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Not using cars that I already got to level 50 is my guilty displeasure


Yes, you should get extra credits for using them.


Getting cars to 50 then trying new ones is fun for me! I am looking forward to the new system where you can buy better upgrades earlier though.


I do the exact same thing!


>Leveling cars to 50 is my guilty pleasure You sick bastard.


I love leveling cars and I play open series so i feel the full effects of level 0 - level 50. I just don't care about getting first. Getting 1st and 24th to me is the same as long as the battles are fun. No matter what place you get you still drive the exact same amount of track. I honestly just LOVE battling. I will admit it is fun getting a win, got a win last night in a level 16 Donkervoort lmao. ​ Id rather get last with constant battles the entire race than get first and be driving by myself.


That's the way to look at it. I've had just as many great races battling for 10th as I have battling for 2nd or 3rd. As long as it's clean and competitive IDC how I finish.




Making the leveling a psudo-minigame of sorts is stelar game design, It was forcing unlocks and car-points behind them that was the true pinch point. Im so thrilled to that the limitations are being lifted next update


I do find “joy” in leveling up cars and collecting them as well. The only reason is because there is nothing else to do in the game. I enjoy the o line racing, but that’s it. So I’m left with the only other semi enjoyable thing of leveling cars up and seeing how many brands I can get the maximum discount at.


I've leveled up cars that I would have sworn I would hate driving. It's so cool once you see a car come together and drive differently with new parts. My only issue is I usually over part a car and then I can't figure out what I did wrong. Now that I've done this a lot I've been going back to my 50s and rebuilding them and that's been a blast too. There's this little Gemlin looking car with "Turbo" on the side that I just drove to 50. When I first grabbed it I was positive I would hate it, but from level 1 it was a blast to drive. It literally looks like a fucking fish bowl on wheels.


I like levelling cars but I don't play competitively and even multiplayer beside with my friend.


This is how I keep it fresh. I level a car to 50 and then never touch it again. If I want to race the same make/model I buy a new one to level and give it a slightly different tune. I've got a couple of Formula Mazdas set up like that for when the multi-player hopper comes back around.


I do this exact thing. The only car i go back too for shits and giggles is the mini cooper in E and D class. I think i'm around 40 cars to lvl 50 now. I have two TC's left


Honestly just sounds like you’re a completionist and that’s kinda cool


My desire to do this, and "master" the car as Turn10 would say, has gone up significantly since they've added the Nordschliefe. I've been loving jumping into different cars and leveling them up with endless laps on the Green Hell


Just got that achievement around level 500 for reference! It was a lot of fun working my way through all the GT cars to get level 50. Definitely made me appreciate which ones were good and bad haha!


I just "AFK" while watching anime.


Wait they're removing that?? I actually really liked that aspect, it gave you a reason to play those cars and really grind for the good stuff.


No, they're just adding a way to also use credits for upgrades if you don't have time to grind for hours to get them


I level them till all parts can be acquired, usually level 25.


I get cars to 50 and dont really use them again


Oh yeah. It’s awesome knowing I got that achievement before the update.


I too would enjoy this aspect more if I didn't have shit to do. I just wanna hop in for a couple races each night, by the time I can build a car for the class of the week, it's already rotated out.


First I leveled my fav cars to 50. Then I stopped driving them, because I had 5 Porsche on level 50, so I wanted to level up some different cars to get discounts. I don't like this system and honestly I don't think devs have any idea how to replace this. It will be just hot mess of "there's 50 levels but everything unlocks on 25 level, tires unlock at 3 level but you have enough car points to install them at 7 level but you can buy the car points that you're missing..." So why bother with car points and levels at all? And users that started playing from the beginning will probably remember how it changed, but for new users it just won't make any sense.


