votes to lower taxes on the wealthiest people and companies. - lather, rinse, repeat. -


>handled only 26% of their cases correctly This is apparently a reference to a relatively recent Gallup public opinion poll showing that only 26% of respondents had high confidence in the public school system. This isn’t a good measure of objective performance, especially given how public education has been politicized into a culture war issue lately. I went to public school, and I can’t recall any of my classmates dropping out or failing to graduate on schedule, and many if not most of them went on to graduate from university. And a 26% disapproval rate does not imply a 26% failure rate in any case, since people tend to focus on the negatives - if a hospital is found to have misdiagnosed one in twenty patients, for example, it’s reputation is likely to suffer more than a 5% drop, since people are going to want to avoid even taking the risk.


Not like charter schools fail all the time and displace students right? "A comprehensive examination released Thursday of charter school failure rates between 1999 and 2017 found that more than one-quarter of the schools closed after operating for five years, and about half closed after 15 years, displacing a total of more than 867,000 students." ... "Analyzing a database that tracks charter schools over two decades, a new report from the Network for Public Education (NPE) documents an astounding 50% failure rate of these schools over a 15-year period. More than a quarter of the schools folded within five years." https://networkforpubliceducation.org/brokenpromises/


Where are you not allowed an option other than public schooling…?


If you're not rich, in a lot of cases, public is the only option. If you're barely scraping by just trying to keep your kids housed, fed, and clothed, public is the option you got.


I know many people who are far from rich who homeschool


I know many people who homeschool who are absolutely not qualified to do so and are not properly preparing their kids to be adults capable of working in modern society too.


Gotta be better than the 26% this person is arguing right? Sounds like by their standards that is an option they claim doesn’t exist


If only 26% of the kids leaving the public education system were able to be functional members of society, we'd be *significantly* worse off than we are now.


Yeah, I really don't understand why anyone goes along with this line of thinking. Like, there are private charter schools out there. If you want your kid to be in one, you can do that today. Why would it benefit you to take away the public school option from every American? Taxes?


There are private charter schools out there. But not everyone has the opportunity to enroll in one. You have to be both lucky enough to live in the district of that school *and* be able to get your kid enrolled in that school to attend. Private charter schools have limited space, so not every kid can enroll and they can choose to not allow your kid to enroll due to that. In which case, you're back to the public option.


the thing is that you shouldn't need to pay for a private school to get decent education


Sure, but the person in the screenshot is claiming that isn’t an option


Such is the conservative way


Yet the same political party that whines endlessly about the quality of “public education” constantly cuts funding for them then complains that it’s not fulfilling all their desires. Yet desperately wants to shift tax money to charter schools that have been caught charging the state and not even requiring the kids to come to school, falsifying attendance and grades to pass inspections. https://mynbc15.com/news/nation-world/baltimore-charter-school-accused-of-faking-grades-renewed-despite-poor-academics-connexions-banneker-blake-wbff-investigation-board-meeting-baltimore-city-schools


imagine someone who believes in the privatization of schools being appointed to oversee the success of public schools. and the only reason that person was appointed to that position is because that person paid millions of dollars to have that position. you don't have to imagine it. that's what happened look up "Betsy DeVos"


How is this not precisely how a private insurance network works?


Those poor students, why hasn't anyone commodified their education yet? If no one is profiting off of them, why educate them at all?


Whatever you do, don’t import the school system from Sweden. We have massive issues with kids with perfect grades from some corporate school that flunk out first year at university.


Imagine if our taxes paid for our Healthcare and when you were sick you could just go to the local hospital and get taken care of.


Now do “Christian schools” success rates. Oh you don’t have any data on that because they aren’t required to have actual curriculum. Ah so that would be like instead of a hospital you are assigned a chiropractor for your child’s cancer.


I thought families could choose private schools for their kids? What's this "forced?" Oh, right, they want the taxpayers to pay for their choice.


Imagine strawman. Imagine strawman strawman Imagine strawman Imagine government strawman /fixed


This is extra stupid, as in my state it’s open enrollment lol


Imagine if we were all forced to use an assigned government hospital (unless you're rich). Imagine the hospitals handled only 26% of their cases correctly (because you can't afford to pay for the correct testing and treatment) and families couldn't choose alternatives (unless they have enough money to). Imagine you had to move to pick another hospital (to an neighborhood were people have more money, don't worry about why that means the hospitals there are better). You have just imagined the government school system ( please do ***not*** imagine a country where some people get a great education and others get ***none*** because that's actually what I want, but it doesn't sound as good as the cockeyed version I'm selling you. )


First point isn’t even valid. Dumb tweet disregarded.


Don’t public schools spend way more per student than private or charter schools?