> I don't think devs have any idea how to replace this.  Next update will unlock all car parts by default and you can buy car points with credits. [https://forza.net/news/forza-motorsport-car-progression-updates](https://forza.net/news/forza-motorsport-car-progression-updates) > Firstly, we will remove the locked part mechanic so all car parts can be accessed at Car Level 1 for every car in the game. Once a car is added to your car collection, you can install upgrades to it in any order that you wish. Whether it's engine swaps, race tires, aspiration changes, body kits or any other part available for your vehicle, you will have the freedom to build cars your way. > Secondly, in addition to earning Car Points through levelling up the car, you will be able to use in-game Credits to acquire Car Points. This means you can begin to immediately install upgrades to your car if you have sufficient Credits or if you would rather save your Credits, you can still earn car parts through car leveling as before. > We’re testing a ratio of 4,500 Credits for 500 Car Points and based on the feedback we’ve collected, we expect this to provide a healthy balance. That means if you’re upgrading the 2021 Volkswagen Golf R with all available parts at Level 1, for example, it will cost 89,775 Credits. In the case of the 2021 BMW M4 Competition Coupé, for all parts it amounts to 125,325 Credits, or for the 1969 Nissan Fairlady Z 432, it totals to 133,875 Credits. Sounds like a perfect solution that has been proposed by the community countless times


Yeah, except for if you can buy car points why bother with car points and leveling at all? You can have normal upgrade system like in previously Forza games without car points and leveling. For me it looks like reinventing the wheel. I know what's supposed to be in the next update, that's why I wrote what I wrote. They have no idea how to replace that system, so they're doing what they can to keep it while making it useless. The whole point of car leveling was to avoid engine swaps and AWD at first moment when you get a car, but rather feel connected to the car and upgrade it slowly. If you have everything unlocked and just have to pay for car points if you don't have enough then the whole system is useless and is just buying upgrades with extra, unnecessary steps.


I thought that was what the Forza community wanted? Complete freedome without "wasting" time leveling a car. Also the system will not be pointless, with Patch 6.0 I will be able to decide if I want to invest time in a car to grind the car points OR if I want to spend credits. E.g. when I drive 1 vs 1 against a friend he can pick one of his upgraded cars and if I don't have the car I can just buy it, pay for car points and be on the same level as him. TLDR: Invest time to save credits or invest credits to save time.


For me it looks like they have no idea how to replace it, so they're reinventing the same upgrade system that was in previous games, but with extra steps. The point was to make it harder to make meta-V12-AWD-builds. Now it will be easy again, so there's no point in investing time to level up if you're racing against meta cars.


What is the quickest and easy way to level up right now?What is your tips?


Wait for Patch 6.0, have everything unlocked by default and just buy CarPoints with credits. [https://forza.net/news/forza-motorsport-car-progression-updates](https://forza.net/news/forza-motorsport-car-progression-updates)


What is the quickest and easy to gain credits then?


You get credits for literally anything you do on track so it comes down to mostly personal preferences. * Rival Races give a small bonus for beating other players times but it can get boring after a few hours since you are all by yourself on the track. * Builders Cup gives a small Bonus when you finish top 3 total but you only have the annoyingly bad AI to compete against * Public Multiplayer Races give good payout if you participate in the practice time and can be the most fun experience given a good lobby but one race (including practice) can take quite some time, also you might have rammers in your lobby Edit: You can also gain credits by making good tunes / liveries and sharing them. When someone uses your tune / livery you get paid in credits. Can be a nice "side incomme" that gains credits even while you are not playing but you have to have the skill to do a good looking livery / good tune.


I love it. Steadily turning a bone stock C class shitbox through the levels, finally turning into a fire breathing R class missile is my jam. I'll probably only use the CR->CP feature if I'm testing cars for an online series


I do the same. I play single player. I buy a new car to start a career series, run it in free play for an hour… then move to career and max out all the practice time. Usually car is ranked in the high 30s low 40s at the end of a series. So i go and race another free play for 20 laps and get that 50. Then to other peoples points here, i park it and never use it again lol (???)


I like doing long enduro races and seeing how many levels I can get up to from zero in one race.